Cole x Seliel - Cinderella

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Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Ninjago, there was a small house nearby the kingdom. In that house lived a girl named Seliel. She was always picked on by her step sister, Harumi but that didn't stop her from being hard working and kind to her animal friends.

Harumi would always make her do housework while she didn't have to do anything. Though it was hard to lose her father, Seliel knew he was watching her work hard.

Seliel's POV:

I once again have to work hard. Man I really wanna snap at Harumi but I also don't want to scare my friends away too. It's just not like me to snap at others without any reason to. Father would be happy that I'm working hard. I wish he didn't have to pass so soon. I miss him a lot.

"SELIEL! DID YOU FINISH CLEANING THE FIREPLACE!" I heard Harumi shout and I went over to her.

"I did Harumi. I cleaned it up after I cleaned the staircase" I told her calmly.

"Oh is that so" Harumi said before she kicked the bucket of ashes onto the floor and I gasped.

"Oops. Looks like you'll have to clean that up" Harumi laughed before walking out of the living room.

I sigh a little before I walk over and pick up the bucket. "Oh well... and it's such a lovely day to go outside too" I said softly before starting to clean up.

I then look outside towards the castle in the distance and thought for a moment. "I always wish to go check out the castle up close... I wonder what it's like... must be lovely..." I mumbled and smiled a little.

Cole's POV:

I sighed a little while I was outside on the balcony. Being the Prince of the kingdom is cool but it sucks when my dad keeps mentioning marriage.

"Yo dude!" I heard a voice call out and I see Jay walking over to me and I smile.

"Hey Jay. What's up? Did Kai finally let you marry Nya" I joked.

"Haha very funny" Jay pouted while crossing his arms. "And that happened way before you moron."

I chuckle and then look out in the distance.

"So something bugging ya? You've been rather stressed lately. Don't tell me your stressed over your current position as Prince" Jay said.

"No it's not that. I'm just stressed about how much my dad wants me to marry a girl right now. He told me that I'll be king soon and that I should find a girl" I told him with a sigh.

"Maybe you should ask Zane for advice? I would say Kai but he's way too much of a womanizer" Jay said and I shook my head.

"No it's fine. I don't think I need advice." I said.

"Unless of course, you want to invite every girl in the kingdom to the castle for a ball" Jay joked.

I then look at him and think for a second before saying something. "Jay that might actually be a good idea"

"Inviting every girl in the entire kingdom? I guess that's a good idea" Jay said.

I hug Jay tightly and smile. "Thank you for the help bestie" I said.

Jay chuckles and hugs back "No problem dude. I'll go get Kai and we'll deliver the invitations for the ball"

I nod as I let Jay go and watch him walk away. I then went back to looking outside in the distance thinking.

Seliel's POV:

I was sweeping the floor when I heard the door bell ringing. I then head to the door and open it to see Jay and Kai, the Prince's guards.

"Hello miss. We have an invitation for you" Jay said as he hands me a letter.

"Ah. From the Prince. Alright thank you" I told them and then closed the door. I then walk to the dining room and look at the letter.

Before I wanted to open it, Harumi snatched it from my hands.

"H-Harumi?!" I jumped.

"This is an invitation to the Prince's ball!" Harumi said as she read the letter quickly. "Just so that the Prince can find himself a bride! Yes! This is my chance! Of course the Prince has a lot of money which means I'll be able to gain that money!" She said as she walked to her room quickly.

"The Prince huh...? Hmm... I wonder what the Prince is like... must be a kind gentleman..." I said softly before sighing. "Of course. Harumi won't let me go to the ball. I'm not even worthy of going..."

~The night of the ball~

"Remember to clean the house Seliel! I'll be back before you know it" Harumi told me before she headed into the carriage and left.

I went back into the house and cleaned up a little before heading into my room crying a bit.

"Its not fair... why is only her that gets to go and not me...? I could have gone with her..." I said while crying into my hands.

"Oh my dear sweet Seliel. Of course you can go to the ball" a voice said.

I looked up from my hands and looked around my room. "Who's there? And what do you mean I can go to the ball? I'm wearing just ragged clothing."

I then saw someone appear in front of me and I went wide eyed.

"Well I'm your Fairy Godmother child and you should go to the ball. A kindhearted soul like you should be able to go." She told me.

"Oh come on. You must be joking. A girl in rags like me can't go" I said while looking down.

"Now now. If you put your heart and soul into it, positive and miraculous things can happen" she said with a smile and took out her wand. "Now then. Why don't we start off with you my dear."

"E-Eh? Me?" I said confused.

"Close your eyes and think about the dress you dream about" she said.

I nod a little before closing my eyes. I then felt something magical happen and I opened my eyes to see that I had a dress on. "T-This is... a-amazing... just like how I wanted it to be"

"Of course. And you have glass slippers. It fits you so well" she said.

I smile as I looked in my mirror. "Thank you so much! But. How am I gonna head to the ball...?"

"Do you have a pumpkin?" She asked.

"There's one in the garden." I told her before heading outside. I picked up the pumpkin and headed towards the front entrance.

"Now then. Let's turn this pumpkin into a carriage. Of course your little animal friends will be helping us out as well" She said before she used her magic to turn the pumpkin and my animal friends into a carriage and I was amazed.

"Oh my goodness! Thank you so much! This is amazing!" I said.

"Now then. You must listen to me closely child. You have until midnight before the magic wears off. Be home before then" She told me and I nod.

"Yes I understand. Thank you again!" I said before heading into the carriage and going off towards the castle.

"Enjoy your time at the ball!" She shouted.

