••• Twenty-Six •••

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Tell me that this ends well. Tell me that I make it out of this place and I will laugh. That I will get my happily ever after.

Standing before the shelf, my hands shake as my eyes are locked upon the pink box. With my purse clutched tight in my hands and my phone lightly buzzing in my back pocket, I have no idea how today will end in the long run. As one of my shaky hands reach out, my heartbeat pounds in my chest and I fear the outcome. Taking in a deep breath, I grab the box, holding it close to my body as I head for the checkout line. With my free hand grabbing my wallet, I go to the self-checkout, scanning the object as I pay with cash. Once paid for and in a sack, I flee the store, heading for the car as I fear what this test will tell me.

The drive home feels like eons to complete, my eyes forming tunnel vision around the road as I try and concentrate. I try and take my mind off of a situation that is stronger than gravity. With the car parked in the garage soon enough, I turn it off, heading up the stairs with the item in my sweaty hands. My purse set down upon the bathroom counter, I unbox the item, worried for what it will read as I take in a shaky breath.


I pace. All I can do is pace as I have no idea what to do. I have no idea what will happen. The pregnancy test is upside down, my eyes not wanting to see the number of lines that signal if I am to become a mother or not. My father always told me that the moment I had a child out of wedlock that my life would never be the same. My mother told me that children should only be had in marriage or else your life will go down the drain. But I left my parents behind. They words are just optional to listen to now as I pace myself in the room I've learned to sleep in. In the house I've learned to call home. The home of a murderer.

Rather than turn the test around to see the result, I shove it into my purse, sliding on my shoes as I head down the grand staircase and out the front door. I don't hesitate as I knock upon the front door with a rush. I bounce off of my heels, worried as my nerves skyrocket and I worry even more. I need someone behind me for when I look at the result, someone to support me and help me out for what I discover.

Her eyes meet mine and she invites me in right away, a smile across her face as I enter. "What can I do for you?" Mrs. Adams asks, walking to the kitchen as I follow behind her. She's making a small salad, a cup of tea to her right as she looks to me, awaiting my reason for knocking on her door.

"I need your help," I inform, taking a seat at the breakfast bar as I place my purse upon the counter. "I...I just need help."

"With that?" Mrs. Adams asks, concern flooding her tone as my eyes begin to water and I fear what will happen. I fear what will happen if the worst is the result and how Nixon will respond. Yes, yes I think of Nixon in the mix. Why? Because I am no fool to run, to try and escape because I know he will find me. I have no ties to escaping and even if Mrs. Adams offers me her help, we both know that Nixon is a force not to be overlooked. Nixon is a warlord and twisted individual that no one can outrun.

I take out the test, placing it face-down. "I threw up yesterday and have no fever. I threw up again this morning and decided to purchase one of these. I haven't looked at the results because I am afraid...of what it contains," I inform, a sob escaping my mouth as Mrs. Adams rushes over to me, rubbing my shoulders as she holds me close like a mother. "I don't know if I am, but I have a pretty damn good idea," I whisper, my voice weak as I stare at the pink item before me. "If I am pr-pregnant then I think we both pretty damn know that I cannot leave Nixon."

She nods. "This child would tie me down to him forever," I sob. "I'm young. I'm not even nineteen and I may have a child in me. I'm not even nineteen and I've moved in with a man older than me and may be having his child. The child of a man who-

"Don't think about that right now. Don't think about the bad," Mrs. Adams states, pulling me in for a motherly hug as I let out another sob and the tears begin to fall. "Children are wonderful. No matter what, if you are to have a child, you will love it. Mothers learn of the beauty of children, how they are part of you and your greatest joy to hold and raise." I sob, a hand shooting up to cover my mouth. "Take a look at the result when you are ready."

I cry, held in the arms of a woman who I have come to know as a mother figure. Her arms circle around me as I let out my emotions, sobs filling the air as my tears wet down a sleeve of her blouse. "I'm so young," I croak, eyes shutting as I hold onto Mrs. Adams for dear life, tears escaping my eyes. "So young and nieve."

Mrs. Adams places a motherly kiss upon my forehead, knowing the pain of what I am going through as my eyes open. My hand reaches forward, shaky as I take ahold of the object and flip it over. I know what my future holds.


The phone rings, vibrating on the nightstand as the moonlight floods the room. Reaching out, I take hold of the phone, answering it to hear Nixon stating my name. "Are you there?" He asks, his voice sending chills down my spine as my throat runs dry.

"I'm here," I respond, my voice hoarse from waking up. It's two in the morning, what could he want? "What's up?"

