World three B

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Rebecca's log: Tonight the mission meeting on the NFF no occupation base and Mario will brief us on his plan.

Mission buffing

Mario:Ok men the entel goes as follow, the snow base seem to have updated there defenses if they're stronger walls and some air defenses just in case but there's a warp pipe that leaves right underneath their heating system So the plan is simple me Luigi and Rebecca will do what we can to freeze them into one place in the base but Ovalsan will join us in case their are God's posted around the system.

Rebecca: even so it may not be in the way you two are accustomed to.

Mario: Noted.

Ovalsan: there could be a few things we still don't know about their other means of defense that is.

Luigi:He got a point.

Mario:Will to take it into consideration, Mission will begin this evening so bring what you need for now dismissed.

Rebecca: I guess I'll have to show my own unusual traits.

End buffing


Oval's log:Outside the Warp pipe that leads to to the NFF occupation base and we are about to go in.

Mission start

Mario's team got out of the warp pipe and into the occupation-based sub levels and it's Pitch Black Ovaleyes try to use his night vision mode but no dice, using his pulse blasters to make the path that's needed to where they need to go but he has a few shells so he may use it sparingly.

Rebecca: Guest I may have a a solution.

Then Rebecca pulled up her winter Hood and then a beam of light came out of her like a flashlight.

Luigi: that could come in handy.

Rebecca: oh that's just my natural bioelectricity.

Ovaleyes:Can you willingly turn that on and off it will?

Rebecca: I can but it causes buildup in my bladder if I press it too long in artificially Dark Places when I'm on full power.

Ovaleyes:I has to ask.

Mario:Hmm dark matter defenses.

Ovaleyes: perfect for ambushes.

Rebecca: found it.

Ovaleyes:Hold it.

Ovaleyes turn on his infrared but seems to find nothing then he switched the pulse radar and found two waiting in the Corners ready to strike.

Ovaleyes: we got two that are likely to Ambush us.

Luigi: I'll back up Rebecca on the system.

Ovaleyes: throwing taser grenade.

Ovaleyes throws his taste grenade to take out both guards simply as Luigi with Mario and Rebecca gets to work on the system starting with the Dark Matter defenses and turns it off.

Rebecca:Oh man what a reeelllifttt.

Mario:Are you ok?

Rebecca: just had to let some gas that's all.

Mario: are you really even human?

Luigi: got all the know Quarters at the coldest leaving one place for them to stay warm and, locking them in.

Mario:Good, Ovaleyes take a look around to see if there's Intel that we can learn about them, while the rest of us gets the next power up for the flute.

Ovaleyes: got it boss I can be sure if you will find anything new up there.


As Mario and Rebecca heads into location to get the flutes power up while Luigi is keeping watch outside, Ovaleyes the skin around the place and tries a terminal to see if you can find anything new about the NFF updates here and there nothing too big that stands out in the database until he found what seems to be a list of formulas with one of them may explain why Rebecca is essential glow light and uploaded into one of the flash drives, as he continues to look around Ovaleyes found what turns out to be a guy and history book to the Panem Network and their Studio worlds.

Mission completed


Ovalsan's Nintenguard report: the new Intel I found on the NFF is that they do more then purging, they are noodling with nature with one of the genetic formulas being a key read and why Rebecca glows like a light stick but also found a history and guide book on the Panem Network and their Studio worlds including her birth world Realia gave the data to science division to see if they can figure out this stuff but what I can put together so far is that if the low income Society is completely Limited they become that themselves with nothing the profit off of so they seems to make some kind of genetic Voodoo that makes those that they would spend money on to have more organic heritage, that not normal.


General Mario's Nintenguard report: Ovaleyes's flash drive on the NFF generic nonsense even if they all listed on what each of them do is way over professor E.gads head in mines with me being a pharmacist that is and his report states that they seem to want to maintain what they want eliminated with their purges so they won't become the purging targets themselves, but what's not in Ovaleyes report which is what I will bring up since I found the log after we got the flute power up in the occupation baits it states they've been here for 3 months now with words of the last base being in Bowser's territory from let's say for now we have an inside man keep an eye on them.

End of world three B

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