Cole x Seliel - Midnight (Lemon)

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Seliel's POV:

~12:00 am - Midnight~

I was sleeping in my bed since I needed the rest from training today when I suddenly heard a knock on my window and I groaned as I grabbed my katana that was under the bed and got up from my bed.

I opened the window and was about to attack when someone came into my room through the window and I recognized the low voice and pitch black hair.

"Cole?!" I whispered "what are you doing in my village...?!" I asked while putting my katana away under my bed.

"I came to see you Seliel..." Cole whispered back as he got up. "I... missed you"

"Ha ha very funny Cole... like you would miss me..." I roll my eyes "and also my father is in the house sleeping so you outta leave before he finds out that your here and thinks your trying to make a move on me!" I whispered.

"Please Seliel... I really do miss you... you don't know how much I always think about you when I'm on missions... I always worry if your doing alright here..." Cole whispered as he put his hands on my shoulders gently.

"Cole I'm the Phantom Ninja... I can handle anything so I need you to leave before my father comes!" I whispered in a mad tone.

"Seliel...? Who are you talking to...?" My father said as he came to my door sleepily.

I was about to say something when Cole covered my mouth and "kidnapped" me through the window before my father came into my bedroom and noticed that I was gone.

Cole hid me in a bush with him as he covered my mouth while I was cursing like crazy as my father woke everyone in the village to go and find me.

Once Cole knew that the coast was clear, he uncovered my mouth and I was mad.

"YOU F**KING IDIOT!!!!! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!!!!" I said angerly.

"Seliel....... Please....." Cole said as he looked at me straight in the eyes. "I love you, and I never want you to be separated from me... Please... come with me back to the Temple..."

I growl lowly "Cole I'm freaking pissed off at you! You kidnapped me out of my own house!"

"Seliel please listen to me-" I cut Cole off by slapping his face hard.

"Shut up! I hate you! I never want to see you again!" I shout and go to my father while leaving Cole behind.

Cole's POV:

I was feeling heartbroken when I got back to the Temple. Seliel hated me... Did she really mean what she said. Maybe I went too far last night...

I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and I saw Jay looking at me.

"Hey bestie... what's wrong? Something happen between you and Seliel?" Jay asked while looking at me like he already knew that something was wrong.

"I think Seliel hates me... I wanted to tell her that I loved her last night but... she didn't listen to me" I said sadly as I looked down.

"Hey cheer up... Seliel probably didn't mean it... come on... we can go eat at Skylor's before we go for a little mission" Jay said as he took me outside.

I smile a bit "thanks Jay... you really are my best friend"

Jay smiles brightly back at me "Heh that's what best friends are for"

~at Ninjago City~

I was walking around with Jay to Skylor's before we both stop and see a bank robbery.

"Hey Cole? Up for a little warm up before we eat?" Jay asked as he got his nun-chucks out.

I chuckle a little "you know I'm always up for a little warm up before we eat good food at Skylor's place" I said as I got my scythe out.

"Whoever can get the thief to the police faster wins and the loser pays for food" Jay said as he went to stop the thief.

"Oh it's on!" I said as I went to stop the thief before I heard gun shots and I went wide eyed as I heard Jay screaming "Jay!" I shouted and rushed to where he was and saw him clutching his shoulder as it was bleeding a lot.

"H-He's a psychopathic thief Cole......." Jay whimpered a little.

I got my scythe and attacked the thief while showing no mercy "NO ONE ATTACKS MY BEST FRIEND LIKE THIS!" I shout while using all my strength until I managed to knock out the thief but he managed to shoot me in the arm and I held my bleeding arm tightly while in pain.

Jay crawled over to me "C-Cole...... y-you alright...?" He asked while his shoulder bled more.

I nod while my arm was bleeding "j-just a scratch......"

"T-That's g-good-" Jay gets cut off by someone calling out my name and I saw Seliel looking at both of us in horror.

"S-Seliel.........." I mumbled before seeing her rush to our sides.

"Cole! Jay! Are you two alright?!" Seliel asked while being scared for her life.

"W-We're fine..." Jay said as the others quickly caught up to us "Seliel... you should take Cole back to your house....." he said as Kai and Nya helped him up.

I looked at Seliel who was hesitant but nodded and took me back to her house.

Seliel's POV:

I didn't know Cole would be in this situation... after I yelled at him last night, I felt so horrible... I didn't mean anything I said, I was just so mad.

I fixed up Cole's wound on his arm and I got his Gi washed but I was still feeling horrible about what I said.

I looked down feeling really bad until I felt some arms around me and I looked up and saw Cole hugging me from behind.

"Seliel... I'm sorry... sorry for making you angry last night... if you don't ever want to see me again... then this will be the last time we see each other..." Cole said softly.

I felt more upset as I hugged him tightly while crying a little.

"No Cole! I didn't mean that! I do love you! I'm just- I'm sorry!" I said while crying "I'll make it up to you... just don't leave me... Please...."

"H-How...." Cole asked softly while wiping my tears.

"M-My father won't be in the house tonight.... I'll... let you play with my body........." I said shakily a little since this was my first time.

Cole looked at me wide eyed "S-Seliel I can't do that........ I could hurt you..."

"You won't hurt me... sure it might hurt me a little... but it won't hurt me a lot... Please Cole........ your my Earth Ninja........ my lover........" I said as I kissed him on the lips softly before pulling away a little "my future husband.........." I said softly.

"S-Seliel...." Cole said before he kissed me a little roughly and I kissed him back before he picked me up and puts me onto my bed and he started taking my clothes off.

I didn't cover up because I wanted this. This was how I was gonna make it up to him for being harsh to him.

Cole started playing with my breasts which made me moan a little as he got on top of me. I knew that this was a good way to make it up to him.

"C-Cole...? C-Can you make it really rough...?" I asked while panting a little.

"Rough...? S-Seliel... I'm worried I'll tear you apart..." Cole said as he took his clothes off.

"I can handle it... just please... I want you more then ever" I said while holding his hand.

Cole looked at me before nodding and getting ready to enter me. I was nervous but as soon as I felt him enter me, I felt a sharp pain and I tightly squeezed his hand while crying a little.

"Seliel you'll be fine..." Cole said as he lowered his face towards mine to kiss my lips gently as he slowly thrusted in me.

I moaned a little while the pain started subsiding. I held Cole's hand tightly as he thrusted in and out of me. It slowly became more rougher and faster.

I moaned loudly as I came on top of him and I was panting.

"Seliel want me to release in you...?" Cole asked as he pants a little.

"Y-Yeah..." I said panting before I felt Cole release in me hard as then he pulled out and laid down beside me as I hugged him tightly.

"Don't ever leave me... I'm scared of losing you...." I said softly.

"Seliel....." Cole started as he hugged back "I'll never leave you..... I love you too much..... even if we fight........ I'll always stay by your side until the very end........." he said softly.

I smile a little as I closed my eyes since it was pretty much midnight and we were both tired "Cole.......... I love you.... my Earth Ninja..." I mumbled before cuddling Cole while sleeping.

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