World one set A

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Location:Toad Village #617

The the telling happens in the village are in their homes while there's a creature in the woods outside the village the Super Mario Bro's Mario and Luigi with Nintenguard special investigation officer Ovalsan Ivan enter the place and head for the elder Hut for the insight on the creature in question.

Eldest hut buffing.

Mario:So call for a pumping problem?

Toad elder:Well one of the Toad the first saw it and describ e the creature in question has human-like qualities and see him in the woods for seamlessly over a week from the dirt on its skin but we can't let it wander around like some stray so that's why we called you Mario and the green one and...the specialist.

Ovalsan: well the situation reminds me from one of the Tellanrain notes that I have.

Mario: as much as we like to hear it see if there's any similarities but let's go.

Luigi:Ok but should we take Ovalsan note into consideration to see if there's any similarities?

Mario:Stuff like that is in Tellanrain space and only Tellanrain space nowhere else not even here.

Ovalsan: maybe if you open up to those like them maybe you wouldn't be like oh say the general.

Mario: the general knows what he's doing which is why you would be here because he's nose what's inside box without unnecessary digging around the bottom like the one you keep tabs on like those he treats them like idiots.

Luigi: Well the Ovaleyes maybe a anti Authority mercenary but does really make it look like they really deserve it.

Mario:No one even if they do deserve it is to be clubbed shot at Point Blank and any other means to flat out and or humiliate them but that's all I can say so, Here we go!

Mission start

Location:The Forest.

Ovalsan being out the air drones from his Quantum Storage belts and send them ahead of him and the Mario's and set them to infrared.

Ovalsan:Ok the drones are picking up the heat signature oven supposed thing it's a bit far but well what earlier readings are saying it's a she.

Mario:Hmm then we have to lure her out once we are close enough without being detected by her.

Luigi:Well we can't use a rope trap just near the poor thing because it seems to be more intella-

Then the argument throws some kind of sharp stick at the Airdrome taking out the fee.

Mario: look like we scared the poor thing a bit,so let-

Then Ovalsan spotted some leave it seem to be covering something.

Ovalsan:Mario wait-

Then Mario's leg got caught on a rip trap in behind upside down on the branch as the augment came out of the bushes with what seems to be a carving knife in her right hand.

Ovalsan: occupants state yourself.

Occupant: now no I'm not here to cause any trouble put the thing down so I ca-

Then Ovalsan her to tell my behind them and the other approached them with pitchforks but no torches.

Toad mob member one: The Beast got Mario everyone......... get her!

Ovalsan: hold it everyone just take it easy she's going to let Mario down from the trap he's accidentally got caught in.

Once the occupants cut Mario loose the Toads ease up a bit in the toad Elder came forth to see her himself.

Toad Elder:Now ms-

Occupant: Rebecca, Rebecca Peckmin.

Elder:Well Peckmin if you want to meet with Mario their better ways of doing it.

Rebecca: is that the guy I just let down?

Half of the Toad mob gasped upon hearing that, Ovalsan snickered while scanning the person in question.

Mario: Well I can get that sometime when I meet new people.

Rebecca:And so is your green one.

Luigi: I get that a lot.

Rebecca:and him?

Ovalsan: oh I'm special mission Ovalsan Ivan and from these readings you're indeed not from around here.

Rebecca:My memories on how I got here is kind of foggy right now so do you two know the best place to stay if the way out of here is difficult to get through at this current time?

Ovalsan: well most of them tell the ends are very tight so if it's okay with Mario you can stay with him, and Luigi too.

Luigi: does sound logical Mario.

Mario reluctantly agree but there's no place for The Stranger To Go.

Mario: fine I may take a few days to set up an audience with the princess to State your case even if you're from Earth obviously.

Rebecca:Eee Yeah.

Ovalsan:I better report this to the Nintenguard about this in the meantime Rebecca did you guess you should wear this on your wrist to keep track of things during your stay.

Then Ovalsan give Rebecca what seems to be a wrist recorder.

Rebecca: Hmm cute but what what choice do I have here.

Then Rebecca luckily put on and she's taking in by the Mario's.

Location: Outside the Mario Brothers household.

Rebecca: nice place you two have here.

Mario: thanks it's better where have you been sleeping in.

Rebecca: best you've two not known for now.

