World one set B

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Location: The Mario's house

Another morning at the Mario's house to start another day of work while their guest Becky is adjusting very well even if she's been here for a week now and finally got some new clothes from the coin she earns from the tips as the Mario's get their bags and about their head out.

Mario: Becky we're heading out.

Becky:Am coming.

Luigi:Mario did think Rebecca being accustomed to our world for being here for a week now?

Mario: Yeah the preparation to peaches taking longer than expected but got word yesterday she's we'll meet her in 3 days from now and-

Then Becky came out of her basement room that made Mario's raise both his brows for being the same clothes as them with the shirt and hat being in darker red than Mario's with her own tool bag.

Becky: so I got a few job at one end of the lane where you two will be working at.

Luigi: do you want us to meet at the center of the lane?


Then Becky went ahead of the Mario's.

Luigi: at least she's within work dress code.

Then as Mario sap out of it they catch up to her for work.

Location: mushroom Lane #841755

Becky's log: Had working with the Mario's for a week now I made enough caddy money to buy some new clothes and work uniforms, just the last one and about to meet up with the Mario's at the center to do the last one for the day and it's good timing learn more about this place even if may cause rumbling across their world about me being Mario's protege.

Location: Toad cafe #2121

Mario: repeat our usual record then normally on our work time with Becky doing the bottom jobs when we get the top and meet in the middle.

Becky: but got paid more than you two.

Luigi: because you think your Mario's protege.

Mario: No she not.

Becky: Hey the Toads the room was like those.

Luigi: well when you start as our tool Kelly Becky but we didn't thought you've been taking some additional jobs if you're not know your folks have the same profession as we are that is and maybe you mentioned it to a few clients is what could lead to that rumor.

Becky: well I'm trying to figure out this place as I go along with work.

Mario: well once we get to the castle you can explain what you can.

Luigi: and maybe you learned a bit of your world if anything unusual about it. not that different from...yours.

Then Becky's watched rain and then goes back to work but Mario seem to think there's something up in her world.

Luigi: you know we can't force it out of those like her.

Mario:I know Luigi even if that pain may had already put some pieces of the puzzle together.

Luigi: that's just usually method of analyzation to think outside the box.

Mario: but he treats those like us for those things like we have no imagination.

Luigi: because what he knows could be too violence or just simply something that make us go blank with expression.

Then the Mario's gets up and caught up to Becky.


Location:Princess Peach's Castle.

The next day at Peach's Castle while making the final adding for the Mario's visit with their rumored Protege Becky then she gets a vid call from mayor Pauline and turns on the screen to have their usual chat.

Pauline: good evening Peach.

Peach: evening.

Pauline:Been hearing rumors that Mario got a new protege.

Peach: Oh you mean Rebecca her little Plumbing inside that he got from her parents don't specifically know which one but it's more than enough to get the washer and a dryer going and I heard she got some new threads as well as some work uniforms.

Pauline: hope she does it make his  Puptege jealous.

Peach: You mean LilyBel I know she can be much but she better than two seek the attention of her master.

Pauline:You no he took her in under his wings after she helped save one of yours.

Peach: I don't mentally know her but my body somehow does with another.

Pauline:Well with crochet seems to be trending even though I invertedly gave her head trauma and come to think of it she is looking for someone but can't completely remember who and now she came into the room.

Peach seem to see the head bandages who seem to be more on music to help her recover and then sees something glowy in one of the desk drawers it looks like a Power Star which means there's more to her than it seems.

Pauline: oh this is Casey by the way.

Peach: at least Rebecca isn't the only one.


Casey: well not all the pieces are in my head is my school ID and a few things for my back like the picture with her with also who I'm guessing is Cleo.

Peach:I see well better when I finish things up here.

Pauline: then later.

This ending the call Peach takes out the star power out of a desk and wonder if she's meant to have Casey.

Peach: Maybe there's more than it seems for our visitor but the question is what for?


Becky's log: today is where I finally meet the princess to please my case with the miles we just have to cro-

Mario:Oh come on!

