When you start to fall for him

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Kai helped you escape from your mother and you two ran into the mountains.

Once you get to a cave you both stop, out of breath

"Thanks.... for saving me..... I'm Y/N" you pant

"Anytime... I'm Kai" he pants and sits on a rock, you sit down against the cave wall "who was that" Kai asks

"Ugh, my mother" you say and put your head into your hands

"And I thought that Lloyd's family was messed up" he chuckles

"Who's Lloyd" you ask and lift your head

"He's one of my brothers, the annoying childish one" Kai says and looks to you "there's also: Zane the brainiac/nindroid, Cole the leader and Jay the annoying, talk to much one, who's dating my sister" he face palms at the word sister and you just look to him with a look of confusion and curiosity

He must see the way you're looking at him because he continues "they're not actually my brothers, there my teammates"

"Cool! I had a brother as a kid, but my father took him when he left me and my mom" you say and feel a tear run down your cheek

"Don't cry, I thought we where past this" he says and looks deep into your E/C eyes. You feel an odd feeling in your stomach, like a fuzzy and warm feeling.

You look deep into his hazel eyes and think 'no Y/N! this is crazy, you can't fall in love with some one you just met!' (Hehe frozen reference).


You and Zane decided to stay in touch and have met up every day for the past week. Today you where meeting in the forest on the edge of Ninjago.

"Goodbye mother, I will see you when I get home" you tell your mother as you walk out of the house

"Have fun Y/N!" she calls and you close the door.

You walk to the forest, admiring the view of life around you. As you enter the forest you see a frost trail. You follow the trail, the trail comes to a dead end.

"Greetings Y/N" Zane says and comes out in front of you

"Greetings Zane. Did you make this?" you ask and motion to the trail

"Indeed, I did" he says, forms a snowball in his hand and smiles

"How? my system cannot determine any way that this could be possible" you say and look at the snowball in his hand

"I am not a regular nindroid like yourself, I am a ninja. The ninja of ice to be exact" he says

"That is fantastic Zane!" You smile at him

"Yes, I fight alongside my four brothers: Cole, our leader and the ninja of earth, Kai, ninja of fire, Jay, ninja of lightning and Lloyd, the ultimate Spinjitzu Master" he explains and throws the snowball at you

"I understand now, your funny switch is on" you say and turn yours on too "it is so on!" you giggle and pick up some snow from the pile that Zane created.

You think you might be starting to fall into this thing called love that your mother told you about. But can a nindroid love?


You've been at Misako and Garmadon's Monastery for a few days now and you and Lloyd have gotten really close.

"Hey Y/N, I'm gonna go down to the river, wanna come" Lloyd asks you

"Ya, I'd love to!" you say and run down the path through the forest "race ya!" you yell and hear him laugh behind you and start running.

You get to the river but don't see Lloyd "Lloyd! where are you!" you yell and look around

Suddenly water gets thrown over your head "Lloyd!!!" you scream/laugh

"Hahahahaha!!! I got you!" he laughs and points

"Hahaha....." you laugh sarcastically and push him into the river "haha!! got you back!" you laugh

"Ya you did" he laughs and gets out of the river "now gimme a hug" he says and comes towards you, arms open and a huge grin on his face.

"No get away!" You laugh and run back to the monastery, Lloyd chances you around for a while.


Cole saved you from your ex; Duke the first time but this time, you fear your on your own.

"Duke let me go!!" you yell as he pushes you onto the ground, scraping your elbow

"Babe, I love you" he says and it all becomes clear; the scent of alcohol is on his breath: he is wasted

"Duke!! Leave me alone! You cheated on me!!! Remember?!" you yell and try to push him off

"Babe, I was wrong to cheat on you, I want...... you back" he whispers in your ear as his hand slips under your tank top

"Get off! and stop calling me babe!!!!" you scream

"Again..." You hear Cole's voice and calm down a little

Cole throws Duke to the ground and Duke runs... Well staggers

"Thanks again Cole" you say and get off the ground

"Now let's see, that's two-zero" he says and walks to you "but who's counting" he chuckles and looks at your elbow

"Well it looks like you are" you smile

"You might want to wash that off" he says and touches just above your elbow

"Ya, I will" you say and stare into his deep brown eyes..... You think you might be starting to fall for him.


You and Jay have become quite good friends, so good that he invited you to dinner with his parents.

"Bye mom, bye dad!" you call

"Bye Y/N have fun with your boyfriend sweetie" your mom calls

"He's not my boyfriend mom!" you call through the door and then shut it.

You ride the bus to Ed and Edna's junkyard and run to they're trailer. You knock on the trailer door and hear lots of noise.

"C'mon in Y/N" Jay says and holds the door open for you

"Thanks Jay" you say and walk in the door

"You must be Jays girlfriend" Edna says and rushes over to hug you, you hug her back

"Mooooom she's not my girlfriend" Jay says and you see him blush

"Y/N I have to tell you about the time that I caught Jay kissing his pillow" Edna smiles and Ed walks over to you three, you laugh quietly

"No! you don't" Jay says and grabs your hand. He pulls you out of the trailer and into the junkyard

"I'm sorry about them" he says and scratches the back of his neck

"No it's ok, I understand. My parents are still more embarrassing than yours" you giggle

"Oh don't worry about that, the night is still young" he laughs and looks into your eyes. You think your starting to have feelings for him.

Ok so I don't know what to do first:

1: your first kiss

2: when he asks you on a date.

Comment, PM me or message me for what one you want first! :)


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