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After a chat Makoto, I notified him about Hitting my sleep, drifted asleep into away, however i think myself I'll eventually wake up when we get there.

(Y/n) POV
Soundtrack Plays: Ultrakill OST - Take care
Location: Dreamscape

(Y/n):"Zzzzzzzzz...Oh Clementine...what're you...eheh? No...seriously...wha- AHHH! What the hell- oh it's that dream again...god Clementine you're very sadism, jeez you gotta be a flirty girl with a sexually body..."

Sometimes I end up dreaming about Clementine, being tied up with her bed and teasing me, before getting in "good part" with her, man I was lucky enough, but some rare occasions. She gets nightmares about a overlord Skeleton hugging her to death.

I felt bad for her. She even screamed in her dream like..."NO STOP LET ME GO!" "ANYONE H-HELP ME!" God hearing her scream made me terrified, hence I've decided to live with her. Still in my home, but in her bedroom.

But despite her bestiality, Clementine, she's my girlfriend with her lovely sadistic motivation. However I got more girls in my list...dear lord I'm ain't ready for that.

(Y/n):"Jeez my little Buddy wasn't ready, thank Corvus it's all the dream, now I'm in a dreamscape. What's this another message trying to give me..."

I often go aimlessly without thinking, armless and only bear fist protection. I always know if something will try to kill without notice. area I'm in is very bull and nothingness, just only black world where nothing can be use here.

Golo, leehgra, mirsha...

(Y/n):"GAH! That voice in my head never leaves me alone!" Furiously, it never shuts up even I don't know those words mean. "Just ignore that voice in my lovely head..."

???:"Ah good, you're back again." Familiar voice echo away. "Never thought we may cross path again huh?"

I dolt turned and see me again, never thought we could cross our own face again.

(Y/n):"Yeah i doubt myself too, now always have a meaning you got something to say?" Speak to myself, known he's a future me. Even tho we secretly train here.

Future. (Y/n):"Kinda, but a difficult task you're going to, differently need your two friends to help your journey, as well one of your ally's organization foes..."

(Y/n):"Oh that's nice to heard from future me, not telling ally's familiar foes. Whatever, so two peoples I need and little preparations I be."

Future (Y/n):"A lucky guess, however just remove your two elements out and kept it well safe in your home, where'd other people from different universe live."

Odd advise he given me, but I followed any way.

Future (Y/n):"Oh, by the way...awhile you were away doing missions, I made a frequent friend that who can help you with..."

(Y/n):"What's your friend you're talking about?"

Future:"Well...this guy is made a lust layer and build a civilization those who have sin of lust damned to second layer. But he's a good friend. He have hatred against heaven, he try to give reason with them but stuck any way. Sound unfortunate indeed..."

(Y/n):"Huh, heaven attack him without a second thought..."

Future (Y/n):"Yes, they attack with no reason. After his attempted to fight back with his own self-defense, he fallen down, He end up prison in his own body he watch hopeless and watch his hard work he put anything, wasted, failed to protect his people..."

(Y/n):" he seek vengeance..."

???:"Yes, kindle gratitude to this ...future friend who aid from heaven wrath... You must be a universe of hero, you seek aid from me? Kindle hero..."

A blue orb appears from nowhere, never saw where he come from, he descent to our level before appeared into a ...or more transparent person...

???:"Thou hero, hero choice, hero takes, o you must be heavily fought all hell, dawns to be harsh. Stand with your bother-in-arms...thou shown protection to all humanity and other race...welded creature into you...used on great purpose...and thy responsibility thee shew great kindle..."

(Y/n):"Is he speaking like that...?"

Future (Y/n):"He speak like that, show respect will you?"

I apologize, and led to his words.

???:"Thee abhor those ravin, Ought and perpend...but wherefore. You may called thyself...Minos Prime..."

(Y/n):"Well Upon my true's my honor to meet you in person Minos."

Minos:"I, as well too...Hero kindle."

Minos now called me Hero kindle, oddly I got many side names which I lost track already.

