••• Five •••

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By the time the sun has set and the street lights have turned back on, I find myself driving with Nixon back home. I was gone for basically the whole day, sitting in his office, doing nothing as he worked and would watch me as if I was something he had would suddenly be gone.

I don't know the crazy story I'll tell my parents yet, how many texts I'll have from various people on my phone, or even what Emily and Oliver are going to be like, I only know that I'm going to have to make up one hell of a story. Maxwell said he'd talk to Emily, followed by me raising an eyebrow and wondering how that was going to happen.

As we pull up to his place, I can already feel my anger levels rising. He turns off the car, stepping out and around to mine, but I've already opened the door, furiously walking towards the opening on the garage. "Where are you going?" His voice is deep, as if angered.

"I'm walking to Oliver's to get my car and drive home to tell my parents some absurd lie about where I've been," I snap, not caring to look back at him.
Just as I reach the part of the garage where the door shuts and the ramp begins, I'm grabbed from behind and spun around.

"I don't take too lightly to disrespect."
My lips form a thin line as my eyes meet his, those midnight blue eyes turning darker every second. The anger within him begins to roll off him in waves, it begins to almost threaten me, to dare me to try and go.

"And I don't take too lightly to being stuck up in some office the whole day with nothing to do as I'm missing valuable parts of my life. Not to mention I now have to lie to my parents, friends, and sister about where the hell I have been." His hands move up my arms, tingles spreading through my body as he takes in a deep breath.

He looks at me with an emotion that makes me regret every word I've just said. He looks hurt, sad, guilty, and those emotions make me want to take back those words and hug him so tight until I'm forgiven. "I'm sorry I did that today, but I've told you, a part of me wants to have you so badly-

"I'm not a fan of sex with someone I don't even kn-

"I'm not talking about sex, Lily," he states, the way he says my name right after that word gets my legs quivering as a part of me wonders what it would be like. To have sex with him. Shaking the thought from my head, I concentrate back on him. "I'm saying that a part of me wants you always around, wants you always beside me.
Sure, some part does want sexual intercourse, but overall, Lily," he pauses, pushing a strand of my hair behind my ear. "I want your companionship."

"You had me in your office for hours and we barley spoke," I mutter, looking away for a short second only to retrieve my eyes back to him. God, he is one gorgeous male for sure. "I need to go home now."

He loosens my arms, watching as I begin my walk away.

He wants companionship. He lives alone. He's isolated basically. He's private. He's a mystery to me.

I like a good mystery, but most of all, I feel back for him, how he lives all alone and secluded. I never see his lights on yet he's always here. He doesn't have a single person to laugh with is what this day and past have told me. I feel bad. I feel guilt.

Damn it.

Turning around, I see him standing by his car, hands in pocket, and his eyes widening as I approach him.

His chin is raised as I go back right to where I stood moments ago. "If you want a companionship, I'll give you one," I state, watching as a glint lights up those eyes.

He nods, stepping forward, his hands still in place as he leans forward, his lips brushing my ear. "Then I'll see you tomorrow."

Shivers course up and down through my body at those words, my body reacting to him in ways I've never really felt.

Stepping back, I nod, agreeing to the terms as I once more walk up the ramp. Will I regret this? I agreed to a companionship, but is that all he wants? Is that all I want? I have all these mixed emotions for him when he does things that make the moment more tense. He can make me feel guilts in a snap. He makes me feel things I never knew I could feel.

Damn, I was attracted to Terrance right from the start, waning to be with him right away, and now, Nixon Maxwell, a puzzle to me, has somehow made me forget all about Terrance.

I decide to keep my mind on other things as I walk down the street and make a turn. I just need to know what to tell Oliver and Emily when I arrive to fetch my car, keys, backpack, and phone.


"Hey," I reply, watching as Oliver stares at me while Emily tackles me in a hug.

"Are you still safe?"

"I'm in one piece," I mutter, looking at Oliver as he hands me my phone. Right away I look at my recent texts only to see one sent to my mom not from me.

Hey mom, I came down with a really bad bug last night and Oliver's mom said it was fine to stay and just sleep it off. I'll come home tomorrow after school.

"Why did you send this?"

Both of them grow pale, watching the other as they try and think of what to say. "Al- Mr. Maxwell is a highly respected man by both of our families who we both trust. He told us to tell this to your mother."


"I can't-


"Lily, we really can't," Oliver says for Lily as my eyebrows furrow together.

My frustration levels have really grown today. "I was just in his office downtown for the whole day today only to be driven back now and quite frankly, I'm not in the best mood," I hiss, snatching my backpack and let's from the floor as I walk back to my car.

Hopping in, I don't spare them a glance as I turn on the vehicle and make my way back home.

By the time I'm unlocking the front door, mother has called my name. As I round the corner into the dining room, I'm met with her hand on my forehead. "Gosh, I'm glad you've gotten better. Oliver's mom called me this noon to say you were still sleeping."

Oliver's mom as well?

