Famous Last Words - Pixane

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Hii, I'm back!! This was the 9th challenge and here it is! I know it's veeeeryyyy late, but it happens. It will be basically the lasts scenes of the last episode of season 3 (ep The Titanium Ninja) by PIXAL's P.O.V., so I hope you like it!
For: Jay-Lightning
Challenge: Famous Last Words
Pairing: Pixane
It's settled... well, already said when! :) So, let's get right into it! :)

[PIXAL's P.O.V.]

I was standing in a rooftop in New Ninjago City with Nya and Cyrus Borg, watching as Zane ran towords The Overloard. I saw when Zane hold the other's armor, and his heartbeat going faster and faster. It was reaching critical mass.

"It isn't about numbers, it's about family!" was the last thing I heard before my friends, realising he was not letting go, dragged me to somewhere "safe", while the weather turned colder and colder as the seconds passed.

After a while hiding, we went out only to find everything frozen. Nya guided us to the Ninja, but only one thing was in my mind: Where's Zane. I needed to know if he was alright... if he was still alive. There was so little possibility of the last thing be real, that I started loosing the hope.

It only got worse when we reached them, and they told us what they knew: Zane was no longer there. I felt something strange, that I never felt before... sadness. I wanted to cry, but that wasn't possible, so I just run away to the Borg Industries.

In my way there, I lost myself in thoughts.

Zane, why am I feeling this way with his death? Wasn't I supposed to not feel anything? I'm just a robotic assistant... But since I first met him, I knew everything had changed. He was a nindroid, like me, but at the same time, different. And he made me feel different too.

When I was with him, I felt... human, alive. I wanted to be with him, but now I couldn't. And I never had the chance to tell him how much I liked him. Maybe this is what people call "love", when you just want to stay with someone, because he makes you feel good and worthy.

His last words wouldn't get out of my head. Family. He loved his friends as if they were brothers. And he died to protect them, knowing that. He knew the numbers were against him, that he had no change of surviving, but he went with it anyway. I think that that was what I admired the most in him, his determination and protection, never giving up in nothing and helping those who needed.

He defeated The Overloard, giving up his own life to do it. He saved all Ninjago. He did the right thing. At his funeral, a statue was built in his honor, with his last words sculpted in it. That way, they would never be forgotten.

Well, that way, the others wouldn't forget it, because I, even if I wanted, couldn't. I thought about them almost 24 hours a day. I missed Zane so much. But now he was gone forever.

At least, his last sentence became famous, and is now well-known. He got the fame he deserved, after all he did.

Looking through the window at the funeral, I saw snow falling from the sky, and heard a voice. A voice I would never forget. Could... Could Zane still be alive?

Heyyy, I wrote it!! I know it is sad... buut, it is like the series so Zane is not really dead!! Yeyyy!!
Believe or not, I wrote a part of this listening to "Titanium", by David Guetta ft Sia, and I thought about Zane's titanium form... And the last episode is season 3, which is named The Titanium Ninja.
Ok... that wasn't much important, but I wanted to tell you anyway.
Well... thank you for reading 'till here!! I'm really late in the challenges, so I'm trying my best to update it now. I hope you liked it!!
See you in the next one (that I have no ideas for what to write)! Love you all,


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