When you escape

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Thank you ninjabob for this request!! :)


Well the evil ninja chained you to the wall, to make sure you don't get out. You've been trying to melt the chains with your powers but it won't work. You want to give up but convince yourself to try one more time.

You hold onto the chains and feel them get hot. They fall to the ground and you slip through the bars.

You run and run, your lungs feel like they're going to burst and your legs burn but you only stop when you see the monastery.

You run in and call for Kai, he rushes down the stairs and hugs you

"Y/N, where were you" he asks and looks at you

"The evil ninja caught me" you say

"I'm so sorry, I should have come looking as soon as you didn't come home" Kai says and you see a tear in his eye

"{giggle} Aw don't cry" you giggle a little "Im okay" you say

"How did you get out" he asks

"Well..... I might have used some powers that I never knew that I had" you answer sheepishly.

Kai brigs you to Sensei to reveal that: you are the ninja of lava. He sees the big cut on your arm, that is still bleeding and he freaks out.


The Nindroids have all left the room that your in, your arm hurts really badly, you haven't been able to move your arm properly since General Cryptor cut some of the wires in your arm.

You look at your surroundings and see an exit, you decide to try and make a run for it. You use your one good arm and slip between the bars. You run for the exit and make it out. You run to the monastery and rush to Zane, you run into his arms, he sees your arm

"Y/N, what has happened to your arm" he asks

"General Cryptor cut it" you say and start to cry, he strokes your hair gently

"Don't cry, you are safe now Y/N. But how did you get out" Zane asks

"{sniff} I have discovered that I have powers" you say and looks to him.

He brings you to Sensei and you are the ninja of snow.


The Overlord hasn't come to see you in hours, your hungry, tired, but most of all your in pain. You can barely move your leg without crying over the pain. You decide that one way or another that you will get out of this tube. You stand on your good leg and look for a way out.

The tube has a door, but you don't have the keys. You spot them on a table. You try to pick them up with your powers, but you just knock them onto the floor.

You try again. this time you get the keys over to the tube and unlock the door. You hop out and look for a vehicle of some sort to get back to the monastery.

You walk out of the castle thing and see a modified motorcycle, well nows a good time to learn how to ride a motorcycle..... Right?

You hop on, put the helmet on and speed away, ignoring the terrible pain in your leg.

When you get to the monastery Lloyd is outside. He rushes to you and picks you up, looking at your leg

"What happened" he asks

"The Overlord captured me and used a piece of glass to cut my leg" you say

"How'd you get out" he asks

"With my awesome new powers!" You laugh.

Lloyd carries you to Sensei and discovers that, you are the ninja of light.


You spent the night with your family/ the Serpentine. Knowing that Cole would be worried you start to leave

"Bye mom, dad and little bro" you say and hug Scales and Selma, you bend down and hug Scales. Jr too

"Come and see us again soon my dear" Scales says

"You are welcome here anytime" Selma says

"Ya! I can't wait to see you again" Scales. Jr giggles

"Thanks bro, and I will. Love you, bye!" You say and walk out of the tomb

"Love you too" you hear. On the way out you trip and cut your knee, like, really badly

You rush to the monastery and run to Cole

"Y/N! Where were you?!" He yells

"I was with the Serpentine" you say

"What?! Why?!" He yells

"Cole... I found out that Scales is my father" you say and look down, he pushes your chin back up with his fingers

"I'm glad that you found your family" he says and a smile forms on your lips

"I found out that I've got powers too" you say

"Really?! Y/N, that's amazing!" He says and hugs you, he than notices your knee "what happened to your knee?!" He asks

"Oh, I. fell" you say and laugh a little. He laughs to.

You go to Sensei and you are the ninja of darkness.


You sit in your cell, trying not to think about all of the blood that you've lost. All of the Pirates are asleep, so it's a perfect time for you to escape.... but you don't know how.

You look up to the sky and it starts to rain... That's right! You've got powers!

You make a huge raindrop and ride it up through the metal bars above your head.

You ride the raindrop until you get to the monastery. You run quietly to Jays room and wake him up. He screams but stops when he sees you

"Y/N! Your ok!" He says and hugs you

"{giggle} Well kinda" you say. He looks to your arm and pulls back

"Oh my gosh! What happened" he panics

"Captain Soto cut my arm with his sword" you answer

"Captain Soto?! How did you escape him?!" Jay asks

"I rode here on a raindrop. Made by my amazing powers {giggle}" you giggle.

You and Jay wake up Sensei, he tells you that, you are the ninja of rain.

Hey guys! Hope you liked it! Up next is: When he tends your wounds!


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