Chapter Six

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Peter POV

I was surrounded by darkness and couldn't tell if I was asleep or awake. Just when I was about to yell for help I hear a strange noise.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hello." The strange thing replied.

I shivered, it's voice sounded raspy and venomous. I looked around for the creature but there was nothing in sight.

"Don't bother looking for me," it laughed nastily.

"Why not?" I shouted to the pitch black room.

Suddenly a figure emerged from out of no where and smiled at me. It was a figure much bigger than me and by the looks of it much stronger. I bit my tongue as it walked closer towards me. It smiled at me with sharp teeth and a long slimy tongue.

"Don't be afraid of me. You are my host," it whispered menacingly.

I swallowed thickly as it started to examine me.

"Yes you make a great host," it said cheerfully, "do you mind if I try out our compatibility?"

Before I could even answer the monster it lurched forwards at me and got inside my body. With a shocked whimper I felt it trying to control me. I fought hard but in the end the creature was more overpowering. My limbs started moving on their own but I could still see clear as day. I watched what I was doing like a movie. I felt myself get up out of a bed and walk over Tony. Then I watched in horror as I choked him and muttered inaudible words.

"P-Peter?" I heard Tony ask.

My heart suddenly dropped as I realized that this creature was going to hurt him. Now I fought with a newly kindled fire in my heart. I couldn't bear seeing Tony like this.

"Leave him ALONE!" I screamed while scratching at myself trying to break free.

"We are Venom."

I heard it shriek right before we crashed out a window. As soon as we got outside my vision went blank but my conscious was still awake. I thought about everything that was happening and realized it must have been when I was fighting the bad guy at the fire. He stuck me with a needle that knocked me out and the symbiotic creature must have been in the syringe.


Tony POV

"Friday what happened?" I screamed frantically at the AI after Venom finally left.

"It would seem that Master Peter is now a host for an alien creature," she said.

I panicked, "get Bruce over here now!"

"Yes Sir," Friday said

Suddenly I heard fast foot steps heading my way.

"Tony? What happened?" Bruce asked as he came to a halt by the doorway.

"A symbiote or something. Look I'm going to go after it I just need you to test the stuff inside that syringe, figure out what it is and weaknesses," I said as I got my Iron Man suit on.

Bruce nodded and got to work as I flew out the window and looked around for the creature. I saw it just as it was going down an alleyway. Quickly and quietly I snuck up behind it and shot a repulser at it. It moved out of the in a heartbeat and turned looking back at me with white eyes.

"All Avengers I need backup asap," I muttered into the coms before turning back to face my foe.

"What are you?" I asked

"I'm a symbiot and I don't like telling people my secrets so let's skip this part of the job," it snarled.

"Fine, just one thing though, where is Spider-Man?" I asked praying that he would answer.

"Don't worry you will find out soon enough," he said laughing at me.

Suddenly he lunged forwards at me and started ripping apart my suit. This creature was three times as strong as the kid and seemed to have spidey senses to. He landed blow after blow before I decided to fly up and at least get him stuck on a building. When I got to the roof I waited for my villainous friend and saw the rest of the Avengers coming over to help. Bucky, Loki, Thor, Nat, and Cap all showed up.

"What is going on?" Cap asked worriedly while running up and making sure I was okay.

"There is a creature that has taken control of Pete. It is stronger and faster than he was, which is saying something. I haven't found a weakness and I haven't fount out what he has done to Peter either. All I know is that we have to get this thing to the lab or something," I spat out.

Right when Cap was about to answer the creature started attacking me from behind. I shot at it trying to hit it but missing each time. Everyone else stayed still knowing that it was to risky to try and fight him all at once. Someone could hit me.

"Steve!" I screamed.

Steve ran up and hit the creature with his shield. The creature backed away but quickly regained footing. It  lunged again but this time Steve used the full force of his shield to break the creature's leg. With a defining crack the monster shrieked and held it's shattered leg. You could now see skin underneath the black goop.

"Guys he is human," Nat yelled as she to saw the skin.

I started to aim my repulsers at the fleshy part of his armor when he suddenly flashed a deadly smile at me and the rest of the team.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," it said.

"And why not you alien piece of shit?" Bucky asked.

"Do you want to see or should I just tell you?"

"What do you mean?" Loki asked.

"Show us," I interrupted quickly wanting to see if he had Peter locked somewhere, where the only way to keep him safe was to keep the monster safe.

The creature let the goop shrink down and get off of his body. We all watched in horror as the face of the monster was revealed.


Just wanted to let you guys know I got Twitter (if that is still a thing) and if you wanna follow me or see what I have tweeted my account is @TheOGfandomcom
I know weird name but just go with it :) thanks for reading! Got any suggestions comment them

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