Chapter One

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Tony POV

It had been a couple weeks since the whole Dr. Octavius incident and frankly Peter had healed well. We found out how to get his speed healing again and it helped him through the healing process. There are only two months before Peter has to go back to school and six months before Aunt May comes back for him. Frankly I am disappointed that he has to leave but it is for his own good. We have been getting a lot of missions and everyone is tired and ready for a vacation. That is why I called a group meeting.

"Hello Capsicle, Green bean, Reindeer Games, Pointbreak, Nat, Hawkeye, Sam, Rhodes, Wanda, Vision, Peter, and Bucky. You probably wondering why I called everyone here today," I started.

"Yeah that and why you keep calling us stupid nicknames," Steve interrupted.

"Anyways," I muttered scowling at Steve, "I called you all here because I think we should go on vacation."

Everyone stared at me in awkward silence thinking through the idea. Peter and Loki's faces suddenly lit up as they realized that meant they wouldn't be alone all the time at the Tower.

"I think that sounds great! Then me and Loki won't have to be alone at the Tower all the time," Peter said looking at everyone and smiling broadly.

The Avengers turned to him and smiled at his adorableness.

"I agree that a vacation would be good for us but I don't think we can afford to leave New York unguarded," Steve said.

"I agree but we can take less calls and missions, Unless it is urgent," I said knowing that Steve wouldn't want to leave.

Everyone nodded in agreement as Peter sprang up from his chair.

"Woah kid take it easy," Bucky said watching Peter climb around the roof laughing with glee at the thought of us hanging out all month.

"Me and Loki are going to go make a plan for what we can do around here!" Peter said grabbing Loki's hand and running outside with him.

"Nat and Clint, you guys go talk to Fury and let him know what is going on. Everyone else make yourself as relaxed as possible and enjoy the start of vacation," I said laughing.

Everyone exited the room except for me and Capsicle.

"Hey Tony?"

"What up Cap?"

"How is this going to work? I can't stay off call forever and you know Fury won't like the idea of us taking a month long vacation," he muttered.

"It's fine! Look at least chill for today and do what the kid wants. He had one hell of a week and hasn't gotten a good break since then."

"Tony it has been a couple weeks since the incident, he is fine," Steve said starting to look annoyed.

"Just for one night, Steve," I begged.

He looked at me and finally gave in nodding his head to the idea. I smiled broadly before heading towards the elevator towards the elevator. Before we got to the elevator Friday suddenly started talking.

"Sir, Peter has requested that you and Steve come upstair immediately because the party begins at 6:00 and it is currently 5:56."

I laughed at Steve and we both walked into the elevator heading up to the party.

Steve POV

As we were moving upwards to the party I cursed myself for not coming forward with my feelings towards Tony, I was gay for him. He smiled at me and talked about how crazy Peter was while we were in the elevator. All I did was laugh and nod along stupidly. Finally the elevator opened and we were greeted by the sound of extremely loud music and a ton of bright flashing lights everywhere. A lot of people were in the living room dancing while some of the other Avengers were by the kitchen eating and drinking.

"Geez, this kid seems related to me," Tony said smiling at me with puppy eyes.

I laughed at his reaction before walking off to find Bucky while he went to find Peter. I found Bucky by Peter who was trying to convince Tony he was old enough for at least one glass of alcohol. I laughed at Peter before turning to talk to Bucky.

"Hey Bucky," I said smiling at my friend.

"How did it go? Did you tell him about you know what?"

"I was going to but he started talking about the kid..." I trailed off not knowing a good excuse.

"Steve talk to him now!" Bucky practically screamed turning the kid and Tony's attention to us.

I scowled at him but he just rolled his eyes and pushed me towards him.

"What up Cap?" Tony said looking at me strangely while pushing Peter away.

"We need to talk," I mumbled getting nervous.

"About what? Do you want to go talk in the hall?" Tony asked confusedly.

I nodded and we both headed out to the hallway where the music was quieter. He looked at me with worry and waited for an explanation.

"Um... look Tony lately I have been.... Ihavebeenhavingfeelingsforyou!" I shouted out quickly waiting for his reaction.

"You like me? Like your gay for me?" Tony said seeming shocked.

I nodded hesitantly.

He looked a little shocked at first but soon his expression melted into what looked like relaxation. Now I was the one who was confused.

"I like you too," Tony mumbled blushing.

I was shocked, "since when!?"

"I realized after we found Peter during the whole Dr. Oc incident. You were just as important as Peter to me," he said smiling warmly.

He looked at me processing what he said before smiling at me and kissing me lightly.

"Well this makes things complicated. Especially since Pete is with us right now," Tony mumbled unsure of what to do, "how about we start are relationship after Peter leaves and goes back with May, okay?"

I nodded, that would give me enough time to figure out what I wanted and how I would tell everyone I knew about the news.

"Perfect!" Tony said smiling broadly.

"Sir, Peter has a question for you," Friday suddenly belted through the hallway.

"It can wait I'm busy!" Tony yelled back at the AI system.

"Sir it is urgent," Friday said with what sounded like nervousness in her voice.

Tony suddenly stopped what ever we were doing and ran back to the kitchen where the kid was last.

Tony POV

I stopped talking with Steve and ran to the kitchen where Peter was last. When I got to the kitchen I found Peter next to a stack of Red Bulls.

"Hey Mr. Stark I was wondering if drinking 36 cans of Red Bull consecutively would make my spidey senses even more heightened or would I just die?"

"How many did you drink!" I screamed as I saw the pile next to him.

"Only 30," he said groggily.

"Okay kid time for bed," I muttered.

"What but I am soooo energized Mr. Stark! I don't wanna go to bed," he whined.

"Kid, get ready for that sugar crash."

"What sugar cr-"

Suddenly Peter hit the floor with a loud thump. I laughed at him before picking him up and taking him to bed. Once he was in bed I left the room but before I got back to the kitchen I got a call.

"Hello?" I asked not expecting a call (for once).

"Hello Mr. Stark we were informed that you are in current possession of a Mr. Peter Parker," an emotionless voice said.

"Yes. May I ask who is this?"

"Sorry Mr. Stark but we are informing you of May Parker's death in a car accident less than five hours ago. Peter Parker is to be taken to an orphanage tomorrow. I know you will adopt him but the place he is going has possession of him for at least three weeks."

"What! Three weeks, why?" I asked trying to fight to keep the one thing that I could still fight for.

"His Aunt May requested that he stay at one place for at least three weeks so that he can get settled emotionally and mentally."

"But that was when he didn't have anyone else! When he didn't have me!" I practically screamed into the phone.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience Sir but it was in her will, we can't do anything about it. We expect Peter at Mary Kate's Orphanage tomorrow morning at 9:00."

Suddenly the line went dead.


This chapter doesn't have a lot of Peter I'm so sorry for that!!! But I needed to tie some things together such as Steve and Tony! I promise the next chapter will be mainly about Peter, okay? Stick with me WebHeads!!!!!

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