Chapter Eleven

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Tony POV

I woke up to find that Steve was gone and that Peter was still clung onto me. With a sigh I got up and walked to the kitchen while Pete clung onto me. When I got to the kitchen I found Steve and almost everyone else.

"Hey Tone, pancakes for breakfast does that sound good?"

"Yup, hey I was thinking. What if we put on a little party for Pete? Invite his two friends and have all of us, that would be fun right?" I asked timidly not knowing everyone else's reaction.

Everyone stared at me for a few seconds and then muttered crap that no one cares about before agreeing and shouting out what they would get and be in charge of.

"I will get the cake," Wanda said getting up and leaving with Vision in hot pursuit.

"I will invite the midgardians," Thor boomed happily.

"Ya I will help Thor with that," Clint said running after him.

"I've got decorations and Loki can set up party favors," Bucky said happily.

"Ya I will cook," Steve muttered already thinking of things to make.

"Awesome," I said smiling at everyone's reaction.

Everyone cleared the room to go get stuff for the party but Steve stayed with me and Bruce.

"Are you making food Steve?" I asked starting to grt hungry.

"Yup!" Steve said turning on the stove and making eggs with toast.

"Make about two times that, okay?" Bruce said.

"Um, ya sure," Steve said confused.

"Nonono, it isn't for me it's just that the kid wasn't given proper meals at that orphanage and then the whole Venom thing happened, so in reality he hasn't had a good full meal since his Aunt died."

"Oh. Those bastards I will kill them for not feeding my son properly!" I screamed starting to loose my temper.

"Calm down honey, and eat," Steve said sliding me a plate of food.

He also slid one to Bruce and another one to me for Peter. I knew Pete had to sleep but he also had to eat so I started nudging him gently.

"Pete? Kid you gotta wake up," I said while shaking him gently.

"Friday record," Bruce said to the AI before walking to the couch.

I looked at him questioningly before getting back to trying to wake Pete. The kid's eyes suddenly blinked open and he yawned sleepily.

"Hey kid. Wanna get off?" I said.

"Hmm? Oh!" He yelped, realizing what he was doing.

He detached from me and fell down onto a chair that I put there, but him being the clumsy spider he is slips off the edge of the chair and lands to the floor with a thud. I watch trying not to laugh as he tries to untangle himself from the chair.

"Here kid," I said while pulling him out of the chair.

Geez Bruce was right this kid is extremely skinny.

Peter POV

I detached from Mr. Stark as soon as I knew what I was doing. I landed on the chair but of course slid off of the chair and landed on the floor with the chair. I struggled for a good five minutes when Tony finally decided to help me.

"Here kid," he said while pulling me out of the chair and putting it back on it's feet. He then set me down on top of said chair.

"Thank you dad," I mumbled before turning to my breakfast plate full of eggs and multiple slices of toast.

I ate away the delicious meal and when I was finished Tony told me to go for a walk to the park with Happy and Ned and MJ if they wanted to go, of course Happy would come even if he didn't want to. I smiled cheekily and headed to my room to tell Ned and MJ.

"Ya just chill and walk around the park. I'm going to invite MJ but I don't know if she will come, you know how she is," I said to Ned through the phone.

"Ya she is weird. Any ways are you going to tell her who you are yet?"

"Ya, I was thinking that I would today, if she comes to the park."

"Okay! I can't wait to see her reaction! I will come for sure but just go ahead and ask her, now!" Ned shouted at me when I still hadn't hung up.

"Oh sorry," I mumbled hanging up and calling MJ.

"Hey Peter," I heard from the other line.

"Do you want to go walk in the park with me and Ned?"

"I don't know...."

"Please, I need to tell you a secret."

There was silence on the line for a few minutes then I heard it cackle back to life.

"Okay fine, but I will meet you there."


With that I hung up. I got dressed for the park and put my web shooters on my wrists you never know if Michelle needs more convincing. Once I was ready I ran downstairs and met Happy in the driveway.

"Ready kid?"

"Yeah! We need to stop by Ned's house and pick him up though," I said to Happy through the glass that disconnected the front seats from the back seats.

