Royal Pain!

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At Mario and Luigi's home Mona was watching sonic win against Luigi in a go kart video game

Sonic: Yeah!

Mona: nice one sonic! That's 3 wins for you and... 0 for Luigi

Luigi: Aw man...

Sonic: when it comes to speed no one can beat me!

Mario walked in the room and Mona could tell he just talked to peach on the phone

Mona: Aww talking to peach again Mario?

Mario: y-yeah she said she's busy tonight

Mona: busy? Wait... what's today?!

Mario: uh Friday why do you ask?

Mona: I promised peach a would help her babysit!

Mona grabbed her jacket

Sonic: you hang out with people besides us?

Mona: yes sonic and I have other friends besides you guys. Wario actually spoke to me today at school!

She opened the door and was about to leave

Mona: I'll probably miss the game so Luigi can you record the race?

Luigi: sure!

Mona: Ok thanks bye!

She ran out of the house and headed to peach's castle

Sonic: why was she so happy about Wario talking to her?

Mario: she's kinda obsessed with him

Sonic: Wow there's a girl at my old school who was obsessed with me but unlike her Mona is actually cool to hang out with


Mona arrived at peach's castle and knocked on the door. Peach opened it while holding toddler ness and Lucas

Peach: hi Mona! I'm glad you could make it

Mona: I'm so sorry I'm late. I'm usually really good with scheduling. I was a was playing video games with the boys

Peach: it's fine really

Mona: thanks and it'll be nice to have some girl time

Peach: I agree


Peach and Mona went back inside and peach put ness and Lucas back on the floor

Peach: we're your babysitter's. I'm peach and this is Mona!

Mona: hi!

Peach: we're going to have such a fun time are you excited?

Ness and Lucas just smiled and didn't say anything

Peach: talkative little guys aren't you?

Mona: Um... hey peach what about a tour? I'm sure there's lots to see in the big castle

Ness and Lucas got excited

Peach: great idea Mona. Let me show you around.


Peach Mona ness and Lucas walked around the castle

Peach: I have the whole night planned for us. I set up all my favorite games when I was little pipes and ladders. little mouser trap and then we can do a movie marathon some of my favorites are waddle doo adventure munchlax the movie 1 through 3

Mona: don't forget when you go to bed we'll tell you a amazing story. It's kinda my job at our school

Peach: but first I have a surprise. Mona can you watch them while I get it?

Mona: of course! That's Babysitter rule number one

Peach: perfect!

Peach went into the chicken

Mona: I'm surrounded by trouble makers at school so how hard can two toddlers be?

She literally just blinked and ness and Lucas were gone

Mona: AH! Apparently very hard!

Peach came back with a tray of cupcakes

Peach: are you alright Mo-

Peach screamed when she saw they were gone to

Mona: peach we just messed up rule number one of babysitting! Never take your eyes of the kids!

Peach: how do we find them?!

Mona: i don't know! I wasn't prepared for this! But I always do the research before I do almost anything I haven't done before

She took out her phone but didn't have Wifi

Mona: Um... what's your Wifi password?

Peach: we don't have time for that!


Peach and Mona ran around the castle looking for ness and Lucas and saw them on the chandelier

Peach and Mona: AHH!

Peach: how did you- get down from there right now young men!

Mona: don't make us call your parents!

Ness and Lucas let go of the chandelier and start falling towards the floor

Peach and Mona: NO!

Then Ness and Lucas started floating

Peach: you have superpowers?

Mona: well that's something you don't see everyday. You get Lucas I'll get ness

Peach: got it!

Peach grabbed Lucas and Mona picked up ness

Peach: freeze misters!

Mona: phew... now we can-

Lucas used his powers to freeze peach and Mona in a block of ice

Peach: this... isn't... happening...

Mona: just... have... to... move...

Ness used his fire powers to start melting the ice

Peach: that's... it...

He used to much heat and peach and Mona got burned really badly


Ness and Lucas started crying

Mona: Wait we're sorry we didn't-

The castle started shaking

Peach: w-what's going on?