Future (Y/n):"Well that's all I have now! Gotta leave!"

Future me just yeeted himself away, forgot you can do anything during dreams, but it's not important. But important with my training lesson here in my dream before second training lesson in reality.

Minos:"Thou, you greatly trained, but highly doubt...but I understand thou'd accepteth Are thee ready?"

(Y/n):"Always ready as you..."

Minos:"Thou shalt be prepare thyself! Bear thy humanity! Glisten its freedom! Thou be their justice! Thou be their true salvation! PREPARE THYSELF!!!"

(Y/n):"Engaging in com- Before I could finish my line. He dash in a millisecond before I could even react in time. Drop punch me in the face as sayin' the word-





(Y/n):"Holy fuck! I didn't see that shit coming!" Exclaimed, Minos's attacks were so incredibly, his strength and speed differently out my my rank. My warning system didn't even trigger due to millisecond speed.

Minos:"Apologize about my speed kindle hero, I'm very anger at heaven's injustice ways of unholy judge..."

(Y/n):"Yeah...I could've guess that motivation, but please try to lower yourself on speed and strength? Because I got intense feeling I'm going to be dying lot here..."

Minos:"Probably yes, I've suggested you learn and thousand death, Thou use those failures and learn what went wrong as we fought, before Thou'd make a decision before attack, I'm very restless and unpredictable, however, shalt I opened a window of opportunity, but which attack is vital? Opportunities of attacks, thou got odds away..." Minos giving his advise about how to beat him, use my embarrassment death and his own attack could increase my understanding on him. I may die lot, but learning his attack. I will might get a upper hand there.

(Y/n):"His attack gotta have its weaknesses we do got weakness even tho we don't know if we have one or more, but he's making good point Minos is restless and unpredictable attack, well thinks he's unpredictable but it's not."

He's not unpredictable if you don't know his patter attacks, and some requirements of waiting before stuck moment.

Minos:"Please tell me when once prepared, readied thyself and we shalt begin." He informed, as I knowledge. I needed to understand even it's going to be long.

(Y/n):"I'm ready-






Minos:"Again apologize, I do not wish to kill thou so quickly, I'd rather train thou slowly instead killing thou too quick."

(Y/n:"W-Well!" *Crack bone in my back* "Try not too! I got it right, I'm going to die lot." *Reform my cybernetic arm back into demon's fang again.*

Minos:"Don't be, thou must calm thyself before getting ready, always be on thee move."

(Y/n):"Lesson Learned, always be quick on your feet, got it."



Soundtrack plays: Ultrakill OST - ORDER

Before i could take a hit from Minos, dodged away and slam his dropkick to the floor, however attack right now is not the best, Minos could recovery quickly and punch me.

Minos:"Good...thou know that's a bad move, keep thy eyes on me, and don't lose sight, if not, thou'll won't collect information during this." He spoke, then jumped above and see he's about to slam into me,

back dash away. Afterwards Minos slam it hard I went up, but remember during this I'm easily become prey during flying. Slam dunk myself into the floor.

Minos:"Excellent thinking, can thou also stop this?"

Right Minos speak, he rise his both arms and put his fingers other his hand together, forming a serpent like hand, caused serpent appear on his side. As other hand into opened hand.

Minos:"Dodge!" He warned beforehand, doing so, dash back a inches away from getting hit by serpent's fangs. He was impressed. "Excellent, but there's more than my serpent. Kindle hero."

Minos proceeded to use his serpent attack again, but saw an orange glow appeared on its serpent head, I think quickly it can be parry.

Minos:"Die!" He yelled, but enough speed I parry it back with my demon's fang, pushed back us back away.

(Y/n):"Hahaha! Parry ya!"

Minos:"Parry...seemly familiar that attack...interesting, V1 has teach you about parry..."

(Y/n):"Well V1 is my teacher, even anyone is my teacher! Which you are doing right now!"

Minos:"Hrm, heh...thyself is indeed a teacher, now- JUDGEMENT!"