Luigi: seems like a cave from the smell.


Mario:Well it does Cena play in the basement is probably where you're going to be sleeping in during this day oh and do your log entries at the end of the day, you don't need to do it while you're out and about.

Rebecca: guess it's a number of limits on those things.

Mario:What been given or for guests.

Location: Inside the Mario's house hold.

Mario: okay Rebecca welcome to my house senses will be saying here seniorly for a while until you figure out how do we get you home.

Luigi: once we get you settled what's up your audience with the princess okay.

Rebecca: Ok whatever.

As Rebecca head downstairs she can hear her host chattering like crazy.

Rebecca: Man are those outside of Domes are always as noisy?

Mario and Luigi: noisy?

Ovalsan Nintenguard report one:A call from one of the toilet Village of an easy occupation in the area the person in question calls us self Rebecca Peckmin who's obviously not from around here, my Skin's on her picked up some unusual energy and found two others as well one's and Bowser's land while the other in New Donk City so she didn't came along and the scans of her backpack seem to have the flute that seemed to brought her and seems like her friends here but the one item of Entry that caught my eye is what seems to be a CO2 mask do they come from an earth that's more polluted than expected?


Location:Mario's house

Rebecca's log:My night sleep at the Mario's the dream of the evening of the second quarter the games begin. When I was the one who accidentally blew into the flute didn't know if Cleo and Casey is here in this weird world of mushroom people and who knows what else is out there where I'm currently at and who knows what today will be like.

Location:Mario's dining room.

Mario: morning Rebecca.

Rebecca: morning what's this plan?

Luigi:Well unit we can get you an audience with the princess you have to join us on our work routes.


Mario: you'll just be the caddy to hold out to a bag no need for you to do the Dirty Work.

Luigi: and you'll get your share of our work hours.

Rebecca: hump that'll be enough to get some new clothes.

Mario: we'll see but for now once we're done eating well we will head out for work.

Rebecca's narration: have the breakfast I joined the Mario's work routine the first client has leaky faucets most are backed up pipes and I gave Mario and Luigi that needed tools from the bag but the tools they have are conventional but still need work but these are nothing compared to who my dad deals with so I know what I'm saying.

Location:The location Toad cafe

Mario:So how are you feeling about today so far Rebecca.

Rebecca: no difference then what my dad attends in the domes.

Luigi: unlike the noisy ones outside of them.

Rebecca: well you can seamlessly your spouse do chatter and fight in fact my dad sometimes end up finding firearms in plastic wrap.

Mario Luigi and a few toads are in the surrounding area are turned off from what Rebecca said.

Mario: okay first off we are brothers seconds even the clients your dad gets his pay from on a bad side of a dome doesn't mean they are bad people, even you know that.

Rebecca: they obviously have it stuff to defend themselves during the games.

Luigi: is there for the princess so let's head back to work.

Once I got back to work the Meijer had Rebecca to go to where the problem is at but didn't say to set up so he can do the work but when Mario got there Rebecca seems to have the solution written down on notepad and showed it to him.

Mario:Hmm not bad for an amateur.

Rebecca: well we can't call the loose knit when I was carrying for my dad back home.

Mario: cute but I'm still the head plumber.

While I continue with today's routes the clients have been tipping the caddy since Rebecca notes have made the jobs last longer than normally and it's not long till rumors of Maya said you have a protege sorry to spread by the end of the day.

Location: Mario's home

Luigi: I know these were rumors but Rebecca didn't made a work day go faster than normally with and now it's spare.

Mario: even if I'm not for any reason taking her in she's not here and if respect the states here long enough she'll be more at risk even if he'll find her as a substitute to Peach and do you know how embarrassing it can be for her over and over during her stay?

Luigi: I know that even it's intact mushroom kingdom nose is never going to be a way to break this endless cycle.

Mario: and the people knows anyway even if it's all to support one's another's existence.

Rebecca over here the whole thing from her room.

Rebecca: like the N.F.F with their.... experiments on " cleansing" their system.


Location:The outskirts of Bowser's Kingdom.

Ovalsan's log: the energy signature of the other Outsiders that seems that came with Rebecca is currently in Bowser's Castle but I did solitude Trail on my scanner so I can check where she was originally sign from where she was found some Koopas we're taking what seems to be closed from Ben on a tree guess the point of dissent was unfortunately left out as I duck behind a few bushes and sees if they can take and seems to be hard to pick.

