Zane x Pixal - Sleeping Beauty

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Long ago, in the kingdom of Ninjago, there was a baby girl who was born to the king and queen. Her name was Pixal. On the day of her birth, she was given gifts from three fairies. Each one gave their gifts to the princess. One was beauty while the other wisdom. When the third fairy was about to give her a gift, the evil witch arrived and gave her a gift.

"On her 19th birthday, she will prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die" the witch said before disappearing out of sight with her magic.

The king couldn't do anything but the third fairy told him that there was hope. But since the fairies couldn't remove the curse completely, they decided it was best to add onto the curse.

The third fairy then said her gift.

"Oh young Princess. Though indeed you'll prick yourself on the spindle of a spinning wheel, you shall not be in vain. Not in death, but just in sleep. A thousand years of sleep until true love's kiss shall break this wicked curse."

After the gift was said, the king ordered all the spinning wheels in the kingdom to be burned. As for the fairies, they agreed to take care of the princess until it was the right time to take her back to the castle as a young woman.

And so, on her 19th birthday, Pixal was a young woman who was very wise and beautiful. And her fate shall be bestowed upon her very soon.

Pixal's POV:

I couldn't really figure out what was going on... my own caretakers were acting a little strange but I giggle as I walk over to them. I wanted to know what they were talking about.

"Excuse me you three but what seems to be so exciting today?" I ask with curiosity in my tone.

"Oh! Pixal dear! Well. We want you to go out and pick some berries! Please!" One of my caretakers said.

"But didn't I go out yesterday? I guess going out today wouldn't hurt. It is a lovely day" I said before going to get the basket and then heading out.

As I walked towards the forest area, I saw some animals nearby and I giggle as they came by and got near me.

I then saw the falcon come and I let it land on my arm. "Well hello again my friend. You seem to be doing well. And that wing of yours has healed." I told it while I gently pet it's feathery chest.

As I put the basket down, I sat down on the grass and start singing a small tune. I sang soft and sweetly. Whenever I sing, it seems to calm everyone down from their excitement.

I look at the falcon and I notice how calm it is and I smile. "You seem to be in great health. I'm so glad." I said softly before getting up.

"I better get going and get those berries." I said and I grabbed the basket and headed to the berry bushes.

~meanwhile, on the forest trail~

Zane's POV:

I was just walking around with my horse until I heard singing nearby. I thought it was strange so I went off the trail and followed where the singing was.

That voice was so soft and pure. It was like an angel's singing.

I kept walking until I saw a young woman in the berry bushes. I looked at her and she was beautiful. I couldn't help but blush.

I was about to step closer until my horse decided to go wild and I panicked a little. "H-Hey! Calm down!" I said trying to get him to calm down.

It wasn't until he kicked me hard and towards the bushes where the woman was and I yelped as I crashed into the bushes.

"Oh my! Are you ok?!" I look up and see the woman in front of me.

"Y-Yes I'm ok. My horse went a little wild there." I told her before getting up and brushing myself off. "Miss? What's your name? I've never seen you around here before."

"My name is Pixal." She said and I nodded.

"My name is Zane... Zane Julien" I bowed.

"Its so nice to meet you Zane. I hope your not hurt anywhere" Pixal told me with a soft smile.

I blush lightly and smile back. "Don't worry. I'm pretty much ok minus the bruises." I told her and then I notice her gently taking my hand.

"Would you like to dance with me a little...? I have the time" Pixal said and I nodded.

"Of course my lady" I smile and start slow dancing with her.

I felt like I was in a dream. She was truly the one for me. I was of course a prince from another country but, I feel as if she's more then just a normal woman.

I continue dancing with her until she suddenly stopped.

"We'll have to stop here. I have to go home." She told me before she lets go and grabs her basket.

"If you can please tell me, where will you be?" I asked.

"There's a cottage at the other side of the forest. I'll be there" she said and left quickly.

I smile before going back to my horse and heading back to my kingdom for the day. I will of course go back to see her.

Pixal's POV:

As soon as I got home, my caretakers had made me a wonderful dress and birthday cake. I was amazed by this.

"Happy birthday Pixal... your mother and father would be pleased once you return home to the castle..." one of my caretakers said.