Becky: Ah Mario who that?

Bowser: so I thought you meet Rebecca and the room and Protege rumor seems to be more accurate than it seems.

Mario: she's only done it just to get some new clothes and the uniform thing is her choice.

Bowser:My stuff made better clothes for my own.


Luigi: I know we are unable to retreat not but it seems to be getting popular.

Becky:I know I will regret asking this but who your, Bowser is it?

Bowser: why don't you ask her yourself.

Then I was a steps of size and shows his own protege who Rebecca recognized to be no other than Cleo because she used to wear the Landanpit Loin mask on the playground when they were kids now she sees her wearing a gold Bowser mask.

Bowser: hey it gave me a good scare when she first showed it to me.

Mario: We so need to get them back to their world.

Luigi: I honestly like a company and so does the toads.

Becky: if I do appreciate being your employee this is not my fight.

Celo: Nor the games but we have no choice.

Bowser: Hmm what kind of games is it there I ask?

Becky:Am going tell about at Peach's Castle but what I can say we been on the basic combat training.

Bowser: Then let see how you do.

Mario:Bowser don-

Then Bowser pulls out what seems to be a ball of some kind and throw it into the air and glows the insignia of, the Nintenguard then it shoots out of beam of light does having all media Outlets seeing the bridge from the balls feed as it close in on Bowser for but an angle as it looks added to face the viewing audience.

Bowser: dear viewers of the Mushroom Kingdom I bow as a hair by declare the official one on one Nintenguard Smash mind and Mario's protege Rebecca.

Then the ball gives a the viewers a fly around Becky who's in the clothes of Mario as she nervously wave and then go to Celo.

Bowser:And Celo!

Then the ball goes around clear as she takes off her mask to show her face the very audience and thus gives a little V and a wink.

Bowser:Look like she know what she what she doing.

Mario: Mamma Mia.

Becky: never been allowed to watch that.

Bowser: now as you folks at home know both matches like mines have three minutes to prepare while those like me will explain the following.

Match objective

Mario: okay Becky your go al in this is to get the other side of the bridge and drop the ask but she will try to block you till the time Runs Out.

Becky: well that could be more hard to do since she seems to be working out more we don't compete for our family sponsor to become of age next year.


Becky: Hey she have Steakhouse themed weapons like the steak Triton.

???: Maybe I can provide a thing with two to even the playing field.

Mario:Like what dare I ask Ovaleyes?

Ovaleyes: I'm glad you asked but this is for Becky's ears.

Becky: and I'm guessing they are plumber themed.

Ovaleyes: true but that's only the surface.

Item tutorial

Plunger Lance: main weapon

This lens will be a main weapon but it's white may slow you down a bit at your current strength.

Monkey wrencherang: throwing this here Will throw a wrench in anyone's work.

Drain snake whip: light weapon.

This will be a fast hitting range weapon but it's not meant to grab anything as you can make a dramatic swing.

Ovaleyes: Got all of that?

Becky: Oh indeed but I better get on the bridge to face Cleo.

Ovaleyes: oh and your plunderlines has a little something in case you only have air underneath your feet.

Becky:Got ya.

Then Becky head to the Bridge before the boat starts.

Bowser:Ok both side at the ready and-


Cleo makes the first move by Lansing at Becky with her stay glance but she counted with her plunder Lance

Celo:Really Becky?

Becky: hey the Panem Network had gave the steakhouse you work for too much promotion time then other outer Dome businesses.

Mario: outer dome?

Then Becky pushed back Cleo and makes the rest at her head and sticks it into the face and plunge it back and forth on Cleo's face in rhythm.

Mario: you still have to get to the other side.

Then Becky throw her Monkey wrencherang at the axe the hit it as she Paul's the plunger out of Cleo's face.

Mario: you shouldn't be on the bridge to do that!

Then acting quickly while grabbing Cleo who's really feeling the muscle on her by the way and push the button on a plunger Lance and it fires a real Harpoon at the other side and I hit the lunch as the bridge begins to fall apart and makes the retraction on the Lance as they do a little group climbing, but Cleo is not laying her new look to be for show when she got to a top first and help Becky a bit.

