Dark Day in December - BruiseShipping

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Hii everybody!! I'm very late with this one, buuuut, it's ok. Th I is the 8th challenge, and I don't have any ideas for it.. better, I have one, that is the one I'll write, but I think it's terrible, but here it goes, I hope it isn't that bad.
For: Jay-Lightning
Challenge: Dark Day in December
Pairing: BruiseShipping (Cole x Jay)
It's settled... I don't know in which season, but here Nya is already the water Ninja, Jay and Nya aren't dating (yet), and Cole likes Jay, but Jay still likes Nya. Maybe here is confusing, but in the story it makes more sense, so, stay with it! :)

[Cole's P.O.V.]

It was early December, and we were finishing decorating the Temple of Airjitzu for Christmas. Each one of us had a task, so it would go faster, and once I had finished mine, I went to the kitchen to grab some cake.

I sat in the Living room's couch, because from there I could watch what Jay was doing. Its been some time since I accepted that I was totally in love with the Blue Ninja, and I remember how I silently cheered when he and Nya broke up.

Sure, I wanted him to be happy, and after that he was one of the saddest person I knew, but I also wanted him to be mine, and the more the time passed from it, the more Jay overcame the end of their relationship and started to be his energetic self again... and more I thought I had a chance with him.

Every time I could, I would be doing something with him, from playing video games to do the shopping, to training... I guess you understood it. When no one was looking, I would stare at him... he was just too beautiful not to.

And there I was again, eating my delicious chocolate cake, while looking at Jay. He was putting on the Christmas lights, and didn't notice that I was staring at him, or if noticed, was ignoring.

He was wearing a blue shorts and a white T-Shirt (here where I live, Christmas is in summer), his gorgeous reddish brown hair was messed, and his face a little bit dirty, because of the dust in the ornaments.

After some minutes like that, I decided to put the plate in the kitchen's sink, so I went there, but when I was coming back to the place I was, I saw Nya talking to the boy I liked. He was smiling a lot, so I approximated a bit to hear what they were talking. I know this is spying, but the curiosity was bigger than me.

Soon after I did it, I regretted it. Nya was apologizing for all things she did, and saying that she still loved him. That she wanted him to give her another chance, to repair her mistakes, and that this time everything would be different.

Obviously, he still had feelings for her, and at the same time he accepted it, a huge smile in his lips, and said that he loved her too, and would let her have a second chance.

With that, he pulled her closer and kissed her. I felt tears falling down my face, and ran to my room. "Why am I crying?!? I knew this would happen, soon or late, even if I didn't want to. I should have told him how I felt earlier... and maybe everything would be different. Maybe I would be with him, and not Nya." I was thinking thing like this, while only cried more and more. I'm not someone who cries a lot, nor that likes to do that, but I couldn't stop. I loved him so much... and I know this is selfish, 'cause at least he was happy and still was my best friend, but I already suffered too much in this short life... and wanted him to me, only me.

But it will never happen.

Well... this was just another dark day. A dark day in December. The month I used to like the most, but now, was only another dark month for me.

Because the person I love, the reason of my laughs and happiness, only likes me as a friend, and will never love me as much as I love him.

Heyy guyss!! I thought that was very sad... at least, sad for Cole, because for Jay and Nya it seemed to be happy...
Well, I did it! I hope it wasn't too bad, and that you all liked it! Please, comment your opinion, and if it is positive, please vote! It makes me really happy!!
See you in the next one, love you all!!


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