••• Six •••

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"I thought it was great," I add into the conversation as we take our seats. Terrance watches me as I pick up the menu, ordering myself a water as the waitress smiles and goes to get our drinks. "However, you can't get any better than the original."


I sit still, thinking of what to order as my hand straightens out any creases in my dress, the maroon dress paired with a pair of brown wedges. As I think over the menu, those eyes flash through my mind, making me forget I'm on a date right now.

"So, what is Lily's favorite food?" Terrance begins, striking up another conversation as I place my menu down. He's dressed nice for our date, a pair of navy slacks and a plaid blue and green button up shirt. This is a kind of conversation I wish Nixon would-why am I thinking of Nixon? I'm here with Terrance, the guy I've found myself attracted to ever since I met.

"I would have to say clam chowder soup, you?"

We continue a short game of twenty questions as our waitress comes back with her pad to order. "I'll take the steak, rare, and, Lily?"

"Pork, grilled," I say, handing the woman my menu as Terrance looks at me. "Anyway," I trail off, striking up a conversation over the latest movies as we continue on with our date. For sure this is one to enjoy and not feel guilty of. But why would I feel guilty? I don't have any reason to. Nixon wants companionship, at least that's what I thought when he said those words.

The date goes smooth as its fills with laughter and smiles, enjoying the time I'm with Terrance as the minutes fly bye. As we finish dinner and head for his car, I find myself walking hand in hand with him. "Does it have to end here?" I ask in a whisper, standing by the passenger door as his minty breath can be felt on my face. So many parts of me scream for me to kiss him, to show him how much of an amazing time I had, yet there's a massive part deep down that tells me to end it here.

He opens the door for me and hops in, starting the engine as we sit in silence. "Lily?"

I turn to face him.

"I've had an amazing time tonight."

"Same here," I add, noticing that I've drawn closer to him.

"So, would you like to do this again?"

"Yes," I blurt out, not even thinking it over as a wide smile spreads across his face. But how can I not say yes to a man that's charming, sweet, kind, and the guy you'd want to bring home to your parents for a meal.

The drive feels short as we go back to my place, the lights dim inside as he parks at the curb. "I'll walk you up."

As he helps me out and takes my hand, I feel excited as we near the door, the porch light the only source of light as we stand before the other. "I've had one heck of a time."

"I second that."

"I'll see you around I guess," Terrance trails off, his gaze flickering to my lips. "At school I bet."

Smiling, I wrap my fingers around the material of his shirt, pulling him close as our lips are sealed in a kiss. It's one that's gentle and kind, not rough and passionate like Nixon's. Terrance's kiss is one you'd expect while star gazing or while the sun sets on the beach.

Letting go, I open my eyes to see his cheeks flushed.

"See you around."

And with that, I enter the house and wave bye before shutting the door. From the window I watch Terrance as he walks back to his truck, scratching his neck as he walks with a spring in his step. Just as he rounds to the driver side, he throws his hand up in the air in victory, making my heart warm as he drives away.

School comes quick the next day, landing me smack in the middle of the hall as I rummage through a stack of flash cards. With one major AP History test today and a presentation, I'm stressed out to say the least. Grabbing a pencil from my bag, I push it into my bun, every so often marking letters down as I take my next steps to lunch.

Zayne, one of the Adams brothers is rushing up to me as I look over my shoulder. "Hey."

"Sorry to have to catch you like this, but my mother wanted to invite your family over for dinner this Friday, just a catch up," he informs me. "Just wanted to let you know."

"Understood," I reply, watching as Zayne is about to leave, only to turn back to me. "Yes?"

He looks as if hesitant to ask his next words as we stand across from one another. "So, that night at the party, I heard you basically broke into my neighbor's house and got a plate as a dare."

A lump forms in my throat as people pass bye and I get nervous. "Yes, why?"

"Just curious, you've got some guts to do that. Not just breaking in, but also to Maxwell's house."

I nod, wanting to seem like I don't understand, yet I do. To tell the truth, Nixon Maxwell is scary as hell, I only am thankful that I'm on his good side, at least, I think.

I hope.

"Why say that?"

"One scary ass guy, that's for sure," Zayne replies as we end our conversation and I find myself alone once more as I head to lunch.

