When you meet him

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You run through the forest, just wanting to get away. You live with your abusive mother. She never wanted you and trust me, she made shure you knew it. You run and run until your legs hit something hard. You scream as you fall to the ground, landing hard on your knees and elbows.

You stand up and look at your knees witch are now bleeding violently. You hear the sound of crunching sticks coming towards you, thinking it's your mother you stand and get ready to fight.

To your surprise a boy who looks about your age (17/18 for all five of them) runs out of the shadows. He is wearing a red ninja kimono with his hood off, a look of panic in his eyes.

He has messy, spiked, brown hair and amazing hazel eyes

"I heard screaming! What happned?!" He yells

"Nothing" you mumble, not really wanting to share your personal story with a stranger

"Well the blood running from your knees says otherwise" he says and crosses his arms

"I said it's nothing!" you start to raise your voice, you had to admit that you where a bit of a hot headed, short tempered person.

As you stand there starring at the boy your mother runs behind you and grabs your hair

"Y/N! You are coming with me this instant" she yells and pulls you

"no! LET ME GO!!" you yell and try to escape her grip. The boy pulls a sword off of his back and comes to help you.


You stand in the grocery store, looking for medicine for your sick 'mother'. Your database (yes, you are a nindroid) tells you to get her Advil cold and cough, so that's what you get.

Being in such a hurry to get back to your mother you don't pay attention to the streetlights and walk into oncoming traffic. By the time you notice it's to late, you are already on the street.

A transport truck comes speeding at you, all you can do is stand there in shock. Your robotic mind tells you to get out of the way, but your body just won't listen so you close your eyes and brace for impact.

You don't feel the truck hit you, instead you feel two arms wrap around your waist and pull you away from the truck and onto the ground.

The arms pick you up and get you safely off of the road and onto the sidewalk.

You open your eyes and see a boy kneeling next you, he looks your age, than again you don't exactly age. The boy has platinum blonde hair that is slicked upwards, pitch black eyes and is wearing a white ninja kimono. You feel your circuits start to short circuit and stand up.

The boy has a look of concern on his face as he stands up too.

"Sorry I do not know what I was thinking" you say and tuck your H/L H/C hair behind your ear

"It is ok, are you alright" he asks and looks into your black eyes (your a nindroid, you don't have coloured eyes either)

"Yes, I am, thank you" you say and realize that he talks just as formally as you do

"Good. My name is Zane" he says and holds his hand out for you to shake

"My name is Y/N, it is pleasant to meet you Zane" you say and shake his cold hand

"That is a beautiful name Y/N. how did you get it?" Zane asks

"It does not look like the reason is in my database" you say, realizing what you just said you panic "I am sorry, I-"

He cuts you off "it is fine, I have a database too" he says and opens a panel that takes up his whole chest and stomach. You open the panel that's on your chest too.


The final battle ended two weeks ago. Your mother had been best friends with Misako since they where kids and your father and Garmadon where good friends too.

You had only ever met them once, before you where sent to a boarding school for two years when you where younger. Lets just say that you are a huge prankster, have an amazing sense of humour and can be extremely childish.

Misako and Garmadon insisted that the three of you come to stay at they're monastery for the week. Your mother told you that they have a son your age, who you've never met, and that you would have fun.

"Y/N! do you have your bag packed yet!" your mom calls up the stairs

"Almost mom!" you call back and shove the rest of your stuff in your suitcase. You run down the stairs and halfway down you trip on a step, making you fall the rest of the way. Did I forget to mention that you are extremely clumsy too? Well, you are.

You get up and grab your suitcase again. You run out to the car and put your suitcase in the trunk

"what happened to your arm" your dad asks and looks at the fast-acting bruise on your arm

"I uh.... fell down the stairs" you mumble and get in the car.

By the time you get to the monastery it's 6:00 pm and both of your legs are asleep. You hop out of the car, grab your things and walk to the monastery with your parents.

You all go to the door and are greeted by Misako

"F/N! (fathers name) M/N! (mothers name) Welcome" Misako smiles happily and hugs your parents

"and Y/N, you look so much more grown up from the last time I saw you" she says and hugs you too

"Uh, thanks?" you say

"it was a compliment" she smiles warmly and you smile too.