I hear him sigh on the other end as I know he's probably pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'm flying home in an hour. I just wanted to hear your voice," he begins as I lay down upon the bed that we share. "I wanted to ask if you could do be a big favor."

"Go ahead," I inform, siting up as I rub my eyes.

"Could you go into my office at home." I respond with a yes, getting to my feet as I head across the room and the second floor of the mansion. Once in the office, I ask for further instructions. "In the left drawer of my desk, top one, I need you to find my notepad. I have a number on there and I've forgotten it."

I head across the room, opening the drawer as my eyes widen. Beside the notepad Nixon mentioned lays a silver gun. A silver gun that one would see being used against werewolves. My shaky hand picks it up, inspecting the weapon as I check to see if it's loaded. It's not, meaning that Nixon must hide the bullets. Perhaps he thinks someone may use it against him so he takes the bullets and hides them. Does he fear me using it against him? "Lily?"

I place the gun down. "Sorry, I've got it here," I respond, working fast as I pull the notepad and list him the number. "Who is it for?" I ask, shutting the drawer as I leave the gun behind.

Nixon leaves a silence between the two of us as I hear a yawn. I await his answer as I head back for bed.

"An old friend who I need to pay a visit to," he responds, and just like that, we part and my phone is locked. Sliding into bed, I close my eyes, thinking about what he said as I roll onto my side and place my hands upon my stomach. I am to be a mother. I am to raise a child and I question if Nixon will be the father figure that will be in its life. I wonder if I will ever run from here. I wonder if I can even raise a child on my own with no degree. It would be hard. It would be hard even just fleeing Nixon. He would never forgive me if I ran and took his child with me.

I'm scared of how he would raise our child.

Not only am I scared, but his last words in our call leave me worried. He said he was going to pay a visit to an old friend of his, to call this male up and perhaps see him again. There was a different tone present in his voice and I now understand it.

Gavin. Gavin was an old friend of Nixon's. Nixon is going to visit Gavin and there's nothing I can do. I could warn Gavin, but the way Gavin takes to me yesterday leaves me questioning if he would even flee Nixon in the end. Would me warning him that Nixon is on the way even aid him. I cannot be too sure in what Gavin would dare do. I make up my mind, testing the male as I warn him right off the bat that Nixon is coming for him.

He reads my text but I get not reply. I stay awake for another fifteen minutes only for Gavin to never text me back.

I call Gavin, afraid for his life as I am hung up on. I call again and again, five times total for him to only ignore me.

Gavin knows what is to happen and does not give a damn. He doesn't care for living another day.

I take my last chance, calling a number I never thought I would call again.

"What the hell do you want?" Her voice floods the room as I place her on speaker. I could be placing her in massive trouble, but Nixon would not dare harm her.

"Gavin is in massive trouble and you need to tell him. Tell him to flee, that someone is coming after hi-

"Don't try and tell my boyfriend what to do if you can't tell your sugar daddy a damn thing," Taylor snaps as I knew she would retaliate.

"Text your boyfriend and tell him to leave his house. If you want him alive after tomorrow then you'd better do this, Taylor," I snap, silence filling the other line as a beeping sounds. She hung up on me. She hung up on me meaning that Gavin will not see the sunset tomorrow or perhaps even the sunrise in a few hours.

I pace around on the balcony now, phone pressed against my ear, no noise, and the wind cold as it blows. Taylor will not listen to me. She needs to, but then again, Taylor does not like Gavin truly. I see it in the few times we have seen enough other since she's been with him. Taylor is using Gavin to piss me off and our parents while he is using her to get me annoyed. They are using the other. Even though Gavin has compared what Taylor and him are to Nixon and me, we are different. Extremely different especially at this moment in time.

My hands move to my stomach, a sense of overwhelming coming over me. How will I tell Nixon. Will I even tell him? What if we get in another fight and something happens to me that puts this child in danger? I would have to tell him to prevent that; however, telling him would be like the wolf willingly put its foot in the bear trap. A trap I would have to chew my leg off of to escape. It's just a matter of what I will have to sacrifice if I get away from Nixon.

A hand runs stressfully though my shock locks, afraid if Nixon will overreact even on smaller things like my hair. My hair is significant to me, symbol of the change that has happened. The new individual that I embody. Embody and yet wish I could break free from. This new vessel of mine is not what I want, but at the same time, in my own sick and twisted mind, I cannot see myself leaving Nixon at all.

My phone goes off, my fingers sliding the green button as I see who has called. "Lily?"

