When he tends your wounds

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A/N: ok quick Authors Note: I will continue doing Zane in the boyfriend scenarios, because he's still alive in my mind. hope it's ok that I'm keeping him even though he's considered to be "dead".

Also, I've been wanting to find something to call all of the readers of this book. I can't think of anything! If you've got any suggestions please comment them!! You all rock!!



Kai hasn't let you out of his sight since you were caught by the evil ninja.

You sit on his bed, he told you that he was going to have to put stitches in your arm. You look at your arm; the cut is dirty and bloody.

Kai walks in the room with Sensei

"Ah, it is definitely infected" Sensei says and takes a cleaning liquid out of his bag. He puts the cleaning liquid onto a cloth and dabs your arm with it. You cringe at the pain and have to bite your lip to keep from screaming.

Kai holds your hand and you squeeze his hand. Sensei takes out the needle and thread. He stitches up your arm and leaves you and Kai alone.

"Y/N, are you alright" Kai asks

You look to him

"Ya, I'm ok" you say weakly

"You should get some rest" he says. Kai lays back. You lay back with him and he puts his arm around you. You nuzzle your head into his shoulder and fall asleep.


Zane called Jay in to help repair your arm. Because he's an inventor. Jay and Zane help each other while you sit on his bed, holding back tears.

Jay welds your arm shut again and stands up

"I think you'll be ok, can you move it alright" Jay asks. You lift your arm and move it around with ease

"It's fixed! Thank you Jay" you exclaim

"No problem" Jay says and walks out of the room

"And thank you Zane" you say and hug him

"I would do anything for you Y/N. I love you" Zane says and hugs you hug him back

"I do not know what I would do without you Zane" you say and feel tears sting at your eyes. Zane cups your head in his hands

"Before I met you I did not know what love is, now I cannot live without it" he says. You smile and cry tears of happiness. You push your head into Zane's muscular chest while he strokes your back.


Lloyd hasn't let you get out of his bed since the Overlord cut your leg. You have tried to get out but every time he picks you back up and puts you back in his bed.

Sensei had to stitch your leg a couple of days ago, that just added to the pain. Lloyd has been putting medicine on your leg every day.

You decide to try and walk again. You sit up on Lloyd's bed and try to stand. You succeed and try to walk, ignoring the intense pain in your leg. You take a few steps but as your about to take your fifth step your leg gives out and you fall to the floor.

Lloyd rushes in and sees you on the floor

"You tried to get up again, didn't you" he asks and helps you up

"Ya. But I'm sick of just laying there, it's so boring!" You say and hold onto him for balance

"I'll help you walk again, ok" he asks. You nod and he helps you walk all around the monastery.


Cole has been nervous about your knee since you got back to the monastery. Sensei cleaned it and told you that you would be fine, but Cole keeps worrying

"Y/N, what if this ends your dancing career" he worries

"Cole, it won't. I'll show you" you say and stand up

"Um, I don't think that's a good idea" he says

"Try and stop me" you say and pirouette. You end and look at him with an 'I told you so' face

"Ok so you can still dance, but that doesn't mean that I'm gonna stop worrying" he says and holds you close to him. You nuzzle your face into his strong chest.


You've been really dizzy since you got back, and it's no wonder why. You lost so much blood that Sensei said that it would take a while to feel better again.

Sensei had to put a lot of stitches in our arm. You haven't left Jays bed since you got back. Jay is working on a robot at the other side of his room.

You start to feel really dizzy

"Ja......y....... J.....ay" you whisper. He turns to you and rushes over

"Y/N! Are you alright?!" he panics

"No...... Di.....zzy" you mumble

"Sensei!! He yells. Sensei -knowing that this might happen- had tea ready

"Drink this Y/N" he says. Jay brings the teacup to your lips and you drink it. The tea doesn't work right away but it did work.

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