World two set A

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Ovalsan's log: We got to New Dork city on Peach's personal plane but Rebecca somehow isn't seem to be fond of flying, hey she's running around in the hamster cage where is clean air most of her life anyway once the plane landed Maya hub Rebecca he was a little shaky from the flights sadly as me Pauline's limousine drove in to chauffeur her to the Nintenguard H.Q while me with Mario and Luigi will be taking the warp pipe lucky her and the Mojo seems to have something for her in that limousine.

Rebecca: Casey?

Casey: Oh you must...Becky.


Becky's log: okay Casey have when I got into the limousine Amnesia she does remember her own name and knows me and Cleo the pieces are in place but there are still other pieces missing.

Peach:Your ego dose alway breaks people's mines.

Pauline: hey I was cleaning up in the penthouse she found the dumpster on the ground floor, how am I supposed to know my golden bus could give Casey a concussion she may lost her memory just be glad there's enough to put the remaining pieces together to narrow the gaps on the puzzle Board of her mind.

Peach:At at least you're taking responsibility also why are we driving from the original route to the HQ?

Pauline: well the chapel on that route made Casey hesitant somehow if Ovalsan here he may blood out why this is my feelings are right about it being possible.

Peach: I get what you mean.

After the detour Pauline's limousine made it to the HQ of the Nintenguard a big and Grand building complex that stands deep in New Dork city both Rebecca and Casey or when they got out they see the statue of Super Mario at the front door.

Rebecca: at least he's modest.

Pauline: well I did have it commissioned after the Bowser wedding incident.

Peach:It was a unusual event.

One day enter the lottery there's many of Mario's with Luigi's greatest achievements on the wall Peach rolls her eyes a bit and even Pauline finds them annoying.

Lobby secretary: The General is expecting you Ms. Peckmin take the Express Elevator to his office floor well the rest go to the social floor in the meantime.

Peach: guest he wants to meet her right away.

Lottery secretary: the direct elevator is on your right with the conventional next to it.

Rebecca took the elevator as ordered and it was a direct Vault to the General's office and fell a bit jet-lagged after getting out.

???: That thing really take it out of ya.

Then Rebecca slowly approached the General's desk and takes a seat.

Rebecca: yeah I never been a plane nor in that before.

???:Well you had been with me for sometime now.


Then the general slowly turns around in his chair revealing himself as no other than Super Mario himself.

Rebecca: is dictatorship really your gig?

Mario:No Ms. Peckmin although I'm not finding this myself but down to business we found the right energy source to power up the flute but a complication is the way with the NFF seriously occupying the source and with reasons to believe day with Casey will be expecting you at those points.

Rebecca:What for and how?

Mario: can't entirely say for sure so you'll be in the train floor with a partner in the meantime or me and the others will put together a plan your workout uniform will be in the changing room and that's all for now you're dismissed.

Then Rebecca leaves for the training floor.


Location:Nintenguard New Dork city HQ training floor.

Rebecca's log: when I got the training floor changing room the workout clothes they provide for me I can't but who I'm partner with is a very tall Pomeranian name Lily belt a few inch taller than me, we started with the basic workout like push-ups to running laps some yoga poses with their fitness trainer it was nice and very supportive us so the other instructor well Little Mac does combat and Doc Louis is on weapon staff Whip and boomerang since they're on my main weapons currently, LilyBel does firearm with M-class one while I do T-Class firearm.


HQ brake room chatroom

The fitness trainer: So Becky is it, so how was your day here so far.

Becky: well it's nice so far is that you simply all not from around here with the others.

F.T: well let's say it's more of a nine to five thing for those like me it's just that the general doesn't see us as something other than work father.

Doc Louis: hey even I know how you feel about this there's no other way of us to make a living.

Becky: yes it's better than being drafted into one of the Panem Network reality shows.

Doc Louis: Hmm readed about that guest they are pretty dumb.

Becky: even if you are drafted into shows like those.

Fitness trainer: so they don't do auditions.

Becky: nope they just put your name in the bowl for whatever show you are desperately to enter to save your family business and be born as the result of winning it.

Doc Louis: wait wait you were born on a reality show?!

Becky: I was one of the contestants embryos that have growth exhibit in a dating reality show called love grown I was born in the finale while the runner-ups are born naturally those are in the mid to late second trimester that is.

Fitness trainer: that's not natural.

Becky: hey there season run has 60 episodes basic that's are an hour long.

Doc Louis: what kind of universe would do something like that in the name of entertainment?

Becky: even I don't know so I better head off to the sparring area for Little Mac session.

Doc Louis: okay see you soon or later than you think.

Fitting trainer: more for one of us that is.

Doc Louis: how will Little Mac and LilyBel react to it if she ever brings it up?

Fitness trainer: even if it's to purposely throw them off guard during the session that is.


Training data results meeting chatroom.

Mario:Rebecca, was born in the finale of a Panem dating, Reality show... Something wrong with that Network?

Mayor Pauline: no the one thing good about it is that when she and Casey went to the showers she recognized Rebecca's birthmark or heart mark when she first met her and most of her memories came back.

Isabel: hey it caught my little bell off guard made Little Mac call of the session after Rebecca gave her the right hook.

Little Mac:I know there's no wrong way of catching up off guard but being a reality show byproduct, that is inhumane as it can get.

Ovalsan: never know of a reality show that does something so scandalous that I know of, fully that is.


Luigi: well drafting does like her folks into those kind of shows with no idea on what you're doing would get you eliminated quicker than others.

Ovalsan: and knowing the show in question would only be on the surface even if you do know the tropes of those kind of things.

Luigi: and knowing how fake they can get and how they seems to be set up.

Fitness trainer: when I first seen Rebecca's birthmark which is indeed look like a heart it was on her back blow her neck that's a little on the right when she's changing into a regular clothes and Been Told by her is that she's the winning offsprings the most faded are on the runner-ups.

Mario: well at least it helped restore most of Casey's memory but still uneasy whenever she sees that Chapel.

Ovalsan: well this may be a stretch but for now what if Casey's dad being drafted into the NFF Army is part of one of a whole truth.

Luigi: well being dropped to the reality show doesn't make it sound too crazy.

Mario: That just to, crazy!

Fitness trainer: well believe it or not if Rebecca does have something that shows that she's popularity show so maybe Cleo or even Casey have something similar rather or not it's natural.

Luigi: she does have a point on that.

Mario: meeting adren and well resumed at a later date.

End of world-2 set A

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