Jay x Nya - Snow White

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Once upon a time, the king of Ninjago had remarried to a new Queen after his beloved had died after giving birth to their daughter. The new Queen however was selfish and bossy. She was always the center of attention and would snap if anything weren't in her way. She also has a magical mirror that talks to her in her secret room. As long as the mirror told her that she was the fairest in the land, she would be happy.

Now as for the princess, she grew up into being a young and fine lady. Her name was Nya. Everyone in the kingdom praised her because of how kind and gentle she was towards the people and the animals that lived in the forests. Everyone knew that Nya would become a great queen one day but the wicked Queen became furious and went to her mirror.

3rd Person POV:

The wicked Queen approached her mirror in her secret room. She was furious about Nya always being praised by everyone.

"Mirror mirror on the wall. Who's the fairest of them all?" The wicked Queen asked her mirror.

"Though my queen you are fair, I'm afraid to say that Nya is the fairest in the land." The mirror replied and the wicked Queen became more furious.

Later in the day, the wicked Queen asked for Morro to come into the throne room.

"Your majesty is there something you need me to do?" Morro asked.

"Yes... go into the forest and bring Princess Nya with you... and then, I want you to kill her!" The wicked Queen ordered.

"K-K-Kill her?! Y-Your majesty you can't be serious!" Morro said shocked.

"If you don't do as I say Morro then I will make sure you won't see daylight again. And make sure you give me proof." The wicked Queen said with a glare and Morro nodded quickly.

~outside the castle, in the forest~

Nya's POV:

I was walking in the forest with Morro and I was amazed that there was a lot of scenery around here.

"Ah! There's some flowers over here!" I said with a smile and went over to pick the flowers.

As I picked the flowers, I suddenly see a shadow above me and see Morro with a knife in his hand and I scream a little.

I closed my eyes thinking it'll be over for me but I open them to see that Morro was crying a little.

"Morro...?" I said confused.

"I'm sorry Princess! The wicked Queen put me up to this! She wanted me to kill you!" Morro said and I went wide eyed. "Go! You need to hide! Or else she'll catch you!" He said and I nodded quickly before running deep into the forest.

I kept running but I saw the forest getting darker and scarier. I kept running until there was a clearing and I saw a house nearby. I went to the house quickly to see if I can seek shelter there.

As soon as I knocked on the door, there was no one home. I went inside since the door was open and it was amazing. I saw a lot of stuff inside which looked like to belong to a family. I then went upstairs to the bedroom since I was kinda tired.

I saw that there were seven beds which made me surprised a little. But I went on one of the beds and then fell asleep.

~small time skip to the next morning~

I woke up a little and yawned and heard voices. I looked and saw seven people in front of me and I jumped a little. "W-What the?!" I stare at them a little. There were four guys and three girls.

"So your finally awake miss?" One of them said. "Glad your awake. My name is Zane." He said. "And these are my brothers and sisters. Lloyd, Kai, Cole, Seliel, Skylor and Pixal." He said in a calm voice and I nodded.

"So mind telling us your name?" Cole asked.

"Well I'm Princess Nya from the kingdom of Ninjago." I told them.

"Your Princess Nya?! How come your here then your majesty? Aren't you supposed to be on the other side of the forest?" Skylor asked puzzled a little.

"Well you see... my wicked stepmother wanted to kill me... so I had to come here to hide from her..." I said sadly.

"Wicked stepmother huh... that evil queen's been keeping tabs on us and I'm pretty pissed about it." Kai said as he crossed his arms a little.

"Listen Princess... we can protect you here, you'll be safe but you might wanna help us with the chores a little while we go out to do some hunting..." Lloyd said and I nodded.

"Its fine. I'm used to doing housework anyway." I said with a smile.

"Alright I guess it's settled then. The princess is staying here until it's safe for her to go back." Zane said as everyone else agreed.

~small time skip~

After the others went outside to do some hunting, I started cleaning the place a little. It was a little dusty but I didn't mind since it can be easily cleaned.

As I was finishing up, I heard a knock on the door and I opened it to see an old woman.

"Ah is there something I can do ma'am...?" I asked politely.

"Yes my dear, would you like an apple? It's very ripe and I picked it myself" she told me as she handed me an apple.

"Oh my. I would like to take it but I can't. I'm not allowed to take anything." I told her.

"Oh but please. It's quite alright. Consider it as a gift from me." She told me.

"Oh... alright then... I accept then." I said as I took a bite from the apple. I then went wide eyed as I tasted something after swallowing and the world started spinning and became distorted before I closed my eyes and collapsed onto the floor while falling into darkness.

3rd Person POV:

The old woman laughed as she changed back into the wicked Queen. "Now I'll be the fairest in the land! And Princess Nya is now dead!" She laughed.

"Hey! Wicked Queen!" Kai shouted as he and everyone else came behind her.

"What did you do to the Princess!" Seliel growled.

"I gave her a poisoned apple of course. Now she's dead" the wicked Queen said with an evil smirk on her face as she ran off.

Cole quickly went over to Nya and picked her up and tried waking her up but it was no use. "Nya! Please just wake up! Open your eyes!" He said.

"Cole... there's nothing we can do..." Pixal said crying a little.

"She's gone... it's our fault that she's gone" Kai said crying a little.

Lloyd looks down while crying. He knew that they shouldn't have left her all alone.

All seven of them decided to place Nya in a glass coffin so that she can rest peacefully instead of burying her. They let her rest on a flower meadow while crying and regretting what they did.

Jay's POV:

I was just walking around the forest when I saw a glass coffin nearby and some people around it. I walked up to them and saw a princess inside the coffin.

"Hey... whats going on? Is she sleeping or... is she really dead...?" I asked.

"She's dead... a wicked Queen gave her a poisoned apple and she ate it." One of them said.

"Who are you anyways?" Another asked.

"I'm Prince Jay. I'm wandering this kingdom in search for a bride to become my queen. But... this princess. Who is She?" I asked.

"Her name is Princess Nya... She's the princess of the kingdom Ninjago." Another said and I nod.

"I... see... if it's alright I wanna give Nya one kiss..." I said and they nodded and removed the coffin lid and I walked up to her.

"Nya... if only we met before... maybe I could have gotten to know you and you could have became my bride..." I said softly before kissing her on the lips. I then felt a sudden warmth from Nya and I saw her eyes opening and I went wide eyed.

"N-Nya...?! Y-Your..." I started saying and helped Nya sit up from the coffin.

"W-Where... Who are-" I cut Nya off by bowing to her.

"My name is Prince Jay... it looks like I cured the poison in you... please Nya. Would you like to come with me and become my bride?" I asked while holding her hand gently.

"My Prince... yes... I'll be your bride" Nya said smiling and I smiled back at her as I hugged her gently and she hugged back.

~4 years later~

Four years have gone by so fast. I was starting to think I was getting old a little but I wasn't. As I looked out the balcony, I felt someone grabbing my arm and I saw Nya and I smile and kiss her forehead.

"What's up Nya?" I asked.

"I came to see you. I was able to put the children to sleep for their naps." She told me and I smiled.

"I hope your not too exhausted. You just gave birth last week to Nina." I told her.

"I know Jay. But I'm fine really. Besides, I love you ever since you cured me from my stepmother's poisoned apple." She said and I smiled.

"I'm just glad that I was your hero and lifesaver sweetheart." I said as I hugged Nya gently and thought about our future with our son and daughter. I knew that we would be one happy family until the end.

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