Chapter Four

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Peter POV

I woke up frantically as all my memories came flooding towards me.

How could Steve do this to me?

That was my only thought as I looked around the room that was barely big enough for me to live in. Suddenly my door burst open and the woman from before walked in.

"Hello Mr. Parker, I just wanted to let you know that I will not be taking care of you, my sister Lora will."

With that she walked out of the room and an older woman walked into the room holding a walking stick. She looked around the room and when her eyes rested on me she scowled firmly.

"Mr. Parker, I have rules while you are in my care. Number one no going out after seven a clock. Number two no running or causing a commotion. Number Three no going out without permission from me. If any of these rules, and many other rules, are broken it will result in severe punishment. Do I make myself clear?"

I nodded solemnly when I suddenly felt my spidey sense screaming at me to duck. I ducked as her walking stick almost whacked me across the face. I looked up at her to find her seething with rage.

"No dodging a punishment!" She screeched hurting my sensitive hearing.

"Why am I getting a punishment," I asked.

"We use our words not our body to say yes and no, don't forget the Miss Lora either."

"Oh," I muttered.

I felt the stick coming my way but I couldn't move out of he way, it was stupid of me to have moved in the first place anyways. I felt the stick connect the side of my face as a sharp pain pricked it's way through my body.

Damn she can hit hard!

I grabbed my face trying to make the world stop spinning. I glanced up at her as she walked out of the room looking proud with herself. I muttered angrily as I grabbed a towel and held it up to my head, she made it bleed, that son of a bitch. Only three more weeks, Tony where are you?

Tony POV

"Tony come on! We have to go eat eventually!" Steve yelled.

"No! I'm not leaving until I figure his out!"

Steve grumbled before grabbing me and dragging me away from my computer and into the car. I hadn't eaten all day because I was trying to figure out how to get Peter out early. It was his first day alone there and from the way the kid acted when we were separated I knew he wouldn't last long.

"What have you found?" Steve asked as we drove to a restaurant to eat.

"I have a plan but it will be horrible to watch and an awful experience for Peter," I muttered running through all the conclusions I could think of.

"What is your plan?"

"Well first we get to visit him next Monday see how he looks and feels then we will determine if my plan will work," I mumble thinking the plan through.

"What do you mean?" Steve said getting a little frustrated at me.

"Babe calm down," I growled back, "if Peter looks like hell when we visit him then we can set up a court case with social services saying that he was in better condition when in our care. If they rule our way then we get the adoption sheets and adopt him if not worst case scenario it's three weeks in hell."

Steve nodded and smiled at my plan.

"That sounds good," he smiled.

"Yup I know," I said back sassily.

"Oh Tony shut up!" He laughed as we pulled up to the restaurant.

Besides what's the worst that orphanage can do to a Spiderling?

Peter POV

I woke up the next morning and went through the daily routine I was told we had at the orphanage. I went to the kitchen and grabbed some food, of course I was only allowed a piece of toast and a glass of orange juice. I sighed knowing that it wouldn't be enough for my high speed metabolism.

"What do you say?" Miss Lora sneered as she handed me a piece of burnt toast.

Suddenly my sarcasm got the best of me.

"Where is the rest of the meal," I said snorting.

I instantly regretted saying it as I suddenly felt a swift crack on the back of my head. I winced as she pulled me out of the kitchen and into the hallway.

"Now look here mister, I know it is your first day here but you do not get any special treatment! I will deal with you the way I deal with every kid! I won't allow for rule breakers under this roof! Now give me your plate," she said holding out her hand.

"Wait, nononono I need this!"

"Ya will so do all the other kids," she said while snatching the food out of my hands.

"Now go back to your room or outside! Just don't leave without consent."

With that she left the hallway and went back to the kitchen. I grumbled miserably. I needed at least some food or else I would die. I walked towards the door and found Mary Kate the owner. I asked her if I could go to the park down the street a couple blocks and she said yes. I headed down that way and found Mr. Delmar's sandwich shop. I walked into the shop and found Mr. Delmar waiting behind the counter. I still had five dollars left in my pocket so I grabbed two packs of gummy bears and a sandwich.

"Hey long time no see!" Mr. Delmar said happily to me.

"Hi Mr. Delmar," I said smiling for the first time since the day before yesterday.

"How is your Aunt," he asked while ringing me up.

My face fell and tears started to prick the back of my eyes.

"Um, she, um she's dead," I muttered handing him the last of my money.

"Oh, I'm so sorry kid. Here take it no charge," he looked at me mournfully before handing me the bag of food.

"Thank you," I sighed before turning and leaving to head to the park.

I sat down on a bench and ate my food. Mr. Stark was supposed to visit me next Monday but I didn't know if I could make it. I finished eating my food and put the candy in my pocket for later. As I got up to leave I saw Miss Lora walking around the border of the park searching for something.

What is she doing here?

I watched her for a couple minutes before I realized she was looking for me. Her fierce gaze suddenly found me and I panicked. Not knowing what to do I sat there and waited for her as she ran towards me furiously.

This is going to be a long week.


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