"Yes?" I ask, my voice soft as I am afraid of what he has to say.

"How do you feel about house shopping tomorrow?" He asks as I hear the sound of an engine. He's getting on the plane. Soon Gavin will be no more.

I want to bang my head against the walls of the house. The walls of the house in which I have found my isolation and imprisonment. "That soon?" I ask, trying to sound normal. "It's not that I don't want to move, it's just that you're just getting back." I need Nixon to not think I am against his suggestion.

"I understand," Nixon replies. "I'll be back in the morning, so I'll talk with you soon."

I take in a shaky breath. "I'll see you then as well," I reply as we end the call, my heart pounding in my chest. As I hang up and lock my phone, a rippling scream leaves my mouth as I throw the phone, dropping to my knees as the tears begin to fall. My head drops and rests against the marble railing, hands wiping away the tears as a sob escapes my mouth.

I should have listened to Gavin long ago.


It's like the scene in Jurassic Park when the characters are in their cars, the rain pouring, and the shot where the water glass shakes as the T-Rex gets closer. The tension in the shot, how everyone is frightened, frozen in fear as they have no idea what to do because the thing they are up against is so much more powerful than them. That scene is just like what I have going on right now, how I hear the garage door opening and my heart pounding in my chest as it wants to leap out.

I stay frozen where I sit, on the edge of the bed, draped rapped around my shoulders as I keep my eyes glued to the double doors of the master bedroom. With a simple pair of sweatpants on and a light tank top, I know that soon I will have to go and get bigger clothes for what is about I happen to me. My throat dry, I run a hand through my short locks, knowing that Nixon hating change without him being informed will only upset him. I fear if he has already killed Gavin, if the man that wanted to help me in his own twisted way is now lifeless.

The garage door shuts and I hear the door open to the house that leads up to the living room. I can hear his footsteps even in the empty mansion, the hollow rooms causing every sound to carry. With my hands shaking, I hold them tightly together, worried about what will happen in the next few days. Worry what will happen when I decide it is time to inform Nixon that I am to have a child. Our child. The child of a werewolf and Alpha who has done so much to the reality I once knew.

"Lily?" I hear my name called, Nixon wanting me to greet him as my heart plummets to my stomach. "Lily?"

"Upstairs," I call out, no reply as I become extremely tense. Pulling the sheets tighter to my body, I can hear Nixon heading up the stairs. Gathering myself together, I raise my chin, eyes locked to where Nixon will enter through the doors to greet me.

The doors open, navy eyes meeting mine as my skin pales. His eyes don't stay locked with mine long, rather shifting up to my head of hair as his eyes widen. I've been around Nixon long enough to know when he is about to go on a rant or say something beyond negative, but this time I don't see that. I see shock but nothing more. "You changed your look," he comments as I nod in return. "I like it." It's like a deep relief that makes me at least a bit relaxed. As Nixon walks forward, all of that small bit of relaxation goes away. Fingers run softly though my hair, moving to cup my face as he leans down to my height, softly kissing me as I return the greeting.

"What did you do at the palace?" I ask, Nixon softly pushing me back down onto the bed, my nerves skyrocketing. I watch as his slides off his suit jacket, the moonlight highlighting the curve of his muscles from under his dress shirt, tie loose, and hair a bit ruffled from his flight. How can I act like this before him, to a man who has just murdered Gavin and Lillian? How am I not pushing him away? Nixon straddles me, hands on either side of my head as his eyes lock with mine.

"The wedding for Zion and Sybil is underway. We will be attending the ceremony next week on Tuesday." I prop myself up on my elbows, Nixon retrieving a little as I become confused.

"I'll be going with you?" I ask for clarification as he nods his head. "Humans can attend?" He nods his head again, only to get off of the bed and hold out his hand for me to take. A hand that may have just snapped Gavin's neck and grew claws to slash through Lillian's torso. Four slashes to signify the four times she went to Zion and had an affair.

"Follow me," Nixon informs, holding out his hand for me to take as I sit up and hesitate. I cannot act afraid for that is what he feeds off of. Fear is how he keeps his pack in check. I reach out, Nixon pulling me up from the bed and leads me to the door. "I have a surprise."

There's a different tone present.

As we pass through the doorway, something already seems off. I find myself frightened even more, following behind his shadow in the moonlight as we head down the hall. The moment we come across the grand stairway, I am greeted by an unfamiliar face, one of a male, middle aged, brown eyes, and blond hair. His body is built to the max, a way that makes me feel like he could crush my head in a second. He's built to crush bones. Nixon looks to me as he heads down the stairs, raising an eyebrow as to why I am not following. "Lily?" I meet his questioning face, my feet in place at the top of the stairwell.

