Kai x Skylor - Mission Aftermath

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Skylor's POV:

I was kinda mad and upset at the same time after hearing from Nya that her idiotic brother had been reckless enough to end the mission off with him getting badly hurt. I wanted to smack his head but at the same time... I wanted to hug him.

As I got to the Temple, I knocked on the door and Lloyd opened the door for me.

"Oh hey Skylor. I'm guessing you heard about Kai" Lloyd said as I nodded.

"He's stupid enough to get injured at the end of the mission..." I sighed.

"Yup even though I warned him not to" Lloyd said sighing "He's in his room right now"

"Thanks Lloyd" I said as I headed upstairs to Kai's room and I slowly opened the door and looked inside.

I saw Kai looking at the ceiling while groaning and I sighed as I closed the door behind me.

"Kai........" I said in a slightly annoyed tone.

Kai then slowly sat up on his bed and I saw how much bandages he had on his chest and arms and I sighed annoyed.

"Kai how many times have I told you to not get injured after a mission!" I said.

"Ummmmmmmmm..... twice...?" Kai said awkwardly.

I groan in frustration "Kai! Like honestly! What's the point of getting injured at the end of the mission!"

"Hey the mission was going well......... until I got stupid and went to attack the enemy again before getting beat up..." Kai said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

I sighed "Kai Smith.... your such a lunkhead" I said as I smacked his head a little.

"And you love me~" Kai said while rubbing his head a little.

"It's a blessing and a curse" I pouted as I looked away.

Kai's POV:

I look at Skylor and I chuckle a little "your cute Skylor... you know that"

"Oh shush your just saying that" Skylor blushed while looking away.

"But what if I mean it~?" I smirk a little before Skylor puts a pillow on my face.

"S-Shut up Kai!" Skylor pouted as I laughed a little and pushed the pillow away.

"Sorry sorry but I really do mean it Sky" I said while kissing her cheek.

Skylor pouted more while pushing my face away "jeez Hot Head......"

I laughed as I laid back down on my bed.

"Kai... can I... lay down with you..." Skylor asked me while blushing hard and I chuckle a little.

"Sure thing Skylor" I said as I moved over for her to lay down beside me.

Skylor laid down and instantly snuggled up to my chest and I wrap my arms around her.

"I love you Sky" I said as I kiss her forehead.

"I love you too Kai" Skylor said back at me and smiles as we fall asleep in my bed.

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