The table is filled with the people I've met and learned to like over the past weeks I've been here. Emily is going off on some plan for Christmas and George is drawing in other people to another conversation about the latest Game of Thrones episode he just watched. I spend my time bitting my lip as I think of the man I've become interest in.

The second George dared me to break into Maxwell's house, everyone looked frightened. At first I assumed it was just because it was breaking and entering, only, with Zayne's recent comment in the hall, I'm starting to second guess my idea. God, it's as if everyone is scared shitless of this male. For all that's holy, he was able to get Emily, Oliver, and even Oliver's mom to carry on a lie to my parents just because I spent the night at his house. I am finding myself lying as to why I've come home late or even didn't return till the next evening.

I release a deep breath as I decide to clear my thoughts and study.

There's always time for wondering about the man who lives isolated later on. Especially when I'm expected there again tonight. Again. And I have no idea what the night holds in store.

I could simply just be sitting in some room for the whole while he stares off into space while I wish to go home. He could take me away with no say and not return me for hours upon hours.

By the time school as come to an end, I'm getting dressed for work and head out to the job. Tying my hair back in a tight pony tail, I get the creases out of my maroon blouse and make sure there's no sign of any fuzzies on my black pants.

Work goes slow for the hours I'm there, my mind constantly drifting to how Nixon will react. Not only when I show up, but when I show up later due to work. Why? I forgot to tell him I work from five to nine on three times a week.
As I give another table their orders and offer them a smile, I find myself back in the kitchen as I knock my head against a fridge. Nixon is going to be pissed. But then again, we never set a time.

Table after table I find myself chewing on my lip over and over as the minutes drag on. By five after nine I'm hopping into my car and taking my hair down.

The drive is short, but my mind is going through a million possibilities of what will happen when I get there tonight. At a red light, I check my phone, dad asking me when I'll be home for work. I reply with a lie, one I've found myself telling them more lately, that I'm studying with a friend and don't know when I'll be home.

Sadly, my parents trust me, they trust my every move because I've worked hard to earn it, and here I am, wasting it as I spend my time with a man nine years older than me. He really doesn't look his age, yet, Nixon could pass as his age if he just grew out some facial hair, then a I could see that.

Pulling into the private drive, my knuckles are white from my right grasp and my eyes are locked on the house.

Not a single light.

Not a single sign of life.

I sit in my car for another. Five minutes as I contemplate what I'm going to do.
Finally, I wrap my mind around my decision and step out of the car, making my way once again to the front door.

Remembering last time, I don't wait for someone to open the door as I push the door open and the familiar smell of the house envelops me in a warming yet chilly way. "Hello?"

No response as my feet padding against the floor is the only noise in the whole castle-like home. A part of me tells me I won't find him in the same place twice as my eyes scan the stairs. It seems like a choice to take.

Ascending the stairs one by one I find myself soon on the second floor and looking for which way to head. I remember right leads you to that bedroom I slept in. Was that his?

My breathing hitches as I think about where I slept that one night, if that was the room where he sleeps every night. Does he even sleep? I've never seen him sleep.

Heading left, I decide to take a new path and soon find myself lost as I pry open multiple doors. "Nixon?" I call out, coming to the end of the hall only to be met by the light of the night. "Where the hell could he be?"

Sighing, I run a hand through my hair. He's no where to be found. I have no clue. Just as I'm about to give up, I feel his presence, right behind me as well.

"You're pretty late." His voice is stern and annoyed as my skin pales.

Should I be afraid of him when his tone is like this?

"I had work, I'm sorry, I forgot to clarify I work that lat-

"Why did you take that job?" He asks, not bothering with my full apology.


"What is the reason behind the job?" He asks in a different form, his body getting closer and closer every second I remain silent. I'm about to look around, only, arms wrap around my waist, gently pulling me back against him as my heart rate picks up.

"I wanted to work, to see how much it takes to earn the money I will one day need to live off of," I explain, keeping my eyes trained upon the moon as his warm breath fans the side of my neck, shivers running through my body.

He hums in my reply, understanding why I work as we stand in silence for the time being. It's hard to focus with his arms around me, the curve and dip of all of his mucks pressed against my more delicate body as the world carries on. "So, why am I here tonight?"

