••• Fourteen •••

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Luxury, that's the first word to hit me as I step past the double doors, Nixon's hand on the small of my back as he guides me in. Before me lies a massive entrance, wooden stairs on either side ascending to another floor, the chandelier hanging tall and proud as the windows go far up.

As we pass through an archway, the living room is before us as I take in the modern yet homy feel. The wooden floors are polished, leather couches centered around a fireplace in the center, logs in and a small fire going. There, by the doors to the back, stand two men, each standing tall and built.

"Alpha Maxwell," they both greet, not even dating to meet my eyes or look by way. The one on the left is shorter than the other, a dirty blond, dark brown eyes, and a long scar running from his right ear to the bridge of his nose. The other has ginger hair, gray eyes, and his ears have small gages.

"Beta Peter and Delta William," Nixon greets, from left to right. Beta Peter is the blond and Delta William is the ginger. Oliver told me weeks ago who the Beta and Delta are. The Beta is second in command and the Delta third who also runs the training for warriors/the head warrior.

"This is Luna Lily."


He's made it certain that I'm Luna, that I'm his.

I don't know if I should be proud or scared.

"Luna," they both greet, meeting my gaze. "Alpha, the pack is outside."

Nixon nods, dismissing the two as they walk outback, shutting the door behind them. Looking past the window, I see a crowd of people chatting among themselves as I turn to face Nixon.
"There's so many."

He nods, giving me no reply.

Instead of leading me to the door, Nixon walks before me, hands on my shoulders as my hands begin to shake. "They will adore you."

"They will adore me while you stand before them. Hell, I bet the second I'm thrown to them I'll be eaten alive," I snap, watching as his eyes turn icy blue. My throat becomes dry, fearing those eyes as he stares down upon me, my heart skipping multiple beats. "I'll try for you."

His eyes turn normal.

I'm led to the door.

Cold metal.


Stomach knotting.


His warmth.

A kiss upon my temple.

The doors open to reveal a multitude of people, various from school, many dressed in black shorts and gray shirts (the training warriors I assume) and the rest are in a bit more of a dressy state with nice shirts and jeans of kakis.

"Alpha," they say in unison as I try to not meet a single gaze that shifts to me or even stays locked on me.

"Crimson Lock," he replies.

Crimson Lock, that must be the name of his pack, the name I've been wondering about for a while now. "This is your Luna," he informs and every single pair of eyes is stuck to me, judging me from under their gaze. A human is their Luna. A human. A weakling as I've heard my kind called in comparison to their's.

They now their heads as the cold takes another swing at me, instantly regretting coming as the fear kicks in. As my hand stays locked in Nixon's, I squeeze tight, swallowing the lump on my throat as I do a small now of the head to greet those before me.

Nixon begins to speak again as I zone out upon his words, finding Oliver and Emily in the crowd, dressed for occasion, and not even dating to meet my glance. I find George next in the crowd, his jaw bruised along with his eye, an unsettling feeling beginning to form deep down as I remember his words.

Suddenly, the crowd splits up in multiple groups and Nixon leads me down the porch and to greet the first crowd, one filled with people his age. There are beautiful women here, men who suit them well, and they all make me feel small and inferior. I greet them with a smile as Nixon strikes up a small conversation and I'm left by his side, nodding every now and then to what he of they say. So often I spare a glance at some girls from my school, beautiful with the natural hair, doe eyes, and long legs that make me uncertain that Nixon will stick by my side for as long as I hope. But how long do I truly hope for with him?

They have a certain tone to them, one that tells me they are the trouble for me. I can remember them from school, one of the girls plays French Horn for the school while the others are on the student council and I believe swim team. As I turn back to Nixon, I can feel their unpleasant stares upon my back, scanning me over.

This goes on for another hour, greeting too many people to remember as I end up just talking with Beta Peter, listing to how he met Nixon. Peter is son a local shop owner, succeeding quickly in the pack and becoming one of Nixon's best friends in a matter of days, gaining the title of Beta only five years. I don't ask when Nixon got the title or how, only focusing on Peter as I want to at least know one of Nixon's friends better, to see what type of person suits him for friendship.

By late evening I being pulled from the house out of some older women's arms as Nixon wants to leave, saying he's tired. I hit it off with the women who don't believe in age gaps and adore someone to see the young world through. I didn't make very many friends with people around my age, but many of the children seemed to love me, and the warriors, they respected me like, as Nixon said, the Queen of England.

Sliding into the car, I lean my head back and shut my eyes. Nixon gets in, his scent scaring me like before with the unique and enticing smell, making me feel safe. The car rolls out and we are gone from the pack house, leaving the property for the town.

I get out my phone, checking for calls or texts. I got one from my boss, letting me know he got my resignation and would send me my last check in the mail. I'll now be having a fake job, for Nixon, for me to see him, for him to see me.

Once at his place, I give him a small kiss upon the lips and hop into my car, watching him disappear into the massive house as I drive away.

