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Mona was standing in the middle hallway holding a bunch of copies of the school paper

Mona: extra extra read all about it! Mario defeated bowser and saved the school!

A bunch of students took the copies of the school paper and Mona ran out quickly. Then She saw Mario and ran up to him before anyone else could

Mona: Mario I have so many questions! Are you and peach an official couple?

Mario blushed

Mario: w-well I mean-

Mona: to early to know got it. Why were you willing to give bowser a second chance after you saw peach tied up right in front of you and held the entire school prisoner?

Mario: everyone deserves a second chance even bowser but I guess I was wrong about him

Mona: What are you going to do next now that bowser is gone?

Mario: uh finish school?

Mona: Are you worried about new enemies coming to the school?

Mario: not really

Mona wrote everything he said down in her notebook

Mona: can I put everything you just said in the school paper?

Mario: uh sure?

Mona: thanks!

Luigi walked up to Mario

Luigi: well it seems like your getting a lot of attention today

Mario: to be honest it's a little overwhelming

Luigi: I mean come on bro everyone is going to try and talk to you you're a hero

Mona: sorry I made you feel that way Mario.

Mario: it's not your fault

The bell rang but Luigi didn't go with Mario and Mona

Mario: hey guys you coming to lunch?

Luigi: sorry Mario i actually can't. professor E Gadd asked if I can help him in his lab for the rest of the day

Mona: alright see you later Luigi!


Mona and mario were line waiting to get lunch

Mona: so after I published the story of you saving the school the school paper review's are going off the charts so have to look for the big story. Luckily I heard there's a new student coming so hopefully I can interview him when he gets here

Mona got her lunch and was about to sit down but something really fast ran past her

Mona: what the?

She turned around and saw a blue hedgehog steel Mario's cap

Sonic: you must be the Mario I've been hearing so much about

Mario: uh yeah that's me who's asking?

Sonic: names sonic! Sonic the hedgehog! But you can call me the fastest thing alive

Mona walked to mario

Mona: you must be the new student!

Sonic: that's right!

Mario: well sonic I'll let you get back to your whole 90's cool kid vibe but first just give me my hat back

Sonic: you'll have to catch me first

He ran around Mario making him dizzy

Sonic: your to slow!

A bunch of students including mona surrounded sonic

Mona: can I interview you for the school paper? Your the next big story I've been looking for!

Sonic: sure anything for a fan

Mona: where did you transfer from?

Sonic: I went to a school called Sega high. I was expelled last week

Mona: did you like it there?

Sonic: Uhh... no! I don't miss it at all!

Mona wrote down everything he said in her notebook

Mona: can I publish what you said on the school paper?

Sonic: of course you can!

Mario: oh you think your so cool don't you!?

Sonic: I am cool. I'm way past cool. If your what's popular around here I think I'll have no trouble fitting in

Mario: alright funny guy how about me you and your outdated one liners compete in a little friendly competition? I'll show you why Mario is number one around here.

Sonic: i'm always game for a little competition. Let's do it

Mona: *gasp* this is the perfect story I've been looking for!


The first Challenge was a race around the football field. Mona was the one making the announcements

Mona: listen up Nintendo High the hero Mario and the new kid sonic are competing a competition! Who are you cheering for?! The first Challenge was a race around the football field! On you mark... get set... Go!

Mario started running but sonic just stood there for a bit before running and did multiple laps in seconds

Mona: Sonic wins!


The Second challenge was lifting weights. Mario was able to lift it while sonic couldn't even lift one without the weights

Mona: Mario wins!

Sonic: show off...


The third challenge was bowling. Mario was able to get a strike on the first try and sonic used himself as the bowling ball using his spin dash

Mona: sonic wins!

Mario: that's not even fair!


The forth challenge was cooking. Mario made spaghetti

Cooking mama: wow! Even better then mama!

Sonic made a burnt chili dog and cooking mama wasn't happy

Mona: mario wins!


The fifth challenge was art but Mona couldn't really tell what sonic made

Mona: is that supposed be a short version of you?

Sonic: No it's just me!

Mona: sorry sonic but Mario wins this one


The sixth challenge was acting. sonic was dressed as a knight and was so good king k rool and Mona were crying tears of joy

Sonic: merlina your knight approaches! I've come to save you!

Mona: *sniff* it's so romantic! S-Sonic wins

King K rool: bravo he's brilliant!

Sonic: and there she is as beautiful as ever up in her tower the lady merlina!

Mario was dressed as a princess up in a fake tower


Mario beat sonic in tennis. Sonic beat Mario in rock climbing. Mario beat sonic in skateboarding. Sonic beat Mario in board games. they both tied in video games. Sonic beat Mario in wrestling. Mario beat sonic in paragliding

The final Challenge was a race in the Ocean. Most of the school showed up to watch

Mona: it's all tied up and the final challenge is a race to the other side of the beach. This is the tie breaker. On your mark... get set... go!

Mario jumped into the Ocean and started swimming towards the other side but sonic was jumping across rocks trying not to fall in.

Mario: see you across the finish line!

Sonic was mad until he saw a giant fish about to attack Mario so he attacked it but fell in the ocean. Mona was able to see all this

Mona: Oh no!

Mario swam underwater saved sonic and brought him back to the beach.

Sonic: *gasp* land! Sweet land! Wait you saved me? I thought you hated me.

Mario: you saved me to. I thought you hated me

Mario and sonic: I'll always help a friend in need no matter what!

Sonic: I just like to show off. It's who I am. Never meant anything by it. I wanted to make a big entrance you know? All my friends are at my old school. And when your friend started interviewing me I guess I got carried away

Mario: don't worry about it happens to the best of us. I may have lost my temper a little. Friends?

Sonic: yeah friends

They both shook hands and started walking back to school. Mona saw the whole thing and took out her phone and started filming herself

Mona: and so the Rivalry between Mario and sonic
has come to a satisfying conclusion but this only the beginning of the second marking period of Nintendo high. Halloween is right around the corner so get your costumes and candy ready!

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