Mall Brawl!

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Mario and Luigi arrived at Coconut Mall

Luigi: Ah Coconut Mall! Packed as usual!

Mario: To packed if you ask me. Everywhere we go we seem to run into students from Nintendo High

Luigi: Huh must be a coincidence

He heard the alarm on his watch and it was 3:00

Luigi: Looks like the girls should be arriving any minute now!

Mario: We haven't gotten a chance to hang out with Mona in awhile either

Luigi: I know! That's why I'm excited to see her too

Mario: and since we're seeing the girls... when are you going to ask Daisy out on a date?

Luigi blushed

Luigi: What? No! Mario I-I- we just- she wouldn't! Me and Daisy are just good friends. Besides I don't have time for all that lovey dovey-

Peach Daisy and Mona were waking up to them

Daisy: Over here!

Luigi's eyes became hearts

Mario: No time for lovey dovey?

Luigi's eyes went back to normal

Luigi: Please don't tell Mona...

Mona: Tell me what?

Luigi: N-Nothing!

Peach: Hey boys!

Daisy: You guys ready for our shop extravaganza?!

Mario and Luigi: you bet we are!

Peach: I have all my earnings from the babysitting I did

Mona: I got a part time job as a waitress at the pizzeria in this very mall and I've saved up enough money for today!

Daisy: Perfect!

She held a long shopping list

Daisy: So I was thinking we head up Delfino Dream for their Shine Sprite Special first. Then stop by Shrimp Kicks for the new shoe drop and Toad Toy Store to pick up the latest Toad V force figures! *gasps* But first let's grab the Double Berry Cherry Drinks at Coconut Cafe! And that's all just in the first five minutes!

Mona: Yes to doing everything!

All: Yeah!

Someone small in a dirty rope walked up to them

???: excuse me neighbors? Could you help a poor soul in these trying times?

Daisy: Ew! Dude you reek!

Luigi and Mona covered their noses

Peach: Daisy don't be rude!

She walked up to ??? and could also smell him

Peach: Y-You don't smell at all l-little guy...

??? took off his hood and he turned out to be Mouser

Mouser: Thank you...

Mario and Mona: MOUSER?!

Mouser held a drawing of Bowser

Mouser: Have you seen this koopa? He responds to 'your awesomeness', likes long walks on the beach and is really angry all the time. Like ALL the time.

Mona wrote down everything Mouser said in her notebook

Mouser: He also has really spiky hair, really spiky horns, really spiky claws-!

Mario: We know who Bowser is!

Mouser: Do you know where he is? I haven't seen him in months!

Mona: No but I have so many questions! Would you mind if I interviewed you for the school paper? 'Bowser Going Missing' is the perfect headline!

Mario: Mona!

Mona: What?

Mario: We don't care where Bowser is

Mona: Right. Sorry...

Mouser: You don't care? Why?!

Mario Luigi Peach Daisy and Mona were a little shocked

Mario: Well gee I don't know maybe because... Bowser's a maniacal power hungry tyrant!!

Luigi: A shellfish rich boy bully!

Peach: An egotistical creep!

Mona: A greedy manipulative lier!

Daisy: Not to mention he kidnapped an entire school!

Peach: And locked me in a cage!

Mouser: ...So you all miss him too?!

All: NO!!!

Mona: I may want to know what happened but I don't miss him!

Mouser: Y-You guys are jerks! Thanks for nothing!

Mouser ran off crying and the others were confused

Peach: I totally forgot about Bowser... it's strange he's been gone for so long

Luigi put his arm around Mario

Luigi: it's because my bro tossed him out of the school like a champ!

Daisy: Good riddance I say! Hope he never comes back

Mona: I'm still curious about where he's been all this time

Mario: Alright everyone let's not let this bump in the road ruin our day. Right?

Daisy: You're right! Time for some shopping!

She picked up Luigi

Daisy: Mama wants some new stuff!

Luigi: D-Daisy calm down!

Daisy ran off with Luigi

Mona: Aww! They're so cute together!

Mario: Luigi's sure in for a ride today

Peach: Ahem

Mario looked at Peach and saw she had a long shopping list

Mario: Uh-

Mona also pulled out a long list

Mario: What are we waiting for?


A montage started of first the five of them going to different stores

First they went to a shop called 'Happy Masks'

Luigi found a mask that looked like Mario

Next they went to a music store

Both Peach and Luigi found a record they liked

Mario found something that looked like a trumpet and was about to play it

Mona: Mario wait! That's a-!

Mario blew on it and orange paint went everywhere

Mona: ...Paint gun

Mario: Sorry!

Next the five of them want to the same pizzeria Mona worked at

Daisy was about to eat her slice when food got in her hair

Daisy: What the?!

Mona sighed lovely while she watched Wario eat his pizza

Mario: What do you see in him?!

Mona: He's a big softie!

Next they went to a shop full of antiques but one of the antiques came alive and chased Luigi

Next the five of them went to a pet shop but a giant fish tried to eat Luigi

Mona: Hey! My friend is not food!

Next they went to a hat shop

Mona found a helmet that matched her outfit

Daisy tried on cappy but didn't like it so she threw him only to capture Donkey Kong

Daisy: Huh?!

Finally they went to an arcade and Mona played a game very similar to 'Warioware'

Daisy got a prize for Luigi but it also came alive and chased him


The montage ended so Mario Luigi Peach Daisy and Mona walked around more

Mario: Man that arcade was awesome!