Mona: I-I have no idea!

Peach: calm down boys! Peach and Mona are here! Your not in trouble anymore

Mona: we were just joking

Ness and Lucas smiled until they saw the burnt cupcakes and started crying again


Ness and Lucas started causing trouble in the living room so peach and Mona took over behind a couch

Peach: this has gotten way to out of hand!

Mona: we have to come up with a plan. There's two of us and two toddlers. Now that we know what they can do we can probably catch them

Mona left there hiding spot but peach could hear burning

Mona: AHH!!!

Peach: Mona!

She came back with burnt clothes

Peach: are you alright?

Mona: ...these's babies are monsters!

Peach: We just have to call for some help

Mona: On it! I'll call Wario

Peach: Um maybe someone good with kids?

Mona: hmm... maybe your right

Peach: I'll call Mario

Mona liked the thought of Mario and peach taking care of ness and Lucas together like being parents

Peach tried calling mario

Peach: come on! Come on! Pick up! Pick up!

Mario didn't answer the phone

Peach: why isn't he answering?

Mona: he's playing video games with Luigi and sonic

Peach: then I'll call ness's father

Ness's father didn't answer the phone either

Peach: where is everyone?! Looks like we need to bring in some back up

Peach called Daisy and she answered

Daisy (on the phone): Yo girl what's up?

Peach: DAISY HELP US! You need to get here right now it's important!

Peach explained everything

Daisy (on the phone): wait what? Slow down. Babies? Powers? Hang on I'll be right there

Daisy hung up

Peach: this will all be over soon...

Mona: I sure hope so... I did not sign up for taking care of babies with powers

Peach and Mona heard the door bell ring got up opened it and saw Daisy. She saw how much of a mess they both were

Daisy: yeesh what happened? You two don't look to good

Mona pulled Daisy inside and shut the door while peach explained everything again

Peach: and then they shot fire out of their fingers and the whole library burnt down and they threw a whole table at us!

Mona: I-I tried to calm them down but they just roasted me like barbecue!

Daisy: it's alright Daisy's here now both of you go lie down I'll take it from here.

Peach: Daisy y-you don't understand!

Mona: these kids may look cute but on the inside they're horrifying!

Daisy: we've dealt with bowser and Frances on a daily basis. I'm sure we can handle a couple of kids. Plus Mona you stood up to bowser at the dance and two kids are scary to you?

Mona: I tried to tell you this is different!

Daisy: I'll be the judge of that. Now where are the little monsters?

Peach: Shh! They can hear you!

Peach Daisy and Mona saw ness and Lucas using their powers to make a fire

Daisy: Aww! These are the two giving you both all that trouble? Come here babies! You two are the cutest little things I've ever-

Ness electrocuted Daisy


Daisy chased after ness and Lucas

Mona: Daisy wait-!

Daisy: come back here! You'll pay for that!

Ness used his powers to levitate Daisy off the floor

Daisy: Hey! How did I get up here?!

Ness just laughed at daisy

Daisy: hey little guy I didn't mean to yell at you! Just put me down and everything will be just fine!

Ness slammed Daisy onto the ground

Peach: ...I think we may need some reinforcements

Daisy: you think?

Mona called zelda and peach called Rosalina and they both arrived not long after

Rosalina: we came as soon as we got your messages

Peach: i called Daisy for some help but they didn't take a liking to her all that much so I was hoping you two could help with them?

Mona: we would really appreciate it

Zelda and Rosalina saw what a mess the castle was

Zelda: oh my! What happened here?

Daisy: what do you think? It was those little nightmare children!

Zelda: they did this?

Mona: yes!

Zelda: well I refuse to believe such innocent eyes can cause that much damage! Are you sure this wasn't from Daisy? She is a reckless soccer player

Daisy: well maybe I'll use your head for practice then!

Rosalina: girls please let's stay forced

Mona: does any have any ideas on what to do?!

