••• Twenty-Five •••

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He was gone the moment the sun arose from its slumber, the sunlight streaming into the dark house, windows allowing the light to flood the very home where no good should ever be allowed. Nixon left with his luggage in hand, kissing my forehead as he told me that we would be together again soon. As for me, I watched from the front door as he drove off, offering me a kind smile as I faked one in return. We both faked our smiles, knowing full well what had happened just recently was enough to keep us both on the edge. He knows what I think and he knows I will not simply just ignore his warning and be the good little Luna. After all, he made me into someone that broke the rules. Just a year ago I was someone who never broke the rules nor stuck my nose where it did not belong. I owe my change to Nixon, how I lied to my parents and went behind my backs. As I did to my parents, I will do to Nixon. I will lie and go behind his back. He expects this from me, he does, and I have no idea what he will do if I uncover much more than he wanted me to ever find out.

The kitchen is silent today, the only noise are my footsteps upon the wooden floor as I grab my cup of coffee. Today I will chat with Mrs. Adams. Today I will try and uncover who Gavin is to Nixon, to see if there's a purpose to why Gavin has sabotaged my sister but is still trying to help me in his own twisted way. As the coffee aids me in waking up, I head back up the stairs, a clean outfit on for the day as I pull my hair back and look at the girl in the mirror. She's tired, she's hiding behind a façade, her hazel eyes dulling out, long brown locks pulled back tight as it allows the viewer to see her hollow smile, yet she still seems the same. She would look no different from a year ago to the average onlooker unless you remembered a once happy and innocent Lily Kippers, the one to find optimism as her best friend and look forward to the year ahead. To the public, she seems the same until you dig deeper. I look nothing like how I feel.

Grabbing my purse, I head down the stairs, opening the grand entrance door, the sunlight warming my skin. As I lock up, I glance to the Adam's house, sitting peaceful as I know what must be done.

My feet carry me fast as I head for the house, palms becoming sweaty as I take in a deep breath. On the front porch, I knock at the wooden door, awaiting the woman of the house to answer and for me to ask away.

"Lily?" Looking up, Mrs. Adams stands before me, dressed in a simple pair of jeans and a casual pink blouse. "What can I do for you?"

She's one of the few I trust. "You've been part of this pack quite some time, correct?" I ask, watching as she nods. Opening the door more, she invites me in, knowing that I have an important question to ask that may require some background story. As we take our seats in the living room, I take in a shaky breath and watch as she motions for me to speak. "Was there ever a man by the name of Gavin in your pack who Nixon banished?" I ask, talking rather quick as Mrs. Adams sits back in her seat.

"You have no idea where you stand in this pack, do you?" I raise an eyebrow, unsure of what she means. "The moment you stepped foot into Nixon's house you were already treading on thin ice, and now, Lily, your swimming with sharks in the deep end." My skin pales as Mrs. Adams lets out a sign, hopelessness filling her gaze. "With Gavin in the mix...goddess I should have done something."

"What do you mean?" I ask, my voice shaky as Mrs. Adams runs a stressful hand through her hair.

"Nixon was bad enough, Lily. The pack, our pack that you are part of taking charge over, there are unspoken rules. You never speak to Nixon unless spoken to, never turn your back to him, never insult him, hell, never say anything bad about him," she starts off as goosebumps cover my entire body. "These unspoken rules were never around until the word of my sister was found dead."

"You're saying that Nixon's pack is afraid of him?"

She nods. "People say Nixon killed his wife and Luna, that he killed my sister all because he could not handle someone replacing him. Lillian was replacing him with Zion after their marriage was headed downhill." My throat becomes dry. "Nixon's pack fears he could kill them as well and get away with it."

"So they believe Nixon killed her?" I ask, trying to clear this whole thing up.

"Some believed that he did and the majority of the pack were on the fence. Years later his pack is still afraid of him, not because of Lillian's death, but because of what happened to those who accused him of killing Lillian."

"Gavin was one of those?" I ask, watching as Mrs. Adams take a deep breath.