Minos disappeared, but then reappeared behind me and readied himself to perform a dropkick, fully dart away thinking myself I got a free damage away, but unfortunately after Minos dropkick misses me, an explosive  came his dropkick damaged me.


His dropkick dealt 50 damage.

Minos:"Never think thou'd escape! There's always trick in my sleeve! Thou must see those trickery to avoid!" Another advise from the king Minos. Understand and readied.

(Y/n)'s thought:'Very skillful from king Minos, gotta play safe before ended up dying for third time. Let see if i remember what weapon can be effective.'

Minos was about to say another word differently, but he saw me opening a dimension, he immediately knows what I'm doing. Instead of attacking he stood patient.

Minos:"I see you're getting something, shew me and we shalt resume our fought..."

He's a respectable guy, I continue to find my best weapon choice I can. Then found what I was lookin' for. Pulled it out and show Minos.

Minos:"...That's creature of steel's wing-like an destructive threat towards humanity...but I seen thee were able to contain V1 bloodshed, Thou truly are, equip it and we shalt start..."

Nodded, I grabbed the ring as wing-like protrusion shake but remain nears its ring. Immediately put it on my back. Right it gets in my back, i felt a immediately effect, I feel like an feather. And mostly I can describe it. However if I feel like a feather, I can easily be sent flying if not being aware.

(Y/n):"It's active, ready."

Minos:"Very Well, glisten thyself! Punishment!"

We continue to fight, i went first this time, I manifest my thought into a Revolver, as well a coins to use.

Minos:"Prepare thyself!" He warn, as use his kick twice before finale attack serpent, saw orange glow again on its serpent. Parry twice. "Another well parry, Kindle hero."

(Y/n):"Another thankful."

However I did a parry, I didn't get my health back, since demon's fangs doesn't absorb blood, it absorb fire, fire is only element resources I can use myself to heal. Without element of fire, any fire left in demon's fang is crucial for my sake survival.

But during dreams I can make fire materialize, even infinite, but it would be considered cheating.

Spite of that, I'm looking forward to learn Minos ability. Serpent, it's very cool and hope I can use those.

(Y/n):"Hey Minos, is any way to train me about your ability?"

Minos:"What do thou mean, kindle hero?"

(Y/n):"Y'know? Your serpent attack? It's unique and cool way to use, is it trainable?"

Minos:"Yes, Kindle hero, but it'll takes a moment to understand, but thou can learn my ability. Serpent."

(Y/n):"Well shit guessing it's going to be hours then-

Minos:"No It's not going to be hour, I can shew thee how. As well other skill, you learn quick to ability but not skill itself, are you not?" He retorted, very fair to say. Ability easy, skill it isn't.

(Y/n):"Wait! What about reality, they may be worry!"

Minos:"Do not be afraid, we will eventually complete thyself a lesson."

(Y/n):"Oh good good, this is a private lesson Then?"

Minos:"Yes, we'd be here for thee moment, we'll shalt begin our practice..."

(Y/n):"This'll take hour..."

Meanwhile reality
Hank POV
Location: Temple of the shogun

Makoto:"You sure CC drones can carry him?"

Walking up green moss stair as drone four carried (Y/n) near us as we chat.

Hank:"Yes drones can carry him, he's a sleeper. Plus a delay man, which he's doing it now, I'm positive he's going to miss his 'Training lesson' by now."

Makoto:"You sounded dispute for a reason."

Hank:"I always do, and it's annoying, sure he put any matter into his hands and dealt something that anyone can't do, but despite with, he acts like a fool because he wanted to taunt enemies even tho we taking battle seriously."

Makoto:"Wait, I thought he stay his safest place guarded fully, but instead of maintaining his city, he often fights?!" Exclaimed, I hate when he doesn't realize he got four people maintained its reputation and popularity.

Hank:"Moron, there's four trustful ally they can kept their place in one piece, didn't you saw four symbol of his flag?"

Makoto:"U-Uhh..." he took a thought before realizing. "Oh..."