The pack accepted me for the most part. They liked me. But most didn't like me. Most would rather see me gone. I have no clue why. I don't understand why they would not honor their Alpha's claiming of me. Most were my age who did that, very few the older group. One thing so found weird was that I met none of his family, no siblings or parents. No one to know what Nixon was like growing up or what his family is like.

As I set down my keys and get ready to hop into the shower, a phone call sounds. Looking over my shoulder, I see the picture of Oliver pop up.


"She's at it again.

"What?" I ask, my skin paling.

"Taylor's out and at another party, I'd hurry before the cops come." 


"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" I yell, slamming my head against the counter, putting the phone back down as we end the call.

Looking back up, I meet her gaze, her eyes bloodshot and looking miserable. "Who could ha-

"Who the hell did you tell?!" She screams, her fists clenched as I hear the car pull up and into the driveway.

"I swear, Taylor, I told no one."

"You liar!" She screams, throwing the pillow from her seat directly at my head. Dodging, I watch as my sister's face becomes red in rage. "The whole damn town will now know."

I understand her. But I have no idea how the word got out.

Only four days did I have to go and pick her up from a Frat party an hour away and ever since then she's hated me all the more. "I'm going to answer and we are going to calm down."

She nods, taking a seat back down on the couch as I head to the door.

For an hour the police are here, questioning Taylor and getting her statement as I sit in the kitchen, keeping my parents updated.

Two days ago they left for a skiing trip and are now flying back, booking tickets the second word reached that their youngest daughter was raped and her rapist killed.

"We'll be going now," the man says as he walks to the door, thanking Taylor for her time as he puts up his notepad and leaves.

Minutes pass with complete silence as I stare back at my sister. She's broken. She's scared. She's terrified of the public knowing her story. I don't blame her, I don't believe on but that people will let it slide bye. Hell, I know school will now be a living nightmare for her.

"I hate you."

I don't reply, but rather, grab my keys. I don't know where I'll go, I just know I want to get out of here and experience some freedom.


White sheets like silk wrap around the earth.


The cold.

I pass the town and park my car beside a small hiking path, grabbing a heavy coat from the back seat as I gear up.
I just want to be alone, no one around me, no one to talk with.

The trail is covered in white as I keep my pace up, waning to get as far as I can away from the grasp of the world.

My thoughts flicker to Nixon, about the time he was in my house, when he had his way with me in the shower. I wanted it, didn't I? Didn't I want the sex he wanted right then? It wasn't rape. It wasn't. I loved it, I enjoy the aspects of it. Nixon told me I enjoyed it, that I didn't want it to stop.

I believe him.

A cold shiver runs up my spin, one that causes me to take in the surroundings of the tall and thin trees that are bare as winter is here.

The moon is bright a full moon, one that lights my path as I continue my walk.

I've heard many times not to venture into the woods. But that was before I was marked and all. The only wolves out here are part of Nixon's pack, here to protect me.

A howl.

Perfect timing.

My hands begin to shake as the crunching of fresh snow can be heard.

Another howl.

My eyes scan the tree line agin, worried as I'm all alone and beginning to become afraid of what lurks out in the forest. Memories flood my mind of Halloween, when I dressed as Little Red and Nixon's remark of the big, bad wolf. Shudders run through my shoulder blades, making me walk faster to wherever the path leads.
Just as I reach a log in the middle of the trail, causing me to feel my heart beat quick.

The snapping of a log.

I jump, rushing over the log, running like a maniac as a howl pierces my ear drums.

I don't dare look behind as my legs carry me fast, my eyes trying to adjust to the dark. Another log to jump over, and as my feet hit the snow floor, I scream.


That's all I feel.


I scream again, feeling the teeth digging into my leg as the cold snow numbs my face and hands.

The animal growls, tugging me back, the teeth digging even deeper, making me scream out even more.

Looking back, my eyes widen to see the cold and yellow eyes, the wolf causing me to comprehend the real situation here. My hands try and grab anything to pull me away, but with teeth digging into my flesh, I don't get anywhere.

I try and kick, trying to get anywhere out of his grasp.

His jaws open, allowing me to tear my leg out and pull away, only to see the wolf jump out again.

I roll onto my back, using my arms to shield my body, it's mouth shutting around my right arm as I scream once more.

My nerves begin to burn as pain floods every part of my body.

I'm going to die.

This is where I die, alone and out in the forest by a deranged wolf.

Just as the blood of my body drips onto my face, a howl fills the air.

The teeth are ripped from my arm, pulling more flesh out as I scream in the pain again.

Looking to my left where the wolf left, I see not jump him, but another, a massive dark brown wolf, one that makes me feel certain feelings I've only felt around one other.

The wolf who attacked me is under the other, and as its eyes glance at me once more, the other wolf bites deep down into my attacker's neck.

The deranged wolf yelps, right before it goes limp.

Crawling on my elbows, I only feel pain as I try and get away from the new wolf here.


Looking down, I see snow seeping into the deep wounds of my leg, a trail of blood being left behind.

The wolf turns around, it's pitch black eyes meeting mine, approaching low yet with no threat as my back hits the trunk of a tree.

