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Tails was flying his plane in the sky with knuckles standing on the wing

Knuckles: are we almost there? We've been flying for hours

Tails: according to my navigation system our destination is approaching we'll be there in no time

Knuckles: it better be. Standing on the wing of a plane with your arms crossed only looks cool for so long


Meanwhile Mario and sonic were playing basketball while Luigi and Mona were watching

Mario: bring it hedgehog!

Sonic: no way your getting past me!

Mona started recording the game

Mona: this is going to be epic!

Mario was able to get past sonic and hit the basketball on fire

Mario: they don't call me jump man for nothing!

He slammed the ball right into the net but it hit sonic on the head and fell on the floor unconscious

Luigi and Mona: sonic!

Mario: uh oh...

Luigi and Mona ran up to Mario

Luigi: why do you have to take everything to the next level? Why can't you just play normal sports? None of these special shots are power ups!

Mona: now sonic could have a concussion!

Mario: maybe I did go I bit to hard on him

Luigi started poked sonic a few times

Mona: I've never seen sonic this hurt

Luigi: do you think he'll be ok?

Mona: I hope so

Mario called nurse Joy

Mario: hey is this the nurses office? ...hey nurse Joy... oh no it's not Luigi he's fine... Mona's alright to we have another little-

Suddenly someone attacked Mario and brought him into the field

Luigi: Huh?

Mona: what was that?

Then they both turned around and saw a mech being controlled by tails

Tails: step away from the hedgehog!

Luigi: ...AHHH!!!

Mona grabbed Luigi's hand and ran off

Tails: come back here! Don't worry Sonic we're here to rescue you

Sonic was still unconscious and tails cased after Luigi and Mona

Tails: Stop! I need answers!

Mona: well we need to live!

They reached a dead end and tails was right behind them

Luigi: Oh no! Dead end!

Tails: end of the line cowards! Talk! What did you two do to sonic?!

Luigi: N-N-No! I... P-Please!

Mona: you don't understand what happened!

Tails: then I want an answer! Who are you and what happened to sonic?!

Luigi: no p-please we didn't! I-It was an... I-I told M-Mario a-and then s-s-sonic came and t-they w-were this g-game and M-M-Mona w-wanted t-to film it and he got hit i-in the h-head and t-then he fell on the g-ground and I just c-couldn't d-do anything!

Mona: Luigi! Please calm down!

Luigi: I-I can't!

Tails: enough! Tell me why sonic is hurt or else!

Tails got missiles which were ready to fire so Mona got in front of Luigi

Mona: hold on! we can talk this through!

Tails: ...I'm listening

Luigi wasn't paying attention since he started panicking even more

Luigi: Mario... help us...

Luigi could here Mr. L's voice

Mr. L: haha crying for big brother as usual what a sad excuse of a Mario Brother. Bullied. Beaten. Humiliated.

Luigi remember all the times those things happened

Mr. L: Your nothing more then just a pity little sidekick just hiding in the shadows until your rescued by dear old Mario and Mona because you know that deep down you are and always will be... a coward!

Luigi: S-Stop just go away...

Mona: Luigi! It's ok we-

Luigi: ...I said... GO AWAY!

Suddenly both tails and Mona were hit with a gigantic amount of green electricity that Luigi created

Luigi: ...huh?

He saw tails passed out on the floor

Tails: ...sonic

Mona: Whoa...

Luigi: wowie zowie... hahaha! You just got Luigi'd!

Mona: that... was... incredible! But already explained everything

Luigi: Oh...


Meanwhile Mario was currently beating knuckles in a fight and was winning

Mario: this will teach you to sneak attack me!

Mario summoned fire in his hands but Sonic separated them before he could do anything

Knuckles: your going to pay for that!

Mario: I didn't do anything but bring it on!

Sonic: STOP! Please don't fight my friend!

Mario and knuckles: yeah that's right! HEY! I'm his friend!

Sonic: No no! Your both my friends! *sighs* Mario this is knuckles he's from Sega High and Knuckles this is Mario he's from Nintendo High

Mario: wait if your friends then why did you attack me?!

Knuckles: you were standing over sonic's body! What did you expect me to do?! I saw him out cold came to handle the situation

Mario: by attacking me full force instead of just asking me happened

Knuckles: yeah and I was totally winning until you cheated!

Mario: cheated?! I'll show you cheated!

Mario and knuckles both got very angry again

Sonic: no! Knuckles! It's all a misunderstanding!

Knuckles: huh?

Sonic: we were just playing a game of basketball until I got knocked out by mario's super dunk... which was a cheap move by the way

Mario: what can I say I play to win

Knuckles: I came here with tails to bring you back home

Sonic: what? You came to... wait tails?! Where is my little buddy?!

