••• Fifteen •••

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"Will you at least try and make sense of it!" Taylor screams from downstairs as I try and finish up my math homework.
It's been almost month since I was attacked and Taylor's secret was pretty much exposed to everyone. My parents and Taylor made the switch to homeschool as I still walk the halls of a pack that I don't know if they accept me or hate me.

Thankfully I'll be out of this house for the remaining hours of the night, Nixon taking me out. Why? I'll be eighteen, a legal age, one that means I've made my life even more of a messed up one.

Putting in the last answer for my homework, I make my shower quick, the outfit for tonight simple yet elegant. My parents think Emily is taking me out tonight, they also believe I'll be starting my new job as a housekeeper by this weekend.

I dry my hair, curling it as the time ticks bye. Looking at my arm, I remember the night I was attack, and I still haven't forgotten it, the nightmares coming back so often. That night I stayed with Nixon, not falling asleep as I just wanted to leave. He had murdered Adam, he had killed a member of his pack. Putting on my bra and panties, I scan my body over. I'll never understand how Nixon could prefer someone like me over a beautiful and model material girl that I feel like he'd rather go for.

My dress is next, the almost-knee length dress with a deep blue color, drop in the back, and fits my body form well. Paired with silver heels, I grab my keys and scurry down the stairs. I tell my family bye, leaving quickly as I grab my pea coat.

I drive to his place, thinking back to the past days leading up to this one. I think of where we will go on from here.
As I pass through the front door, I see him by the stairs, fixing his black tie as I enter. Nixon spares me a small smile, finishing up his tie as I place my keys down. "Evening."

"Same to you," he replies, a smile on his face as he walks over, instantly pressing his lips to mine as I smile. No matter how mad I can get at this man, I'll always be able to forget all those things when he does this to me. "Shall we go?"

I nod, following Nixon to the garage as he grabs a set of keys. This time it's the pair to his maroon Ferrari, opening the door for me as I slide in. Once in, Nixon is quick to get us out and speed out of the town. "What do you parents think?"

"I'm with Emily for the night and won't be home till tomorrow," I inform, looking at Nixon as the moonlight makes his features appear sharper than ever before. I look outside, watching the trees go bye as we take a new turn this time, one that leads away from the usual city and South, heading to another. "What's the plan tonight?"

No response.

No reply just like before I gave myself to him.

"Nixon," I speak up, turning to face him, my shoulders square as his hands are wrapped around the wheel in tight fists. "What's wrong?"

He's tense, far more than before. His gaze shortly flickers to my leg, the one where only a week ago blood was covering. As his eyes soften, a hand is laid upon my thigh, taking my hand in it as well. He takes my hand with him, brining it to his lips as a gentle kiss is placed upon the back. "I just don't want to see you hurt ever again."

In an hour we have arrived at a restaurant, the valet taking the car as Nixon locks my arm in his, leading me through towards the entrance. The place is beautiful, dim lighting, the workers here for business, customers decked out in brands and their most expensive pieces.

Nixon gives his name and we're led down a row of booths only to greet a stairway. I'm led up, my heels clicking against the polished floor as I notice the second floor of the restaurant. Beautiful.

Taking our seats, I notice a small stage, a man playing soft jazz on a piano while a woman sings in the same tone as Lana Del Ray. Nixon sits across from me, just watching me as I spot our waiter come to the table.

We order our drinks, quick to dismiss the male as I keep my eyes on Nixon and his on me. "When is your birthday anyway, Nixon?"

He checks his Rolex, as if debating to tell me. "July 21."

I forget so often that he's so much older than me. That he's seen more. That we were involved when I wasn't even eighteen.

Nodding, I pick up the menu, only to see Nixon pull it from my hands. "I know the chef, and I've had him prepare something I know you will like."

"I'll trust you there."

We continue with short conversations, every so often allowing the silence to take over as the next song plays. "Lily?"

"Yes?" I see the food brought over and then, we are digging away into the special dish.

