Chapter Seven

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Steve POV

I watched in horror as the creature revealed a knocked out Peter underneath him. Peter was still burned and weak and probably couldn't take many more hits. I watched helplessly as the creature wrapped him up in the black sticky goop again. It smiled menacingly when it caught sight of how we were panic stricken and frozen in place. I just stared at the creature wondering how something could be that much of a monster that it hurts and injures kids. Suddenly I hear a loud high pitched noise from the other room. I look over, while holding my ears closed, to find the source of the sound. I see that it is Loki scrapping his staff against the wall while walking slowly towards the creature, he was going to try and strike it. I looked back to the creature only to find it withering on the floor in pain. The black goop was receding back into Peter and as it did the high pitched noise stopped immediately.

"That was weird," Tony mumbled from beside me.

"Should I take Peter to a checkup room or..." Bucky started.

"No. Take him to the hulks room. We will add medical equipment and stuff like that if he needs any medical attention. That thing is obviously still in him which probably mean that it can come out at anytime to attack us," Tony said while walking towards Peter, worry etched on his expression.

Bucky followed behind and when he got an okay nod from Tony he picked up the kid and started walking him towards the designated area. When we got him there, there was already stuff set up and ready for its occupant. Bruce was also there waiting to do a checkup on the kid.

"How did your research go with the goop?" Tony asked when he saw the doctor.

"I still don't know what it is but I think his weaknesses are sound and fire. I still have not figured out how to detach the parasite from Peter though," Bruce said while preparing to go inside.

"Okay so fire and sound, got it," I said to myself smiling.

Tony looked at me and smiled before turning back to Bruce who was looking at us strangely.

"Did I miss something?" He asked.

"Nope! Just get in the cage green bean," Tony said while smirking at me gleefully.

As soon as Doctor Banner stepped in he door behind him sealed shut. He walked over to the center of the room where Peter was lying on the bed. He then started his check up on the burnt boy and recorded all the information he could get.

"Steve?" I heard Tony whisper from beside me.

Me and him were the only ones outside of the room besides Loki and Bucky who were busy in the far corner talking about killing the creature for Peter's sake.

"Yes?" I asked turning to see Tony with tear glazed eyes, "what's wrong?"

Tony wiped at his eyes, not wanting to show emotion, before running over to me and hugging me tightly.

"I can't lose him too," Tony cried into my shirt.

I held him tightly and ran my hand through his hair.

"It will be okay," I whispered to the shaking billionaire, "everything will be okay."

Peter POV

I blinked my eyes fast as I suddenly felt the goop letting me control my body now. I could still hear it murmuring in the back of my mind and I knew that he could still slightly control me. This thought scared me. I sat up breathing heavily and looked around the room trying to figure out where I was and how I got there. As I looked around I saw medical stuff and Doctor Banner but no Tony or Steve. Steve caught my eyes and told Tony something which cause his head to turn in my direction as well. Tony's face was tear streaked and I felt guilty knowing that I had probably cause it.

"How are you feeling?" Bruce asked me from the corner of the lab.

"Not good," I said while groaning.

The stupid monster had put a sickly feeling in my stomach and seeing Tony cry wasn't helping. I turned to Bruce trying to focus on the questions not on how I was feeling.

"Okay what hurts?" Bruce asked calmly.

"My head and my skin feels like it's been burned to a thousand degrees," I mumbled while looking down at my skin only to realize that it actually is burned.

"Does anything else hurt?" Bruce asked.


Suddenly my stomach did a flip and my head started spinning, I was going to throw up. I looked to the side of the bed and saw a trash can. I quickly picked it up and started puking. It felt like I had been throwing up for minutes when I finally felt a hand go on my shoulder telling me to relax. I flinched at the cold touch and started crying.

"I'm scared. The monster is still in me," I said trying not to sob.

"Your okay," Bruce said while rubbing circles on my back.

"W-where is T-Tony?" I hiccuped while looking around the room.

I didn't see him in his usual spot so I started to panic. I wasn't feeling good and all I needed was him. I would feel better with him. My breathing stared to become irregular and my chest started heaving up and down with labored breathing. I saw black dots in my vision and started freaking out, I couldn't pass out then the thing would come back.

"Peter!" I heard the faded scream of my name.

I then felt a hand on my back and immediately started to breath calmly. It was Tony, I could tell by the touch of his hand on my back and the way he ran his hand through my curly hair.

"Tony?" I whispered snuggling closer and clinging myself to him.

"I'm here bud."

"Don't leave me again," I mumbled hugging him tighter.

"Never again," he muttered as my eyes started to close.

Bruce POV

I watched the adorable sight, then when Peter fell asleep I went to throw the trash away since Peter had just puked. I looked down and gasped. I put the trash can under the microscope and grabbed a sample tube to put the thing into.

"Tony, I think I just found Venom."


Guys I am flipping out!!! Have you seen the new set pictures of Spider-Man: Far From Home??? They are awesome!!! And I'm so happy because Tom Holland is already a lot more active and it's only been one day!!!

Anyways thought you'd wanna know!! Thanks for reading <3

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