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(Y/n) POV


Sound of clashing in the rain forest, fighting off two ally, I've begin to struggle of none stopping gun fight, protagonist experience past journey of fights and obstacle he gain through understanding. As kept his guards up without dropin' a inch.


Explosion sound heard behind me, turned, see an America person come flying straight towards me with his shovel, called "Market gardener" it becomes strong when "rocket jump" he calls it. Shooting rocket launch near his feet to blast jump away.

As another, robot with a "V" it's side chest of blue, deadly yet chill guy, with yellow light saber or whatever its called Welding an coin and a revolver.

Both will try to sheer me into a pieces if I didn't play my winning cards accordingly, sadly they're having a high winning condition...Sometimes i've never experience about two opponents attempted of dismantle, dismantle of breaking my will of fallen.

(Y/n):"You're ain't breaking down my sheer will of hope, or term of my word...insanity."

Tattoo of a dragon circle around with a crow, middle of it on his back side, begin to change its color from white to red, responds to fire, unleashing heat environment.

???:"Heat...Very intense heat..."


America immediately let go of his shovel as comin' to me, immediately punch him with cybernetic strength, robot was about to shoot, straight away deploy a heavily smoke screen around me.

???:"Using smoke screen...evading is a excellent choice, don't forget someone could look through your cleverness. (Y/n)."

(Y/n):"Who's going to be cleverness,?"

???:"That would be me..." an rusty voice heard, as an followed-


Shot to my cybernetic leg weak spot, damaging my extending cybernetic pipes that supports my cybernetic leg. I screamed before meeting a thud to the floor. Kept forgetting they can cut in. Heat environment instant dissolve itself. Then met a pistol front of my face. As look who holding a it is wearing a black scarf around his face but exposed eyes.

???:"You should've keep your guards up..." pistol click of a gun armed, before ready to be shot by my foe but didn't came.

Enemy then signed loudly before saying a word.

???:"Reset! (Y/n) you seriously need to find cover instead of going out gun blazing thinking it'll work?" Retorted, withdraw his pistol before giving his hand. Gladly accept, lifted me off. "Beside, you encounter enemies before with ally."

Word Reset caused our surroundings begin to dissolving, tree, grass, rock, sand, anything, they aren't real, all of this is just a simulation, a training ground. Which I rarely use for three times. Everything dissolved but a white simulation room.

(Y/n):"Sometimes price! I need to look through my cybernetic eye, which scan the battlefield danger zone."

???:"Reset complete, please stand by for training records." An AI recalling recent record of my previous training, as it shown date, time, and unique.

Training simulation used:
12/31/32 - PM 2:47 <First time active>
1/3/33 - AM: 1:59 <Utilizing Ability>
2/1/33 - AM 4:10 <Training with Ally>

???:"Ahhh! Kept forgetting his powers! I should've think straight!"

Price:"Soldier, you try your bloody best to lower his guards." *Lends his hand to soldier, soldier grabbed and pulls him up.* "He always remain his eyes on you since you've used your rocket jump with various way, led his attention, however, he utilize his fire, burst of intense heat, burned your hands from metal handle. but for V1 he's out of fire's range."

V1:"You are correct price, I stand away from fire's range of ten meters, that very unforgiving heat screwed you, so close, But met an heat wave."

Soldier:"Heh! I didn't see that unfortunate heat comin! But I was able to bring his attention due to my skill!"

V1:"Of course friend, skill of rocket jumping, he may stand his ground, but not long if doesn't look his targets."

(Y/n):"Haha, I get it shut your mouth already?"

???:"Whoa! These exo-suit are very quite fun!" An kid runnin' around the room where'd in. As big Orange bear comes in. Yelling.

???:"What're you doing!? You're using their tech! Get off of that exo-suit Gregory! You'll get hurt!"

(Y/n):"God fuckin' damn it, y'all I'm hitting to get my food."

Three knowledge, before went away to get my food from favorite place where my Titan friend owns a restaurant. As two TA-UNTI very armed soldier followed me, cybernetic and sinister voice, but they ain't mess around

Meanwhile, Hank POV.
Location: Meeting Room.

Hank:"You both, you'd know entering our territory is a bad idea to come here?" Chatting two new person- or one person and one robot, include a little version of that person.

???:"B-But! It's dangerous cold! Very cold we'd could freeze to death!" Male said, as little him agreed to him, as robot supports him.

???:"Friend is right! It was so cold! Fortunately, we were save by eight people!"

Hank:"Is that so? Hrm...I should ask Rushmore if both is telling the true, however I'm a bit busy here to help the organization."

???:"Organization? You mean Future foundation?"

Hank:"...? The fuck is-

???:"Language!" Blue nicest robot exclaim. "There's a adorable little one on his hoodie!"

Hank:"Hrrrggg...the Freak is a future foundation? What's their motivation..."