"I'm better now, she really helped."
I've just lied to my mother. I've just lied to protect her from the truth that I was out and about with an older man the whole day who I agreed with to, not only make it a one time deal, but also go back tomorrow. "I think I'm just going to sleep. It's been a long day."

"How about you take a warm shower first. That may help."

Nodding my head, I place my things down, grab a change of clothes, and put on some soft music on speaker as I turn on the shower. I look at myself in the mirror, a girl who looks stressed looks back. My hair is one big mess, my clothes wrinkled, eyes a bit bloodshot from the late night, and I look tired. I do look sick.

Stripping off my clothes, I pull the screen door open and step in, making sure my phone is out of the wet area as I start with the shampoo.

Nixon said he wanted a companionship, yet a part of me still believes there's a meaning hidden behind those words. He seemed sincere with those words, and his state of living made me really see he had no one. You would think he would be married by now, a ring on that finger due to his age, looks, and wealth.

Washing out the shampoo, I grab the conditioner and lean my head back, letting out a deep breath as I think about my friends. Emily told me to stay away from him yet she respects him enough to tell my parents a lie. Hell, Oliver and his mother also told the lie.
As I finish up, I wrap a towel around my body and dry off. Looking into the mirror, I see a glow to my body as I pull on my bra and panties. My phone starts to buzz and I look down to see Terrance calling.

"Hello?" I ask, looking at myself in the mirror as I hold the phone to my ear.

"Hey, Lily."


He asks about my well being, about if I'm better. Do I tell the lie?

I tell the lie.

"So, I was thinking, how about tomorrow I pick you up and we have a nice meal? Around seven or so?"


I made a promise, and something tells me if I don't keep my promise then he'll will be released. What happens if I'm a no show at his place and go with Terrance? Do I go to a man's house to see a man who made me lie not only to my mother, but also a boy I'm interest in?

"Is there..." I'm about to ask another way when there's a knock at the door. Taylor asks for me to hurry up and I reply with a rushed sure. "Okay, but could we push it back thirty minutes perhaps?"

"No problem, should I pick you up?"
I'm trying to work through that schedule now. I could go to Nixon's from the time I'm out of school to the time I need to meet up with Terrance. I'd have to explain to him that I promised Terrance. How would he take it?

"I'll just drive, I have to get some stuff done tomorrow with errands, I'll meet you there."

"Sounds good," Terrance says ending the call as knots form over and over again in my stomach. I've just lied again.

God, what have I gotten myself into.


The day ends with a long piano practice with Mrs. Metz, my piano teacher. The school is silent as its now five, and with that, I hit the last octave of the piece and land the final note.

I'm quick to leave the school, examining myself in the window of my car, checking my hair that's down today, reaching low back as I check my attire. The navy sweater is clean, my black leggings with no fuzzies, and I take in a deep breath. Climbing in, I find myself gripping the stealing wheel tight.

Should I even go?

I'm only burring myself deeper if I do.

I go.

Driving feels like centuries as I round the corner to his street, the nerves within my body bunching up in my stomach as my mind wanders from question to question about how the rest of the day will play out.

Once I come up to his mini private drive, I pass the front fountain and park my car to where it's hidden by the tall hedges. I stay a bit longer in my car, just staring at the front door. I could leave now if I wanted to. I'm not being forced here. I made a decision to be here. I perhaps a foolish decision to be here.

Sighing, I bang my head against the wheel as I open the door and grab my phone. The second my foot touches the pavement, I've sealed the events of the day as I lock my car and walk up to the front door.

A part of me tells me to knock. A part of me wants to just push open the door, to see if it's just left unlocked. To me, I feel as if Nixon wouldn't come to the door, he wouldn't walk and open it, he'd rather watch me enter and look for him.

He'd rather play a game.

I reach for the doorknob, twisting, and as I hear no click, the door pushes open to reveal the beautiful entrance where the stairs begin, the sunlight streams in, and the floors are polished once more to perfection.

The house is silent, not a since noise to be heard but my feet against the expensive flooring. Making my first choice, I head for the living room, the kitchen, piano room, dining room, and countless rooms on the first floor I have no clue why he needs so many. He doesn't need a house this big for sure, he just wants something to do with his money. That how I see it.

"Nixon?" I call out, hesitant to use his first name as I look up at the second floor. Shaking my head, I aim for the backyard.

I feel like a lost soul in an empty room, one that stretches for miles with no end and no sign of life. Just as I turn around when I see an empty backyard, my eyes meet his as he stands by the smaller sitting room with modern furniture. "You've come."

"I have," I reply, watching him as he does the same to me. I take in his hair a bit more messy today, his clothes telling me he probably got out of work early by the sweats and long-sleeved shirt. To say the least, he looks great as ever.

He walks towards the modern fireplace, the one in the middle of the sitting area with a glass bowl-like holding with firewood held and a small fire going. Those eyes are kept on me the whole time, watching me in a way I feel almost...frightened.

"I take it you just came from sch-

"How old are you?" I ask, interrupting him. He raises an eyebrow. "I mean, it's because, you know, I'm kind of a minor still and...you're not by the looks of it."