"Gavin was Nixon's first Beta and part of his inner circle in the pack. Gavin and Lillian were good friends because he would listen to her as she told him that she was afraid of what Nixon could do to her if she ever upset him," Mrs. Adams informs. "Nixon made Gavin a rogue...he was lucky. The few that also questioned Nixon ended up being slaughtered, Nixon saying that they had committed treason."

Nixon leads a pack that fears him. What makes him so powerful is the fear that he strikes in those hearts. Just as he has made me fear him.

"Gavin is lucky to be alive, Nixon let him live, but that doesn't mean he won't keep an eye on Gavin."

Footsteps and Mrs. Adams becomes tense as her husband comes down the stairs. Sharp in a suit, her husband looks to me, unsure of why I am here. "Lily, how are you?"

"I am good. How are you Mr. Adams?" I ask in return, polite as he looks to his wife.

"I'm fine. Did you drop by for coffee?" He asks, eyes on his wife as I see fear laced in his eyes. He's scared to have me in his house because of what Nixon could do. Mr. Adams is a paradigm of the pack members who follow Nixon due to fear.

"I did, I'm heading out soon for the day," I inform, watching as he nods, grabbing his keys for his car as he heads for the front door. Wishing me a good day, Mr. Adams is gone fast. "He's scared of Nixon?"

"Aren't we all? I see it in you too, Lily, for you know the power Nixon holds over you." My eyes meet her's. "The pack is scared of their Alpha, but for their Luna, for you, the pack believes that you are to be a good Luna." I'm shocked.

"They don't even know me," I begin, "I know Nixon keeps me away from the pack for some reason that pertains to trying to-

"He doesn't want you around the pack too much because he believes you will see how he runs them by fear," Mrs. Adams interrupts. "The pack wants you to be there for they believe you would be a truly caring Luna." I am shocked for sure. I had no idea. I had no idea how they felt about me.

"Promise me something, Lily," Mrs. Adams begins, getting to her feet as I know this conversation has to be wrapped up as well. "Promise me that if anything happens that you will come here if you need help. If Nixon becomes too much, promise me you will come here and we will help you."

Her words cause fear to corse through my body. Her words make me on edge as I fear that this may be worse than I thought.

"I promise," I respond, knowing full well I will take up the promise if I need to.

Rising to my feet, Mrs. Adams walks me to the door, opening it wide for me as I thank her for the talk. Just as I step out of the house, she calls my name. Looking over my shoulder, Mrs. Adams looks to me, eyes holding sincerity. "I do not know what exactly goes on in the walls of that house, Lily, the conversations you two have, but I know that Nixon has changed you."

She shuts the door, leaving me alone to process her words as my shoulders tense. She's right, I have changed.

As I dig into my purse, I grab the keys to one of the many cars Nixon has stored away in the garage. Picking a more cheaper looking car of the sleek and expensive ones he has, I chose a Porsche, hopping in as I decide that if I have changed, I need not hide behind the old look of Lily. Driving off, I head to the Main Street of the town, parking before a shop I'd gone into only twice this year. Sitting down in a seat, I taking in a deep breath as I inform the woman of what I am looking for.

As chemicals are applied to my locks and scissors cut away, I try and close my eyes, trying to relax as his eyes flash through my mind. Mrs. Adams is right, how Nixon rules with fear. She told me what I wanted to hear and now I need Gavin to talk with me. I need him to inform me what I have been thinking this entire time.

As two hours pass I am soon in the driver's seat, unlocking my phone as I open my camera app. My fingers run through my hair, my locks not hitting just above my collar bone, my brunette locks now platinum blond, nothing left of the color I once had as the color is opposite of the darkness my world has been consumed by now.

Rather than drive off right away, I make a phone call, one that will drastically change what I believe.

"Hello?" The voice asks, unsure of who has just called.

"We need to talk," I inform, my voice stern.

"Are you sure?" Gavin asks, his voice filled with worry.

"I am sure."