"Wait... castle...? My mother and father...?" I said confused.

"Oh deary me... I guess you still don't know... Pixal dear... your the princess of Ninjago... you see, we had to take you in because of a certain fate that you had been cursed with. You must go see your father and mother immediately" one of my caretakers said.

I frown a little. This meant I wouldn't see Zane again. I then nod as I went and put the dress on. It was a lovely violet dress. I loved the colour since it was super nice.

As soon as I got the dress on, I noticed that my caretakers were actually fairies. We headed back to the castle and they told me to wait in the hallway as they left.

I then heard something at the tower. I slowly walked towards the top of the tower, and opened the door at the top. I walked inside the room and saw a spinning wheel.

"Touch the spindle my dear...." I heard a voice said. I then walked towards the spinning wheel with my hand reaching for it and with an instant, I prick my finger and the entire room started becoming warped as I blacked out of consciousness.

No One's POV (3rd Person View):

A thud was heard in the castle tower. The three fairies quickly headed up and saw Pixal on the ground not moving at all. They saw the witch laughing in front of them.

"She has now died!" The witch said as she disappeared.

The fairies then used their magic and took Pixal to her bedroom. They laid Pixal in the bed and made sure she was comfortable. Fate has taken it's toll and now Pixal is sleeping for one thousand years until her true love comes and breaks the curse with a kiss.

It was then the fairies had the idea of putting the whole kingdom to sleep. They agreed and went around using their magic to put the entire kingdom to sleep.

It was then they decided to go to the cottage quickly since one of them sensed the presence of the Prince from another country. But it was too late by the time they got there, the Prince was taken by the witch so that Pixal wouldn't be woken up. The fairies then quickly went to the witch's castle.

Zane's POV:

I struggled as I tried getting out of the chains. The witch tricked me. I couldn't believe that Pixal was actually the princess of Ninjago. I want to see her again and make sure she's ok. I didn't believe the witch when she said that Pixal was dead. She couldn't be dead I just know it. I have to go to her so I can be with her. I struggled more but it was helpless. I couldn't get free of the chains.

It was then I saw three fairies and they freed me and gave me a sword and told me everything. I knew what I had to do. I must kill the witch and go free Pixal from her curse.

As the fairies freed me from my prison, I rushed out and saw the witch and I fought her. It wasn't for long before I killed her by stabbing her in the heart with the sword. I then quickly went to the kingdom and into the castle.

As I walked around, everyone was asleep. It was like a spell was casted on everyone. I walked around more before I headed towards Pixal's bedroom. I walked in and saw Pixal in her bed. I walked up to her and I look at her.

"Pixal.... my sweet princess... to think this curse was lingering within you... allow me to free you so we can be happy together..." I said softly before kissing Pixal on the lips gently.

As I pull away slowly and gently, I saw Pixal opening her eyes and then smiling softly at me.

"Zane..." she whispered and I hugged her gently and she hugged me back.

"Pixal... your ok..." I whispered while tears escaped my eyes a little.

"Thank you Zane... thank you..." She said softly.

"Pixal... Will you be my queen...? For all of eternity...? I want to be with you and love you..." I told her and she nodded.

"Of course Zane... I love you so much" Pixal said and I hugged her tightly while she hugged me back.

~5 years later~

I was quietly reading in the castle library. To think 5 years have passed by so fast. I felt a pair of lips kissing my cheek and I looked to see my lovely wife and I smiled softly.

"Pixal... how are you feeling today?" I asked while gently kissing her cheek and getting up from my seat.

"I'm feeling great. Don't worry" she told me with a smile.

I looked at her with a little bit of worry in my eyes since she had just given birth to our new daughter. I was worried that she was too exhausted to get up from bed.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to collapse from exhaustion. Remember?" I said while gently placing an arm around her.

"Its alright. Pixie's doing fine too. She and Zach are asleep in our room." Pixal said and I chuckle.

"Our son and new daughter... to think we were blessed so fast with those two" I said with a smile.

"I couldn't believe it either Zane... I love you so much" Pixal smiled back at me and I kiss her forehead.

"I love you too Pixal... I love you very much..." I said softly with a smile as I knew that our lives and fates have now been sealed with good blessings.

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