You walk in and are showed your rooms. Your room is nice and has a big window, with a ladder leading to the roof.

You put your things down and meet your parents, Misako and Garmadon in the living room

"Y/N, so nice to see you again. it's been so long" Garmadon says and hugs you

"It's nice to see you again to, Garmie" you smile and Garmadon chuckles

"Y/N!" your mother snaps and gives you a look. You roll your eyes, hoping that your mother didn't see.

"Y/N, our son Lloyd should have been here now, but he will be here soon" Garmadon says. Just as he does, a boy your age walks through the doors. He has blonde hair, beautiful green eyes and is wearing a green and gold ninja kimono.

He hugs Garmadon, Misako, your mom and dad

"it's nice to see you again F/N and M/N" he says

"Good to have you home son" Garmadon says

"Well speak of the devil" you smirk

"Who's this" he asks his parents

"This is Y/N, F/N and M/N's daughter" Misako says

He walks over to you "golden ninja, Lloyd Garmadon" he says, smirks and crosses his arms

"High School senior, (first name) (Last name)" you say and smile

You two just stand there, having a stare down. Looking deep into his eyes you realize that, he almost had fear in his eyes right now.

"Nice to meet you" he says, uncrosses his arms and holds his hand out for you to shake

"You too" you say and shake his hand

"Well now that you two have met each other, let's have dinner" Garmadon says and everybody walks to the dining room.


You are at the dance studio with your friends/dance partners.

"Ok guys lets give this one more try" you say, since you are the leader of the group

You hit the music and start the dance routine. Everybody does perfectly and starts to get they're things

"Aren't you coming Y/N?" one of your friends asks

"I'm gonna stay late tonight, to practise some more" you say

"Ok, see you later" another one says and they all walk out

The truth is, you don't have a family. Well, you do, but you never knew them. All you can remember is your mothers face from when you where a child. You live with your best friend: B/F/N (best friends name).

Turning on the music, you start again, doing perfectly, as usual. When the music stops, so do you. You decide to get back to B/F/N's house. You pick up your school bag and get going.

You walk out of the studio, into the cold night air, it feels good on your hot skin. You walk past many ally ways to get to B/F/N's house.

While you walk past one ally way, a hand grabs you and pushes you against the ally wall

"Hey babe" you recognize the voice right away; it's Duke, your ex boyfriend

"Get off of me Duke!" you yell

"C'mon babe, you know you can't resist me" he says and try's to kiss you, as his hands explore your body

"No! don't touch me!!" you yell and struggle but it's no use

"Help! HELP!" you yell, but it's pretty clear that nobody's coming

"Face it! nobody's coming for you, your mine!" he laughs and forces a kiss on you

"Let her go!" yells a strong voice, Duke lets you go and in the next instant.... He's gone.

"Are you ok" asks a shadowy figure, you make out his looks with the help of a nearby streetlight; he has raven black hair, dark brown eyes and is wearing a black ninja kimono.

"I'm fine, and I could have handled myself" you say and cross your arms

"Ya, it looked like it" he smirks.


You walk quietly through the park, half crying because your three year boyfriend broke up with you for your best friend. So today you lost your boyfriend and your best friend.

You walk down to the pier and get a text from your ex best friend:

Y/N! Please forgive me! I'm so sorry!

You text her back:

No your not! I hate you and never want to see your face ever again!!!

You burst out in tears and circle back to the park, you sit under the shade of a cherry blossom tree and try to get your mind off things.

This works for a while, until you hear crying. You turn and see a boy who looked your age with browny/orangey hair and wearing a blue ninja kimono. He is crying into his knees.

"What's wrong" you ask, scooting closer to him

He looks up and his eyes are an electric blue "Oh nothing. Just that my girlfriend broke up with me for one of my best friends!" he cries harder "I'm sorry you probably don't care about it" he says

"No, I understand. my three year boyfriend broke up with me for my best friend today too" you say and pat his back "by the way I'm Y/N" you introduce yourself

"I'm Jay" he says

You two spend the rest of the day talking about life and video games.

Ok first chapters up! Hope you guys liked it!


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