Lloyd x Arielle - Video Game Challenge

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Lloyd's POV:

Me and the others were exhausted from chasing Serpentine out of the city. Kai went to his room to take a nap, Jay went to eat his pudding, Cole went to go visit Seliel, Zane went to fix his arm since one of the Serpentine bit and broke his arm, and Nya went to work on something.

That just left me so I went to Arielle's room and found her playing Earthbound and heard her groaning in frustration and I laughed a little.


"Was it PSI shield alpha or beta that you used? Cause I don't think either of those work on countering PK Starstorm alpha" I laughed.

"Oh shush Lloyd! It took me three and a half hours to defeat 1000 Starman Supers to get the Sword of Kings!" Arielle pouts.

"Oh really? I bet I can defeat that Starman DX within half an hour" I joked.

"Wanna take that challenge Greenie" Arielle said giving me the controller.

"Challenge accepted" I said as I started playing while Arielle timed me.

~a while later~

I started groaning cause of the fact it's been an hour and I got one hit KO'D like 10 times already and I can see Arielle snickering at me.

"You said you can defeat it within half an hour" Arielle joked.

"Oh shush! These enemies are annoying! That's why!" I said.

"That's why I try to avoid them as much as possible" Arielle said before she took the controller from me and played the game and defeated the boss which made my jaw drop.

"HOW?!" I said shocked.

"Easy... I just needed to use the Neutralizor on the Starman DX to neutralize it's PSI shield and then use Paula to use PSI shield. And then just wham it with all the PSI I can" Arielle said.

I pouted while looking away "hacker..."

"What did you call me?!" Arielle said as she glared at me.

"Oh nothing... why don't we play some Smash Bros Ultimate to see who's better" I said with a sly smirk.

"Oh your on Greenie" Arielle said as she saved her game and switched to Super Smash Bros Ultimate and gave me a controller "Squad Strike! 5 vs 5!"

"Heh I'll beat you for sure!" I said as I chose the stage, rules and team numbers and we picked our characters.

Arielle looked at my characters and snickered "really? Luigi, Mario, Daisy, Ryu and Link? This is gonna be easy"

"You picked Ness, Lucas, Toon Link, Villager, and Ice Climbers. It's obvious that adults will beat up kids" I said.

"Oh we'll see about that" Arielle said as she started the match and our team order was randomized with me having Link first and Arielle having Ice Climbers first.

Arielle's POV:

I was pretty confident with using Ice Climbers as my first character since I'm pretty much controlling two characters.

I saw that Lloyd picked the Gamer stage and I groan "Lloyd did you forget that 5-Volt appears in this stage...? She kills you if you get caught in her sight!"

"Oh shoot... right" Lloyd sweatdrops "whatever just do the fight" he said as he started fighting me.

I started dodging his attacks and I noticed he was spamming the B button a lot so I just went and used my smash attack and KO'D him which made him mad.

"OH THIS JUST GOT REAL!" Lloyd said as he started playing as Daisy and smash attacked me.

"Jeez no need to get so hyped up" I said as I started playing as Villager and fought Lloyd back which ended up with both of us getting KO'D by 5-Volt.

"I so regret playing this stage" Lloyd said as he played as Mario and I played as Lucas.

"Heh and you picked the wrong character" I said as I attacked Lloyd with PK Freeze and KO'D his character in one hit.

"NO!" Lloyd shouted before he fought me back with Ryu until he got cocky and wasn't able to recover from the ledge jump and he groans "this is so bad!"

"Or it's just you not being able to fight." I said as Lloyd played as Luigi and I was able to defeat him with a smash attack.

"And I win!" I said proudly as Lloyd groaned.

"Jeez......." Lloyd pouted.

I giggled and kissed his cheek "I love you Greenie... you deserve and second place prize" I said as I gave him a bag of candy.

"Yes!!! Best prize ever!" Lloyd said as I giggled.

"I still love ya" I said.

"I love you too" Lloyd said as he smiled and ate his candy.

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