A friendly face

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So I'm just standing there, not believing what I'm hearing, 'another person, but their voice sounded so familiar... Wait a minute'.

The figure came up to me, and stopped about five metres away, wearing a Gilli suit, holding his M14 with a bipod and laser sights, smiling at me, the glint from his barrel shined in the setting sun light, "well, this is were you disappeared to, I got to tell you something that we probably wouldn't like" he said, "Corporal Black..., man, Kyle you ar a sight for sore eyes, come on, I'll introduce you to the others" I say, he nods and we moved quickly to the trees.

"Hey, princesses, it's ok" I say, they come out, only to look terrified at the sight of Kyle, "he's a friend, *turns to Kyle* please remove the suit, they think your a monster" I say, chuckling, "ok mate, but I'm not having a cup of tea with you as well, I came to you for a drink and now I'm here, seriously, you British people have crazy lives" he said, removing his Gilli suit and revealing his uniform underneath it, it was different to mine, (I think the American army uniform looks weird, our MTP camo uniform looks fine to me) I saw his .44 revolver and his standard issue M9, "see you got your revolver" I say, "I don't even know how that got here" he replied.

"Who is this ?" Asked Sarah, "oh, your majesties, this is Corporal Kyle Black, of the American Army, Sniper's division, you think I'm a good shooter, he can hit targets I can't even see" I said, Kyle grinned, "that's because I actually aim" he said, "well, that's a change, you yanks like to go in guns blazing and hit everything but the target" I grinned, we both laughed it off and continued to walk off, the girls started to ask Kyle questions, about the fights he's been in, how he knew me, and all that stuff.

"I remember when we first met" I say, "those were good times" he said, "what happened ?" Asked Silk, "OK, well, I was on over watch with this platoon, and when they got to their target, hell broke loose, half the platoon were dead or wounded, they then moved to my position and we held out for two days, on the second day, the British arrived" he said, "I remember the moment we were ordered to mount onto our vehicles and fight through a lot of ambushes and IEDs to get to them, we broke through the barriers and opened the back doors, I was on a machine gun on the back of a Viking, I fired a lot of ammo, and then the guys finally got on, we made our way back but a Warrior was hit and the driver and gunner was hit, I ran out to the vehicle with hundreds of bullets trying to hit me, and a fair amount of RPG rockets exploded around me, and this nutter *points to Kyle with my thumb* decided to jump out and run with me, I drove the vehicle and he tried to shoot the 30mm on the turret, we eventually got out of there" I said, smiling.

"Earned a couple of medals too, I got the Medal of Honour, the highest medal awarded for bravery in combat in my country, and he..." I cut Kyle off, "got the Victoria Cross, the highest medal in my country, for bravery in the face of the enemy, what makes it so big is the fact that the Victoria cross is given to those who showed extreme bravery in the face of the enemy, but the recipient normally died in combat. I was the first living recipient in over 30 years, and not many were handed out, his Medal of honour aren't very common, nearly as heard to get as the VC, but more people have won them and lived".

"You never said you had a medal" said Zoey, "you never asked, I never asked for the medal either, but we both got those medals, kicked ass for days, and got a drink at camp" I said, he Laughed, "I would do anything for a beer or a bottle of Jack Daniels right now" he said, "I would do anything for a bottle of Southern Comfort, or some red wine" I said, "you want lobster with that ?" Kyle said, acting as a butler, "haha, I don't think we will find lobster here" I say.

The girls kept asking questions about our battles and our guns, we got back and Kyle slept in the same room as me, next to the fire place, "I can't believe we are in Minecraft, and it's full of hot babes" Kyle said, getting into his sleeping bag, "you think that's the best bit, I got offered a decent night from a villager, and She would have made me some ammunition, I declined though" I said, "hardest decision you made" Kyle said, lightly chuckling, "you really going to do that ?!" I said, he wouldn't drop that now.
He laughed, we both did, and we both failed to notice the girls standing behind us, wearing minimal clothing.

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