Wednesday rolls around and I sit still, unfamiliar with the building I sit within, my eyes scanning the crowd. Gavin said we would be safe talking here, that no one from Nixon's pack would be here to overhear what he wanted to tell me. My back straight, I sit on a wooden stool in a bar, the smell of alcohol in the air and glasses clinking as voices fill in the silence now gone. With the water in my hand and my eyes scanning every face, I await Gavin, wanting to leave this unfamiliar territory as I fear what Nixon could do. Am I now just a typical pack member, afraid of what Nixon could do if he ever finds out? Does he control me with fear as he does with the rest of his pack? Glancing to the left, I watch as the door to the bar opens, a tattooed arm reaching out to stop it from shutting too hard. As his gray eyes scan the bar, his eyes lock with mine and I take in a sharp breath. My skin pales as I watch him not walking to me, but to a table for two in the corner of the bar, calling over a waitress as he orders a drink.

Getting up from my seat, I head over, being careful to not draw much attention as Gavin sits with his back to me. As I take my seat and gave him, I don't know whether to punch him for what he has done to my sister or thank him for meeting with him. This is all part of his sick plan for me to uncover what he wants me to. Just like Nixon he has a twisted mind, but so do I for still staying in this mess.

"Gladyou called," he begins the conversation, the corner of his lips tugging upward into a soft smirk as I lean back in my chair. The waitress brings over a dark beer for him, wishing us a good drink as she heads off. "I was worried you would not want to speak with me again. Not to mention, the new look you've got going here, really suits the new you."

"I'm certain you would have showed up anyway to torment me in your way of helping," I point out, crossing my arms as Gavin chuckles shortly, shaking his head as he clasps his hands and placed them on the round table. "Thank you for the compliment upon my new look," I add, hating to thank him a little. Leaning forward a bit, his eyes become shadowed by the dim lighting and I find myself looking at a tattoo upon his right wrist that I had not really noticed before. Four claw marks as if from a wolf, black with a dark red for an outline as the artists work is truly beautiful upon his skin. The claw marks blend into a mountain range he has circling his wrist before the sleeve of his tattoos becomes a true masterpiece of ink. "Five days ago I found something I never wanted to."

I've got his attention as an eyebrow is raised and he takes a sip of his beer. Reaching into my purse, I take out the one pearl that I found in the piano, the dried blood still there. Gavin holds out his hand as I place it into his palm, the hairs on the back of my neck raising. "I know that if Lillian would have committed suicide like Nixon said then he would not have kept the piano. The pearl shows that this is the same piano that she was...murdered upon."

Gavin nods. "Finally some common sense," he mumbles, throwing the pearl over his shoulder as I'm about to get onto him for his move. "That pearl is evidence, yes, but proves the point that Nixon kept the piano. The only evidence you need now to see how sick Nixon is is for you to listen to what I am about to say."

"Why should I trust your words?" I ask, knowing it's a dumb question but I want to hear what he has to say.

"You called me to hear the story, did you not?" I nod. "Listen to my story and tell me that it is a lie. If it's a lie, then go on believing that Nixon offers you a happily ever after."

I sit back, giving Gavin the floor to speak as I await his story.

"Lillian Rice was a good friend of mine back before everything started. I met her five weeks before she married Nixon," he begins, eyes meeting mine. "She was very nice, not anything like I had expected since I heard she was heartless and a bitch from the pack. They got married and fast forward several months she came to me crying one day." I cross my legs and wait as Gavin pauses in his story. "Nixon and Lillian were trying to have a child and she had just had a miscarriage. She didn't want Nixon to find out. I ask why and she said that she was afraid of him, afraid that he may harm her. That was the first time I questioned what was up with their relationship or even Nixon for that matter.

"A few months later I went to their house, needing to inform Nixon of some pack trouble only to be greeted by Lillian. She said Nixon was gone on a run, not opening the door entirely for me, but I saw the mess of the house. The mirrors shattered and holes in the wall. They both had short fuses and once one went off, the other responded just as drastically," Gavin explains as I follow along with his story. "After a while, Nixon and Lillian become shells of the people I once knew and soon enough, she was having an affair with King Zion. Nixon came to me after he figured it out, explaining how betrayed he felt and how angry she made him."

"Did Nixon and Zion ever fight?" I ask, remembering how the King looked at Nixon when we met. I remember how anger radiated off of him in waves.

