Lloyd x Arielle - Notice Me Senpai!

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Lloyd's POV:

Just another boring day at school. Jeez what's an emotionless guy like me gonna do now. I try making friends but nothing seems to be working.

I walk over to my locker and I noticed a girl nearby. She caught my eye. She was so adorable yet hot at the same time.

I knew... that she was my Senpai...

~a few days later~

As I walked around the school, I always passed by Senpai. I kept blushing when I'm near her. She's making me feel happy and I love it.

Before class started, I walked to Senpai's class and secretly took a picture of her and snuck off.

I really want her to notice me. She's my everything. Of course, every time I try to get her to notice me, she doesn't notice me at all. She just walks towards another student. And those students just had to be other boys.

I get so mad. She cannot be theirs... she's only mine... I have to do something... I have to keep her away from them...

I have to kill them...

~during lunch~

I walk towards the cafeteria and see one of the boys that was talking to Senpai earlier.

Kai Smith... the womanizer of the school... he'll be the first one dead...

I walk over to Kai and smile. "Hey there!" I said.

Kai looks at me and smiled "Hey! I'm guessing your in the same grade as me?"

"Yeah. I'm Lloyd Garmadon. I hear your name is Kai Smith?" I ask.

"Hehe that's me alright" Kai smiled.

"Nice to meet you Kai. So... mind coming outside with me? I wanna show you something" I said with pleading eyes.

Kai chuckles and stands up from his seat "sure I'll come with you" he said.

I nod and take him outside in a small spot that no one would be able to see us.

"So what do you wanna show me?" Kai asked as I had a bloody evil smirk on my face.

"This~" I said while taking out a knife in which Kai went wide eyed.

I grab Kai by the face and I cover his mouth so that he wouldn't call for help. I then stab him multiple times until he became a lifeless corpse.

I then carry his body to the furnace and burn his body while throwing away the knife. I then quickly go and mop up the bloody mess so that no one will suspect anything and quickly change my clothing so that no one will ever find out that I killed Kai and I head back into my classes for the day while thinking about Senpai.

She's gonna be mine no matter what. I still have until Friday to tell her how I feel. I can do this.

As I head into class, I get a message from Info~Chan. I don't know who she is but she's been helping me lately.

"By the way, the person that is gonna confess his feelings for your Senpai. His name is Wrayth. He really wants your Senpai. He'll be confessing his feelings to your Senpai under the Cherry Blossom tree outside of the school on the hill." Info~Chan's text said.

I then get mad. No one is gonna be taking her. I will kill Wrayth if it's the last thing I do.

I will kill any boy that gets in my way....

~a few days later~

Arielle's POV:

I've been noticing a lot of boys going mysteriously missing. First it was Kai Smith and then Cole Brookstone and now Jay Walker. I was talking to Zane Julien about everything and he said that I shouldn't worry about it since the Police have been informed about it.

It wasn't until I noticed that Zane was mysteriously gone. I was starting to worry if there's a murderer in the school or something.

As I walked in the hallway, I walked up to my locker and opened it. I saw a love letter in my locker and it read "To my Senpai~♡".

I blushed a little and opened the letter.


I love you from the day I saw you. I want you to notice me but you don't seem to notice me. I hope you read this letter."

I didn't see a name on the letter but I was blushing hard when I read it. Someone likes me? But who?

I close my locker and head to my class quickly. I kept thinking who my secret admirer is. Just who is he...?

Lloyd's POV:

Hahahaha.... haha... It's almost Friday...

After pushing Cole off the roof, killing Jay by strangling him, and then just stabbing Zane to death, it was almost time to kill Wrayth.

I knew what I had to do, capture him and drown him.

I walked towards Wrayth's class and waved for him to come over.

Wrayth got up and walked towards me. "Oh hey Lloyd. What's up?"

"Mind coming with me to the shower room?" I asked.

"Sure dude" Wrayth said as he followed me to the shower room outside of school near the school swimming pool.

I quickly get Wrayth near the bathtub and smirk evily.

"So what's up dude-" I cut him off by forcing his head into the water and keeping him underwater.

He was struggling but I kept his head in the water. I kept this up until he didn't struggle anymore and he drowned.

I laugh insanely as I carry him into the furnace and burn his body. I then went and changed my clothes again cause they got wet when I was drowning Wrayth.

I finally did it. He's finally gone. Now I just gotta talk to Senpai.

~time skip to Friday after school~

It was finally time. I went over to Senpai quickly before she left the school.

"Senpai- I mean... Arielle! Wait up!" I called out.

"Hm?" Arielle turned around and looked at me. "Oh hello Lloyd. I was just gonna go home since I kinda don't wanna stick around if there's a murderer around."

"Please please please come with me!" I said holding onto her hands.

"Uh ok" she said with confusion.

I took her to the Cherry Blossom tree and took a deep breath.

"Arielle I... I love you... I hope you've been recieveing my love letters..." I told her.

"You mean... your my secret admirer?" She said slightly shocked.

I nod and look at her "Please! Be mine forever! I want you to be mine and no one else's!"

She looked hesitant. Did I do something wrong...? Please don't tell me she's gonna tell me off...

"Well... Lloyd there's something I gotta ask... it's about the missing boys... did you... happen to do anything to them...?" She asked.

I felt my heart stop beating for a second. Did... she just... figure out that I was killing the boys...?

"I-I..." I couldn't think of anything to say to her.

"Tell me please!" She said as she looked at me.

"P-Please don't tell anyone this then... I... killed the boys... just so I can be with you..." I said looking down. I knew she's gonna tell me off.

I didn't look at her but then I felt a pair of lips kissing my forehead and I looked at her.

"Your secret is safe with me... don't worry... you don't have to keep this secret anymore..." She said with a smile.

"Y-You mean...?" I look at her.

"Senpai has noticed you Lloyd... and I accept your confession. I'm yours" she smiled.

My heart felt like it was in Heaven. I was so happy. I immediately hugged her tightly and then I did something so unexpected. I kissed her lips. And she kissed me back.

I felt like I just went to Heaven and back to Earth. She's finally mine. And she's gonna keep my secret. I'm no longer gonna be scared now.

"My little yandere Greenie. You don't need to kill anyone now. Alright? You'll be with me now" she smiled sweetly.

"Thank you... Senpai..." I said softly and hugging her more while she hugged me back.

I was so happy that she was now mine forever.

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