The Quest!

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Luigi Mario and Mona walked out of history class after taking a test

Mario: I didn't think the history of Hyrule would be such a overly complicated and confusing class

Luigi: I know multiple timelines? How am I supposed to remember all that?

He looked at his test and saw he got an A

Mona: I got an A+ on it. I study whenever I get the chance.

Speaker: Mario and Luigi please report to the principals office

Mario: huh?

Mona: I guess I'll see you guys later


Mona was walking to her next class when she saw Mario and Luigi walk out of the principals office

Mona: so what happened in there

Mario: we got detention for standing up to wario and Waluigi but they pretended to be beaten up!

Mona: why would you stand up to them? Wario is nice and so cute when he's mad and...

Mario and Luigi just stared at her

Mona: I-I'm guessing

Mario: anyway... do you know where the janitors closet is?

Mona: hmm... I'm not sure but that could be a good story.

She wrote it down in her notebook

Luigi: ok I don't have many friends maybe one of you can ask one of yours

The three of them walked past Falco and Slippy

Falco: hey slippy look who it is. It's the Mario brothers and journalist Mona

Mario Luigi and Mona turned around and looked at falco

Falco: you three look like you need some information. Well I'm your guy

Mario: hey Falco we're looking for the janitors closet

Luigi: do you know where it is?

Falco: I might be the only one in school that does

Mona: are you sure? We can just ask a teacher-

Slippy: Falco's the best! He knows everything! He's a genius! A true Ace! the best around!

Falco: shut up

He pushed Slippy away

Falco: here's the deal. If you guys go get me that math homework from that brainiac Zelda I'll tell you where the janitors closet is

Mona: can't just you try studying?

Falco: do you want to know where the janitors closet is or not?

Mona: alright fine


Mario Luigi and Mona found Zelda and link in the library

Luigi: uh hey guys my name is Luigi and this is Mario and mona. We were wondering if we could possibly borrow your math homework Zelda? We'll give it right back we promise

Link: why should we give it to you?

Zelda: Link don't be rude! But why should we give it to you?

Mario: we need it to find the janitors closet.

Mona: it's complicated

Zelda: well maybe you could do something for me. I've been looking for a new scarf but can't seem to find anything that matches. Maybe you could check the theater department


Mario Luigi and Mona go to the auditorium where the drama club were practicing for a play

king k rool: greetings red green and... other red! What can I the illustrations King K rool the king of the theater department at Nintendo High do for you three?

Mario: Uh... ok do you have any scarves lying around in the costume room

Mona: maybe a color that can go with anything?

King K rool: how about we make a little trade? As an actor I'm always famished! I am craving a banana. If you get me a banana from that brute Donkey Kong I'll give you the scarf.

Mario: hey! DK isn't a brute!

King K rool: sure! And I'm a pirate! Haha! Yes we all have our delusions don't we?

Mario was getting angry

Luigi: calm down Mario. Let's just get him the banana and get this over with ok

Mona: lets check to see if Donkey Kong is the gym

Mario: fine


Mario Luigi and Mona found donkey kong in the gym

Donkey Kong: hey Mario!

Mario: sup DK

Luigi: hey DK

Mona: it's nice to meet you

Donkey Kong: oh hey uh Maria and louie?

Mona: it's actually Mona

Donkey Kong: right. So What can I help you guys out with?

Mario: do you have any fruit with you? You know like a banana

Donkey Kong: dude I always have fruit with me!

He pointed to a pile of bananas

Donkey Kong: how do you think I stay in shape?

Luigi: do you think we can have one?

Mona: it looks like you have more then enough

Donkey Kong: you know I would love to give you but one but I was thinking of joining the soccer team. I think Daisy might have a soccer ball

Luigi: Daisy?!

Mona: oh sure. Daisy is a good friend of mine


The three of them walked onto the soccer field and found Daisy. Mona noticed Luigi looked nervous and immediately you would because he liked Daisy

Luigi: uh h-hi Daisy.

Daisy: Hey!

Luigi: I was just wondering if I-I uh...

Luigi froze in place

Mario: sorry about my brother he's uh... not feeling well

Daisy: don't worry about it. What's up?

Mario: can we please borrow your soccer ball?

Daisy: what for? I've got a game coming up this weekend and the girls need something to practice with

Mona: donkey Kong is thinking of joining the soccer team and wants a Soccer ball to practice

Daisy: sorry Mona I can't do that

Daisy started walking away but Luigi snapped out of it and ran up to her

Luigi: hey Daisy! Wait! I know you really need that soccer ball but I've seen you play I-I mean someone told me your really great uh if we could just borrow it for a little bit I'll get right back to before this weekend I promise

Daisy: haha! Your such a dork. Fine take it

She gave him the soccer ball

Daisy: but you better bring it back before the weekend though

Daisy walked away and Luigi was really happy.

Mona wrote down the fact that Luigi and Daisy liked each other in her notebook but also wrote down not to publish anything without there permission

Mona: Aww! I think she likes you!

Luigi: you really think so?!

Mario: lets go we got what we needed


Mario Luigi and Mona gave the soccer ball to donkey Kong gave the banana to king K rool gave the scarf to Zelda who gave them her math homework and finally went back to Falco and Slippy

Falco: you got the stuff?

Slippy: they got it! I knew they got it!

Mona: yep it took all day but here here's Zelda's homework

She gave the math homework to Falco but then the bell rang

Mona: I got to get to my next class I'll see you guys later

Mona walked into another classroom nearby


After class was over Mona looked around for Mario and Luigi for a little but then saw the janitors closet and walked inside

Mona: I can't believe it was right here the whole time. Mario? Luigi? You in here?

The Mario bros were not where to be seen

Mona: oh no...

Mona took out her phone and started filming herself

Mona: mario and Luigi have gone missing! They were last seen in the janitors closet but don't worry I'll solve this mystery. Stay tuned

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