Chapter Two

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Tony POV

"What am I going to do?"

I had been asking myself his same question over and over again for five hours since I got the call. It was now two in the morning and I was running out of time to think of a plan. The kid would become an emotional reck.

That's it I need Steve's help.

I got out of my bed that I had been trying to sleep on and walked out towards Steve's bedroom. When I got there I found him fast asleep snoring slightly.

"Hey Steve? Steve?" I pushed him slightly trying to get him up.

He grumbled a little and rubbed his eyes before opening them and sitting up slowly.

"Tony what..?" He started but then saw the look of worry on my face, "Tony what happened?"

I felt tears prick my eyes but refused to let them fall.

"Aunt May is gone and the government wants to take Peter to an orphanage," I said wincing at the fact that it was true.

"That is okay you can adopt him, right?"

I shook my head slowly and let a silent tear fall.

"What! Why not!?" Steve practically yelled.

"Be-because his Aunt, before Peter was under my care too, put in her will that she wanted Peter to stay at an orphanage for at least three weeks so that he could become mentally and emotionally stable before going to an adoptive home. Meaning that I can't adopt him until three weeks go bye. He is going to spend three fucking weeks at Mary Kate's fucking orphanage!" I screamed the last bit a little loud so Steve grabbed my mouth and quickly shushed me.

"What am I going to do!? I can't bypass this," I muttered.

I started breathing heavily and shaking, I started to panic. Steve must have noticed because he quickly grabbed me and pulled me into a bear hug on his bed.

"Calm down Tony," he said while rubbing my shoulder, "it will be okay."

After about five minutes I calmed down enough to ask again what I was supposed to do.

"I think that you should wake Peter up and tell him now," Steve said softly letting me pull myself out of his grip.

"Wake him up now! Steve it is three in the morning!"

"And you only have six hours with him."

I swallowed thickly, he was right.

"Will you go make waffles? I'm going to go wake up Pete. Oh, and no talking about anything until after he eats or else he won't eat," I said using what knowledge I had on the kid.

Steve nodded and got up from his bed going to the bathroom to get ready. I sighed before heading down to Peter's room.

Peter POV

"Pete? I need you to get up," I heard Tony's muffled voice say.

"Why?" I asked voice cracking, I felt like I had a hangover from the Red Bull.

"I need to tell you something important, just meet me in the kitchen in ten minutes, okay?"

I muttered yes as he left the room leaving me to wonder what was so important that it couldn't wait for morning. Slowly I got out of bed and brushed my teeth. I decided not to get ready completely and just keep on my pajamas. I went down stairs to find Steve making waffles and Tony drinking coffee. I smiled and waved at Steve before sitting down on a bar stool.

"So what's up? Is this about the party? I'll clean it all up I swear," I said starting to get a little nervous.

"No this about something else. Eat first and then we will talk, okay Pete?" Steve said while sliding a plate full of waffles to me.

I knew the situation must be bad if they thought I had to eat before they told me what it was. I quickly ate my meal and sipped down my juice. Then I waited for Tony or Steve to spill the beans. After no one talked for a couple minutes I gave up and broke the silence.

"Guys, it is literally four in the morning what is so important," I said laughing a little.

Tony looked up at me with glassy eyes and my smile immediately faded.

"Mr. Stark? What happened?" I asked now starting to get worried.

"Look Peter your....your Aunt May she...well she passed away in a car accident last night," Steve said solemnly.

Suddenly I felt my world freeze. Aunt May was dead. The last member of the Parker family dead. The person who looked after and protected me was gone. Now I was alone, an orphan. I started breathing heavily and sobbing, I was panicking, this couldn't be true.

"Peter you need to calm down," Tony said walking over to me and rubbing my back.

"She can't be gone! She was all I had left!" I wheezed out.

I felt like the room was closing in on me trapping me in this awful moment. I panted heavily and started shaking as black dots started to blur my vision.

"Peter, you need to breathe now!" Steve yelled from across the counter.

I tried but I couldn't not even as Tony started breathing loudly for me. I heard Tony call Bruce but it was all muffled. This couldn't be happening.

"I'm sorry Peter," I heard Tony mumble.

Tony saying sorry confirmed she was dead. I started sobbing and screaming into his shirt.

"No!" I shouted.

Suddenly I felt someone grab my shoulder and pull me towards them. I struggled wanting nothing then to be next to Tony at that moment.

"Peter breathe with me okay? In out in out," Bruce mumbled while positioning himself in front of my field of vision.

"Inoutinoutinout," I panted slowly calming down.

It felt like hours had gone by when I finally calmed down. I was still crying silently when Tony grabbed me and took me to the couch. The kitchen had gotten crowded since my screaming woke everyone else up. Tony set me gently on the couch while he sat on the table across from me. He looked me in the eyes and sighed deeply.

"Pete, you have to go to an orphanage for three weeks," Tony mumbled looking at me.

It felt like a knife was stabbed through me as I remembered what May put in her will when Uncle Ben died. I wheezed a little desperate for air when I suddenly lurched forwards and puked on the floor. My vision started to blur as more tears formed and my breathing became irregular again. I watched as the black dots come back into my vision. Suddenly I felt a prick in my arm and my world was swallowed by darkness.

Tony POV

The kid was pale and broken but I knew I had to tell him about the orphanage. I set him down on the couch and looked into his dark brown eyes. His face already had red tear marks and his eyes seemed to have lost some of their warm glow.

"Pete, you have to go to an orphanage for three weeks," I mumbled watching for Peter's reaction to the news.

He burst into more tears and started panting heavily. With a sigh I watched as the kid who had always been a little beckon of hope broke. My heart died at the sight of him in so much confusion and pain. This wasn't fair to him at all. I rushed over to help him when he suddenly lurched forwards and vomited all over the floor. He shook and cried with a mix of screaming when I finally decided to call Bruce over. Bruce came running over with a sleep shot made to keep him under for thirty minutes. I watched as Bruce stabbed the needle into Peter's shoulder and saw Peter's face relax as the sleep took over him.

"Let's move him to the Med Bay. Steve tell them what happened," I said while picking up Peter and carrying him to the Med Bay.

I'm so sorry kid.


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