Never Too Late - OC x Jay

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Heyyy guys!! This is the second one-shot for the writing competition... Hope it's good!
For: Jay-Lightning
Challenge: never too late
Pairing: Jay x Turqueza (she's my OC)
Turqueza is my OC from another book, but she's a bit different in this one. She has teleportation, telecinesia and telepathy (I think that how it is spelled)
It's settled in one alternative universe, and Nya is Cole's girfriend. Turqueza and her Master Skarf are the evil guys, Turqueza is Kai and Nya's sister, but she just discovered it. She is trying to decide if she will continue in the darker side or go to the good one.


What!? This old man with a long white beard just told me I have a twin sister and an older brother. I lived for 16 years thinking that my parents died, that the only one who could care about me and understand me was Skarf... Because he taught me how to use my powers. He used to say that when he ruled the world, it would be safe enough for me to walk around without someone trying to use me to get something they wanted, just because I'm powerful... I was spying on the Ninja, but they discovered me, and then this old guy, 'Sensei Wu' realised he knew me, and told us that. I was confused, more the never, so I said, almost shouting:

--That's not true! I don't have family, they died!! You're lying... -- I started to cry, and run away, for where I call home. The last thing I heard was a 'Please stay...' but I just ignored.

[Some time before Wu said who she was]

I was behind some boxes, watching as the Ninja trained. Well, at least that's what I was trying to do. I was only looking at one of them, the blue one. I didn't know his name, but I did know he was beautiful, agile, had great fighting skills and a nice power. I wanted to talk to him, but I couldn't...

I was there to collect as much information as I could, so Skarf could use it to defeat them, and rule Ninjago.

I was so concentrated at the Master of Lightning, that I didn't see when his friend knocked him, and he was threw towards me. The boxes that were my hide, were now all messed, and everyone was looking at me.

--Who are you?!? -- They yelled

Scared about what they would do, I teleported to the other side of the ship I was in. Unfortunately, there was an old man there, and hearing what his students were saying, he was fast to hold me, so that I couldn't scape.

--Who are you, what were you doing, and how did you just appeared in here? -- He politely asked me, when the others found us

--I'm a girl, Turqueza, I was... I... Maybe I was spying on them, and I used my powers... I think you know what I'm talking about -- I didn't want to say it all, but they all had weapons, and I, only my powers, that couldn't do so much against them.

--T-Turqueza? Sorry... I need to look for something, I'll be right back. Don't let she go, please. -- The man said, while he let go of my arms and the one in black assumed his position.

--Sooo, which element is yours? -- The only girl in there asked, broking the awkward silence

--Do I really need to answer?

--Sorry, I was just trying to talk with you, nicely, friendly, but if you don't want, ok. -- She angrily said.

--No... sorry me. I have teleportation, telecinesia and telepathy. But this last one I'm not very good yet.

--Wow!! How cool!!! Ohh, and by the way, my name is Jay! -- the one in blue exclaimed, smilling. Gosh... his smile was... was.. I don't have words to discribe it. More then beautiful... much more

After that, all of them presented themselves.

--You could join our team! It would be great to have one more Ninja! -- Jay invited me

--I do not think you can do that Jay. You have to first talk to Sensei. -- Claimed Zane

--Talk about what? -- The one I assumed to be 'Sensei' said, coming back from wherever he was.

--She joining our team!

--Humm... it's not a bad idea, but first, I need to tell you something.

And that was when he explained about me being Kai and Nya's sister, and that all my life I lived in a lie.

[Back to present]

I arrived home, and went to speak to my Master, Skarf.

--Is that true? -- I demanded to know, after telling him everything

--Yes... it is. But please, don't be mad at me. I was planing on telling you this after the world was ours! You will continue with me, won't you? I want the best for you... that's why I took you from there. You were born to be a leader, as me, togheter we are the best! If I didn't do that you probably would never known your powers, would be just a poor girl..

--Yeah... I think so. -- I still didn't know if that was my choice, but for now, it was. -- But never hide from me such a secret! Please! I need o know who I am. -- With that, I went to my room.

[A week later]


We haven't heard 'bout that girl since she left... Oh I wish I knew where she is. I didn't use to belive in 'love at first sight' but this definitely was one of those cases. I only saw her for one hour, and I wanted to be close to her, stay with her... She was a beautiful and kind girl, and a bit hot-head sometimes. Well, that's what I could say, after the few time we spent with her, and it made sense, since she was Kai's sister.

Kai and Nya were shocked at first, but now they're trying to find out more about their past, and consequently, find her.

I was thinking about her turquoise eyes and how they match her name, Turqueza (is because turquoise in Portuguese is "turquesa", so I just changed the s into a z, and that's her name...) when the sound of our mission alarm cut it.

We all run to the control room:

--What's it sis? -- Asked the Master of Fire

--Well, it seems to be an army, heading towards Ninjago City. We have to go and stop them.

--Yeah! I'm ready to punch and kick some of them! -- Cole said while demonstrating it in the air

--So, what are we waiting? Let's get going! -- Exclaimed Lloyd


Skarf and I were going to attac the city . The biggest one. He prepared his crew, they were bionic people he created, with never seen powers.

I was with him, in the front, ready to fight... Well, at least that's what I thought.

Once we arrived at Ninjago City, we divided ourselves, so that the domination would be faster. I went south, with some warriors. They started attacking the innocent... while I just watched. I felt bad for it... but didn't know what to do. Little time after, someone came to protect the city from us.

Then I remembered: The Ninja. They're always there when there's dangers... that was the reason why I had to spy on them.... but that happened. I was still shocked, but I thought I could fight them.

However, that was when I saw who came south too. The blue one. Jay. Why!?

He used Spinjitzu and send all of the soldiers to who-knows-where, and then looked at me.

--I didn't want to fight you... But you left no choice, -- With that, he came towards me, ready to end this.

--Nether did I... -- With that, I started crying so much. I hated crying with other people seeing me, but I couldn't stop. -- Jay... Please, I can't do that, I made such bad choices... I should never have left. I don't want to be a bad girl... I can't hurt anybody. This is wrong. I was confused... I can't hurt you.

He stoped where he was, like, 2 feet from me, and stared me at my eyes

--Jay I.. I.. I don't know how to say this, but since I saw you for the first time, I liked you. Very much. I regret all I did, I had better accepted your offer of being a Ninja too... but now I know is too late. You'll never like someone who is in the dark side, who is helping the guy who want to rule Ninjago... even though I don't want more this... -- I continued, as I fell to the floor, now loudly sobbing.

--Turqueza... It's never too late, never too late to do the right... nor telling the one you love that... -- he sat next to me and hugged me -- If you're saying the truth, you can be forgiven. And... if you want, you can still join us.

I stopped crying, and now was confused...

--But wh-why would you do that? I'm an horrible person... I don't deserve this...

--Everyone deserves a second chance... and because I.. May I show you instead of telling you?

--O-Okay I think... -- After that, he held my head and gently kissed me in the lips. I would never expect it.

--I.. kind of like you too, from the second I saw you back there -- he said while blushing. --So... I don't know, but what about we end up with this war, winning? You're with me, or against me?

--With you. Forever. Let's defeat Skarf and his stupid bionic army. -- I said smiling -- And again, sorry for what I did, and thank you for forgiving me... I think you're right, it's never too late to go to the light side...

Heyyyy, what did you think? Was it good? Sorry it was very long, but I needed somethings to happen before Turqueza and Jay could be togheter. I hope you liked it, I worked a lot in this. Well, I think I'm finished here. See you next time!! Love you all!!


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