By the end of the meal, I'm full and loved every flavor of the meal as Nixon asks my opinion. Dessert is brought out in the form of just a simple cheesecake and two tall glasses of champagne. Alcohol consumed by a minor in public. Why should I care anymore.

As our meal is over and Nixon is once more leading me out of the restaurant, I'm only driven to another location, one on the top of a hill, overlooking the city below.

It's quiet, peaceful, and as Nixon hops out and opens my door, I feel the cooling breeze as the snow begins to fall once more. For the next ten minutes we just lay in silence upon a blanket Nixon got from the back, looking up at the bright stars.

I then disturb the silence.

"What will happen to us?

"What do you mean?"

"I graduate this year and will be going to Colorado."

I can sense him tensing as I speak those words. I have college. I have dreams. I have things I want to do in life. "Why not just stay close bye?"

I shake my head. "I've wanted to attend Boulder since I was a child, Nixon, it's a dream."

No words.

I want him to say something.

I want him to tell me how he feels.

"We all dream, Lily, and when you grow up, you learn those dreams are just dreams."

I'm shocked by his comment. Looking over to him, I see his eyes shut as my blood boils. Who is he to tell me that?!

"It's my decision."

"It's not."

"And why not, Alpha?" I hiss, instantly regretting my tone as Nixon's eyes blink open and I'm pinned to the ground, his body over mine, his eyes ice blue to only fade to the black of space.

He speaks no more.

The days begin to warm up, the nights still cold, but the sun is out today as I walk out of the school building, Emily by my side as the senior class just finished another meeting for graduation. Taking out my phone, I let my mother know I'll be home soon.
Now it is February, the days having gone bye as if seconds as I grab my car keys, waving to Emily as we part.

Dinner is a bore, my parents silent as Taylor is upset. She still want to be out having some fun, and I believe she deserves some, but ever since our parents discovered her nightmare and also her wild side, they've had her grounded. I know there's a party tonight, and I'm tempted to take her out and keep an eye on her, making sure nothing happens as I'm also her designated driver.

By the time nine rolls around and my mom is out for a girls night and my dad is being called into the office, I make my way down the hall and into Taylor's room.

She's on the bed, playing her music softly as she reads a book. "What?"

Her voice is harsh, striking out at me. I've told her millions of times I had nothing to do with word getting out about her rape. She doesn't believe me.

"I want to take you somewhere tonight," I inform, watching her eyes light up. "But I'm going to be with you at all times. You're going to be responsible and always in my sight."

"Where do you have in mind?"

I'll regret this forever.

"School party, the one you mentioned."

She squeals in delight, jumping on the bed as she thanks me over and over.
In less than an hour Taylor is hopping into my car, her short black skirt showing off a bit too much, a sheer gold blouse, and freakishly tall wedges. I'm just in a simple maroon skirt, white blouse, and ankle boots, making sure I have pepper spray by me at all times.
The house we've pulled up to is a normal size, brick, multiple cars, and people already letting loose.

"Remember what I said."

"No drinking, drugs, or PDA, always stay in sight, and we go home when you say. I know," Taylor explains, hopping out as I follow in pursuit.

By eleven I'm tired, having played beer pong with another girl against two guys, only to lose without a challenge. The whole time Taylor has kept her promise and has not let a bottle touch her lips.

Soon, I'm being pulled by my little sister into the living room, some dancing going on to a Skrillex song as multiple people let loose. It's fun for the most part, a fun side to see, but I'd rather be in my room with Netflix.

Nixon and I have been together a lot lately, at each other's side, countless episodes of me at his place or going out with him. Not to mention the sex has been pretty good and we haven't broken the no protection rule thankfully and my last period was just three days ago.

He still scares me sometimes, showing me a side I still feel as if I haven't fully seen.


I meet her eyes.

"We've got to go."

"You tired already?" I question, watching her face covered in fear as others begin to stop their partying. "What's going on?"

"Cops, they're just down the street," Taylor informs, my face growing pale.
Oh God.

