Kai x Skylor - Beauty And The Beast

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Once upon a time, there lived a selfish Prince named Kai. He was always selfish and he ruled Ninjago under cruelty. One night, an old begger woman and gave the Prince a single rose. The Prince however refused and told her to leave. The old woman then revealed to be a beautiful witch. The Prince then begged for forgiveness but the witch casted a curse onto the Prince and turned him into a beast. She then casted a curse onto the entire kingdom and castle with everyone in it to fall under the curse.

The beast kept the rose as it was part of the curse. If the beast learned about how to love others instead of being selfish, and was able to fall in love with a young woman, then the curse would be lifted. But if he wasn't able to lift the curse before the rose dies off, he would be stuck as a beast forever.

Years have passed and living in a small village, lived a girl named Skylor. Though she wasn't like any other girl or villager, she loved to read and create ideas. Some thought she was abnormal but she didn't mind.

Skylor's POV:

I was walking in the village after getting another book from the library. I loved reading this story. A Prince and a very adventurous journey. I would love to meet a prince one day.

As I walked, Clouse walked up to me and took my book away and I groaned. "Clouse may I have my book back...?" I asked calmly.

"Skylor a girl like you shouldn't be reading. It's not normal" he said and I rolled my eyes as I took my book back.

"Whatever Clouse..." I said as I headed back. I opened the door to the house and saw my father.

"Oh hey Skylor! Your back!" my father smiled.

"Hello father..." I said as I went to sit down but I looked at my father. "Father...? Do you think I'm abnormal...?" I asked.

"Why would you think that my child?" He asked and I sigh.

"Oh I don't know. Everyone thinks I'm abnormal since I'm always reading..." I told him.

"Now now. You don't need to worry too much about yourself. I'll be heading off today remember? I gained a lot from the nearby town" He said and I giggled.

"Alright then father" I said and I got up.

I walked outside with my father and he then hugged me goodbye before heading out of the village. I then headed back inside to continue reading.

~a few days later~

I started worrying about father. He hasn't come back at all. I decided to go and find him. I grabbed my hooded cape and walked out into the forest where father walked.

I called out to my father but there was no reply. I kept walking until I reached a very dark castle. I then quietly walked in and called out to my father. "Father! Are you in here?!" I called out.

I walk around and walk down to the dungeon and saw my father in a cell and I rushed to him. "Father!"

"Skylor! You must leave! H-He'll do something horrible to you!" He said and I was confused.

"Who father-" I stop talking when I suddenly hear a loud roar and I jump when I see a shadowy figure in the dark.

"WHO ARE YOU!" The voice said.

"Please! Let my father go! He didn't do anything wrong! Take me instead of him!" I said and I heard my father gasp.

"Skylor! No!" He said.

"Do you promise to stay here forever" the voice said.

I look up and I was trying to figure out who he was. "Come into the light please..." I said softly and he nods and comes into the light and I saw that he was a beast and I gulped. "I promise to stay here..." I said.

"Deal!" The beast said before releasing my father and taking him outside.

"Father... I'm so sorry......" I said crying softly.

The beast came back and looked at me. "Listen... this will be your home from now on... I want you to feel comfortable so come with me..." he said and I nod a little.

He then took me upstairs to his bedroom. I kept my distance from him because I didn't want anything to happen to me.

"So your name is Skylor... well... my name is Kai... don't call me a beast... I have a name" he told me and I nod slightly.

I then sat down on the bed as soon as we got to the bedroom.

"So... what... happened to this castle...?" I asked.

"A curse of course... one that will never be broken because of me... if I don't start learning how to love someone" Kai said and I looked at him.

"You... wanna learn how to love someone...?" I asked "then why don't I teach you?"

"You would teach me? Why though... I'm a monster aren't I" Kai said and I shook my head.

"Well... maybe on the outside... but on the inside maybe I can help you learn..." I said with a small smile.

Kai then looked at me. "Alright... as long as you can help me..." he said and I nodded.

~6 months later~

I've felt quite comfortable around Kai now. He's been learning quickly on how to love someone. The truth is though, I've started falling for him and I think he's been falling for me.

It's been 6 months now, and he and I have started being pretty close. Kai then took me to a secret room. I saw a rose in a small case that was beautiful but the petals were slowly falling off of it.

"Skylor... take this..." Kai gave me a hand mirror. "It shows you anything you want to see... I want you to keep it..." he said with a smile.

