Lloyd x Arielle - The Little Mermaid

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Once upon a time, there were two kingdoms. One that rules the land, and one that rules the ocean. The King of the ocean protected the merfolk of the kingdom with a barrier after a war with the king of the land. Though as time passed, the king of the ocean had a daughter named Arielle. Arielle grew into a fine young mermaid but she would often sneak out of the castle just to explore around the ocean. It wasn't until one day, she saw a ship sailing above her and she decided to go check it out for her curiosity.

Arielle's POV:

That ship... it must be from the humans. I wanna see a human. I swam up towards the surface and looked at the ship closely. It wasn't until I heard a voice from the ship.

"Just great... how long until I find what my father wanted out here...?" The voice said.

That voice is a male's voice... but who is it...? I swam around the ship to see if I can see the male and I saw him. Was he a prince...?

"Prince Lloyd. We'll be heading back to your home. A storm will be coming." I heard another voice say before I heard thunder.

I hid in the water until I saw the lightning zap the ship and the Prince went overboard. I caught him and swam him to safety on land. He was unconscious and I was worried.

"Please! Wake up!" I said as I shook him a little. He then coughed up the water and sat up a little.

"U-Ugh.... t-thanks-" he stops talking to look at me and I looked at him.

I stared into his eyes while blushing a little. He was so handsome...

Lloyd's POV:

'Did this girl just save me...? Wait... she's not just a girl... she's a mermaid?!' I thought to myself as I looked at her.

"A-Ah I should go! G-Goodbye!" She said as she went back into the water so suddenly and I couldn't stop her in time.

"She's... gone... w-who was that..." I mumbled quietly before I heard someone call my name and saw my father and mother.

"Oh! Lloyd! Are you alright my son!" Mother said as she quickly checked me if I was alright.

"I'm just soaked Mother... I'm fine" I told her before she hugged me tightly.

"I was so worried my son... that storm scared me to death... I was worried you drowned..." she said and I comforted her.

"I'm fine really Mother..." I said as I felt my father put his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm just glad your alright son... I wouldn't know what to do if we lost you in that storm..." Father said as he looked down a little and I gave him a hug to comfort him.

"Its alright Father... I'm safe and sound-" I suddenly sneeze loudly and then start shivering since I was still soaked and Father gave me his coat.

"Come on. Let's get you warmed up before you get a bad fever." He said with a smile and I nod as I got up with him and Mother and we walked back to the Castle.

~time skip~

As I looked outside towards the ocean, I kept wondering about that mermaid... just who was she... I wanted to see her again and thank her for saving me...

"Lloyd! Harumi is here!" I heard Mother call out and I groaned.

"Coming!" I said as I went to the Throne Room.

I knew from Mother and Father's expression that they knew I was gonna have another bad day.

"Ah! My future husband!" Harumi said as she came over and hugged me tightly and I sighed.

"Harumi what have I said about just hugging me tightly? And also don't call me your 'husband'. I haven't agreed to anything like being engaged to you!" I told her and she just gave me a smug look.

"Really? Cause my Father told me you agreed to being engaged to me." She said and I groaned annoyed.

"If he said that then I would have consulted my Father first before he told him. But I didn't." I told her and knew she was ignoring me.

"Anyways why don't we go sailing Sweetheart~? We can enjoy being out at sea together!" Harumi said and I just groaned more while holding my head.

"Harumi I do not want to go out with you. I need some time to myself." I told her and she just scoffed.

"Obviously you are just making excuses." She said and I just had enough and left the Castle mad.

I walked to the beach and sighed as I walked around. I then saw something in the water and it was the mermaid.

"H-Hey!" I called out to her and she turned around and saw me and tried to swim away.

"Wait! I wanna talk to you!" I called out and she then stopped and looked at me before coming over.

"U-Uh... w-what is it...?" She asked and I looked at her.

"Hey I wanna say thank you for rescuing me... can I... get your name...?" I asked.

"My name is Arielle..." she said and I nodded.

"I'm Lloyd..." I told her with a smile. "I hope we can meet again sometime." I said.

She nodded and smiled back. "I'll see you soon." She said before heading back into the water and I watched her before I couldn't see her anymore in the water.

I then sighed as I went back to have the rest of the day with Harumi even though I know I'm gonna get a headache from this.

~time skip at the Ocean Kingdom~

Arielle's POV:

It's been... Really bad lately... the sea witch turned Father into seaweed... and now I can't stop her because I lost my voice in which she stole.

I head to the surface quickly just to see if I can get help and I saw Lloyd's ship at sea. It wasn't until I saw the sea witch approaching the ship and I stop her quickly and I hear Lloyd's voice.

"Arielle?! What the- what's going on?!" He asked and I couldn't tell him what's going on as I couldn't speak.

"Hahahaha! I'll be ruling the ocean since I turned her father into seaweed!" The sea witch said. "And your precious mermaid doesn't have her voice anymore because I stole it." She said and I couldn't help but see Lloyd shocked.

"You... evil... slimey... sea witch!" I heard him shout before he threw his sword at the witch's heart and she screamed before dying.

I then saw her magic fly everywhere as it hit me a little and I blacked out.

Lloyd's POV:

I went wide eyed when I saw Arielle get hit by the magic. I quickly went and picked her up from the water and got her onto the deck.

"H-Hey Arielle! Wake up!" I said worried.

She wasn't responding at all and I started crying a little.

"You saved me... and yet... I couldn't save you... I'm so sorry Arielle...." I said crying before kissing her on the lips.

I then felt someone grabbing my hand and saw Arielle slowly gripping her hand on mine and I looked and saw that she was waking up.

"L-Lloyd....?" I started crying more when she started talking.

"Y-Your... back..." I said crying before I hugged her tightly. I then notice that she had turned into a human somehow.

"L-Lloyd I..." she was blushing hard as she covered up a little and I chuckled and gave her my coat.

"Don't worry I'll get you something to wear at my Castle." I told her and she giggled a little.

"And... Arielle... Will you marry me...?" I asked and she looked at me before smiling and saying:


~3 years later~

I was looking outside the balcony a little. We changed the kingdom a lot so that people and merfolk can interact with each other. Of course... I liked the ocean because I loved my wife... she was just as beautiful as the crystal clear ocean itself...

I saw Arielle walking up to me and holding our daughter and I chuckled a little.

"Here I got her" I said as I picked up our daughter. "Besides... you have to worry about our next baby..." I told her and she giggled.

"Trust me... our next baby will be just as healthy as our little Aria here..." she said and I laughed a little while smiling and then gently putting my hand on her stomach.

"I can't wait" I told her while playfully grinning and she giggled.

"Lloyd your way too excited." She said as I just chuckled and I looked at Aria who was playing with my jacket a little. I pulled Arielle close to me as I held Aria and smiled at both of them while keeping the moment alive in my heart.

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