Cole x Seliel - Letter Of Hardship

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~9pm: University Campus outside of Ninjago~

Cole's POV:

I sighed as I walked around the University campus. It's already the final exam week and I'm nearly done University... of course... I would love to see Seliel again... she was understandable with me going to University but... I just missed her so much...

I walked to my dorm and get my stuff out to study. I have just one final exam tomorrow and I'll be graduating the day after. I look at the time and it was pretty late but I had to study. As I took my textbook out, I glanced at the picture at my desk and sighed softly while smiling.

It's been 3 years since I last saw Seliel... when I was about to leave for University, we took one last couple photo so I can remember her by. She wanted me to work hard and be able to get back to her once I was done. Of course... I was planning on proposing to her... I loved her so much...

I took out the small box I had in my desk and open it and smiled. "Seliel... I really miss you baby..." I said softly while looking at the ring inside the box. I really hope Seliel will agree to my proposal. I close the box and put it beside the picture and the letter I have for Seliel that I'll send after the exam day as I know it'll be a while for me to come home.

~three hours later, at midnight~

I yawn as I closed my textbook and stretched. I finally finished studying for the exam and I was ready to do it. It was midnight already and I was tired.

I got up from my desk and went to change into my tank top and shorts. As soon as I got into my bed, I heard a window shatter and that made me more alert.

"What the... what was that...?" I said softly before taking out my scythe from under my bed.

I had my scythe under my bed for a reason which is because Sensei Wu and the others said it would be in case someone tried to kill me on campus.

I crept out of my room while gripping my scythe handle tightly. There was someone breaking into my dorm and I'm not letting them get away with it. The University already knew I'm a ninja so they didn't mind if I stopped a bad guy if they broke into my dorm.

I walked and saw a shadowy figure in the darkness. I growled as I got ready to attack but I saw something was off. The figure had red glowing eyes and gave me a very creepy smile. I felt a bad chill down my spine before I couldn't move and I instantly fell into darkness as my vision faded in an instant.

~two weeks later, at Ninjago: the village of Nom~

Seliel's POV:

Cole should have been back by now... his University should have finished two weeks ago... maybe something happened...?

I heard my phone ringing and it was an unknown number so I picked it up.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Am I speaking to Seliel Peters?" The voice said and I answered with yes.

"That's me. Who am I speaking to?" I asked.

"This is the Police... I'm at the University Campus... a student was attacked and was found nearly dead in his dorm... the Hospital has been trying to get a hold of you because when we looked around the dorm, we saw a picture of what appears to be the student and yourself. May I ask if you are the girlfriend of Cole Brookstone...?" He said and my heart just skipped a beat.

"W-Wait... I-I am Cole's girlfriend... a-are you saying... C-Cole was attacked two weeks ago...?" I said trying not to cry.

"Yes. He's in critical condition... he had stab wounds on his chest and a clean hit to the head that had a nasty cut bleeding heavily. When we found him, his blood was spilling a lot into a huge pool..." he said and my heart instantly shattered.

"If you can... please come to the Ninjago Hospital... there were some items that I think he wanted to give you as they looked really important..." he said and I told him I'll be there before hanging up and crying.

Cole was attacked... he could be dead... I can't believe this happened...

I got up and headed to the Hospital in the city as soon as possible.

~at the hospital, in the critical care unit~

I quietly walked into the unit to see Cole on life support. I held my tears back as I saw how much was attached to him. He looked so hurt...

"Ah... Ms. Seliel... here... I think he wanted you to have these..." the Police man said as he handed me a small box and letter.

I thanked him as he left the unit and I sat down on a chair next to the bed. I was so scared of what the letter will say.

When I opened it, I started reading it.

"Dear Seliel... my beloved girlfriend,

Guess what! I'm almost done with University! I'm passing all my classes and I'll be able to see you soon! I really miss you baby...

Every night I sleep, I always have this same dream... I wake up and I'm greeted by your smile and soft voice... and then we went on our day together as a couple... of course, I wake up from it and I'm always sad because you weren't there...

Seliel... if only I could be with you right now... I want to be able to live with you and enjoy life with you... but... most of all... I want to be with you for eternity... I want to have a family with you... I'll be with you for every hardship you may go through... I'm always thinking of you whether in class or studying for my exams... I cannot stop thinking about you... your my angel and will forever be my angel...

If you get this letter early enough with the small box... well... I guess I'll ask you this in the letter...

Seliel Peters... Will you marry me and make me the most happiest man alive...?

From your forever loving boyfriend,

Cole Brookstone

P.S: Seliel I'll buy you some cake when I get back as a gift since it's about time I buy cake for us to eat together."

I started crying hard when I read that line... I smiled a little as I put the letter down and open the box and saw the ring.

"C-Cole... if you were... ok right now... I... love you so much... I will marry you..." I said softly before putting the ring on my finger.

I gently held his hand while crying a little. "Baby... you'll be ok right...? Your a strong ninja... I know you'll be ok..." I said softly.

It wasn't until I saw the doctor coming in and he looked at me with a sad expression.

"Ms. Peters.... from what I can say, Cole's in a coma... the attack to his head caused him damage to his brain... he's now in a coma..." he said and I started crying more.