Taking a seat on a chair, he cocks his head to the side, looking at a painting on the walls. His appearance tells me early twenties, yet his eyes tell a different story. His eyes tell me he's seen more in his lifetime than the oldest of men. "Twenty-six."

"Nine years," I comment, taking a seat across from him. He doesn't spare me a glance as I cross my arms and wonder why I'm even here. Why I even agreed. Why did I think I was in my right of mind. "That's a big gap."

One small glance and that's all I receive from him. "Any siblings?"

No response.


No response.


He's silent.

Sighing, I get to my feet, walking into his line of sight, his eyes now trained on me as my nerves pick up. "You said you wanted a companionship from me, you wanted to have someone around. And now, as I'm here, willingly, and trying to strike a conversation, you stay silent. Why am I here if you don't try to build a companionship?"

I take a step closer, watching as Nixon runs a hand through his hair. His hand suddenly is raised, his fingers motioning for me to come closer.

I abide, taking another step closer as he awaits me. Those eyes have a glint in them, not like before, one that seems like he's up to something. "You are here because I want you to be. You're here because I want something more than a com-

"That's illegal and you can't force someone to have feelings," I snap, regretting my words. His face turns stern as he gets to his feet, towering over me as I take a step back.

"Really, Lily?" He asks, getting me backup into the wall. "Do you really not feel anything?"

"I don't feel a single damn thing."

Two hands land on the side of my head, caging me in. "You don't feel it. You didn't feel the sudden attraction when you're with me? You don't feel a single damn thing when I touch you?" One hand cups my cheek, sparking flying through my body at an extreme rate as I gasp. "Because it looks to me like you damn well know it."

"You're just saying that."

"Am I, Lily? Am I?" His face comes closer, those eyes piercing through my soul as my body begins to shake. "What would happen if I decided right now that I wanted you, all of you, body and soul. I have no doubt your body would object and I bet your soul would be enthralled."

"You don't know what you're saying. Besides, I could press charges for sex with a minor."

"Don't lie to yourself," he shouts, my eyes widening.

"I'm not," I shoot back, gritting my teeth.

"And that's why your heart is beating faster than ever before and you're getting excited. Your pupils dilated."

He's right, my heart is beating fast, not in fear, but at his words, wondering if he'd actually try all of those things. And he's not wrong about me being excited, which is something that frightens me.
How does he know me to do that already?

"He's the deal, Lily," he begins, pulling away as I find myself taking in deeper breathes. "We both want one another, no matter how much you tell yourself you don't want this. You know deep down you want me just as much as I want you right now. I'll warn you, I'm not a patient man, I get what I want when I want and you're lucky I haven't taken you yet."

My face grows pale as his eyes turn pitch black.

"Soon, Lily, you'll be begging for all those fantasies you've had to come true. Soon you'll be here, that this place will be your second home and you'll always want to be around me."

"You don't know that."

"Oh, I do," he smiles, walking towards the window. "I know you'll be back tomorrow as well."

"And why is that?" I ask, walking forward as he turns back to face me. "Why would I come back?"

He smiles, walking back to me, his hands on my waist as he pulls me forward. "Tell me," I demand.

Lips land on mine, fireworks going off through my body. As he continues the kiss, I find myself allowing my hands to tangle in those locks I've been dreaming about, pulling on them to gain a growl from him. God, he's go a good skill at this. My back hits the wall and I wrap my legs around his waist, his arms wrapping around my body powerfully as I allow him further entrance. With his body pressed against mine, I can feel every outline of his muscles, my whole body craving more. His hands soon explore my body as trail my fingers down his neck and try to pull all of him against me.

Sadly, just as sudden as it happened, I'm back on the floor and he's back to his chair. My breathing is heavy as he sits there, looking smug.

"That, Lily, is why you'll come back over and over, everyday until you can't be without me. You'll soon find yourself breaking rules and pushing boundaries to see me."

My breath hitches as he says those words, my legs weak as a smirk lands upon his face. "And I'll love the day that you are fully mine."

I'm speechless, watching him with a blank expression as the time ticks away. "I have to go."

"You just got here."

"I have a date tonight," I add, breaking the news as the whole atmosphere of the room becomes tense beyond belief. His expression shows shock and anger mixed for disaster as he comes to his full height.

"What?" I take steps back, afraid of what will happen next. "You're telling me that you willingly agreed to have a date with someone-

"You have no control over who I date. You don't have any right to even be in my business," I express, Nixon walking like a predator as he catches up with me. I'm frozen in the middle of the living room, Nixon circling me as I don't dare meet his gaze. "I've got to go and get ready."

The heat of his body can be felt behind me, his presence drawing near as my body tenses. "I have every right to know your business when it interferes with me."

"You're delusional, you don't have me, you don't even know me," I snap, turning around to face him. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a date to prepare for."

Stepping around him, I head for the front door. As I open the door, I don't spare him a glance.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he adds right as I shut the door.

And there's no doubt in my mind I won't come back tomorrow.

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