Taking her hand, I pull her to the pack of the house, nearing the backyard as I know we're going to have to hop the fence.

I can hear the shouts of many as the sirens come closer and closer. Taylor trips in her heels, helping in pain. Looking down, I see her ankle bent awkwardly, causing me to curse. "Come on, you're going to hop this fence if it's the last thing you do."

I can hear the shouts of those in authority, their voices drawing close. Just as I get Taylor on the fence and punish her over, a flashlight hits my back.

"Hands up."

I obey.

"We're taking you to the station."



"I'm afraid so."

The man leaves, walking behind the door again as I wait in the station, three hours since I was brought here after the party along with twelve others. Thankfully I didn't have any alcohol, allowing me to just stay out here as the others went behind the bars for the night.

I don't know where Taylor is, if she made it back okay, and how my parents will respond when I come home in the morning or late night and Taylor somewhere with a bad ankle.

There are various people sitting around, many in various mental shape. There's on across from me, his eyes bloodshot and puffy as he seems as if he's on drugs. A woman behind me is crying, going off about her daughter who is behind the bars for the night, trying to pay the bail.

I cross my legs, wondering whether or not to call Nixon for the night. The police said if I could get a legal guardian or adult to sign off, I could go home before eight in the morning.
Just as I'm about to get out my phone, someone takes a seat right next to me. The smell of mint floods my nostrils as the man looks at me.

Looking back, I meet a dark pair of brown eyes, I pull my body back into the chair, unsure as of why this man is here. He just watches me, silent, his attire a simple pair of jeans and coat. A wedding ring is on his finger, tattoos running up to his neck, his body thin yet toned. "Ca-can I help you?"

He smirks.

A simple smirk just pulling across his face, making my blood turn cold. It's not like Nixon's smirk, this one doesn't make me feel scared yet safe, this one causes me to want to run, to find shelter, feeling as if I'm part of some horror film. It's a smirk that lets me know he has something up his sleeve.

"Luna Lily."

He's from Nixon's pack.


"You're out of place here."

I don't like his tone. I don't like him even near me. Nixon flashes through my mind as I grip my phone tighter. "Thinking of calling your Alpha."

My lips form a firm line as he watches me, his eyes switching to my phone shortly before back to my eyes.

My throat becomes dry as he shifts his position to face me, cocking his head to the side. "The poor Alpha's mate, or are you?"

"You dare disrespect your Alpha?" I hiss, my voice still hushed. "You have no business when it comes to my private business."

He smiles.

I frown.

The building grows cold, the officer behind the front desk not even bothering to look around as she finishes up some paperwork.

"Have you ever heard about the Crimson Piano?"

The name sends shudders running through my body.

The sound of a car coming too quick stop outside causes me to snap out of the conversation and looks to the window.

He's here. He's found out before I even told him.

"Looks like you can never get away."

I look back to the man.

"You have no business in this," I snap.
The man reaches out his hand, weaving a strand of my hair through his fingers.
A car door shuts.

"How well do you know the man who let you mark you? Or did he force it? Maybe he doesn't want to lose another."

"He's my mate."

"Is he?"

"LILY!" I jump in my seat, turning around to see Nixon running right through the front doors. He shoves the doors open, causing them to fly against the walls, causing everyone to turn their gaze to him.

"Think about that, sweetheart, not for just your sake, but for your future," he whispers, pulling away as I watch Nixon scan the building, his eyes landing upon me. My skin pales instantly as Nixon approaches, his eyes dark, his presence like a predator, and a different type of emotion around him. It's as if my whole idea of him has changed.

He's still the devilish handsome man I met before, but now, as I sit before him in the station, something has changed.
He seems to be a creature of the dark now.

"We're leaving."

"I-I need a signature t-to sign me out."
Nixon looks harshly at the woman by the desk, her head bowed as she nods, as if they are having a conversation without words, as if she's breaking the rules just for him. Just for a simple signature.