As if I can sense it, a sly smirk forms on his face and suddenly I'm turned around to meet those hypotonic midnight blue eyes. He looks like he was just at work, the dark gray slacks that fit his built legs, the navy blue shirt with a loose tie around the collar. His jacket is gone as his sleeves are rolled up, making me want to just drown in the drool I know should be on the floor by now.

"I think, Lily, you deserve a fun night."
"I deserve? From what? Don't tell me your definition of fun is going taxes," I ask, mumbling the last part as my hand is held and I'm led down to the garage.
In no time he has me in one of his cars and we are speeding off, flying past the neighborhood as I take a peek at the man's face.

For some reason, he entices me, he makes me want to dig deeper and wonder who is this man is that I cannot stop think about. Yet, at the same time, a part of m, deep down, begs for me to run. Run as fast as my legs can go.


It's beautiful to say the least, the exquisite art exhibit that I'm currently standing in, standing right next to Nixon as the amount of people begin to diffuse. We stand before a piece of work downtown that's painted on a white canvas, every shade of purple used to form a picture I will never be able to describe.

We move into the next on in silence as Nixon has one hand in his pocket, the other holding an elegant glass of red wine, his eyes fixed upon the painting. We look more out of place than most here, many people dressed up in their designer brands and dressed to impress as I stand in my work attire and Nixon in his too. His hair is messy from a long day, and I can tell so as well by the strain of hard work in his eyes.

Since ten we have been here, going through the pieces at some modern building where an upscale bar is below. To say the least, I don't fit, I'm just a puzzle piece not belonging to the higher class. Hell, the last exhibit I was at was four years ago at a Science museum for a field trip.

Pulling my eyes away from the next painting, I'm suddenly interrupted by a phone buzz. I look down to see a text from Emily, one telling me she told my dad that I was at her house for the night. Again, I've lied and have used to friendship to do something my parents would yell at me for.

"Well, it's eleven," Nixon begins, pulling my attention back onto him as he finishes up his drink. "Do you want to get out of here?"

"And go where?" I ask, checking for any other notifications as he takes my hand in his.

Fireworks ignite as I also gasp out loud, the contact making my blood feel electrified.

"I've got a place in mind."

Nodding, I follow him out of the building and waiting for his ride as the valet rushes to get it. In no time the expensive car is back and I'm hoping in, allowing Nixon to decide another memory to my story. "So, what's the place you have in mind?"

He shifts gears and I see us going up the ramp of a garage connected to a apartment complex. Raising an eyebrow, I notice we've parked and he's getting out a certain set of keys. "I assume this is another home of yours?"

"You would be correct, one of five. I keep this one close for when I'm in the city for a long period of time with busy work," he explains, helping me out I the vehicle as we make our way towards the elevator.

The top floor button is pressed and soon I'm right before the door of a penthouse, one I'm expecting to be modern.

The penthouse does not disappoint as every single bit is modern, screaming Nixon's name as he heads to the kitchen and grabs a rack of some fancy beer. "Drink?"

"Water," I reply, and he nods. Only, he doesn't get me water, for as he comes back, he hands me a bottle of the expensive beer and motions me to sit at the breakfast bar. "I don't drink," I explain, watching as he stands before me, his body almost touching my legs as I sit facing him.

"Live a little."

"That's what I'm afraid of."

As if that's a signal, I find my legs pushed apart and his boy settling right between them, my insides heating up along with the core of my body. Emotions run through me like crazy as he stands so close and in a way that makes me want to repeat what happened only a day ago. Only a day ago when his lips were upon mine.
"And what is there to be afraid of, Lily?" he asks, cocking his head to the side as his fingers brush the side of my neck. "The dark? Heights? Ghosts?"

I meet his eyes, my body almost seeming to relax as those dark eyes are focused solely on me. "Breaking the rules," I reply, my voice soft, almost embarrassed at my fear.

A small smile traces his lips as those hands settle on my hips, pulling me closer towards him. My body feels alive, as if I've been reborn, as if I've experienced a new drug I've got to have more of.

His touch.

His touch is the thing that drives me insane. His eyes keep me enticed. His words keep me wanting more. Everything about him makes my body crave him more and more.