Hank:"You remember it, four nationality, four administrators always be the ones kept their watch. You shouldn't be worry about."

Makoto:"H-Hey, I just forgot! Okay?"

Pathfinder:"Please friend! We just want a nice chat!"

Hank:"Hrrggg, I'm not in the mood with someone has idiotic brain."


Pathfinder:"Hey! That's was rude! Apologize to Makoto!" Pathfinder said, as chibi Makoto whines like a dog, got emotional damage.

Hank's thought:'Fuckin' hate them...' he spoke himself before speak out loud to them.

Hank:"Sorry for my rudeness, please accept my sorrow Makoto..."

Makoto:"Well, I forgive you already please don't be rude again..."

Chibi makoto was sad before, went to happily motivate. At least he also forgive me also.

Hank:"Come on, we still got stair to go up, don't ask how long because we'd be delay longer."

Makoto:"Oh come on! Who made these long stair!?"

Hank:"Don't know, could've been a athlete engineer like of run up and downs for leg day. And I thinks it's   Spar training, where universe come together and fight. It's a cool game, it's always locate in Sun of rise how consider."

3rd POV
Soundtrack plays: Cloudy day - Cyberpunk 2077
Location: Sun of rise.

Camera top view seeing a battle around a opened room near the gate. Couple battle. As six people watching.



???:"You may be iceberg of cold~ but I'm very quickest~ cold will be dissolve by heat! Come in firefly~"

???:"Magician's red! Come fourth! Vanish Regice!"

Magician's red attack with fire aura towards icy thing, however it could land an hit, a hoodie girl with blue tattoo glows.

???:"Oh you're trying to hit icy ? Not today! Thanks to my badass siren powers, I can see your stand! I'll hold down your fire!"

An circle like ball locks its incoming fire prevent 'Regice' getting hit, as turned into blue fire, and thrown back.

???:"Impressive, you were able to see my stand thanks to that Eridium, but do not celebrate! There's more coming from!"

Awhile four to four fight on. Camera changes to one to one battle.

???:"HAHAAH! YOU MAY BE FLESH HUMAN! BUT USING YOUR WEAPONS AS A MELEE WEAPON? NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT!" An psycho scientist weld a sign to melee a Scottish male, but block those attack with a empty LMG weapon.

???:"Oi mate! You've a crazy son of notch! But I'll give you a beatin' with my sweetheart LMG!"



???:"Yeah yeah! You do not beat that, I get it!"

Meanwhile two fighters, Yellow with short temper, fair-skinned young woman with lilac eyes and long, thick, wavy bright golden hair that fades to pale gold at the tips with a cowlick sticking out at the top.

Who a girl fighting is. A blue jacket with a short and big-boned skeleton, wearing a light-blue parka, unzipped at all times, with a white tank-top underneath, black shorts and salmon slippers

???:"Sis! Think carefully he's very good dodging!"

???:"You dolt! She's thinking!"

???:"I'm trying! But this guy is quickest than I thought! Man I love a challenge!"

???:"Heh, you're good kid, and as well your puns too. You differently picking up air head bones!"

Both laughed as her team groaned.

???:"Nice! Didn't leave some hot pun for me!" She made a pun again both again chuckled.

???:"OH MY GOD BOTH OF THEM MAKES BAD PUNS!" Older yet bone looked monster, skeletal monster, expressions incorporate a toothy grin.

???:"Yeah...both are very bad puns..." an red cape rose spoke. As toothy skeletal nodded.


???:"Fuhuhu! You appear to be drone with sympathy and intense bond towards man named Yuri!? Fuhuh! You fought well!"

???:"H-Hey! We're just friends!" Drone spoke before utterly, |Kinda| so Fish girl can't heard her.

???:"What was that drone?!" *???:"Nothing!"* "Then stop talking and fight well!"

Some people, some different races watch their own kinds fought and cheers on who could win, it doesn't matter who wins it's about having fun.

Six spectating the area, as one goat comes in and make a tasteful pie.