???:"Uhh..?" Male hesitated to speak, little him comfort him. "They're the organization to stop spreading around the city called despair."

???:"Despair?! Oh that sounded bad!"

Hank:"Despair? The hell is despair?"

???:"Its use to bring people lose their mind from despair, kill, destroy, committing crime and others, simply enough to see the world burn, that's future foundation comes in and stop them."

Hank:"That's odd..."

???:"Thats when school scouts to find a student who has a skill, inherent those skill and you end up with that, called ultimate!"

???:"Oh Ultimate! Awesome!"

Hank:"Really? Ultimate, that's what school called?" Disappointed a unique name, but I'll passed that. "Eventually ultimate you guys call it is basically you got so good that skill you end up with that title name, like gunner, dancers or different ultimate?"

???:"Yeaahh...those becomes your ultimate."

???:"Wow! Is my ultimate friend is a ultimate too?"

???:"Yep, those can also be ultimate."

Hank's thought:'Oh my god that's fucking stupid, leader has so many skill and powers that can be difficult name for 'Ultimate' possibly Versatility ultimate...Wow that sound shit...'

???:"A school is called Hope peak's academy."

Hank:"Hope peak's academy...interesting name, but doesn't interest our leader about school. But foundation? That might give him some Intriguing thought..."

???:"Our? You guys have a leader?"

Hank:"Well duh! You obviously have eyes don't you?see that poster?"

Both looked to the left and see a picture of (Y/n) and his comrades

Takeo, wearing a kimono clothes with blossom flower of blues, has mask of oni, and Phasianus versicolor on his shoulder,

Dempsey has a assume clothe of General it's greenish with white button in the middle, Eagle on his safety glove arm.

Nikolai with CEO clothes with a bear standing his side.

German Richthofen, in his usual clothes, with a shepherd dog.

And himself (Y/n) formal clothes holding a Statue symbol of CC R.I.M.S before, crow on his shoulder, flag of their nation.

???:"I'm guessing those four people have their symbols as their nationality?" Male spoke, little seemly lookin' at (Y/n). Oddly wants to meet him.

Hank:"Yes, four of them, after all these friends are (Y/n)'s comrades who fought together. But your little one seemed staring at (Y/n)..."

???:"Maybe little wants to meet him eagerly! Curiousness gets you well! Is this '(Y/n)' available?"

Hank:"Rarely, he barely shown his face in Frozen city due to mission if given by Corvus."


Hank:"Just bypass this Corvus guy? It's a mysterious person only (Y/n) knows it. I'm feeling hungry all of this chitchat talk here, wanna eat? I know where'd the best food restaurant we can eat..."

???:"W-Well..." He hesitate, but immediately nodded to him. "Yes, I-I'll eat with you."

???:"Yay! We going to be best friends!" Friendly person ever asked. "We hope we're getting along!"

Hank:"Go ask Mako, she's also loves getting best friends, or hat kid or bow the way, what's your guys name before we go?"

(Y/n) POV
Meanwhile, PA's smoking BBQ
Theme playing: COD Vanguard - Before the storm.

???:"PILOT, I HAVE MADE YOUR FAVORITE FOOD FOR YOUR RAVENOUS, DO YOU WANT SOMETHING ELSE?" Titan, named PA-1959 where that his place located in Frozen city, around near couple shop and meter of 50 from my home, sure long walk there, but always love to greet anyone. Rarely...

Simply, it's just only me, PA, and simply PA's cybernetic employees, drone carry a metal plate holding my food. Lower itself down and carefully lay it down.

(Y/n):"Yes, give me a grape soda. Thanks drone."

Drone knowledge me with a beep before flying back and soared to its charges station, where'd drone are charging. Drone awakens if customers food is ready, caused them to be awakened and grab those metal plates.


PA did that, calling out of his cybernetic employee, nice sentient machine.

Cybernetic employee:"Here you go sir, your grape soda at your thirst taste."

(Y/n):"Thank you, here's my pay."

Given them a 10.00$ dollars, employee collets it and put it in the cash register, cybernetic said enjoy and I thankful it back.


(Y/n):"Retirement? Really PA? I'll never plan retirement until...well I wanted to retire. But I can't, I made so many progress like- look at me! Me, my brothers made through its years! Hell it's 2033, I couldn't remember what we first appeared!"


(Y/n):"Too much? Well Titan friend it isn't enough to expand! Hell a legendary myth called Hatred is a god being that went through hell from school called 'Union' hatred destroy those bad people and made them suffer! Cuz he didn't got the power."


(Y/n):"Well, if I remember well Corvus took a picture of Hatred, any reason by his name? No idea, Let bypass that and mention about Ophelia, hatred's wife- or daughter, she's a nicer girl, I'll give her a respect. However he wouldn't call her wife since she was pregnant, but decided to marry her. Understand why and soon become a best father."