"And what are the rules, Lily? Curfew?" He asks, his lips coming closer to mine as a feeling swirls at my core, a feeling that I find I need to obey. "Lying?"

My throat runs dry as he says that one word, reminding me of everything I've done to be here. I've betrayed so many people just to be here, in the arms of an older man who wants every damn bit of me. "The fact that you're with me?"

As if he's struck a nerve, my skin pales and I look away from his eyes, staring off at the city view the windows give. "Ah, I think it's all of those things, Lily, it's you breaking your parent's rules. It's you becoming less of a daddy's girl."

Right as those words are spoken, I find myself doing something incredibly stupid.

Nixon's face barely even moves as the loud sound echoes across the top floor, the only sigh that I even laid a hand on him being his darkening eyes. What the hell...

My body collides with the wall opposite of where I was sitting before I can even blink, my head sharply hitting the wall as his hands grasp the material of my shirt. His jaw is clenched as I stare wide-eyed back at him, frightened of what will happen next.

"Here's a little rule, Lily," he begins, tilting his head as my hands begin to shake. "You never lay a hand on me like that again. Do you understand?"

All I can do is nod, and as if that's the magic word, I'm pulled into a massive hug, as if to comfort. "I'm sorry, Lily."

"I lost control. I'm so sorry," he apologizes as his fingers trace designs on my back, his head buried in the crook of my neck, those lips brushing so delicately as I bite down hard on my tongue to conceal a moan.

He pulls back a bit, his eyes holding a sincere look as he awaits my response. He threw me into a wall and threatened me almost, and now, he stands before me, asking for complete forgiveness. His actions right now show me he didn't mean it, that he just got carried away. It's hard not to see that this man is like an alpha male, but at the same time, he's broken a barrier to apologize for his harsh actions.

Sighing, I nod. "I forgive you, Nixon, we both got carried away. It's not entirely your fault," I explain. And I'm right, it's more of my fault, I slapped him.

With those words, he seems complete as he heads away from the kitchen and towards the skyline his pent house provides. I stay put as he stands before the massive window, his hands behind his back as he stares out at the view. I want to be into his head, I want to know what he's thinking, how his brain works, what memories he holds. I want to know who he truly is.

Sighing, I walk towards him, standing side by side soon as I take in the fact he's a lot taller than me, making me crank my neck when I'm at certain angles. "How was work?" Breaking the silence, I await his answer like all other times.

"Productive, a meeting today and it was finished in three hours."

He's opened up. He's let me know a fraction of his day. "And I take it that it benefited your...company," I say, almost unsure to add in the last word.

"You could say that."

Nodding, I bite my cheek, looking out upon the city as the lights glow and the cars are still out, people down below coming from late parties or events. "Not to be rude or anything, but when will I be getting back home? I have school tomorrow and..." I trail off as I can sense the atmosphere changing. I can sense him becoming almost angered with the topic. "I mean, I'll be back tomorrow anyway so it's not like I won't be here." I wait. "I mean, we both have lives away from one another. You have work, I'm sure a family, friends, things to do. I have school, friends, and family as well I like to be with."

"Do you know what I do when you're gone, Lily?"

I shake my head.

"Every second of every day, I wonder what you're doing. When I wake up, I want you to be beside me, I wish every time I wake up that you'd be beside me, to be there, for me to hold. Every night I go to bed wondering if you're safe, if you're content, if you find me just as addictive as I find you. At work I'm not only preoccupied with my job, but the thought of you being somewhere that I cannot be at that moment. That's what I do everyday, that's what I do in a summarized telling of my day."

My heart skips a beat, goosebumps forming upon my skin as he faces me, those eyes locked on me, as if locked on a certain prize or goal. "Now, Lily, tell me that you don't think of me so much that you find yourself lost in thought, and if you don't feel that, then you're free to leave. But keep in mind, liars are only punished in the end."

Thoughts flood my mind, memories coming back of me just sitting in class as I zone out, wondering where he is, what he's doing, and so much more. Memories come back of me just thinking about the time he kissed me, about our first encounter, about how he says those words that make me feel like I'm on cloud nine.

