Chapter Five

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Peter POV

Today was Sunday, only one more day to go before Tony came back to visit me. I was a literal wreck. I have bags under my eyes and my skin is as pale as a ghost. This whole week I have been taking all of the younger kids punishments. In other words if one of them had to not eat for a day I would make a deal with Miss Lora that if I didn't eat then they could, worked like a charm.


The voice rang through my head as I walked downstairs to get lunch. I was really hoping that nobody got in trouble because I haven't eaten since Friday and it was killing me. I got to the kitchen to find that everything was okay so I got my piece of toast and water and ate quickly. I then went over to Mary Kate and asked if I could go for a walk.

"No, not after what happened last time," she said while pulling up my shirt, "look you still have a wound there."

I was at the park putting away my two bags of gummy bears when I saw Miss Lora running furiously towards me. She yelled at me saying I wasn't allowed to go outside without permission and that I would receive a punishment when we got home. When we got back to the house she started hitting me with her walking stick, but it went swiftly from hits to stabs. She jabbed me so hard one of the times on my stomach that it actually cut through my skin and left a big red gash. She didn't care about what she had done but Mary Kate cared, that's why I can't go anywhere now except the front yard.

I just nodded my head knowing that I couldn't argue against her at all. I went back upstairs to my stuffy room and tried to figure out what to do. I was about to go searching for a phone when my spidey sense started blaring. Quickly I got up and looked out the window, nothing. With mild confusion I leapt out of my bed and went down the hallway. That was when I saw it, fire.

Tony POV

"So are we going to tell Peter?" I asked Steve.

We were both sitting on my bed and trying to figure out the best way to tell Peter and the team without having major panic.

"I say when we pick him up from the orphanage or at least when we visit him," Steve mumbled.

"Okay, but what if he flips out again or doesn't accept it," I said still worried.

"He will learn to accept it because we aren't changing for anyone."

I nodded my head understanding that, that was the end of the discussion. I got up from out bed and went downstairs to get coffee, it was already late afternoon. The TV was on the news and having nothing better to do I grabbed my coffee sat on the couch and watched the news.

"Hey honey what's on screen?" I heard Steve ask as he walked into the kitchen.

"Something about a fire at an orphanage."

Suddenly my expression dropped and I ran to Steve already getting my suit to form around me.

"It's his orphanage!" I shouted.

Me and him both got what we needed and flew towards the fire. I figured we wouldn't need backup and at the moment the rest of the Avengers were out doing their own things. We flew for what felt like hours but when we finally got to the orphanage I could tell it had only been minutes. Steve went to the head officer to figure out what had caused the fire and if there had been any casualties. Once he left I flew over to Mary Kate.

"Is everyone here?"

"No Sir, I can't find Miss Lora and Peter hasn't come out yet, he went back in to find her," she said sadly.

"Friday scan the building," I said quickly.

"There seem to be two people fighting on the top floor and one passed out on the bottom," the metallic voice said.

I ran towards the bottom floor and found a little girl unconscious from all the smoke she had inhaled. I grabbed her and quickly flew out and gave her to the ambulance. After making sure she was secure I flew up to the top floor and looked for the two people. The flames were licking my armor and had become hotter. Smoke was everywhere and I could barely see two feet in front of me. I looked around frantically for the two people who were fighting but couldn't find them.

"Friday scan for people," I muttered.

She scanned and showed me the results. One person left the other one was now lying on the floor passed out as well. I ran in the direction of the passed out person knowing that we would have to find the other one sooner or later. As I got closer I started calling for them, no responses. When I finally saw there solitary shape it was surrounded by flames and smoke, they were practically being cooked alive. I burst through the flames and scooped to pick them up. As I did I saw a needle lying next to them and decided to grab it just incase. As the building started coming down I flew out of the flames and to the ambulance. I set down the person scared to look at them for fear of he worst.

"I'm so sorry Tony," mumbled Steve from behind me.

I looked at him confused before looking down at the burnt figure.

"Fuck," I mumbled to myself even though Steve heard.

"Language!" He yelled.

Before anyone could say anything else I grabbed the kid and flew him to the Tower, he was going to need our hospital gear. I flew him to the Med Bay and quickly hooked him up to everything. As I prepared an ointment for the burns and to inspect the syringe I asked Friday to scan the kid.

"He has one wound on his stomach, he is underfed, he has several burns, one syringe marking, and an unknown substance is in him."

"Great," I muttered.

I finished the ointment an applied it to the kids skin. I cringed at how hot and crisp it was.

How could I let this happen?

I put the ointment away and started to inspect what had been in the syringe. The only thing I could fine was a thick goopy substance. As I was about to scan it I suddenly felt a hand grab around my neck. I gasped for breathe when the thing turned me around to face it. I saw a horrific looking creature with long sharp teeth and a long slimy tongue. It was completely black except for the spider symbol in the middle of its chest. I stared at it when I realized that the kid wasn't in the bed anymore. Suddenly everything pieced together.

"P-Peter?" I asked shakily.

"We are Venom," it shrieked before running out of the lab.

Well shit!


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