"Kai... thank you" I said smiling back and then looking at the mirror. "Anything I want to see huh...? Then... mirror... please I want to see my father..." I said softly and then I saw my father in the mirror and noticed something. "Oh No! Father! He's ill!" I said with worry.

"Your... Father...?" Kai said softly before looking at me with pity in his eyes. "Skylor... go... go to your father..."

"K-Kai...?" I look at him with shock.

"You should be there for him... go check to see if he's ok... I'll be ok here... it's the best I can do... let you go and see your father..." Kai said in which I felt so upset. I didn't want to leave Kai. After all we've done together to help him learn how to love. I think he's finally learned but... to let me go like this...

"Kai I..." I look down a little and I felt his hand lift my chin up gently.

"I'll be ok... please go... keep the mirror with you just to remember me by..." Kai told me.

I felt tears running down my face before I nod and head out of the castle.

Kai... I couldn't stop crying about him letting me go... he... is so brave to let me go...

Kai's POV:

My heart felt like it broke into a million pieces. I wanted Skylor to stay with me but... I knew this was for the best...

I was a beast after all... a girl like Skylor shouldn't stay with me forever...

I look outside and roar loudly and painfully. Knowing that my decision was the most heartbreaking but brave thing I've ever had to decide on.

~a while later~

As I watched the rose lose its petals slowly, I suddenly heard a riot outside. I saw villagers coming to kill me.

This was it. I'm gonna die. Skylor can't save me now...

Skylor... thank you... for teaching me how to love...

I then suddenly hear someone calling my name and in the distance, I saw Skylor. She came back for me.


I hear every shout Skylor was shouting. Her pleas to save me and stop the villagers. She... really wants to save me...

I then hear the villagers coming into the castle and I quickly head out onto the balcony. It wasn't until I heard Skylor coming and locking the door behind her and rushing over to me.

"Kai!" She said as she hugged me.

"Skylor... you... didn't have to come for me... please... let them kill me..." I told her.

"No! Please! I beg of you! Don't let them kill you!" Skylor said and I saw her tears flowing from her eyes.

"Skylor... I-" I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my back and I saw someone stabbing my in the back with a knife and I growl as I tossed him over the balcony to his death.

I then felt weak as I collapsed to the ground slowly blacking out.

Skylor's POV:

I was horrified and crying hard as I went to Kai's side quickly.

"Kai! Please! Don't die on me!" I said while holding his hand.

"Sky....lor............. I.... love... you.........." he whispered before he closed his eyes.

I started crying more. "Kai.... I... love you too......" I said softly before kissing his lips gently.

I then suddenly saw light shining from Kai as I quickly covered my eyes and then saw that the light faded away and I went wide eyed as I saw Kai as a normal human and he started waking up.

"Skylor...?" He said softly as he sat up slowly.

"K-Kai..." I said before hugging him tightly and crying.

Kai smiled and hugs back gently. "You... broke the curse.... thank you... so much......" he said softly.

"Kai........ I love you.... I wanna stay with you....." I told him.

"If... you wanna stay with me, will you marry me and become my queen...?" Kai asked and I nod.

"Of course Kai..." I said and kiss his lips as he kissed back.

~4 years later~

Kai's POV:

It felt good to be ruling a kingdom that's not under cruelty. Skylor's been doing well as a queen as well. But what I didn't expect was my wife giving me something special.

I walked towards our bedroom and quietly and carefully opened the door and walked inside. I saw Skylor sleeping in the bed peacefully and I smiled.

I walked over to her, kneeled down and kissed her forehead gently to wake her up a little. I watch her shift and wake up slowly.

"Morning Skylor" I smile.

"Kai..." she smiled back.

"How do you feel after what happened last night?" I asked as I helped her sit up slowly.

"I'm feeling ok don't worry." She smiled.

"How about our baby...?" I asked.

"She's doing ok too" She said before picking up our little newborn princess.

"You giving me a second child is such a great blessing Skylor..." I said kissing her cheek.

"Kai... I would do anything for you..." Skylor told me and I chuckle softly.

"And I would do anything for you..." I told her before I heard the door open to see our son coming into the room.

"Ah... Kaito come see your little sister" I told him and he came running to my arms happily and I pick him up and put him onto the bed.

Skylor smiles at me as we both welcome our new daughter into the world. I felt as if our new life together will be a great life.

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