???:"Does anyone want some snail pie?" Friendly goat spoke in a friendly manner. An turtle with a staff replied to her.

???:"Oh me! I'm very hungry after all! Ohoh!" He grabbed a snail pie piece and ate, he immediately smile. "Very well made miss! It's unbelievable great like Panda's noodles!"

???:"Really? Let me try..." General of atlas grab and taste its pie. "'re right it's unbelievable! However I consider, do you make these?" Goat nodded and 'indeed I made these delicious snail pies!' "Ah, I see."

A man holding his mug filled with coffee drinks.

???:"I ensure to you, General this'll expand into bigger tournaments if more people willing to join in."

General nodded.

???:"If he helps them first, before joining, if not then CC R.I.M.S won't force them. It's their way to choose..."

???:"Heh, sound like his organization, always be a helpful man to do their problems." A captain said. "Strange, five manage to expand this frozen forest into frozen city, which Corvus doesn't mind. They start a five people, now? It's hella bloody big hole city with his ally!"

???:"Yes, very strange." Mug coffee said. "I've never see them become so powerful just a simply of five crew."

???:"Now you think about it, (Y/n) is often choose to go into different universe not matter the difficulty is." Turtle retorted, goat become cornered.

???:"What if he's become tired?! He never get a night well res-

???:"Ma'am please he's always be okay, if more universe appeared, then Rushmore will sent out People who are skillful, or recruit. Which only who Rushmore recruited is Philip River and Yukari Nasya, they're in the mission dealing something universe 'Breaking out'."

???:"Please do tell, what's their two's skill or ability?" General want to know, then mug coffee person knowledge him.

???:"Well, Philip is a military soldier joined CC Army to...well honor their family, since his father and mother is afar away, it's unknown their whereabouts." Coffee person answered, as Captain agreed and inform another about Yukari.

???:"He's a medic type instead of fighter, however he's having a hard time to speak and rookie medic. Someone gotta teach her about Medical. Hey has anyone seen Takeo?"

???:"Oh samurai? He's in living his home behind us! However, he said he's ain't coming here to watch because due mission as well for important lesson for someone!"

Captain knows who important lesson is for.

???:"I' know what you mean, but this is kinda interesting even Scottish man is handle well against clown, must say he's-

Hank:"Well we're here..." Hank carried him on his shoulder. Makoto is already sleeping. As Pathfinder followed behind. "You just went up about stairs, tiresome guy. Oh hey guys..."

Anyone immediately stop fighting and look who talked and anyone knows who, some didn't know.

He dropped him, thud on his back.

Makoto:"Ow! You gotta drop me on the floor?!" *Hank:"Yeah, got any problems about?"* "U-Unm no no a-actually!"

Black killer scoff angrily, as he wave at the clown.

Hank:"Hi asshole, how's the fighting?"


Hank:"Hrrggg, of course you're into that..."

???:"Oh it's Hank himself." An mystery voice spoke, Hank knows that voice. "Never change Hank, never change at all..." an voice of Jebus. Sitting on the metal chair near the children.

Hank:"Huh never thought you will sit near those children..."

???:"Hey come on hank! You know you also love cats!" *Hank:"Well yes I'm a cat lover tho."* "Of course you do! We came here to watch! As well my man Sanford!"

Then in a group somewhere near red cape. Girl with a Bow Twitch.

Sanford:"Dude, you gotta low that hype Deimos, you hurting kids ears!" *Deimos:"Oh carp! I forgot!"* "Despite that, you missin' the fun hank!"

Hank:"Ugh, I did miss lot, oh hey Doc."

2BDamned:"Hank, where'd did you go? I'm tryin' to call you but you didn't answer. And the hell is that man?"

Hank:"He's Makoto and he's a guy with asking too much question."


2BDamned:"Makoto? That translates Japanese into 'faithfulness'...hrm hank try to think this time? He more than asking too much." *Hank:"Hrr..."* "Don't give me that, I'm giving advise, that's what I kept you alive."

Jebus:"He's right you know?"