Ovaleyes: not bad but why you and Bowser be like that more often?

Mario: it's not that simple Ovaleyes and you of all people know that.

Celo:Why that?

Bowser: well it's just that I cannot the princess Mario buzzing my place and rescue the princess even if there's some cases of shaking up a bit.

Luigi: like me rescuing Mario from spooky Mansion.

Celo: well I've been using the Castle's gym only to pass the time.

Becky: and even if we don't want to compete in the game even as family sponsors.

Ovaleyes: yeah about that.

Then Ovaleyes jump to the side to show Becky and Cleo what seems to be a patch that that represents their world that seems to be after them with another.

Ovaleyes: two scaling soldiers who seem to be looking for you to and this is on one of their arms can you two for the moment explain what this means.

Becky: that seemsignia of a new founding Federation also called leader they have these games which goes by other names depending on how close you live near those worlds and Cleo is not always like that this she's more agile over no meat on the bones make up for her charm and persuasion which got us into this mess even if I did pay for it.

Celo: how am I  know that flute that Casey persuade you in getting is Magic and lack of a better word.

Ovaleyes: well that is all I like to hear from now and we'll give them to Princess Peach so she will know what to expect when you arrive.

Bowser: well it's a nice about what lasted Cleo it's time to go.

Celo: okay Bowsie see you around Becky.

Becky: and see you around on the Panem Network.

Mario: okay let's get to the castle before you say something that will give us too many questions then you can answer.

Luigi: other than the fact that you're not from the garden variety earth that Ovaleyes analogy method of Interest with his dimensional insight.

Ovaleyes: well that I can say for now is that Becky and Cleo's world or star system seemingly is The Purge on a galactic scale with a galactic Network that's in its own way area like a spectacle but it seems it doesn't allow murder in their advertisement North seamlessly under adult age.

Mario: why do you go or take part in those kind of things.

Ovaleyes: better than being behind the walls or in your case under the sink.

Becky: that's what's like while working with my dad on weekends even if we do get jobs outside the dumb we live in.

Mario: okay let's go.

Battle end

Becky's log: on my way to the Mushroom Kingdom I with a Mario's came across the arrival Bowser and he's been training Cleo putting some meat on her bones but she's not always like this, she was banished when she was seven by her family the Landanpit for her being the weakest of a little you may say another one of Panem Network shows for those Rich snobs that have connections to the NFF and so-called game asses of my Homeworld.

Bowser suggest a little spy match since he heard that I've been trained for the games for next year starting as sponsor tributes that is as far as I'm willing to go with this nonsense even if my folks don't want to do it full time and the meat on clear is not for show when she climbed up the Rope of the Harpoon rope in my plunderlines and after that we gossip ways without delay continue my journey to the Mushroom Kingdom which me and the Mario's will be there by dusk.

End log.

Ovaleyes 2nd Nintenguard report: Becky's Plumbing skills see if they got from her dad and had credit a month the locals and well paid enough to get some new clothes and both casual and works and tomorrow's really thinks about that situation where the house is becomes friends with its captors, yeah that's it and he really thinks she is getting all the attention and to bring her home and maybe Bowser with Cleo as well when she was wearing a gold mask of him but after her they've been training as sponsor tributes for the games and with my uninventions for Becky that are Plummer themed while Cleo is with Steakhouse themes if I did make them Cleo hit the accident side wall they still are on the bridge with the monkey wrench like Boomerang I made but the plungerlands does have a little something a real pot prune to get them to safety and to wrap it up each mentioned a thing or two about their world and one small thing the Nintenguard us getting word of unusual occupants of the new family Federation and the general likes to have a word with Becky after her visit with the princess and the mayor when she's arrives in New Donk City in the next day or two.

End log.


Becky's log: Finally got to the Mushroom Kingdom after four week of walking and man the Mario's must have very strong stamina and got there we stopped by the closest Inn just to rest before tomorrow to meet with their leader at her castle.

