Chapter Twelve

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Peter POV

"Okay that should stop the bleeding until we can get stitches in it. Can you stand?" MJ asked after she completed tying a piece of cloth around my leg.

"I can stand," I muttered.

"Okay," Ned said reaching down a hand to me and pulling me up.

As soon as I got up I regretted it. Black dots blurred my vision and we were spinning, fast, too fast. My stomach lurched forwards and I threw up on the floor next to us. It hurt so bad as my stomach cramped up and contracted itself. I felt Ned's hand pat my back slowly and gently.

"I-I'm fine," I muttered trying to stand again.

"Stay down," Ned said.

I shook my head and brought myself on my feet. This time I could see clearly and the world wasn't spinning at all. I laughed triumphantly, until I realized that I couldn't walk at all with my leg the way it was.


I watched as Peter got up quickly.

This isn't going to end well.

I watched as he started to sway and suddenly lurch forwards onto the floor. I was moving to help him when he started to puke. While Ned rubbed his back I did nothing but watch and it horrified me when I realized that Peter was puking up blood. I looked for some water in his backpack so that he could drink some, of course there was none. Defeated I went back to Peter and Ned with a worried feeling in my stomach. I reached out to him and rubbed his arm gently.

Damn he has muscles! Shut up MJ not now!

I made a motion to grab Peter but he argued.

"I-I'm fine," Peter muttered even though he was pale and clammy.

"Stay down," Ned said to him but of course Peter shook his head and started to get up anyways.

I watched as he rose to his feet a second time. He didn't sway or falter but for some reason he wasn't moving.

"Pete?" I asked walking towards him worriedly, "what's up?"

"I can't walk on the leg," he muttered seeming embarrassed.

"Do you want Ned and I to help or do you only need one person?"

"I only need Ned to carry me," he mumbled not looking me in the eyes.

I looked back for Ned but he was already collecting Peter's stuff so I did the next best thing and went over to pick up Peter. I was about 3 inches taller so that helped me also Peter was extremely light for his age. As soon as I was about to pick him up he jumped away as if frightened.

"What are you doing!?"

"Helping a friend," I said smiling at his terrified expression.

He was about to protest more but I grabbed him and held him bridal style. As soon as he was in my arms I turned to Ned and started walking towards him.


"Sure..what are you doing to Peter?"

"Helping him," I said while walking out of the alley.

As we were walking I felt Peter's breathing even out and realized that he was asleep. I moved as smoothly as I could but it was hard and I was grateful when we finally got back to the car. I laid Peter down beside me and Ned crawled in after me.

"Holy shit! What happened to the kid?" Happy asked as he rolled down the window splitting off the passenger and the back seats.

"He got shot twice but he is already healing and he should be fine by the time we make it back to the Tower," Ned said while looking worriedly at Peter.

Happy simply nodded and started to drive.

Tony POV

"Tony we can't have alcohol at a party where kids are present!" Steve shouted for the hundredth time.

"Yes we can!" I argued back.

We went back and forth for a couple minutes before Steve left and went to set up some more food. The house was all prepared for the party. We had set up balloons and music in the living room not to mention the endless amount of food in the kitchen. This party was going to be amazing and I was happy to be able to give Peter something fun for once in his life. As I was about to put the wine in the fridge for tonight I got a call from Happy.

"What's up?" I asked.

"The kid got shot a couple times but is healing up nicely. Do you want me to drop him off downstairs and then you bring him up to the Med Bay while keeping him away from the party."

My face paled a little at hearing Peter got shot.

"Ya how far are you?"

"Five minutes."

"Okay I will be in the garage to care Pete to the Med Bay and you have to go with his friends and bring them to the party okay?"

"You got it boss," Happy replied before hanging up.

I finished putting the wine away before heading downstairs to see the kid. When I got down to the garage Happy's car was parking. I ran to the side door and opened it gently to grab Peter. Only when I looked inside I found Peter leaning on MJ's shoulder and MJ leaning on Peter's head, they had both fallen asleep. I had to muffle a laughter when I realized that Ned was taking photos.

"Send those to me," I said smiling before shaking the two forms awake.

MJ woke up right away while Peter stayed asleep.

"Okay, Ned and MJ go up stairs to the kitchen I have a job for you two and Peter and me are going to the Med Room."

They both nodded while running upstairs.

"Let's get you taken care of bud," I muttered while picking up Peter and carrying him to the Med Bay.

You always get yourself in trouble, who are you? Me?


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