Happy nodded in response and we started driving towards Ned's house. When we got there I went up and grabbed Ned before getting back in the car and heading towards the park. Me and Ned talked about Legos and Star Wars the while time, it was great. When we got to the park me and Ned looked out for MJ.

"Thank you Mr. Happy." Ned and I said before getting out of the car.

"Hey kid," Happy said rolling down his window and getting my attention, "I will be right here so if any of you guys need me just call."

"Okay thanks!" I smiled walking back over to Ned.

"She is over there," he said pointing to a girl reading a book under a tree.

We both ran towards the direction and when we reached her we both collapsed to the ground. She screamed and me and Ned started laughing at her.

"It's okay we aren't here to hurt you," I said through laughs.

She only scowled at me and put down the book she was reading.

"What was the secret?" She scoffed.

"Well... it is hard to explain."

"I don't care start explaining."

"Follow me," I said rolling my eyes at her aggressiveness.

I started walking towards an empty alleyway and they followed. Once I made sure we were out of sight of everyone and that Happy couldn't see us I pulled out my suit. MJ's mouth dropped open and she stared at me.

"Y-you're Spider-Man! How is that possible? His must be a joke. Your only puny Penis Parker," she mumbled.

"Wow no need to be offensive," I scoffed, "still need more evidence?"

She nodded her head slowly while Ned laughed in at her expression. I smiled, put on my suit, and walked up to a wall. I heard MJ hold her breath in and with a small laugh I started climbing the wall.

"Damn," she muttered.

"I know it's cool isn't it? I freaked out the first time I saw it," Ned said smiling goofily.

"How did you find out?" MJ asked.

"Well...." Ned started telling MJ the story and she was immediately intrigued.

I was about to join them on the floor when my spider sense started going off, it was telling me to move away from Ned and MJ meaning that they were about to be shot at. I jumped towards them and right as I did five goons came out of no where shooting rapid fire. I shoved MJ and Ned to the ground behind a trash can but not before a bullet pierced my thigh. I yelped out in pain and fell over.

"Peter!" MJ yelled.

I threw some webbing over MJ's mouth, she was lucky the goons weren't paying attention enough to here her give away my secret identity. I struggled up to my feet and looked over the scene, this wasn't good. I would have to leave my friends unguarded but obviously I couldn't do that. I quickly used my webbing to web up the two goons on my right. I then turned to my left to find all three of the men running full speed ahead. I jumped when one of them tried to hit me across the legs. I quickly hit the man across the face and started fighting hand to hand combat with him. I only got one steady punch to the eye which disoriented me long enough for one of the men to pull the trigger at me. The bullet pierced my skin inches away from the first wound. I let out a strangled scream before quickly jumping to my attacker and knocking him out with a strong kick to the face. After I defeated him I webbed him up and watched as the other men started backing up.

"Yeah, you better run!" I screamed hoarsely at them.

They ran leaving their buddies behind. Once I made sure they were gone I limped over to Ned and MJ.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked worriedly.

Both Ned and MJ nodded their heads still staring st me with fear. I took off my mask and felt my eye.

Shit that is going to be black.

"Sorry for that," I panted yanking off MJ's webbing on her mouth.

"Shit Peter are you okay?" Ned asked looking at me worriedly, MJ was still silent.

"Mhm 'm fine," I slurred trying to walk it off.

I looked down to see that my whole leg was covered in deep crimson blood. I gasped at the image, I wasn't that good with blood. I tried to take off my suit while my friends watched me frozen with fear when the world suddenly tilted and I started falling sideways. MJ and Ned both lunged forward and caught me. They set me gently on the ground while I moaned in agony.

"Peter is it okay if I cut your suit?" MJ asked realizing what I was trying to do.

"Mhm," I muttered while holding my head.

She cut off the fabric and started to peel it off. I screamed hoarsely as the fabric left my sticky wound. As I was moaning I looked up to see Ned crying and I could've sworn that I saw a tears glistening in MJ's eyes. She saw me watching her and quickly got back to my wound.


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