Location: One of the Inn room.

Becky: Hmm kinda small for Inn room Mario.

Mario:Well that kinda how thing are here but the Toads are just to simple of a race like it or not.

Luigi:Well not all of them in the Nintendom dimension their are those more intelligent than others but we don't interact with them unless it's for meeting reasons.

Becky: How come?

Mario:In a nutshell it complicated.

Becky: Like no matter how the people hate the games they still go on no matter what.

Mario: good night so I can sleep with less questions in my head.

Then without delay they get some sleep.

Location: The Mushroom Kingdom Castle throne room the next day.

Becky's log:Got into the Castle of the Mushroom Kingdom where Princess Peach is waiting in her throne room so I can explain my situation it was a bit of where I come from.

Interview start

Peach:Ok Becky if that Ok for me to call you that since your do call you that as well.

Becky: I'll try my best in fact it all started last week.

Starting flashback

Rebecca's narrating voice: It all started at Landfill high of District Dome a of the city of trash deal one of the other worlds of the new founding Federation I was born on the Homeworld of Landfill-4 the less hazardous of the waste worlds of the NFF space in the how the rim I was getting out for the day when my friends Cleo and Casey are waiting for me at the subway entry a few blocks and when I got there we took the train back to our places.

Rebecca: Next year is where we start training for the games.

Casey:As sponsor tributes that is.

Celo:We be more the preshow and in some cases halftime.

Casey:Well it better playing citizen versus civilian.

Rebecca:Yeah good thing we don't live inter system of the NFF they all should have been in retirement communities at their current ages.

Casey: yeah the closer you live near the Homeworld the older the people in power.

Celo:I hear most of them use gurneys as they're walking canes.

Rebecca: if I have retirement bill will never get past.

Celo: their Homeworld house should be a white Mortuary.

Casey: and they can't take a joke no matter how much they deserve to be the butt of the joke.

Rebecca's narration: Cleo and Kelsey left once they're out there stop in open space as a pond there CO2 masks which both have extra air batteries because the later day the faster they burn I live in the dumb neighborhoods which has their own air generators as I cough the train it's only problem that it have, lawyers and Drifters sadly I was told to stay away from them as I make my way to the surface of my neighborhood it's a decent place with nice folks as I was on my way home.

Rebecca's father: oh Rebecca you're home.

Rebecca:Oh hi dad.

Rebecca's mom:Nice to see you home, how are your friends doing?

Rebecca: Cleo and Casey are doing okay even if they are breathing off battery air.

Rebecca's father: at least they and the folks are not going to be in Panem newscasting of the game.

Rebecca's narration: The Panem Network is the less controlled Galactic TV network of the new founding Federation their ideas of the game and I already told Mario and a few days later just to cut the bottom line Casey's folks got drafted into the games next year and I thought I would give her going away gift it was a flute that brought us here so but accidentally blew into it when the Sirens of the game went off and well you know the rest.

End flashback

Ovalsan:Hmm seem you got what we call a warp whistle.

Mario: true and warp Magic is as rare as rare it can get any NFF seems to be addressed and think any of you and your friends may have it.

Ovalsan:Well what they used to get here is only to protect them in a foreign environment while the flutes that brought you and your friends here without it and won't need it.

Rebecca:How come?

Ovalsan: well in nutshell those like me and my other thanks nothing organic can go through dimensional riffs for all those I left behind know that Dimensions like this is the afterlife and for all they know and is the nff looking for other means of what those like me call purging?

Rebecca: guess so with how you put that is?

Peach: well he does know these things so you may have an idea on what we seem to be up against.

Rebecca: even if I do know that questionable where in the universe can I go?

Mario:Even I don't know myself.

Peach: but it's more than enough to go on so we can give it to the general at the Nintenguard H.Q in New Dork city which he will meet him after we get there tomorrow so you can rest here for night and we'll go there first thing in the morning we have a room all set for you.

Rebecca: Think you.

End interview

End of world-1 set B

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