Continued, as I eating my food a bit, before drinking. PA was cornered about me. But plays along.


(Y/n):"Yes, Corvus told about it. Plus there's an crossing universe, omniverse is canonical there, but there's more, the outsider, it's a nothingness of void, or many scientist called beyond. Well, meaning that's impossible to get through since due to gravity, IT WILL CRUNCH YOU INTO NOTHING."


(Y/n):"No, that's dependable. Nobody can't surpass that barrier, somehow pass, you eventually get crushed anyway."

After all our talk, I already ate my food, only my soda here. Poured in my water container and stand.

(Y/n):"I wanna say thank you for the food and drinks PA, but I need to get going now." Said to him, and ready to walk off, but-


I bump into someone, thankfully TA-UNTI grabbed my back.

???:"Oh sorry friend! I didn't see you there!"

(Y/n):"Oh no no, it's mines actually I apologize that I didn't see you coming from...? Hey aren't you guys new here?"

I saw two face I don't recognize, a blue robot and a spiky hair guy? Spiky hair spoke in a surprise tone.

???:"O-Oh! You're...(Y/n)! From the poster! CEO of CC R.I.M.S!"

(Y/n):"Duh big Mac, that's me head of CC R.I.M.S keeping the future bright for another day, what brings you here- hey Hank."

Hank:"Hey (Y/n), we never talk each other did we." *(Y/n):"We never did."* "Of course, because your mission obviously, i was hungry, I asked them want to get something to eat, eventually they accept it."

(Y/n):"Yeah, I ate already, but I got a feelin' Big Mac want to talk with me?"

???:"Oh great, I thought she was only one called me Big Mac..." male spoke, as little...him? Goes on his head and squeak.

???: *Wave his little hands around furiously*

???:"Oh! What're you doing!" Male carefully grabbed little him and put on his shoulder. "Y'know you could fall on my head anytime!"

???:"Aww! He's wants a wave! Possibly a high-five!"

Blue then lifted his hand up, Big himself decided let little him give a high-five, palm openly and little gets on immediately.

???:"High-five little you!" He said with happily tone, little and blue high-five'd. Hank simply said "Aww" as two TA-UNTI watch them. Me simply laughed.

(Y/n):"Absolutely adorable..." all I said, before realizing they're already hungry. "Crap, I forgot you guys mentioned about getting food?"


(Y/n):"Well, I'll call my Titan buddy for the second."



After a call, an large sound of thudding comes from the counter, gettin' loud cause little and big himself get afraid, robot simply stand confused. When it's finally got so close a giant metal door opened loudly and met a Titan friend.


???:"W-Whoa...that's your Titan buddy?!" Male awed seeing an Titan for the first time. "I-I've never see a t-Titan before! High technology that future foundation can't even make!"

(Y/n):"Future foundation? Who the hell are they?" Confused as absolutely, who the hell is Future foundation? Another organization to be cornered.

Hank stand near the wall and put his arm crossed and

Hank:"We should find a better place, this is not a good spot to talk..."

(Y/n):"I know the place we can talk privately, I already contacted the VIP ship to pick us up here. Hey spiky get yourself a good food."

He did what he can buy, PA asked what he's gettin' Spiky hair wanted a curry. PA confirmed his request and went back inside to make, then we waited, it was too quiet, as continue to look each other awkwardly, i decided to cut it.

(Y/n):"So, you two what's your names?" I reply to them, blue robot immediately answered with a friendly tone.

???:"My friends calls me pathfinder!" Blue robot replied. "I'm a MRVN! A Mobile Robotic Versatile eNtity! Always love to meet new people!"

Named 'Pathfinder' is a wholesome robot? Well he's too friendly to stay can't doubt him for. As pathfinder waved at one of my TA-UNTI, hesitated but wave back.

???:"Many call my ultimate lucky student, but become ultimate hope! Standing aside with hope will bright enough to stop despair. Names Makoto Naegi! And this little me." *Lift little him from his shoulder.* "Also named Makoto naegi!"

Chibi Makoto *Squeak happily*

(Y/n):"Nice, wait where's the third one? Who were with you guys?"

Pathfinder:"Oh! You mean scapeface? He's being take care the place called Mend n' repose hospital! Although he's in bad condition, but an undead girl is very expert healer!"

(Y/n):"Oh good, he's being take care of-

PA:"ONE CURRY IS READY TO BE SERVED." PA shouted, drone immediately woken and fly, immediately latched into its bag carefully.

Therefore, Makoto readied to garb his bag as PA's drone comes near his hand. Which he grabbed allowed drone to let go. Caused a beep meaning thank you. Headed back to charge itself.


Makoto:"I'll keep it carefully!"