Hank:"Got it." That's all he says as a fisher head with armor suit come close with fighting spirit eyes. "Oh what do you want fin face?"

???:"Well! I fought many warriors before! But this guy? Fuhuhuh! You are differently high skill but compared to you punk! You're a Killer and I'm the hero! I will show justice to all!"

Hank:"Hrm, who knows, not all justice gets them. Even me I avoid it."

???:"Now you are really angering me punk! Just you wait! We'll fight soon!" *Hank:"Probably...or not...Hahah..."* "Grrr! We will!" Fin in armor walked away stomped angrily. Hank thought himself 'What's her problem...'

???:"Hrm...another one, but very skillful one than that former employee who kill me in that shredder...oh that brings bad memories..."

Hank:"And who the hell are you? Pink freak..."

???:" don't know me? Wait I forgot! Hi! I'm Mommy long legs!" She brings her hand stretching towards hank, not bother to walk closer. "Please! Shake my hand! It's a nicer way to greet someone!"

Hank given a annoyed and disgusted face, but he shake her hand "Nice to meet you also..." hank didn't enjoy the handshake. "So what makes you come here?"

Mommy long leg:"Well I was assigned by CEO! To watch over the orphan! As well other employees who are hurt! Since kids want to see a spar training! I always come along!"

Hank:"'re an caretaker?"

Mommy long leg:"Yep! That's correct!" She said with a happy tone, however her tone change under a second. "If I see you hurt any children...I will kill you by any necessary got it killer?"

Hank:"Yeah, I get it, I think..."

Mommy long leg:"Yay!" She cheerfully herself and looked other children afraid, she ensure to them she'll protect them from someone, like Hank.

Makoto:"C-Can I say something?" *Mommy long leg:"Yes?" "What is your l-look? Not being a weirdo! D-Did you change your appearance?"

Mommy long leg:"Oh, I guess you didn't know? Hrm, well let just say my appearance before scared the children when I first appeared, scientists CEO change my look with some...scientific technology, so I don't look the scary..." she retorted her answer, before went back to her happy motive. "So that's why!"

Hank:"So in case-

???:"Oh...fuck where'd am I?" Hank looked behind noticed (Y/n) has awakened. "Oh I'm already here."

Four drones drop him intentionally. (Y/n) thud on his face.

(Y/n):"Ow! At least give me damn warning?!"

Soundtrack play: Ultrakill - Main menu

Orphan:"It's the CEO!"

Orphans immediately ran towards me with intense happiness. Surround me, Orphans were alone and sick during their tragically, thus I plan to asks engineer family to make an a home place called Orphan application, Orphans were treated with care to be healthy and joy, cease those agony and sorrow from their past.

Which with seven, one forewoman and one executive are in Orphan application, executive is under the control that place, I'm under watch their activity. That's were forewoman updates me about their ongoing.

Mommy long leg:"Oh my! They finally met you! Isn't it cute!"

(Y/n):"Heh, yeah it does. Sorry ya'll if I interrupt your tournament!" I replied to mommy long leg I know her name, and I know what she's from. Although I refuse to speak here because of privacy reason.

Then i heard two voices and immediately know who belongs to.

Soldier:"Hey! CEO of CC! From the training simulation! Missed me!" *(Y/n):"Yes, I Did soldier."* "Well, I decided to come here!"

Soldier is a nice guy if you get the use of his screaming.

I always call him soldier, not his real name, although his real name is Jane joe, weird but his name, is his name.

Soldier:"But damn these orphans are really in a good mood!"

V1:"Mood are really positive. And yet...humanity stand proudly..." V1 sitting on the metal chair, oddly V1 is wearing an yellow jacket and wearing a shoe with Ultrakill on its side.

(Y/n):"Damn, you got some drip yourself Huh?"

V1:"I do not understand this drip means (Y/n)..." I told him "it's just a cool and swagger." V1 simply nodded and take out the blood bag from the jacket's pocket and see it's clean. Opened and drink it. V1 needs it to stay alive due to

(Y/n):"Still drinking that?" *V1:"Still into that, because got nothing else to drink but this blood bag."* "Now I see everything."