If I lie, I have no doubt he could tell. I could leave, I could go back home, I could end this but could I lie to him? Could I tell a lie to a man that I'm finding myself wanting to be around every second?

"Yes," I breathe out, as if free from my insanity of thoughts.

"Yes what?" Nixon asks, approaching me, his chest almost touching mine as my body feels alive.

He waits for my answer just like ow I've always waited for his. "Yes, I kind you occupying my every thought."

With those words, he's flush against me and his lips are moulded against mine, picking my legs up by his hands as my fingers find themselves tangled in his hair. I'm settled upon a cold surface, my eyes briefly opening to see the kitchen before I close them. He's in between my legs, his lips still on mine as my whole body feels as if on fire, as if I'm itching to be released from some prison, as if I'm itching for more. More of him.

Hands runs up and down my body, a moan coming from my mouth as he takes my bottom lip into a small bite, sending shocks down to my core. One hand finds itself under the material of my shirt, the bare skin contact driving me insane as the man before me groans in approval.

God, I've never let a man do this before, yet, I'm not second guessing myself as one hand finds a breast, kneading as the other holds onto my neck, keeping me close, as if I'll break away.

As if I'm no longer in control, I scoot my body forward, pressing myself as much as I can against Nixon, wanting more of him.

And just as good as it was, it gets even better as the hand under my shirt moves to my back, running a finger along my spinal cord, shivers running through me, and suddenly, the hand stops as the clasp of my bra.

I can't take it anymore as I push his hands off of new, gaining what seems to be like a growl. Nixon looks mad and shocked at me pushing him away. My hands fall to my shirt, quick to only pull it off as his eyes instantly brighten up.

As if that's the que, he's now got his eyes trained on the swell of my breasts hidden behind the dark purple material and my toned stomach. His lips are back on mine, but his hands now pulling down the straps of my bra, working magic as my lips become even more swollen.

It's a battle for passion here, his tongue sliding into my mouth as another moan escapes my lips. Another follows as the cold air nips at my naked front, his lips trailing down upon my neck.

A loud moan like none other escapes my mouth as my head falls back and he bites upon my neck. "Oh God," I groan, fisting my hands in his silky locks as his hands work magic.

One small bite upon my collarbone and I moan Nixon's name. Loud.

He stops, looking up and into my eyes. "Say it again," he demand, his hands pausing as I hate the pause. "Say my name just like that agin."

One hard pinch and I've done his demand, allowing him to carry on. His mouth soon latches onto a breast and his teeth gently bite down, my whole world turned upside down. I just don't want him, I need him. I need him always with me. I need him to make me feel like this.

"Nixon," I call out, his eyes looking up at me as I find it hard to control my breathing, to not let loose and throw my head back. God, this man is good. "I need..."

The phone rings, mine, vibrating in my back pocket as my hands rush to pick it up. Looking at caller ID, I find Taylor's name. "I've got to take it," I explain.
Answering, I'm met with Taylor asking me where I am. Just as I'm about to reply, Nixon does something I want to hit him for. He starts up again, causing me to tighten the grip on my phone and try to control my voice.

"I'm with Emily," I lie, feeling awe fully guilty, only, as Nixon bite down, I feel like I'm on cloud nine. "What do you-

"I-I was...Lily just come home," she cries out causing me to push Nixon away with my hand.

"What's wrong, Taylor? Is it mom or dad?" As if he's got the whole idea of the conversation, Nixon hands me my bra and I put it back on, followed by my shirt. "What happened?"

"It's not them, Lily, it's me."

"What's wrong?" I ask as Nixon grabs his keys and starts leading me from his place.

Crying erupts on the other line a we enter the elevator, Nixon placing an arm around my waist as my heart feels pained for Taylor. "Do you remember Adam?"

"Adam from the new school?" I ask. Last week I met a guy named Adam Taylor was sort of dating but not really. "What did that douche do, Taylor?" I ask, anger lacing my tone. Nixon takes my tone as a sign to pull me close, trying to calm me down. And he does, my anger slowly being less and less as we walk towards his car.

"He-he. I had sex with him, okay, and at first I wanted it, and then, I'd told him to stop and he wouldn't."

My face burns with anger as I hop into Nixon's car and think of a way to harm this kid.

"I'm coming, Taylor."

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