Jay x Nya - Secret (Lemon)

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Jay's POV:

Damn it! I'm so pissed off of Kai! Who does he think he is when it comes down to being with Nya?!

"Dude you Ok?" I look and saw Cole walking towards me.

"Oh hey Cole... I'm just pissed off at what Kai told me earlier after we finished training" I told him.

"Let me guess what he said." Cole said before thinking and then opening his mouth. "You cannot marry Nya or have 'fun' with her in bed or else I'll burn you outside on the training pole Motormouth" he mocked Kai and I laughed a little.

"That's exactly what he said" I laughed.

Cole snickered before we both felt someone giving us a bad glare and I saw Kai behind Cole and I gulped.

"Oh ho... so you two were mocking me...?" Kai said with his hands on fire.

"OH CRAP!!!!! RUN!!!!!" Cole shouts and ran down the hallway of the Monastery.

"WAIT FOR ME!!!!!" I shouted and ran with him before hearing Kai running after us.

~a small while later~

I pant as I was able to escape into my room while locking the door. Cole on the other hand, I lost him somewhere in the hallways.

But I'm still pissed off of Kai so if he wants a fight then I'll give it to him. I open my door and went to go find Kai.

I looked around before I heard Kai screaming and saw that Cole had accidentally hit him on the head with a wooden board and I sweatdropped.

"Cole did you just kill Kai?" I asked wondering.

"No I think I just knocked him out" Cole told me as he picked up Kai who was unconscious.

"Oh well... at least he won't be burning both of us" I said and Cole snickered.

"Be glad he's unconscious or else he would have been more mad" Cole told me before he went and took Kai to his room.

I then sigh of relief before going to Nya's room. I wanted to talk to her now that Kai's not gonna bother me.

I walk to Nya's room and open the door. "Nya? You in here?" I asked.

"Yeah Jay" Nya said as she looked up from her book.

"I finally got the time to talk to you" I told her.

"How? Kai's always hunting you down" Nya said.

"Well... Cole may have knocked him out with a wooden board" I told her.

"Oh my god..." Nya sighed.

"Anyways... wanna do something? Like train together?" I asked.

"I guess I could train with you" Nya said as she got up.

"Alright! Let's head out then" I said and headed outside.

Nya's POV:

As I followed Jay outside, we grabbed out weapons and got ready.

I then attacked Jay without him knowing and kicked him down quickly.

"OW! HEY NO FAIR I DIDNT SAY GO!" Jay pouted and I giggled.

"Sorry sweetie~" I joked as I saw how red Jay was getting and I laughed a little.

"N-Nya shush" Jay told me while covering his face.

I laughed a little and noticed that it was getting a little late. "Come on Jay. Let's go inside. Zane's probably making dinner already"

"As long as it's not Cole's turn this week then Ok" Jay said as he got up and went inside with me.

~small time skip at night~

Jay's POV:

I couldn't sleep a wink in my bed. I felt my clothes getting tighter for some reason. I sit up as I looked down at myself and noticed something in my pants and knew what it was.

"God damn it! Why now?!" I thought to myself.

I sigh as I tried going back to sleep but it was useless. My pants were getting way too tight and I started groaning in pain.

I then heard the door opening, closing and then being locked as I looked up from my pillow and saw someone coming into my bed.

"Who's there?!" I whisper.

"Jay its just me" I look and see Nya from inside my blanket and I sigh of relief.

"How come your in my room...? Did you get a bad dream or something? Like... a dream about Nadakhan....?" I asked.

"What no ew why would I ever dream about that perverted Djinn..." Nya said straight up and I snicker a little.

"Well then why are you here?" I asked.

"I just wanted to know if your ok. I heard you groaning a couple minutes ago and I thought you accidently did something to yourself like break your back..." Nya said and I sweatdrop.

"W-Well......... m-my pants felt really tight so I looked down and saw something... in which I don't think you should know..." I said nervously.

"Wait your pants?" Nya said before looking down at my pants and I blushed hard as I saw her smirk a little. "Oh now I see why~"

"Please don't tell me you wanna help me with my little problem.......... I don't need Kai to be burning me tomorrow morning" I told her.

"Hey it'll be alright. I'll deal with Kai tomorrow" she said before taking my pants off under the blanket and I blushed hard and looked away quickly embarrassed.

"You sure are hard Jay~" she told me and I whined for her a little.

"N-Nya..." I whined before she kissed my neck and I moaned a little.

"Don't t-tease me like this... just do it... I need you right now..." I whined.

"Impatient huh~" she smirked and took off her clothes in front of me.

I look at her drooling a little before I pinned her down. I then took my clothes off quickly.

"Go on Jay~ unless your a chicken~" she joked and I smirked.

"Oh I'll show you who's not a chicken~" I said before entering her really roughly and I listen to her moan loudly.

"J-Jay~" she moaned.

"Hehe~ I'll go pretty rough on you Nya~" I said before I started thrusting roughly and fast.

I kept up with the pace and roughness as I felt close. Both of us were moaning as we both came at the same time really hard on and in each other.

I pant before I pull out and lay down on my bed while holding Nya close to my chest.

"Nya...? If... you get pregnant later... I'll... do anything for you alright?" I told her while snuggling her gently.

"Alright... and I'll deal with Kai for you...." Nya panted before we both fell asleep.

~the next day~

Nya's POV:

"JAY WALKER!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR SO DEAD TO ME!!!!!!!!" I watch my brother chase Jay around the Monastery. I sigh since Kai didn't even listen to me at all about what me and Jay did last night.

"KAI! IM SORRY! IM SORRY! IM SORRY! NYA WANTED TO DO IT WITH ME! I HAD NO CHOICE!" Jay shouted while running from my angry brother.

I sigh more before seeing Zane come over with Lloyd.

"Holy... I've never seen Kai run that much in a long time" Lloyd snickered.

"I agree. Although I would feel bad for Jay right now" Zane said and I giggle a little.

"Don't worry. Once Kai stops running, I'll make sure the explaination will go straight into his head" I told both of them. I then smile a little as I knew me and Jay's secret about us becoming parents soon may be revealed sooner then later.

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