~at the ball~

Cole's POV:

None of these girls look like the right one for me... I bet all they want is my money... I can't marry a girl if her only desire is just riches... I would rather marry a girl off of true love... one that truly loves me instead of money...

"Cole? You ok? You look lost in your thoughts" I snap out of my trance and I saw Zane beside me.

"Oh hey Zane. It's nothing. I'm just not in the mood to dance." I said.

"Oh I see. Take your time. I'll be with the others" Zane said as I nod and watch him  move to the side.

I then sigh once more but then heard someone coming into the room and I saw a girl that was beautiful. I didn't realize it but I was falling for her.

I got up from my throne and walked up to her and held my hand out.

"Hello there. Would you like to dance with me?" I asked as she nods.

"Yes. I would like to" she said before taking my hand and we both started slow dancing to the music.

~small while later, outside in the garden~

I looked at her and smile a little. I knew she was the one for me.

"Thank you so much your majesty for this. I loved every second of this night." She told me and I smiled softly.

"Its my pleasure. Also, my name is Cole. You don't have to call me 'your majesty'. I'm fine if you call me by my name." I told her and I saw her blush.

"B-But. I don't want to be rude." She said and I chuckle a little.

"Trust me. Your not being rude. Your so kindhearted. I want to know more about you. Like... can you tell me your name...? And where you live? I want to get to know you better." I told her.

"W-Well... m-my name is-" she then stops as we both heard the clock strike midnight and I watch her get up.

"H-Hey is something wrong?" I ask.

"I-I'm sorry Cole. I have to go... goodbye" she said with tears in her eyes and ran off.

"Hey! Wait!" I shouted before running after her.

She kept running before she went away in her carriage. I watch as I panted and then saw that she dropped her glass slipper on the staircase. I picked it up and looked out in the distance.

"I'll find you... no matter what..." I mumbled.

~The next day~

Seliel's POV:

I couldn't believe that I danced with the Prince. I was so happy. But I really wanted to be with him again. He was so kind.

I looked at the glass slipper I had. I lost the other one while I was running and after the magic wore off, the slipper remained with me so I kept it hidden from Harumi so she wouldn't suspect anything.

I walked downstairs and started cleaning up the plates in the dining room until I heard a knock at the door in which Harumi answered.

"Hello there. Mind if we come in?" I recognized the voice and it was the Prince.

"Ah! Your Majesty! Come in!" Harumi said. "What do I owe this visit?" She said happily.

"Listen. Me and the guards came because I'm looking for the girl who fits this glass slipper." Cole said as he showed my other glass slipper.

I watched from the dining room shocked. He had my other glass slipper this whole time.

"Ah! It must be me!" Harumi said.

"Then please. Try it on and see if it fits" Cole said as he puts the glass slipper down.

I watch as Harumi tried it on but it was too small for her foot to fit in. Of course since it only fitted me.

Cole sighed and got up "I'm sorry but your not the one. Is there another girl in this house hold...?"

"No there isn't any other gi-" Harumi stops when she saw me watching the entire thing and she glared for me to leave immediately.

"Wait your majesty there's one more over here" Kai said as he came over and brought me into the room.

"Oh please! She wasn't even in the ball! Leave this dirty sl*t out of this!" Harumi said in which I looked down a little.

"Hey! Keep your filthy words to yourself!" Jay said as he glared at Harumi.

"Please try this slipper on" Cole said as he looked at me.

I nod and then put the slipper on my foot and it was a perfect fit.

"What?! It can't be! You went to the ball?!" Harumi exclaimed.

I then pull out the other slipper and put it on my other foot and smile.

"Your the one I danced with!" Cole said as he came over and hugged me tightly.

"C-Cole... I never told you my name... I'm sorry... my name is Seliel..." I told him while hugging back.

"Seliel... I... want to ask you... Will you be my queen and help me rule Ninjago together...? Don't worry, I don't think you'll be doing any housework when we head to the castle" Cole said.

"Aw man... well I guess a break from housework is nice..." I said and then smile a little. "Of course. I'll be your queen."

Cole smiled happily and kissed my lips and I kissed him back. I was happy that I was with him now.

~3 years later~

Cole's POV:

As I walked around the castle, I started thinking how much has changed over these 3 years. Marrying Seliel, becoming king and queen... and best of all-

"Daddy! Guess What! I saw a really cool butterfly!" My daughter, Selene said as she came over.

"That must be really cool" I smile and pick her up. My own daughter is already 3 years old. She's growing up so much.

I kiss her check before I saw Kai coming over to me quickly.

"Kai? What's the rush?" I ask.

"Cole! It's Seliel! You'll never guess what happened!" He said in a pretty joyful tone and I was confused.

"Wait what...?" I asked.

"Remember how 9 months ago you two did something really romantic in bed~?" Kai smirked and I blushed.

"Don't say that while I have Selene here- Wait... you don't mean" I then headed to our bedroom with Selene in my arms.

"Seliel!" I called out as I opened the door and saw Seliel in bed and she looked at me smiling.

"Hey Cole..." she said softly and I walked over to her. "Guess what...? We have a new baby..."

I put Selene down beside her and I look at her "r-really...?"

Seliel nodded before sitting up and gently handing me our newborn. "Say hello to your son Calvin..."

I look at him and smile happily. "He's so tiny..."

"Yeah... he really is" Seliel smiled while she grabbed my hand gently and held Selene in her right arm. "Cole... I'm so happy that I met you 3 years ago..."

"Me too Seliel..." I said as I sat down beside her on the bed while holding Calvin and kiss her forehead. "Me too..."

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