The Grand Final!

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Mona woke up and realized she was tied up in the cafeteria. DJ Octavio was watching her

DJ Octavio: someone's finally awake

Mona: I just wanted to enjoy a dance with wario! and what happened to my friends?!

DJ Octavio: bowser took care of them. Now your one of his many prisoners.

Suddenly Mario kicked him in the face and Luigi untied Mona

Mona: Here's a tip Octavio. Never make a statement unless you know the whole story. Mario That wasn't you on stage was it?

Mario: no. There was a ghost disguised as me. I was tied up backstage

Mona: I knew you would never give the crown to bowser.

Mario: Now lets go save everyone else!

Mona and Luigi: yeah!


Mario Luigi and Mona found Donkey kong being held prisoner by alligators that looks like king K rool

Mario: hey creeps! Let him go!

Alligator: and what are you going to do about it shorty?

Mario: this!

Mario and Luigi stomped on them like goombas and Mona was able to pick the lock with a Bobby pin freeing DK

Donkey kong: nice one guys!


Mario Luigi Mona and donkey Kong burst in the gym to save Falcon from koopas.

Mario: lets go guys!

Mona saw a boomerang and decided to use it. She threw at both koopas and it hit both of them in the face. She caught the boomerang when it came back

Mario: nice one Mona!

Mona: thanks! I'm definitely holding onto this


In the library Mario Luigi Mona donkey Kong and Falcon were able to fight off Bokoblins and free Zelda but before they left Zelda I noticed a white scarf and took it


In the music room Daisy was tied up from the ceiling being guarded by tatanga

Daisy: get me down from here!

Everyone started fighting off tatanga

Daisy: uh a little help over here!

The rope broke and Daisy started falling but Luigi was able to catch her.

Luigi: a-are you ok?

Daisy: yeah thanks

Mona: Aww!

tatanga threw Mario towards the fall but Rosalina appeared and use her magic to stop him from hitting the wall


Mario was able to save link from pauline then everyone gathers right outside the gym doors

Mario: bowser is going to have his goons everywhere. So we have to be on guard. Everyone know the plan? I'll go in first look for the others then deal with bowser. Luigi you'll keep watch

Luigi: you got it

Daisy: I'll stay with Luigi

They both blushed

Luigi: good luck bro

Mona: bowser is strong but we're stronger together

Mario nodded opened the doors and saw peach laying on her floor

Mario: Peach!!

He ran over to her

Mario: peach are you alright?!

It was actually Mauser dressed as peach

Mauser: hahahaha! Mario help me!

Mario was surrounded by all the villains. Bowser was sitting on a throne on stage

Bowser: what a idiot! I knew he would fall for it!

Mario: what did you do with peach?!

He saw peach tied up on stage

Peach: help me mario!

Mario: your not going to get away with this bowser!!

Bowser: I already have exactly what I wanted. So what do you have to say for yourself? Your a disgrace alone and you lost!

Mario: there's one thing you got wrong Bowser. I'll never be alone. Now guys!

All of Mario's friends jumped into battle

Bowser: well you brought your friends along how adorable it's still-

He was suddenly hit in the face by Mona's boomerang and she caught it when he came back

Mona: it's bay back time bowser!

Bowser: GET THEM!

The epic fight started and Mona was fighting Pauline she dodged every punch and kick

Mona: you know if you were nicer you could be School president or the mayor!

Pauline: why be nice when I could be popular?!

Mona pushed Pauline against the table and a bowl of punch fell on her. Then mona ran into wario and immediately hugged him

Mona: wario! Your safe!

Wario: yeah I'm fine let go

Mona let go of Wario

Mona: I have to get back to helping Mario save the school but I promise we will dance together

Soon every villain was defeated in Mario win on stage to face Bowser

Bowser: looks like it's all come to this

Mario: bowser we don't have to fight. Look at what you did to all these students. There has to be a good guy behind all this. Your not a bad person. Your ego just got the best of you. It's hard to open up and be vulnerable trust me I know.

Bowser actually thought about what Mario was saying

Mario: But you don't need to control people for them to like you. People can change just look at me

The crowd started cheering for Mario to finish bowser off

Mona: finish him off!

Link: give him what he deserves!

Falcon: come on man get him!

Falco: hurry up and beat him already!

All: Mario! Mario! Mario!

Bowser: ...that's the problem.

He punched Mario against the wall really hard

Luigi and Mona: Mario!

Bowser: i'm tired of looking at you! You lose Mario! Peach is mine!

Mario didn't get back up

Peach: Mario! Get up! You have to get up!

Mario: ...p-peach...

Bowser was about to attack but Mario jumped out of the way grabbed him by his tail and threw bowser out of the school

Mario: so long Bowser!

Mona and Luigi went on stage untied peach and the three of them ran towards Mario

Peach: Mario! Mario!

Luigi: bro you did it!

Mona: you saved everyone!

Mario: I thought I lost you all

Peach hugged mario and he hugged back

Peach: thank you for saving me. Your my hero

Mona tried not to cry mc ballyhoo flew back on stage and Mario peach Luigi and Mona went off the stage

mc ballyhoo: hey everyone! this goes out to the special couple Mario and peach

Mario and peach started slow dancing together and Daisy walked over to Luigi

Daisy: thank you for saving me Luigi.

She kissed him on the cheek and he froze.

Mona: Aww! Now where is-

She turned around and saw Wario reluctantly holding out his hand for Mona to hold. She gasped held his hand and they started dancing together but wario wasn't that excited


After the slow dance was over Mona walked on stage with mc ballyhoo

Mona: hey can I borrow the microphone? How about we in this homecoming dance song

mc ballyhoo: sure thing!

He gave the microphone to Mona

Mario: you can sing?

Mona: well yeah. If I can write good stories for the school paper I can write lyrics to songs. Alright everyone I call this song born to play!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Mona: i want to burn
like fire tonight I feel
my heart beat jumping
twice I'm floating up
like red balloons and
I'll stay right here for
life this place will just
move me right for days
and nights captured
by the feeling loving
the ride and now I'm
living life alive a super
kind of feeling jump
on board this ride to
night we are born to
play the days nights
I am captured by the
feeling loving ride I'm
living life alive super
kind feeling jump on
board the ride tonight
baby we are born to
play we are born to
play like a super star
power up and go we
are born to play


After the song everyone went outside to enjoy the firework show. Mario and peach kissed

Mona took out her phone and started filming herself

Mona: and so bowser has been defeated the homecoming dance is back on and some people got to do a little more then just dance with there date. I say that's a satisfying ending. But this is only the beginning. See you next marking period at Nintendo high.


Later that night a new student ran up to Nintendo high

Sonic: Nintendo high huh? Sorry to keep you waiting

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