Chapter Thirteen

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Tony POV

I sat for less than an hour watching Peter and having Bruce fix his wounds.

"Okay, he should be fine but he might have a slight limp, nothing big," Bruce said after finishing his check up on the kid.

"Will he be healthy enough to still have the party today? This is extremely important to me and Steve," I asked starting to get a little worried.

The party was the way me and Steve were going to tell Peter that we were a couple and that we wanted to adopt him.

"Of course you can still have the party! He should be in almost perfect condition."

"Thank you. Go upstairs and tell everyone else that we both will be up in a minute."

Bruce nodded before he left the room leaving me with Pete. I quietly waited for the kid to wake up and checked on his leg a couple times just to make sure everything thing looked okay.

Peter POV

"Tony?" I muttered, my eyes fluttering open as I remembered everything that happened.

"I'm right here kid," Tony said happily

"Are Ned and MJ okay?" I asked before he could ask anything else.

Tony smiled warmly at me, "They are fine. Nothing happened to them in fact I believe Ned has a picture he wants to show you when we get upstairs."

I smirked, what did Ned possibly take a picture of.

"What happened out there? You never get shot by common goons," Tony asked his gaze crawling with suspicion.

I blushed and looked at him shyly. After a minute went by he nudged me and asked again.

"Um, w-well MJ and Ned were both there which meant that I had to keep them out of harms way. I was distracted because I had them in the back of my mind. If I wanted to do something I had to think about where that would leave my friends. Dead or alive. I just got distracted is all, I wasn't on top of my game," I finished lamely.

Tony looked at me softly before reaching over and hugging me. I was tense at first not expecting this emotional expression from the billionaire but then I melted into his hug.

"It's okay kid you did the right thing. How are you feeling? We only found two bullet wounds in your thigh, was there anything else?"

"I feel fine, my leg is a little sore though," I said while looking at Tony.

"Want to head upstairs?"

"What is up there?"

"A surprise, here put this on," Tony said while throwing me my 'find x' shirt and some jeans.

In utter confusion I got dressed and Tony unhooked me from all he medical equipment. Once I was fully dressed Tony helped me walk out the door and by the time we got to the elevator I was almost walking completely normal, without a limp.

"Friday, Common Room please," Tony said and immediately we started moving upwards. We road up the elevator in comfortable silence until we were one floor away I decided to ask again.

"What is the surprise?"

Tony started laughing, "kid we are literally one floor away, you can't wait a minute?"

"No," I whined excitedly.

Tony just rolled his eyes and waited for the door to open. When it did we were met by flashing lights and loud music. I looked around to see all the Avengers and Ned and MJ dancing while eating food. They all turned to look at me and waved me over. I limped over and smiled happily.

"What is this for?" I asked smiling.

"Me and Tony have some news son," Steve said walking up to me out of the crowd.

I looked at everyone's faces trying to detect what it was, the only thing I could infer was that it wasn't something bad. Everyone smiled and waved me off to join Steve and Tony on the couch in the living room. When I sat down next to Tony they both sighed and looked towards me.

"Pete, I want to adopt you. All I need is your signature for a couple papers and stuff. If your not comfortable with that then we can fill out gua-"

I cut Tony off by throwing myself at him.

"Are you serious? You want to adopt me?" I muttered thinking I must have heard wrong.

"Yes Pete, I love you," Tony smiled while squeezing me back.

"When do I sign?" I said starting to get antsy.

"Woah not yet kid we have some other news," Steve interjected.

"Oh right. What is your news?" I said looking at Steve wondering what he was going to say.

"Well me and Tony we, we are gay," he muttered clearly uncomfortable.

I looked at them with confusion but in the end just smiled, this was adorable, two idiots who hate each other fall for each other, beautiful story. I laughed and hugged them both.

"So are we a family?"

"From now until death kid," Tony said holding me tightly.

"Go enjoy yourself now," Steve said pushing me away gently.

I got up from the couch and went to the food where Ned and MJ were.

"Hey guys sorry about earlier, I didn't mean to scare you," I said looking at them both carefully.

Suddenly I felt someone run and jump on me, it was MJ.

"Peter you had me worried sick," she muttered into my shoulder.

I smiled while holding her. Once she realized I was legitimately holding her she blushed and jumped down to the ground. I looked over to find Ned recording the whole thing.


He laughed before a light flicked on inside him.

"I forgot to tell you, Peter, Thor was looking for you earlier. Something about wanting you to try the beer for gods," Ned said trying not to laugh as me and MJ threw him daggers.

I nodded and we all headed over to the God of Thunder. When we found him I sat on the couch next to him while Ned and MJ watched what he was going to do curiously.

"Ah, Man of Spiders, I would like you to try this drink. It is only fit for Gods and I believe that you are fit," Thor said smiling at me.

I held the glass up to my mouth and right before I was about to take a drink Tony hopped up from his seat and ran to grab the drink out of my hand. Before he could I drank some of the liquid gold and immediately felt drunk.

"PETER," Tony screamed while grabbing the goblet and throwing it at Thor causing Thor to throw berries over everyone.

Suddenly everyone broke out into a big food fight while Tony tried to take care of me. That was until he got a chunk of cake thrown at him. I laughed. Finally I, Spider-Man, get a well deserved break. This is going to be a family to remember.

That is the end of this book series!!!! Thank you so much for reading my books and sticking with me to the end. I will start working on a new book to release soon, it will not be a part of this series though!! comment or message me if you want any ideas included in the new book!!!!! I will post on here when I have it up and posted. Once again thank you so much for sticking around!!!

:) love you my Hollanders and Spiderlings

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