"S-stay away," I whimper, holding my hand out.

It approves, not daring to leave as I already know this wolf is a shifter.
The second the soft fur of the wolf meets my hand, I can feel the tingly feeling.

In seconds I'm seeing the shifting of form as the figure of a man appears, one I've spent so many hours in the arms of.

Instantly, I try and forget my pain, leaping forward to wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him close as I let out a deep breath. "Nixon, oh my God, Nixon," I whisper in his hair as I tug his body even closer to mine.

"We're going."

I'm picked up, carried away to where the trail began. There, under a dim light, is my car, Nixon grabbing my keys from my pocket, putting me in as his warm skin makes me feel safe. As he goes around to the driver's door, his body still bare as I can see my blood getting on to my leather seats.

I bang my head against the head rest as Nixon hops in, instantly grabbing my hand as he starts up the car, speeding back to town. "Keep pressure on your leg, Lily, I've got the pack doctor on the way."

I nod, leaning down to keep my hand pressed against the cut as I hiss in pain. The only thing bringing light to the situation is a very naked Nixon whose driving as I can see from the corner of my eye his manhood.

Shaking the image out of head, we're soon pulling up and I'm picked up, rushed into the house as Nixon keeps my head pressed into his very muscular chest.

In no time we're upstairs, my body laid down on the bed as I hiss. Looking at my arm, I see the dried blood only being covered with fresh as I can say the same for my leg. I watch as Nixon grabs a pair of sweats, concern written everywhere over his face.

Nixon cups my face, looking deep into my eyes as the pain causes my vision to become blurry. He wipes away the tears as he whispers words to try and calm me down, kissing my forehead as I hear someone running up the stairs.

A woman is there, a bag in hand, running over to me as Nixon begins to talk with her about what happened.
She nods, beginning her operation as I see her take out some items from her bag. "Stitches?" I ask.

Nixon shakes his head. I raise an eyebrow. The doctor shows me something different, something you'd expect in Harry Potter. "Kameo is a witch for my pack, she is an expert healer. You won't even have a scar."

Should I be scared?

I've never met a witch nor have been healed by anything but medicine. This is going to be different.

Kameo tells Nixon to be quiet, saying that she needs silence to preform her work as she flicks her wrist, the curtains of the room shutting along with the door. I'm sealed off from the world.

A soft song escapes the woman's mouth, her eyes turning a bright purple as her hair begins to almost float in the air, the blond hair turning blood red as my body begins to ache. Nixon takes my hand, trying to get me to relax as the witch shuts her eyes.

Only faint words can be heard for five minutes as she performs a spell, her words carried by the air as they seem to sooth me.


I open my eyes back up, Kameo packing up some items as Nixon stares into my eyes.

"You're okay."

Kameo bows her head to me, and in no time, she's gone and I'm left alone. Looking down to my leg, I see it fine, not a single scratch as my eyes widen. I lift my arm, looking to see nothing but goosebumps as a small smile spreads across Nixon's lips. "That's weird."

"She's great at what she does," Nixon whispers in my ear as his arms wrap around my body. "Now, tell me, what were you doing in the forest."




"Someone put out a tip on Adam Kenner's case, that he had raped her. She blamed me, I swore I never told a soul, and we got mad, I left, got attack, and was just healed by some crazy shit," I explain, leaning into his touch as the room is still dark. "I just don't know how someone found out. I don't even know why they just drop the case. He's dead by some anima-"

Animal. That wolf had attacked me. God, how stupid can I be.

"What, Lily?"

I push Nixon away, my eyes widening as those midnight blue eyes become ice blue. Scrambling off of the bed, I watch as Nixon stands tall, looking down at me. "You know what happened to Adam, don't you?"


"You do!" I yell, getting to my feet as the sheets I pulled with me cause me to stumble a bit. Getting out, I watch as Nixon pushes his hands into his pockets, a smirk across his face. "Don't lie."

"I won't," he replies, walking forward as I take steps back. "That prick raped your sister, Lily, was I just supposed to watch your family suffer like that?"
My blood boils.

"You killed a chil-

"He was part of my pack, Lily, it took guts to kill that bastard."

Your pack is your family, Oliver told me that once. The Alpha killed his family. He should be protecting them, not murdering them.

"You murdered him!" I yell, throwing open the door as I run for the entrance.

"Lily!" Nixon growls, the whole house shaking as my breath hitches.

He growls again, the paintings on the walls beginning to fall as the ground under me vibrates. "If you leave you'll forever regret it."

I stop at the edge of the stairs, not dating take a step forward.

Looking over my shoulder, I see Nixon, eyes black, body tense, breathing heavy, and anger coming off of him in waves. I've disturbed the beast. "You killed someone." My voice is barely even a whisper as Nixon crosses his arms, walking towards where I stand with shaking hands.

"Yes, and I've done that so often. But, Lily, you must understand, the world of werewolves is so much different from your's."

I don't speak another word as Nixon holds me from behind, planing a kiss upon my temple as I stare at the front door.

A door I'll never reach.

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