Tails Luigi and Mona ran up to them all

Tails: hey knuckles! You were wrong!

Sonic: Tails!

Tails: they were just playing basketball. Total misunderstanding. Isn't that funny?

Luigi: yeah tails is actually really cool! Scary machinery a little extreme if you ask me but cool nonetheless!

Mona: I still have so many questions!

Tails: I'll be happy to answer them!

Luigi: oh uh sorry about that mech by the way

Tails: don't worry about it! That was just a prototype i'll whip up a better one in no time

Mona: that was a prototype?!

Sonic: Haha!

Knuckles: ...I uh...

Sonic: it's alright buddy I know you missed me to

Knuckles punched sonic onto the ground

Knuckles: I did not miss you! Tails kept complaining all the time so figured I had to find you to shut him up! That's all!

Tails: sonic we do miss you. it's been way to long you have to come back! Sega High has been so much worse since you been gone

Mona: what happened?

Tails: it's all because of... Eggman

Sonic: I should've known... but no! Tails. Knuckles. Thanks for coming out to see me but I can't go back. I'm at Nintendo High now. I started over. New life and new friends

Mario: wait I thought you got expelled

Mona: you said something about another hedgehog

Sonic: I... I lied

Luigi: but why?

Sonic: I left on my own. I don't know i guess I couldn't handle the pressure anymore. Always being the one who solves people's problems. People looking up to me like I was some hero... I just wanted to kick back have some fun

Tails: you are a hero! We need you! Eggmans gotten out of control!

Sonic: ...I can't!! I just want to have fun and be a regular student for a change! No responsibility's and no problems!

He ran away and into the woods

Mona: everyone gets those eventually...


Mona found sonic by a small lake

Mona: hey Sonic. Mario told me you might be here... you said you want to a be regular student but you definitely put on a show on your first day

Sonic: I just wanted to be friends with you Luigi and Mario

Mona: really?

Sonic: I heard Mario was already a big shot and you had great stories to tell so I thought if I came along I wouldn't have to step up to that role. I could be popular yeah but I knew you guys would pick up the slack if things got tough. They look up to you here. I'm tired of being the one to save the day. That's not me! I'm flashy I'm sarcastic I'm fun! But no... I'm not the hero...

Mona: I wasn't always the hero. I was actually kinda mean

Sonic: what do you mean?

Mona: when I was a freshman I started publishing rumors for stories to the school newspaper without asking the person the story was about if I could publish it. This made people not trust me or open up to me so I stopped. From that point I started doing better and asked first then wrote good things instead of gossip. Then everyone soon trusted me again

Sonic: so... your point is... uh...

Mona: no one starts out as a hero! They learn, grow and evolve! It's your choice sonic but I know you would be a great hero. We all do

Mona walked away and met up with her others

Mario: how is he?

Mona: I'm not sure

Knuckles: what a complete waste of time!

Tails: well it was worth a shot. It was really great seeing you again sonic it's just not going to be the same without you


The sun started going down so tails and knuckles went back to the plane

Tails: it was nice meeting you guys. Sorry about attacking you

Mona: what matters is that we worked it out

Tails: yeah I need to start listening to my gut from now on

Tails coughed on purpose to get knuckles attention

Knuckles: ...ok fine. Sorry about jumping you and the boulder and the drill attacks and the punches

Mario: yeah we get it!

Tails and knuckles in the plane but sonic ran up to them

Sonic: guys wait! I think I'll join you!

Tails: really?! No way!

Mona: I knew you had it in you sonic!

Sonic: yep I thought it over plus I didn't want to see knuckles start crying on his way home

Knuckles: Your off your rocker hedgehog! No way was I going to cry!!

Everyone laughed a little bit

Sonic: Mario. Luigi. Mona... thank you. It's been fun

Luigi: it feels like you just got here

Mona: things never went slowly when you were around

Mario: I'm going to miss you. You'll keep in touch right?

Sonic: you know it

Mario and sonic shook hands. Luigi and Mona started crying a little bit while sonic got in the plane

Mario: and hey! Stay away from the ocean I might not be there to save you next time

Sonic: haha! Also Mona feel free to tell the whole school about my epic farewell!

Mona: *sniff* it'll be my best news yet!

Sonic: you know it! Alright tails you ready?

Tails: preparing for lift off sonic!

The plane took off and flew away

Mario Luigi and Mona: bye!

Luigi: they grow up so fast

Mona: but at least they were here at all

She held her phone and started recording herself

Mona: Hey everyone! I have a little bit of sad news today which is sonic left Nintendo high to save Sega high! But don't worry I have a feeling we'll see him again! Stay tuned!

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