Rosalina: I may have have some experience taking care of children

She summoned a story book

Rosalina: this won't be a problem

Peach: please be my guest

Zelda picked up Lucas

Mona: wait you don't know what you're doing zelda

Zelda: yes I do just look at this little blonde cutie

Rosalina walked up to ness

Rosaline: come on here little one see you wouldn't hurt a fly would you?

Ness took out his baseball bat and hit Rosalina in the leg

Rosalina: AHH!!

Zelda: Rosalina!

Mona saw a snake heading towards Zelda

Mona: Zelda look out!

Zelda: huh?

She turned around and the snake rapped around her head

Zelda: AH!

Daisy: they're doing better then I thought

Mona: what would've happened if they did a bad job?

Daisy: you don't want to know

Mona: ...your right I don't

Zelda got the snake off her head

Zelda: I think it's time for a timeout

Rosalina: I believe your right

Zelda and Rosalina used they're powers to keep ness and Lucas safe in bubbles

Zelda: done and done

Rosalina: piece of cake

Mona: now we can finally rest-

Ness and Lucas absorbed the magic bubbles and were now free

Daisy: No way!

Rosalina: I can't believe this power!

Zelda: How did they?!

Mona: I can't take it anymore!

Daisy: what do we do?! We've tried everything! These kids are demon spawns!

Mona: how have they not tired themselves out at this point?!

Peach got an idea after Mona said that

Peach: I have an idea. My mother used to do this for me before I went to bed every night

She started singing a lullaby

Peach: sleep tight my
angels the night will
fall a day is over your
bad shall call your so
eyes are tired so not
wide awake so come
now my children no
need to shake forget
your worries there is
no need to fear there
is no evil enters when
your mom is here so
you played today and
deserve a break and
so tomorrow morning
I'll bake you cake

Ness and Lucas fell asleep after peach's song

Daisy: it worked!

Zelda: looks like a little too well

Peach Zelda Daisy and Rosalina looked at Mona who fell asleep to

Rosalina: she's not the only one

All: agreed

They all fell asleep too


The next day Daisy Zelda Rosalina and Mona woke up on couches still in peach's castle

Daisy: what happened?

Mona: I had this crazy dream where two kids had superpowers

Zelda: I don't think that was a dream...

Peach walked in with a tray of cupcakes

Peach: morning girls I'm glad to see your awake I made these for you just a little thanks for helping me out I'm real lucky to have friends like you

Rosalina: no problem peach

Daisy: wait where are the boys?

Mona: Oh no the rest of the castle is probably destroyed by now!

Peach: it's alright Mona ness and Lucas mother picked them up I told her they were the most perfect little angels

Daisy: you know I'm actually going to miss them despite you know destroying half your castle

Mona: not to mention it was nice having some much needed girl time outside of school. Peach if you ever need help with babysitting again just let us know

Peach: thanks Mona

All five of them heard the door bell rang. Peach opened the door and saw Madame Broode

Madame Broode: good morning ladies! My name is Madame Broode charmed I'm sure I couldn't help but over hear how well of a job you've done with your little babysitting service just had to inquire so i decided to drop off my little broodals they're absolute angels I assure you

Mona: did she find out about us so quickly?

Daisy: I have no idea

Peach: well thank you Madame Broode but we just finished a job and we're really tired

Madame Broode: oh yes excellent! Let me introduce you to my little darlings

Peach: but I...

Mona: she just said...

Daisy: come on girls relax how much more trouble can a couple of bunnies be?

Mona: I guess your-

Madame Broode: oh and by the way they invited they're little friends along for a play date if you don't mind

Mona: we do mind a lot actually

Madame Broode: that's great! Come now children!

The baby broodals and the baby koopalings ran in inside the castle and the place was a complete mess in minutes

Peach Mona Daisy Rosalina and Zelda: AHHH!!!


The next day at school Mona walked up to Mario and Luigi

Mario: hey Mona. How was-?

Mona looked completely exhausted

Mario: yeesh!

Luigi: what happened to you?

Mona: So. Much. Crying.

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