"Who is he?" I ask, voice shaky as I fear if this man is here to harm me. Here to end me just as Nixon ended Lillian. "Nixon?" I am worried to death.

"He's not here to harm you. This is Justin, he's a pack warrior and helps me out from time to time," Nixon informs, walking back up to me as I meet Justin's stare. "Lily?" I look back to Nixon, his arm stretched out as my shaky arm links with his. We walk down the stairs, passing right past Justin as Nixon nods to him. Justin heads out the door, leaving us alone once again. I become a little more relaxed, glad that the male is gone, Nixon leading us over to the kitchen. As he pulls out a high stool for me beside the kitchen bar, everything feels off to me. Nixon is too calm right now. He's way too calm.

Nixon settles between my legs, hands on either side of me upon the counter as he looks into my eyes. With my stomach twisting into millions of little pieces, I try and hold my head high before Nixon, trying to embody the woman he has transformed me into. I used to follow the rules and he changed that, sure, it's not like I'm some badass chick who goes and gets a bad rep, but from someone who always listened to their parents to someone who left them, it's drastic for me. "I need you to tell me something, Lily." I become worried even more. "I need you to be completely honest with me."

"What is it?" I ask, Nixon getting closer as he leans in, lips brushing my ear as my skin pales.

"I want you to be completely honest with me, Lily," he whispers, lips brushing my ear as he speaks, the hairs on the back of my neck raising. "Because I know if you are lying the second those words leave your lips and I will not be so forgiving this time."

Nixon pulls back, the corner of his lips tugging upward into a sly smirk, his eyes locked on me like a predator, and the shadows of the night cloak his face. "What is it?" I ask, my voice shaky as Nixon pulls away, walking around the counter, leaning against the counter as he looks at me.

"Tell me what you did while I was away, who you spoke with," he demands, crossing his arms as he loosens his tie, pulling it off and tossing it onto the counter. My throat becomes dry as he just watches me, using intimidation to get what he wants from me. He runs his pack with fear and now I truly understand this is what Nixon does with me. "Lily, if you did nothing wrong, this would be easy to do."

He is right. I am giving away my so called crimes. "I chatted with Mrs. Adams next door and besides her, I chatted with the woman that did my hair," I inform, knowing that it is truth what I speak. Truth but not the full truth. The full truth includes Gavin and Taylor. The full truth includes Nixon outraged.

Nixon raising an eyebrow, questioning me, as if mocking me in a way. "Are you leaving out the full story, Lily?" He asks, voice stern.

I hop off from the stool, my feet feeling as if they are walking on needles as I make my way over to Nixon. As I come up to Nixon, I reach up my hands, cupping his face as I look up into his eyes. Trying to steady my breathing, I relax my shoulders and speak. "That is the full story," I respond, lowering my hands as I stand across from Nixon now, jumping up onto the counter as I sit there, watching his every move.

I did not walk up to Nixon just to try and persuade him better, but because I knew that sitting on their exact counter would aid me. This counter is where the knives are held in a small case, ready to be taken and used as a weapon in seconds.

"Do you promise me what you say is true?"

He's giving me a chance to back down here and reveal all. He's giving me a chance at some sort of redemption.


"Be careful with these next words, sweetheart, because they may just change the events of this night," Nixon interrupts, walking over to me as I tell myself to remain calm.

"I promise," I lie, meeting his heated gaze as Nixon places his hands upon my cheeks. He tilts my head upwards, my gaze following to the ceiling, body pressed against mine as I place my hands behind myself, making it seem like I am holding myself up from being laid across the counter. What Nixon doesn't know will only harm him as I am ready to take ahold of the knives awaiting me. Lips connect with my mark, my back arching as my eyes roll back. Just as a moan escapes my lips, Nixon pulls away, my eyes meeting his as a devilish smirk kisses his lips.

"You're going to wish you had never said that."

My hand reaches back for a knife, only for Nixon to grab my hand, holding me back as he pulls me against him. I try and push away, Nixon hoisting me over his shoulder as I pound on his back. "Nixon!" I yell, trying to kick my feet as he holds them down, the two of us making our way out of the kitchen.

"You see, Lily, I am not going to let you slide with talking to Gavin." No. "I will let you talking to Taylor slide, but for Gavin I cannot. You had your chance to tell me the truth and you've only ruined that." I shake my head.