"Much so. Zion lost once, placing the King in shame. Nixon knows how to fight, Lily, his father was a great warrior and taught him well," Gavin replies. "Nixon one day confronted Lillian about her cheating on him and she said he was wrong. Lillian came to me that night, telling m that she was scared for her life. The entire time I had known her, she had come to me about a dozen times, telling me that Nixon frightened her and she was scared he may be overwhelmed by his emotions some day and harm her beyond return." Lillian was scared of Nixon. Nixon ruled over her with fear.

"Hell, she was part of the Royal Guard, one of the best warriors in the Kingdom, but she was afraid of Nixon."

Gavin holds out his right hand, pointing to the four claw marks tattooed upon his wrist. "Lillian's throat was not just slit open, Lily, but four claw marks were left upon her torso that ultimately killed her."

"Is four some important number to Nixon?" I ask.

Nixon. I've just admitted that Nixon killed Lillian, I've just come to the conclusion as I ask if the four slashes Nixon did to Lillian were important.

"Lillian had four miscarriages and each time she had one, she would run to Zion."

How have I been living under the same roof as this man? How? How have I kept coming back to him?!

"Do you question of what I say is true?" Gavin asks, taking a swing of his drink as a lump forms in my throat.


"You have a small doubt because deep down you believe Nixon is innocent, that the man that marked you is innocent and maybe he offers you a life worth living," Gavin interrupts as I find myself agreeing to his words. "You have a small doubt that maybe all of this is made up and Nixon is actually a good guy." I nod. "Let me tell you this, Lily," he begins as I meet his gaze. "There is one way to know if what I say is entirely true, to cancel that little doubt in your brain."

"How is that?" I ask, my eyes searching the bar for someone that could inform Nixon where I am.

Gavin holds an intense stare with me as I feel the gravity of what is about I be said sink in.

"When Nixon gets back, try and contact me. If I do not answer, Nixon has killed me. If he has killed me, let that be a sign to you that what I have told you is true. That Nixon Maxwell murdered his wife and Luna."

"And if you live?" I ask, knowing this is the small bit of doubt talking for me.

Gavin smiles, a lopsided one. "Then go and marry the little fucker with no regret."

Getting to his feet, Gavin leaves a small was of cash on the table for the waitress for his bill, looking down to me as he slides his phone into his pocket. "I hope to see you again soon," I inform, also getting to my feet as Gavin shakes his head.

"Don't lie to yourself, Lily, for we both know that my head won't stay on my shoulders long once Nixon returns."

And he's gone, exiting as I am left to fear what will happen when Nixon returns from the palace.

Leaving as well, I slide into my car, driving back to the place I have learned to call home and now wish I had never broken into. Regret but someone am happy for. Happy in a way I cannot express as that definition of happiness has become twisted and deformed in a way I can never undo.

As I enter the house and head to the piano, I cross my arms, looking upon the instrument that the woman I could never be nor wish to be was murdered upon. Four flashes for a sick reason and a throat slit open. How could Nixon claim it was a suicide if there's no way in hell Lillian could have clawed her torso? How foolish could I be?

Turning my back to the piano, I head for the kitchen, making myself lunch with whatever we have left in the fridge. As I head up leftovers from last night, I lean against the counter as I think of Gavin, of what he said would be the deciding factor in if Nixon did kill Lillian and I have no doubt left. He said he would be dead, he believes he will be dead. Only a mad man would bet his life upon something he would be so certain of. Only a mad man, but Gavin is not as mad as Nixon is. Nixon is a psychopath, someone who I have no idea why he still stays with me. Someone who I have no idea why I am still with unless for the reasons of perhaps our demons working together to create a life worth living.

As the microwave dings, I head for the meal, opening the door as the smell of Thai food meets my nose. Just as I inhale the smell, my stomach turns and I rush for the bathroom. Holding my hair back, I find myself realizing something I never wanted to realize in a million years.

Wiping my mouth, I flush the toilet as I go to wash my hands. As my eyes meet the woman before me, a hollow look is reflected back at me.


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