Koopas A: I'm not picking that up are you?

Koopas B: no way I'm not picking up someone's panties.

Ovalsan:E-Class's are overly modest, and the Mojo is picking up what is somewhat not.

Then what seems to be two soldiers that have a questionable marking came into view and the Mojo zombie they don't want anyone to know about them when they draw it out salt rifles and that is one I have to go OVAL!

Battle start

Ovaleyes:Hold it right their!

Soldier A: we are here to recover some games that wanted off from the game grounds there are three adolescents went missing when the third quarter of the games began.

Ovaleyes: if these result in purging it going not going to be on my watch.

Soldier B: anyone who interferes with the N.F.F Shelby killed on sight.

Ovaleyes: should have known it would to come to this.

Ovaleyes quick draw this swords and slice apart the firearms and high kick the other end of the air for a bit and fell on it butt.

Soldier A pulled out what seems to be mint spritzer and when he fired it it didn't work due to the face being Shield and Ovaleyes grabbed him with his left arm and ripped off one of his patches on his uniform.

Ovaleyes: don't know who you work for but tell him if he only wants women for sports he's got nothing coming!

Soldier A: okay okay don't have to bury your teeth.

The other Soldier got up and they both got out of there.

Ovaleyes then scans the patch in question as he turn back into Ovalsan.

Ovalsan:N.F.F? This could be more of a problem than I thought if they are like those that I know in mind.

Ovalsan Nintenguard 2nd report: found the clothes of one of Rebecca's friends which was in a tree some of them are somewhat torn in it, when I interrogated the two Koopas they cooperatively said that the nudist was putting a potato sack when they hauled her into Bowser's Castle hope she's going to be a handful for him as for the other in question who's still a New Dork City and and currently in the mail Pauline's penthouse but started in the garbage pile I wonder if it will mean anything?

End report.


Location:Bowser's Castle

Bowser is in the main dining hall of his castle having a meal with his...human guest when the kitchen staff brought in the main dish steak.

Bowser: okay Cleo is it? How did you get here and how do you like the clothes that my staff made for you?

Celo: well it's better than wearing a potato sack that you put me in like some commoner and put me on mobile cage and call me here catch and to be made for food.

Bowser: hey I know I'm not a cell ruler like the other known rules of this world like Peach if the Mushroom Kingdom and Maya Pauline of New dork City.

Celo: better than those on the throne.

Bowser: what kind of Throne is it may I ask?

Celo: well it's in the White Palace where the White House of old Earth and where they run the games from.

Bowser: now what kind of game is it there I ask?

Celo: the games are how should I put this, a massacre to go up in societal status while those in domes and with tags like me are immune.

Bowser: I see Celo,

Then Bowser shows the dog tag that Cleo had and was taken from her during her abduction in his right hand

Bowser ( count) : Landanpit, almost sounds like Lannister and they are the worst.

Celo:Hey! My Butthead of a younger brother took my spot by my B.S of a mom and also the steak is a bit too tough for me it's really overcooked my uncle works at a steakhouse where I live.

Bowser:Hmm well I like my meet like this yes it's due to my own teeth density.

Celo: well what day have at the place is very sweet meat.

Bowser's eyes turned around a bit from what he heard.

Bowser: so have one could win these games?

Celo: well most who try to go for the throne no matter what means they rarely came close in the past years in more ways than one.

Bowser:Hmm I have a game I have a hard time beating a bridge game you may say and has been rumor of someone I know took up a protege so maybe you can be mine during your stay but you don't need to sorry right away I'll wait but I suggest you take one of the guest rooms.

Celo: well it's better than that dungeon you had me in with a potato sack if I am working the stress piece but the scary panties is giving off a clammy feel for me.

Bowser: women in their Rears.


The slimy on the table clear made caught some of the Koopas in the areas attempt to see what the commotion is about.

Bowser:Hey hey I didn't mean any offense thank you very much.

Celo: that's what all those buttheads in my neighborhood says if I throw a steak Knife, near their face!

Then Clio stormed off to her room while passing the Koopas that sells the whole thing.

Koopas A: and that's why the boss can't get a date.

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