Pathfinder was curious about V1 because V1 is also a machine, but pathfinder is a robot.

???:"CEO, Takeo masaki's lesson, do not make him wait sir" One of the Takeo soldier guard, they are well armed and trained.

They are wearing the fully suit armed design of Japanese. And one katana with one weapon equipped on the front barrel looked like it won't shot or work, but some try's and error, it works. And it wasn't from my company, Japanese made it, although I didn't have time due to importants, all I can say the company name.


Or FBO for short. Those are the company made these, and man they very into Japanese culture. As two company ally with my company, or organization.

However I could respond Back, my girlfriend sneak behind me.


(Y/n):"Gah! The hell Clementine?!"

Clementine what I mentioned long time ago in my dreamscape is my girlfriend. Kinda like sadism woman. And she's always company with me when I needed her.

Clementine:"Heheh~ always spook you easily!~"

(Y/n):"Hrgg...heh, I guess I'm very easily spook haha..." I chuckled shyly, Clementine smile and put her arms around my neck.

Clementine:"Why do you go without me?~ I was hoping we'd go together!~"

I remove her arm around my neck. "I know you want to join my mission, but i can't universe is contain foreseen things that we may end up gettin' kill or unknowingly things. But someday we may..." I told. She nodded sadly.

Clementine: (-.-) "Kay..."

(Y/n):"But, at least you can company me until any universe outbreak is called. All right?" Clementine cutely aww to me. And hold my hand tightly. Jeez woman at least personal space?


???:"Oi! CEO!"

Turned who called and surprisingly it's price or I nickname him pricey.

Price:"Forgetting someone?"

(Y/n):"Oh!" Immediately forgot I have a important training lesson. "Welp! Sorry littles! Gotta do important stuff!" Kids sadly said aww as they went back to mommy long leg. "Don't worry! I'll come back! Just stay with mommy okay!"


(Y/n):"All right, hey y'all sorry Imma leav-!"


An former legendary ice Pokémon approach to me, Regice levitate towards me and immediately asked me to join me, because Regice and I never walk together or speak for the longest time. It was alone the time.

(Y/n):"Regice! Sorry friend, I was doing important stuff around universe. But today? It's now. Come on Icy."

Pathfinder:"Yay! Another kind friend!"

Legendary ice happily with me and side my right as Clementine stand my left and passed through. Before hank, pathfinder and Makoto followed behind me.

But then an stop sign break through the floor and immediately pop out the crack.


Clementine:"Oh, Tricky! Never thought you want to follow us!~"


(Y/n):"Kay' fine you can you're in the group already."


I replied to the audience goodbye, as well to my friends too. Therefore an Goat mother like come approach.

???:"Hello, you're the CEO of CC?" Nodded to her. She immediately took my hand and shake politely. "Oh it's great day to meet CEO who make the rights! Your kindness has my heartwarming bright like the sun!"

(Y/n):"Oh, u-u-ummm...I'm so thankful about your nice appreciation..."

???:"Ah! I forgot my matters! Names Toriel caretaker of the underground...well former! Tehehe!"

Makoto:"Huh?! Is that a goat?!"

Toriel:"Of course I'm a goat, apologize if I scared you but I left a snail pie for you if you want!"

Makoto:"No no no! I'm okay! Got myself a curry! Instead sorry if I-

Toriel:"It's okay! I understand, please do take care yourself! And you robot! Seemly you very into kindness! If frisk was here she immediately hugged you!~"

Pathfinder:"Friendship of hugs! I like friendship hugs!" Toriel immediately giggle by pathfinder likeness.


(Y/n):"Ya'll can chat, but I'm bout enter emperor home, Clementine, Regice, let's go." Girlfriend said "okay!" Regice said his name but understand his cheerful attitude. Hank followed as pathfinder and Makoto followed.

Makoto:"Wait! Hold on! Don't forget me!"

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