Right on cue, Black private jet What restaurant oaring lowly to the front entrance thankfully it's wide and fully guarded well with drone wandering and looking out. Then pilot calls us out.

Pilot:"Sir! We heard your calling- oh? Four visitors Leader?"

(Y/n):"Yes, I invited four visitors to come, I'll tell you Where exactly." I told the pilot, as I looked back. "Come on in, this is where we can talk privately as we're going somewhere, cuz I'm needed somewhere."

Both nodded, as Hank remain silent and focus on Makoto oddly reason. Chibi Makoto also watch Hank back. Remaining on his shoulder.

Pathfinder:"Wow! An VIP ride! It's going to be awesome talk! Hopefully we can be bestie friend with the CEO and dreadful killer!"

Makoto:"H-Hehe...yeah! It's going to be a awesome r-ride!"

(Y/n):"Well who said it can be a awesome talk tho?" I spoke. "But hey, we're kinda delaying my samurai friend away. And possibly missing my training lesson."

Makoto:"Samurai friend? Training lesson?" he questioned. "He is your teacher or something? Not to be rude Mr. (Y/n)..."

(Y/n):"It's fine friend, he's a good friend we fought along with four comrades very long time ago, but I advise we meet him in person. Hank knows about him."

Hank:"Yah, Cool guy, we trained before." Hank said as he lower his black scarf and eat his BBQ flavor. "Plus he's very know samurai...or Emperor. People calls him that in his own nation."

Pathfinder:"Samurai?! Can't wait to meet a samurai warrior!"

(Y/n):"You'll will." I ensure robot guy. "Can't stand here, let move."

I told three of them, followed me and enter CC's black private jet and see the inside.

(Y/n):"She's a beaut isn't it?" Two were awe, and surprisingly very polish well. "Now settle yourself in and take a drink if desire so."

Makoto:"This so high quality and so shining, this is what he feels like to be rich..."

(Y/n):"Hrm...he? Well! I'll bypass that! Pilot! Here's my passport." Giving pilot my passport. Pilot knowledge and turns on the private jet back on.

Pilot:"We headed the place called 'Sun of rise' where emperor live his life! As other place called 'Narrow-Winds'. Japan citizens live and enjoy its nature. Even some anime people also live here." Pilot implied, as black jet begin to lifted away and fly up.

Makoto:"Huh, Sun of rise? That's where emperor lives?" He said. "Who's this emperor exactly?"

(Y/n):"Just...we can wait until we get there?" *Makoto:"Oh sorry..."* "Just don't lose your hope, well lower that hope a bit, just like expectations Y'know?"

Hank:"He understand that, now let me sleep please? Thank you- ZZZZZZ."

Hank fall asleep already, quick as hell, but Pathfinder sit near the window- and he asleep also too, Makoto sit down as I sit down on the opposite side where Makoto is. Makoto open his bag and see a curry food. Still hot and quality of tastefulness.

Chibi Makoto jumped down and sit near that curry. Waited to be feed. Which he did and feed little Makoto. He meow like a cat. Makoto nearly faint from the cutest.

(Y/n):"Hey now, don't pass out from your chibi self. We now can talk privately, so what the hell you'd come from?" I angrily Threaten, Makoto noticed my tone. "Do you really think I don't forget something?"

Makoto:"Forget something? What you mean forget something?" He confusedly spoke, but maintained his composure. But I hate when'd they kept their tranquility up.

(Y/n):"You know what I'm talking about...and I fuckin' hate it, wanna know what I went through universe problems that's happening." Utterly and vocalize of sinister before pulled out the M1911 pistol. "Some contains inexact objects, some contains unwanted hostility. Some contains needed CC help or MY help...You don't believe what we see, but we know it's annoying..."

Makoto feels intense fear, but holds his Hope up and his will.

Makoto:"No that's wrong!" He shouted loudly. "That's impossible! If your people didn't come save us! Then this talk didn't happen! How are we got here?! Well, There was a portal come from nowhere! I try to ran away but it's intense gravity that so great I got swallowed!" He stated his truth, as chibi nodded with agreed. "Then that I went unconscious during that!"

(Y/n):"...?" 'If he's telling Truth...then how they did live survive? They were outsiders from frozen city. I must pressure him...' "Keep talking about pathfinder and...scapeface I've never met, what happened when you guys were frozen city's outside?" *Makoto:"Outsider?"* "I called people outsider, those wanna live outside the frozen city's walls, will be call outsider, I don't force people to come in, if they want to stay outside, it'll let them stay outside it's their path they wanted to be. Now later about talking about frozen city stuff..."

Makoto:"Hrg...well...I guess i got no choice then Huh-

(Y/n):"Actually...never mind." I spoke sorrowful, withdraw M1911 away. "Forget about you three you survived...all I want is getting there avoid my late problems...all right Makoto?"

Makoto:"O-Oh...? Uh...okay...?"

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