What i need

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I moved through the endless row of houses, and soon walked in front of the church and there was a few blacksmiths and other stores, but every villager stared at me, especially the women, who seemed to outnumber the men, "well, what do I do now ?" I asked, looking at Silk and Sarah, since Cupa, Andr and Zoey disappeared into the crowd, Silk gave me a small bag "here, take these emeralds and gold and look about, there is enough for your clothes, and some extra for what ever you want" she said, "payment for the the jobs I will do ?, or a present ?" I questioned, "both, now we will meet you back here later" she said, smiling, then walked off with Sarah.

I looked about and saw a shop with lots of clothing, I walked inside and saw the lady at the till, "hi, how may I help you ?" She asked, "I'm here to have these clothes fixed, and the pattern" I said, putting my clothes on the table, she looked at then and smiled, "no need to worry, I can fix these in about 3 hours, that will be 6 emeralds and 10 gold" she said, I handed over the required amount, "thanks, and how did that happen ?" She said, looking through a hole that was burned through my clothing, "I was tortured in the nether, worst pain I felt in my entire life" I say, then turned and walked out of the door.

Reason I walked out was because I don't want to talk about it, and I really want to check this place out, I then moved around, I was getting a few looks, and saw that it was mainly at my weapon, "haha, I wonder if I can find somewhere to show them how it works" I mutter to myself, and look about, I see an archery range, "it'll do" I say.

I walked up to the range and see five rows of targets, one row about 25 metres, one row on 50metre, all the way to 300metres, a villager comes up to me, there are a few of them, and all of them are women, they are wielding bows and the targets at 200 metres were covered in arrows, "hello there, mister, would you like to try out our range ?" One of them asked, "yeah, but I got my own weapon" I say, patting my rifle, "I don't think you will hit anything with that, but if you want to try, go ahead" she said, and a couple of the girls behind her snickered, one then said, bet you can't hit that target at 200" she said, she had a white robe on, "OK, what you betting ?" I say, "one night with you" she said, oh my god.

"OK, I'll take that bet, if I hit it, I don't want anything" I say, she shrugged, "OK".

I smirked and lined up with my target, it was a scarecrow, I just cocked the rifle, aimed down the sights, turned the safety off and squeezed the trigger, there was an echo from the shot, and the head of the scarecrow flew off, I lowered my weapon and smiled, "I win the bet" I say, then turned and noticed that Sarah, Andr and Zoey were watching me, Cupa and Silk ran around the corner, "screw it" I say to myself, aimed and fired several shots at the other targets, the closes scarecrow wasn't shot, so I fixed bayonet and charged it, I knocked it over and stabbed it a couple of times, I then checked bayonet, and turned off to the side.

I unloaded and removed the bayonet, then the princesses came over to me, "what was that ?, it looked so... Ummmm" said Silk, "Professional or standard for me" I said, finishing her comment, "no, it was fascinating" she said, I sigh, "wow, I think we could use you as a body guard, if you are up for it" said Sarah, "well.... My main skills lay in tactical assaults and firefights, but I can do things like camouflage, medical aid, drive, you don't know what I can do until you ask" I say, then remembered, "is there a blacksmith, I'll need something making" I said, "yeah... She is over there" said Sarah, I saw which building she pointed to and took off at a dead sprint, I got into the house and her working at the forge, she had her back to me and was only wearing an apron, "excuse me" I said, she turned to me, she also had a monocle (or what ever they are called) in her eye and she smiled at me.

"May I help you ?" She asked, "yes, I wanted to see if you could make more of these" I say, pulling out a bullet, she studies it, "I can, but what's inside it ?" She said, then Sarah and the other came in, "here, I'll open it" she said, and tried to pull the top of it off, "no, give it here" I said, she hands it to me, (don't try this at home, I can only just do this and it is very dangerous) I held it to my face, "better get a move, so it's time to bite the bullet) I said, and bite the end, there was a popping sound as the head came free of the shell, I then poured the insides onto paper, "Gun powder ?, I can do it, but it will cost you a night wi...." I stopped her, "thanks for the offer, but I'll pass, here *hands her the bag of gold and emeralds* I think those will be enough" I say, she nodded and smiled, "your loss" she said and turned away, "I'll make 300 of these, come back in a day or two, they will be ready" she said, I nodded and walked out, with five shocked princesses looking at me, "she just offered..." Said Silk, "yeah, she did" I replied, "why didn't you take her up on her offer ?, are you gay ?" Asked Zoey, "what ?!, no no no, I'm just don't want her, it's simple, besides, I have you five to deal with, that's enough women in my life for me" I say, they all blush bright Crimson.

We collected my clothes and we headed back, about half way back I heard the sound of a rifle being cocked, "get down" I say to the girls, they hide behind some trees, I walk alone, then heard a familiar voice, "HALT !, WHISKEY WHISKEY !" the voice challenged, I remember the reply, "TANGO, TANGO !", "OK, I'm coming out" the voice said, I just stood there.

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