"F-For how long...?" I asked.

"From how bad the wounds and damage were... I'm saying at least 4 years...." He said and I started crying more but then smiled a little.

"I... can wait 4 years... he'll get better... I just know it..." I said crying and smiling at the same time.

The doctor left and I continued holding Cole's hand gently and praying that he will wake up soon...

~time skip, 4 years later~

Cole's POV:

I groan when I started waking up. I looked around slowly before realizing I was at the hospital. How many years have pasted?! Where's Seliel?!

"Ah Cole you've recovered!" I look and see my father and he hugged me tightly.

"D-Dad... w-where's... S-Seliel..." I asked softly.

"C-Cole... s-she... During the time you were in the coma... she's been losing hope in you recovering... she couldn't bear anymore hardship... she's been isolating herself in her house and I couldn't help her... she shut everyone out of her life and wishes that you would come back to her... I'm so sorry my son... I honestly don't know if she's ok..." he said and I started crying.

It was then I heard some commotion outside the unit and I got up since I was recovered and head towards what was happening.

I walk to see something that shocked me so much. It was Seliel... but... she looked... so... distressed...

I pushed everyone out of the way and I held Seliel tightly in my arms.

"Seliel! It's me! I'm here!" I said as I checked on her to see if she was ok.

"C-Cole...." she looked at me like something happened to her while I was out and I knew something was wrong.

"S-Seliel what happened?! Please tell me!" I said super worriedly until I saw her wearing the ring I was gonna propose to her with and I started crying as I held her hand gently.

"S-Seliel.... I'm here for you baby... you and me... we'll be together..." I told her.

"C-Cole... I-I..." she then closed her eyes and fell asleep in my arms and I was more concerned as she was more lighter then before and her skin was so pale. I'm gonna guess she was having restless nights as well... it wasn't until I saw Jay looking at me with an upset face.

"Dude... while you were out... someone came, broke into Seliel's room... kidnapped her... and... raped her... hard enough that she had to go through the abuse of the person as well..." he told me and I started feeling like the world was gonna end.

"I-Is that why... she's... like this..." I asked him and he nodded before he started crying.

"Cole I'm really sorry! Me and the others couldn't save her in time! We made a promise that we would protect her while you recovered but we couldn't! That guy was just too sneaky for us! Not only that but he nearly cut Zane's main circuits that could have shut him down for good!" He said and I felt more upset but I felt angry.

"This guy... I think he's the same one who nearly killed me..." I said as I held Seliel close to me.

"Cole... what are we gonna do..." Jay asked and I looked up at him.

"I have to make sure Seliel didn't get knocked up... if she is, I'll get the doctor to help us with aborting the baby that was made by that psycho... in the meanwhile... can you get Zane to see if he can track down the criminal..." I told him and he nodded.

"I'll go tell him and the others that... and... I'll tell them that our Earth Ninja is back..." he said smiling a little and I nodded as I watched him leave.

I held Seliel in my arms before bringing her into my hospital room. Since I was recovered, I was gonna let Seliel rest in my hospital bed. I lay her on the bed as the doctor arrived and did tests on Seliel.

The good news was that Seliel wasn't knocked up thankfully. Appearently from what the doctor said, she had always been on birth control so that she wouldn't get pregnant by anyone else but me... I'm her soon to be husband after all... but what I'm worried about is Seliel right now. She went through so much without me. I feel so bad.

As I held her hand tightly, I felt so much grief in my heart that was just so overwhelming. If only I came back like I promised...

"C-Cole....? A-Are.... y-you... o-ok...?" I look at Seliel who had just woken up and I started crying again as I held her hand more.

"S-Seliel I'm so sorry... If only I could have come back more sooner. This wouldn't have happened at all." I said crying.

"I-It's not your fault....." she said softly as she used her free hand to gently stoke my cheek a little. "Honey..... I love you so much... we will be together for eternity..." she smiled softly.

I looked up at her and smiled back a little. "Seliel... my own soon to be wife..." I said softly before kissing her forehead gently.

~2 years later - 1am at night: Cole and Seliel's house~

Seliel's POV:

I was heavily exhausted but happy. I just had our daughter and I watch Cole holding her happily. I was happy that she was born safely in our house.

"Seliel you should rest up... it's been somewhat a good and long night." Cole said.

"I know but I want you and Selene in bed with me." I told him. "I'm no longer bleeding anymore from having Selene so just come into bed with me so we can both hold her." I told him and he smiled and came into bed with me while holding Selene.

I felt Cole's arm wrap around me as I hugged him while holding Selene with him.

"You don't have to bear anymore hardship now Seliel... I'll be making up the four years I was in a coma..." Cole told me and I looked at him.

"Oh Cole... it's been a year after we got married and now we have Selene... you don't have to make up for anything..." I told him while resting my head on his shoulder.

"I just don't want you having to bear anything else on your shoulders. I'll take care of Selene for this week and the next two weeks. I want you to rest up. I know how painful you were feeling during the childbirth." He said and I smiled a little.

I then lay down with Cole as Selene was laid down in between us. She looked so happy yet she slept so peacefully. I smiled at our newborn daughter before holding Cole's hand. Even though we went through so much, we now have our future as well as our new baby.

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