A rough hand grabs my arm, pulling me up and away as I look back to see the dark eyes of the man who talked to me.

He doesn't say a word, he only stares at me, a firm stare that makes me feel even more uncertain of a life I've been living for months.

"Where are we going?"

"Away," he snaps.

We exit the building, Nixon opening the door quickly as he basically pushes me in. "Taylor is injured and I don't know where-

"Taylor got you here in the first place," he snaps, shutting his door as he already slams his foot on the gas.

Speeding out of the parking lot, I watch the houses fly bye until we arrive at his place, Nixon pulling me out of the car as I stumble over in my shoes. "It's your fault she's there and injured, Lily."

"Hence why I need to go and find her," I explain, following Nixon inside the massive house. As he reaches his hand to the wall, for the first time, a light flickers on in my presence, the massive entrance lit. It sets a feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"You will not. You will stay here."

"They didn't even put a crime charge on me, Nixon, why are you so damn mad?!"

My eyes widen.

I'm shoved against the wall, his chest rising and falling at an unhealthy rate, his eyes dark, his body tense, and making me frightened as the sparks still go off within me. "Are you trying to disobey my-

"She's my sister, wouldn't you do something for your injured sister? Wouldn't you help her when she's all lost and alone while she's in pain?" I cry out, a sob escaping my mouth as Nixon almost seems to calm down.

He runs his fingers through my hair, taking in my broken state as I unravel in his arms, the arms that will bruise me in the morning.

His forehead is pressed against mine, his lips grazing mine as my heart skips that all too familiar beat.

I just want to be alone.

I just want to be under my covers by myself.

"Lily, I want you to play me a song."

I don't even bother to nod, only pushing away as I go under his arm, leaving him in the entrance as I follow the familiar path.

Getting up to the piano, I take my seat and try to remember a piece to play. I choose one, starting off with the first note, a silent sob leaving my mouth.

I play for ten minutes, no sign of Nixon anywhere near as I begin a new song. Looking out to the window briefly, I see the moon is no where tonight, the night dark and still as another hour passes bye without any knowledge of where Taylor is or if she's okay.

Lips land upon my neck, sucking as I pause, leaning into the touch of the man. If one thing is for sure, his touch always makes me throw all the events out of my mind to some degree, and an escape is just what I need right now.

I'm picked up, pushed against the piano as I can feel him growing harder beneath me. The keys sound in a massive note, my body settled against the piano as Nixon begins with my blouse, pulling it off.


A feeling that I'm not alone.


My hands roam his body to gain more of what I already have.


The sensation that they bring to my needy body.


Pulling on my hair as my blouse is dropped to the ground, my bra only soon to follow.

A moan.

A signal that he's made me forget my worries as a I allow the pleasure to take over.

Another sound from the piano as I'm laid across the back, my bare back meeting the cold surface, Nixon stopping to only take in my body.



His shirt follows my words, his eyes still roaming my body as they shortly meet my stare. "I want you to say something."

I raise an eyebrow, only to close my eyes as his hands begin working magic against my skin. The sound of a zipper, more clothes coming off, the feeling of my body now completely bare, the sound of a foil being torn.

"I want you to say that you'll be here again, day after day, no matter what the cost."

The feeling returns as he's inside, not wasting any time as I throw my head back, the cold surface not bothering me anymore as different feelings run through my body.

"I want you to say it," he speaks between his sharp and hard movements as the piano under me becomes more than just a device to play music on.

"I'll be here tomorrow," I say, wrapping my arms around his neck as I pull myself up, causing him to go deeper. "I'll be here day after day," I moan, my eyes rolling back as he picks me up, my body going up and down as I fully trust him to not drop me. "No matter what the cost."

As we find out release, he looks deep into my eyes, staring at me as if to solve a puzzle as I do the same.

But I can't pay attention for too long, I can't keep my sole attention on him. I'm stuck on a title I was given, one that causes goosebumps to prick my skin.
One of the Crimson Piano.

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