"You see, I was just going to kill him in an isolated room," he begins, the two of us out of the kitchen and into the entrance of the mansion. "But now you are going to witness what happens to those who try and endanger our future."

Gavin was right. Gavin has destroyed that doubt I still had.

I land on my two feet as Nixon places me down, my eyes meeting Justin's as I see him holding Gavin. Gavin is on his knees, busted lip, black eye, crooked nose, and looking miserable as he has his hands bound by silver chains and Justin holding him by his hair. "Lily, you should know not to lie to me."

Nixon holds me against his chest, my back to his front as the tears begin. "I gave you a chance to tell me the truth yet you kept with your lie...it shows betrayal in this relationship," Nixon warns, arms tightening around my frame as I shake my head.

"How would you even know if I talked with Gavi-

"You see, Lily, my pack is one of the biggest packs and most powerful. My pack follows me because they know to obey their Alpha. People of my pack know to keep an eye on you, and these people would not dare lie to me." He had people in the bar. Gavin said we were safe there yet we could never be safe. "Gavin told you that I killed Lillian and he thinks I am the devil or something, but you never came to me for answers, Lily." I find my body weak. "You asked me once if I killed her and I told you what is true. I told you and you still went behind my back."

"Did you?" I ask, my voice stern as I try and be strong here. "Did you kill Lillian?"

"She killed herself as I already said," Nixon responds, lips to my ear as I can feel his canines extending, pricking my ear as he tugs a little. "She knew what she was doing and dug her own grave."

Gavin laughs, one that steers all attention to him. "He's not talking about suicide literally here, Lily," Gavin comments as I feel Nixon tense. Nixon could have him shut up yet he allows him to talk. "He's saying that metaphorically she killed herself, how her actions led to her initial death. Her fucking Zion and never finding her haven with Nixon means that she willingly knew that her actions would one day wind her up in a coffin." I bite my tongue, Gavin looking to Nixon as I want to run. "And this little bastard was just the nail in the coffin, the one to finalize her actions."

"You make me seem like animal," Nixon snaps.

"Isn't that what you are, what we are as werewolves, Nixon? We are savages and know that survival of the fittest is how we live out lives," Gavin refutes, changing his gaze to me now. "Nixon killed Lillian, Lily, and just like her, you will one day learn that your only way to scape this man is by his or your death. Be careful for he is a tricky little fucker who never plays by the rules."

Nixon moves one of his arms, only one holding me back from running now. "I think I'd ought to make an example out of you, Gavin," Nixon begins as I know the time has come to what I have wanted to prevent. "An example to Lily of just how strong I am and the power I hold over those of my pack and rogues. She needs to learn what happens to traitors.

The silver gun from Nixon's desk. Nixon holds out the gun, aiming it at Gavin as I shake my head, unable to form words as Gavin looks to me. "Remember what I told you, Lily, about your doubt?" He asks and I nod right away, remembering our conversation just days ago. "This is where that doubt vanishes and you know full out that Nixon Maxwell is a monster."

I scream.

My ears have a ringing to them as the gun goes off, Gavin's body hitting the floor as he lays limp on the entrance where Nixon once told me I could not leave. Blood pools to the floor, the bullet having hit him square between the eyes, the image replaying over and over in my head, and Nixon holding me, forcing me to look as his lips dance across my jawline. He's whispering words to me, telling me to calm down, to see what happens when people cross their Alpha. He circles his arms around me as if some nurturer, as if nothing has ever gone wrong. He tells me no one stands in our way, that no one will dare try and break us apart. He speaks of Lillian, how if he could never have her then why should the King.

He tells me that I could never end the way Lillian did because I know not to anger him. That I know not to have obstacles between us. He tells me that everything will be all right.

That everything will be all right...

My eyes look to the front door, something so close yet so far away as I know not to cross that threshold. Gavin body lays between the door and me, not acting as a bridge, as a chance for me to run, a sign for me to run, but as a deep crack in the ground. Gavin's body puts a know abyss before my escape, a warning of what I am facing as my darkest demon holds me captive.

Nixon says my name, pulling me back to the reality at hand as I watch Gavin's body being dragged out by Justin. Tears stream down my face and Nixon simply wipes them away, pulling me not up the stairs, but into a familiar room where much of our story originated: the piano room. The white instrument shines in the moonlight, as if a false beacon of hope as Nixon tells me that I need not fear him. But how can I not fear him? He is the definition of fear and crazy combined.

As he holds me, our bodies consumed by the pale moonlight, I fear not for just my life now, but for my child's.

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