World Four A

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Rebecca's log: Now that Mario know that I can willing glow in the dark they now what me to do night training so they can know how it works buy one them those like me will get very hungry when I'm at my limits.

Location: New Dork city Nintenguard H.Q training floor.

Fitness trainer: okay Rebecca you're going to turn the lights down a bit during our yoga poses.

Rebecca: okay but I get very hungry if my light is on for more than a half hour.

Fitting trainer: I see but they want to get a data but they won't treat you badly I ain't show you this will take 15 minutes for now and yes I'm getting orders through the earpiece.

Rebecca: Thanks.

As Rebecca is about 2 minutes away for the session to end she's starting to have small cravings.

Fitting trainer:And That it for now tell later.

Rebecca:Oh good, am starting to feel it a bit.

Fitness trainer:The longer your light is on the more feels like you act off hunger.

Rebecca: just be glad something for the vendings can stand me for now.

Fitness trainer: Let see what we can find.

Location two: the New Donk City Nintenguard H.Q brake room.

Table one:Rebecca/Fitness trainer

Fitness trainer: so I can line up for a half hour tell you stunning to get cranky by hunger does that go for those like your dad that have these kind of inconvenience?

Rebecca:Well am the first of Realia to inherit this from of course my dad but those of adult age can keep it up for an hour but gets aggressive if those like him are on for more than an hour while the females gets real hunger pains.

Fitness trainer: I see.

Table two: professor E.gads/ Mario

Mario: Did you get all that?

E.gads: only on what she knows about herself so far she may not know much about the show that she was born on with those on that season with her.

Mario: And what we are learning about the NFF so far was scratching the surface at best.


Location: The New Dork city Nintenguard H.Q research lab

Ovalsan's log: The data that had been obtain the last occupation of the NFF that on them in the flash drive so far is on the Panem  Network other large worlds other than Realia their the world called Art fart, I know sounds like a silly name but the inhabitants are sentient works of art with canvas white skin that can show off their art both natural which are mostly flowers and what can be painted on them even if they can make it appear and disappear at will, one of them being on that Season of Love grown in the final five that Rebecca is born in there's also the music world of Rhybass they have rhythm pulse hearts Techtune well they have very effective Networks and finally Olympia it's obviously the sports world and as for the world that aired love grown and other shows over the years is called you guessed it Panem prime, as for those are on the father's side seems to be from maintenance worlds just to wrap it up in a nutshell for now is that the outer rims on the maintenance world the mid rim the Panem Network provides entertainment and the interim is where the NFF are at their worse and that's all there is on the flash drive.

End log


Location: The New Dork city Nintenguard H.Q living questions.

Rebecca's log: Had a long day and they seem to be teaching me on how to tolerate hunger pains and well it did have some results now I can line up 15 minutes longer than normally, start to feel it at the 40 minutes mark and now tomorrow will be breathing on the last NFF occupation Outpost and I don't know why but I feel like the last one will not be like the past two and I might lose someone important.


Ovalsan's log: today's the mission briefing of the last NFF occupation Outpost but something feels wrong in the Mojo on this with one of Rebecca's friends and I may know why.

Location: New Dork city Nintenguard H.Q buffing room.

Mission buffing

Mario: Ok the N.F.F is not messing around this time they made this time to give it all when we come for the last power up in a suit with strong defenses, so Nell's horses will draw the attention of all the forces they can spare but be ready in case you leave any major players behind, did the Virgin is moving to the order Point as we speak and most of the Ambush once it's made Ovalsan LilyBel Casey Rebecca and of course me and Luigi will enter the occupation Ovalsan and LilyBel will clear many of the N.F.F as they can Mommy Rebecca Casey and Luigi get the last pop of the flute before they call and reinforcements, operation begins first thing in the morning dismissed.

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