Life Can't Get Much Better - Morro x OC

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Yeyyy, I'm back!!! Again, a little bit late, but that ok. This is the 7th challenge, and I really want to write this one! I think the idea is good, and I hope I don't mess I all while writing...
For: Jay-Lightning
Challenge: Life Can't Get Much Better
Pairing: Morro x Turqueza  (She's my OC... I have another one-shot in this book with her too!)
It's settled after an alternative ending for season 5, I don't really know how much time after it. In this alternative ending, Morro didn't die, instead, he took Sensei's help, become a Ninja with the others and dates my OC. I think that's enough description before the story, so here it goes! :)

[Morro's P.O.V.]

I was laying in the couch, with Turqueza in my arms, while she and some of the Ninja played videogames. Her beautiful turquoise and violet eyes (she has one eye of each color XD) were focused on the TV, and she was determined to win the game. And considering the place she was on the race, it wouldn't be so difficult.

They were playing Mario Kart, and unfortunately - for Kai, not for me - he was losing, in 12th. The 2nd and 3rd places were being disputed by Jay and Lloyd, while Turqueza was in the first, happy with her placing.

Me and the others were watching, 'cause the game was only for 4 players. I was playing with her straight brown hair, barely paying attention to what was happening around me.

I couldn't help myself but smile, seeing her that way made me feel so good...

Soon, I found myself thinking about all things that happened recently in my life, and how they changed it.

Who would imagine that because of a girl, all my life would turn upside down... But I have to admit it: it's much better this way.

I remember when I first met Turqueza, in the forest, only a few days after I got out of the Cursed Realm. How there was an instant connection between us, and I felt it. Not much time later, I discovered she was a Ninja, and had to fight against her and her friends... Well, not that I had actually fought her, 'cause I refused myself to do it.

But one of the best memories I have, is from the day I was almost dying...


That stupid girl, the one who controls the water, had just destroyed my Master, The Preeminent. What if I destroyed your master too? I thought, but said and did nothing.

I was cursing the Ninja, while trying not to fall in the deep ocean under me and see what was in front of me, because there was so much fog it was almost impossible to do so. If she hadn't unlocked her stupid True Potential, I wouldn't be in this situation! Again, just in my imagination. Every time I thought about doing something for the Ninja - not that I could do so - my mind leaded me to the two-color-eyed girl I met some weeks ago. She seemed to be nice and kind, and she was very beautiful...

Well, I'm trying to hide it from everyone, but I can't deny it  to me. I had a crush for her.

It was difficult not to think about her smile, or her voice... But something managed to take me from them. What was it? The Preeminent tentacles wrapped around my waist, pulling me down to the water, just as she was doing with all the ghosts. I doubled my efforts, using more of my wind power not to fall, but I clearly failed, since each second I was getting closer to the water.

That was when I heard my name been called, and looked up to see who it was. I was surprised to see Wu in his Elemental Dragon, flying towards me.

He only wanted to help, and offered me to join his other students.

For a moment, I stood in silence while thinking about what to do. They all hate me. Why go there, and continue fighting the destiny? Maybe it's better to just die in here... Or... maybe Destiny made he come here for me to have a second chance, and try to be a better person!... and maybe even have a chance of ending up with Turqueza! If she accepts who I am... Yeah, I already accepted my feeling for her. And I also took the hand Wu gave me, and was now sitting in the back of his Dragon.

Soon, we arrived in the small ship that The Preeminent was trying to destroy, and I saw a certain girl in a turquoise and purple outfit in the back of it.

--TURQUEZA!! -- I shouted without thinking, while going out of the Dragon.

She looked back at me, and her crying face cracked in a gorgeous smile, when she screamed my name:


With that, she came running in my direction, and I in her's, the wind in her brown hair, making it look more beautiful than it already is, and we ended up in a hug. Some seconds later, we kissed, everyone else in the boat looking at us, but we - well, at least me - were ignoring it.

[End of Flashback]

This day changed my life, and now I'm a lot happier than before, even happier than when I was still "alive", like, not a ghost.

Sometimes I think that my life can't get better than it already is, 'cause look at everything I've achieved: a perfect girlfriend, friends that - now - accept me, despite of all things I did to them in the past, a home... And I'm a Ninja now, a true one. I'm...

My thoughts were interrupted by Turqueza's excited voice, shouting:

--Yeyyyy!!! I won AGAIN!!! I'm the best at this game, no-one can beat my score!

--Humpf, in this one, maybe not, but let's put on Fist2Face2, then let's see who wins! -- Kai said, trying to change the game.

--Nooooo, it's my turn now to choose!! I want...

--Jay!! No you, you two were playing, I think it's my turn! -- Cole cut his friends

Let's only say that all of them started arguing about which game to play now, and because they were too concentrated on it, Turqueza just got one of the controls that were in the floor and gave it to me, so we were racing each other in Mario Kart... And she's not the type of girlfriend who let you win... So if I wanted it, I would have to have luck...

Not that I really needed to win, just play with her is fine, and... I think my early thoughts were wrong, there's a lot of things yet to happen, so maybe my life can get better...

Hey hey hey!! I thought it was cute... What about you? Did you liked it? Morro is my second favourite character, so I decided to do this for him!! I tried to do the end kind of funny, but I don't know if it was good.
I really hope it was good... Sooo see you next chapter!!
now yes, byeeee, till next chapter!!


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