Peach: who knew video games could be so much fun? I have to play more!

Mona: we could play my favorite game together!

Daisy was sitting on a pile of everything she bought

Daisy: Oh boy we turned peach into a gamer. You doing ok down there Luigi?

Luigi was the one holding the pile

Luigi: Y-Yep! I'm good!

Mona: you sure you don't need help?

Luigi: N-No! Everything's under control!

Daisy held her shopping list

Daisy: Ok last thing on the list is-

Suddenly a small thief stood in front of them

Thief: Hahaha! This is a stick up! Drop the loot and no one gets hurt see?!

Mario Peach Daisy and Mona started laughing

Luigi: what's happening? I can't see!

Thief: HEY! I said drop the loot!

Mario walked up to him and gave him a soda

Mario: Alright you got me. You robbed my soda right out of my hands! Run along now

Thief: How dare you disrespect the burglar from the bean bean kingdom?!

The thief threw the soda in Mario's face

Mario: Ow!

Mona: That's it! Who are you and what are you doing here?

Popple: I am Popple! The shadow thief! Trade mark pending. Will swipe those presents from right under your big noses!

Mona: Poople?

Popple: it's POPPLE!

Daisy: Listen pal I don't think you know who you're messing with. So scram!

Popple: Oh we got a couple of feisty felines!

Mona: what's that supposed to mean?

Popple: it doesn't matter. Let's see what my old pal rookie has to say about this!

Nothing happened

Popple: HEY! That's your cue you pig oaf!!

Bowser landed in front of them and knocked both Mario and Luigi into the wall

Peach: Mario!

Daisy: Luigi!

Mona: Guys!

The smoke cleared but Bowser didn't look intimidating at all and was wearing a blue mask

Bowser: Uh... hi!

Mona: ...Hi?

Popple: No! No! No! Rookie you don't say hi to people you're about to trash!

Bowser: But it's rude not to greet new friends boss!

Popple: ...They are not our friends you turtle brain!

Bowser got on his knees

Bowser: Please don't hurt me boss! I'll do better next time!

Both Peach and Mona were confused

Mona: Did Bowser lose his memory or something?

Peach: Maybe...

Daisy: you better back off Bowser! I don't know where you've been but for the 100th time Peach isn't interested!

Peach: Daisy hold on

Daisy: Huh?

Bowser was trying not to cry

Peach: there's something off about him

Daisy: What do you mean?

Mona: My theory is that he hit his head and lost his memory

Peach: Also I've never seen Bowser cower from anyone before

Daisy: Yeah especially someone that puny

Mona: I have SO many questions

Popple: Shut your traps and quit your mumbling! I'm not leaving until I get that precious loot!

Daisy stood in front of the pile of everything she bought

Daisy: Oh no! You're not touching any mama's loot! Do you know how many Nintendogs I had to babysit to afford all of this?!

Mona stood next to Daisy

Mona: Or how much pizza I had to serve?!

Popple: Alright so you don't want to share your toys huh? Then we're not going to play nice with you no more! Rookie!

Bowser was eating burgers with Donkey Kong

Popple: Get ready for the dynamic duo! Brains...

Bowser stood next to Popple

Popple: And brawn's! It's showtime you hear?!

Bowser: Oh I like that!

Daisy looked at Peach and Mona

Daisy: Come on girls! We got this!

Peach: Yeah!

Mona put on her helmet and held her boomerang

Mona: I haven't used this in a long time!

The battle was very smiler to Mario RPG and the girls were winning

Bowser: Ah! I'm sorry boss!

Bowser hid behind Popple and started crying

Popple: Rookie!

He looked back at Peach Daisy and Mona

Popple: Well ladies it's been real swell but uh it looks like it's time for me to scram see?

Popple started running away

Daisy: Oh no you don't!

Mona: I got this!

Mona threw her boomerang at Popple and it hit him in the back of the head knocking him unconscious. Then Mona caught her boomerang when it came back

Peach Daisy and Peach high fived

Daisy: Girl that was totally wicked!

Mona: I got every hit perfectly!

Peach: I didn't even know we could do that!

Popple slowly got back up

Popple: We lost... To a couple of DAMES!

Mona: We may be damsels but we're not in distress!

Daisy: Yeah! What she said!

Peach nodded agreeing with them but Popple started yelling at Bowser

Popple: Rookie you're nothing but a chump! A goon! A second rate MINION!

Bowser slowly got up too

Bowser: Minion? MINION?!

He breathed fire and chased after Popple while the girls stood there confused

Mona: I think he got his memory back

Then Mario and Luigi got back up

Luigi: Ow... what happened? Did we win?

Daisy: Luigi!

She hugged him and he blushed

Daisy: I'm so glad you're ok! You're not going to believe what just happened! Me Peach and Mona just wiped the floor with those two bozos

Mona took off her helmet

Mona: I wish I recorded it all for you guys to see

Mario: Yeah I wish I could've seen it!

Peach smiled at Mario but saw his arm was bruised

Peach: *Gasps* Mario your arm is hurt!

Mario: Oh don't worry about it I'll be ok! That big dude sure did a number on me but it'll take a lot more than that to take out old super Mario! Speaking of which... who was that rookie guy anyway?

Peach Daisy and Mona remembered what happened

Peach: Uh about that...

Mario: What is it?

Mona: Mario... That was Bowser

Mario: ...WHAT?!?!

Mona nodded then took out her phone and started recording herself

Mona: Two words everyone... Bowser's back!

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