Chapter Ten

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<<Sorry about the pic it's heartbreaking>>

Tony POV

I watched horrified as the kid started screaming and sobbing with his eyes closed. He was trying to fight off Venom mentally.

"You can do it kid!" I practically scream.

Everyone crowds around and watches him in horror when we finally saw a black goop crawling out of him. Bruce quickly grabbed a container and Steve stopped hitting the metal into the microphone. Once the goop was safely secured inside a cylinder with a solid metal lid over it we turned to the kid who was still shrieking and crying.

"Bruce, why isn't he stopping?" I asked starting to get worried.

"PTSD most likely," Bruce shouted over Peter's screams.

Steve walked over to me and patted my back, he knew I was panicking.

"Calm down," he said while rubbing me and breathing loudly for me to follow.

"Thank you," I said kissing him.

The team stared at us dumbfounded when I finally looked up at everyone.

"What the hell was that?" Clint asked from his perch.

I just rolled my eyes and watched as Peter started to calming down. I went closer to him and started to shake his shoulder trying to get him to wake up. The kids eyes fluttered but still didn't open, I was starting to get worried when he suddenly flipped to his side and started throwing up. I watched horrified as he gagged and threw up black goo. I put my hand on his back and started rubbing him softly and muttering calming things.

"Mr. Stark!" He yelped before hugging me tightly.

My heart melted and I squeezed him back.

"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" Peter asked checking me.

I couldn't help but laugh, even after he had been possessed by an alien substance he asked if I was okay first.

"Are you okay," I asked looking at him closely.

He didn't make eye contact and snuggled closer to me. He then started breathing heavily and I pulled him away from me to see that he was staring out into space, something wasn't right.

"Pete? What's wrong? Are you hurt?" I started rambling trying to get an answer from him.

He breathed in sharply before looking up at me with tear filled eyes. I was confused when I suddenly realized that Venom must have showed him something horrible.

"What did he show you?" I asked calmly while getting confused glances from the team, including Steve.

"He showed me May dying a-and MJ with N-Ned d-dying bec-because I di-didn't t-tell them I was Spi-Spider-Man. He also s-showed me the t-team dying and y-you. You were still a-alive though so you started t-talking to m-me. You said that y-you were never p-proud of me and that you n-ever have been and nev-never will be. You said it was my f-fault that you were dying and t-that I didn't deserve t-the suit b-because all I ever did was insult it a-and kill people w-with it. U-um y-you also said that you n-never loved me a-and only wan-wanted me for my p-powers, you said you hated m-me," Peter barely choked out the last sentence.

A quietness had fallen over the Avengers even Clint and Sam. I felt my heart drop out of my chest screaming in agony. This kid was to young to be going through this trauma. I quickly grabbed the kid and tucked his head into my shoulder. He sobbed and clutched at my jacket seeming to hold onto me for dear life.

"I love you, I love you so much and I never ever wanted you for your powers. You are so brave and I am so proud of you. I love you so much Pete and I am sorry you had to go through this," I muttered into his curly hair.

He mumbled in response when I suddenly felt his breathing slow and even out. I looked down and realized that the kid had fallen asleep.

"Okay Bruce you are going to have to do a check up on him," I muttered lifting up the kid.

Suddenly I heard laughing across the room. I looked up to see all the team laughing and taking pictures of me holding the kid.

"What? You have seen me hold him before haven't you?"

"That isn't what we are laughing at Stark," Clint choked out, "let go of Pete."

I nodded and gently set him down on the floor only to find out that he was stuck to me.

"Seriously," I sighed, "Bruce get him off."

"I don't think I can," he said smirking.

"What! Why not?" I growled quietly trying not to wake the kid.

"Because when a spider feels safe it tends to stick to the material and trying to loosen the grip will only make it harder to get the spider off. Peter has attached to you and until he wakes up he won't be detaching anytime soon," Bruce explained while my mouth dropped open.


"Yeah, I am going to head to S.H.E.I.L.D and drop this off," Bruce said smirking at my mouth gapping expression.

"What! Why are you going to S.H.E.I.L.D? It is already eleven o' clock! You can't just leave me here!" I growled as he walked out the room waving at me sarcastically.

"Ya, I'm going to bed," Bucky said walking out of the living room towards his room laughing.

Everyone followed in his footsteps except for Steve.

"Are you going to leave me too?" I muttered sourly.

"No, I was just going to say that we should probably go to bed," Steve said smirking at me.

I nodded in agreement and we both headed towards my room. When we got to my room Steve took a quick shower while I chose the most comfortable position I could get into with Pete still clung onto me. When I finally got comfortable Steve came out and laid down next to me, this was his first night with me.

"I love you Steve. You know that right?"

"Of course, sorry I couldn't be more supportive with Peter."

"Well you aren't completely sucking so I think that counts for something. Also I was thinking that tomorrow we should tell Pete that he is our kid, meaning that we will tell him about us and the adoption tomorrow, okay?"

I heard a grunt from Steve indicating that he heard and agrees. I smiled sleepily. Here I was sleeping with Steve and Peter the only two people in the world I cared about who cared about me just as much. What a special night.


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